Pottery AnimalsSculptures CéramiquesTanah LiatPottery ClassesSculpture IdeasClay AnimalsCeramic AnimalsPottery InspirationCeramics ProjectsPottery AnimalsWhen life gives you scraps, make elephants..... More37.9k
Ceramic CatsClay CatKids ClayPottery AnimalsAir Dry Clay ProjectsTanah LiatClay Crafts Air DryClay AnimalsCeramic AnimalsClay KittiesI made these little clay kitties yesterday. I'm taking a tile making class at the local art center and my last day is tomorrow. But I had some clay left and I decided to try and use it all up, so I made these. Now they need to be fired and glazed. I'm thinking one could be black with some white patches and the other could be be more white with orange and yellow and brown spots. Or I might just make them both one color. Idk. I get to see how my tiles turned out tomorrow too so I'll be sure to…8.9k
Easy Animal Clay SculptureEast Clay SculpturesCapybara Clay TrayClay Dates IdeasCute Clay CapybaraCapybara Clay SculptureDiy Clay Animals EasyAnimals To Make Out Of ClayAir Dry Clay CapybaraCeramic Capybara11k
Cute Small Clay Sculptures EasySimple Clay Ideas AnimalsEasy Animal Clay SculpturePlastelin IdeasPlastelina Figures EasyEasy SculpturePlaydough IdeasSuper Clay ArtPlasticine IdeasCute Small Clay Sculptures Easy28.5k
Easy Sculpture Ideas Art ProjectsGreen SculptureSculpture MaterialsFoam SculptureClasse D'artFoam CarvingArt Education Projects3d Art ProjectsSculpture Art ProjectsAP 3D DesignScour the 3D storage room for anything that speaks to you. (or any other small items from the 2D room to add details) Use a glue gun, E6000, wire, or any other connecting material to put together a...92
Things To Make With PlaydoughColoured Clay IdeasColor Clay IdeasEasy Clay Date IdeasPlay Dough Ideas AnimalsAir Dry Clay Date NightClay Designs Ideas SimpleCute Air Dry Clay Ideas AnimalsToddler Clay CraftsPolymer Clay Duck50.4k
Animals To Make With ClayCute Animal SculpturesWhat To Make Out Of Modeling ClayPlastelina Figures EasyClay Cute FiguresEast Clay SculpturesPlay Dough Animals Step By StepPreppy Things To Make Out Of ClayEasy Clay Ideas AnimalsDiscover Easy Clay Date Ideas to Bond Over CreativityDiscover Easy Clay Date Ideas to Bond Over Creativity4.7k
Plaster Of Paris CraftsCeramic Sculpture ArtistsHow To Make CeramicParis CraftsFlower PeopleClay PeopleFlower SculptureChina ClayPlaster Sculpture30 Easy Plaster Of Paris Craft Ideas For FunEasy Plaster Of Paris Craft Ideas For Fun by kids when they are unsupervised, is not such a great idea, you can encourage them to take up crafts335
Plasticine Ideas EasyPlasticine Ideas AestheticClay Ideas Aesthetic EasyEasy Sculpting IdeasEasy Modeling Clay Ideas SimplePlasteline IdeasClay Figures CuteClay Crafts Air Dry Ideas Easy CuteModeling Clay Ideas EasyDiscover Easy Clay Date Ideas to Bond Over CreativityDiscover Easy Clay Date Ideas to Bond Over Creativity893