Edmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipwrecksEdmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipsTin Sign Wall DecorShip WrecksGirly PrintPreppy DecorEdmond FitzgeraldPainting of the Edmund Fitzgerald titled "Every Man Knew" by David W. Conklin125
Edmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldSunken ShipsEdmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipsGordon LightfootShip WrecksBig LakeSevere Storms11 Historical Photos of the S.S. Edmund FitzgeraldIf you've lived near the Great Lakes long enough, you've heard the legend of the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald.50
Edmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipwrecksMichigan DetroitRichmond CaliforniaEdmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipsShip WrecksMerchant NavyFlickr LoginEdmund Fitzgerald 1975- we were at the locks in the 1972 and I took a picture of her. There were crew members on deck. I only discovered that photo a few years ago and it gave me the goosebumps.4.8k
Edmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldEdmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipsGordon LightfootShip WrecksMaritime ArtVintage MichiganLake BoatEdmond Fitzgerald82
Edmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipwrecksEdmund FitzgeraldLake BoatsGreat Lakes ShipsGordon LightfootShip WrecksMichigan History12 Memorable Facts About the S.S. 'Edmund Fitzgerald'More than 40 years after the most famous ship in Great Lakes history vanished during a storm, the cause is still a mystery.60
Edmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipwrecksEdmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipsGordon LightfootVintage MichiganFirst AmendmentMichigan TravelFront page of the day: What happened to the Edmund Fitzgerald? - PoynterFrom person-to-person coaching and intensive hands-on seminars to interactive online courses and media reporting, Poynter helps journalists sharpen skills and elevate storytelling throughout their careers.299
Edmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldEdmund FitzgeraldLake BoatsGreat Lakes ShipsGordon LightfootShip WrecksMaritime ArtMerchant NavyBig Fitz689
Edmund Fitzgerald TattooEdmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldEdmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipsUpper PeninsulaColor GuardNew TraditionalTraditional TattoosEdmund Fitzgerald Tattoo24
Edmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldGreat Lakes ShipwrecksEdmund FitzgeraldAndrea DoriaGreat Lakes ShipsGordon LightfootWater TaxiUs Navy ShipsCeremonies mark 47th anniversary of Edmund Fitzgerald's sinkingMuseums to offer livestreaming of two ceremonies, one in Detroit & one in Sault Ste. Marie.23
Edmond FitzgeraldThe Edmund FitzgeraldLake BoatsSunken ShipsEdmund FitzgeraldMuskegon MichiganGreat Lakes ShipsGordon LightfootMaine TripEdmund Fitzgerald and 17 miles to safety: Numbers tell famous shipwreck's storyShip was hauling enough ore to make 7,500 vehicles.122