Outside Cellar Door IdeasBasement Cellar Door IdeasCellar Door Ideas OutdoorBilko DoorsCellar Door IdeasWhite Panel DoorsCrawl Space DoorBulkhead DoorsBilco DoorsYard – Grumpy FruitPosts about Yard written by grumpyfruit81
Case SotterraneeRoot Cellar StorageBilco DoorsStorm CellarConcrete WorkStorm SheltersRoot CellarsBasement DoorsUnderground ShelterOur Root Cellar- Can you dig it?Building our root-cellar was easy! (Ha ha) Just follow these simple steps: 1) Dig a hole. Our hole was 10 feet deep, 30 feet long, and 15 fe...158
English BarWine Cellar IdeasCellar IdeasWine Cellar DoorWine ClosetWine RoomsWine CaveHome Wine CellarsWine Cellar DesignTake a peek inside this stunning modern-rustic Minnesota homeThis modern-rustic residence was renovated by Rauscher & Associates along with John Kramer & Sons, located in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.405
Basement BulkheadBulkhead DoorsBilco DoorsStorm CellarIndustrial BasementStorm SheltersCellar DoorsBasement EntranceBasement DoorsHidden Floor Doors & Hatches | LuciGold | United StatesLuciGold interior and exterior hidden floor doors and hatches. Now you see it! Now you don’t. Our lightweight all aluminum basement bulkhead doors are designed with gas springs, so our doors will never fall on your head! Rain and rust resistant. (508) 759-7346383
Huge Doors Entrance HouseHuge Doors EntranceGrand Entrance ArchitectureGrand Entrance DoorGrand Entrance GateBasement CellarCellar DoorsWine Cellar DoorRustic BasementIdeas To Help You Make A Grand Entrance!Awhile back we shared the most popular styles of windows, and readers loved it! So we thought it is only apt to go ahead and list our most beloved door355
Crawlspace DoorsCellar Door IdeasCrawl Space DoorBulkhead DoorsBilco DoorsStorm CellarBasement DoorBasement StepsCellar DoorsBulk Head DoorsMany of you will recall that last March we had a little problem with the freeze/thaw cycle that prompted me to replace the right side wall with poured concrete in October. This last week or so I have finally removed the rocks that held the left side together and upon building my framework for pouring concrete it proceeded to rain for two days leaving me with an inch of mud in our basement and the added pleasure of having to remove the framework and re-dig several inches of mud out of the…1.4k
Root Cellar StorageBasement EgressRoot CellarsRoot CellarUrban FarmCellar DoorCavingHave InspirationPrimitive Decorating CountryROOT CELLAR AT OUR URBAN FARM, AUTUMN13.7k
Basement CellarBilco DoorsStorm CellarWell CoversWindow Well CoverCellar DoorsEgress WindowWindow WellSteel StairsSidewalk Doors | Steelway Cellar DoorsSidewalk Doors - Steelway Cellar Doors9
Basement Door IdeasHow To Build Porch StepsEgress Window CoverCrawl Space CoverBuild PorchCrawl Space DoorBulkhead DoorsCellar BasementBilco DoorsBuilding a Bilco Cellar Door for old farmhouse.The old house, where I grew up and my current house, both have outside cellar-ways. These houses were both built 120 + years ago, using field stone for the...253
Celler Room IdeasStorm Cellar InteriorUnderfloor Wine CellarUk Cellar ConversionCrawl Space Floor Access DoorWine Cellar In Floor Trap DoorSecret Rooms In HousesBasement DoorsTrap DoorThe Stone Cellar CompanyThe Art of Wine Storage701