Mayan Temple Concept ArtAztec Building Concept ArtAztec Jungle ArtAztec Temple InteriorAztec City Fantasy ArtAztec Architecture ArtFuturistic Aztec CityAztec Environment Concept ArtAztec Temple Concept ArtMesoamerican throne roomSome explorations for Chief's Throne room for the setting I started during Box of Mystery Artstation Challenge941
Mayan City Concept ArtFuturistic Aztec CityMayan Fantasy ArtAztec City Concept ArtAztec Environment Concept ArtMayan Concept ArtJungle CivilizationIncan ArchitectureMaya ArchitectureSkadoha? 2878
Inca Empire AestheticMayan Architecture ModernAztec City Fantasy ArtTalocan CityInca Empire ArtAztec City Concept ArtAztec Temple ArtAztec CreaturesAztec PalaceInca Empire Aesthetic704
Aztec Landscape ArtAztec Architecture ArtTropical City Concept ArtAztec City Concept ArtMesoamerican Fantasy ArtDesert City Fantasy ArtFantasy Desert CityMayan AestheticFantasy ManorAztec Landscape Art9.2k
Maya TempleAztec ArchitectureMesoamerican ArchitectureAztec CityAztec TempleThe Road To El DoradoRoad To El DoradoAztec RuinsMayan ArtThe Road to El DoradoThis project is based upon the environment in the movie The Road to El Dorado. Specifically the scene where they first enter the city inspired me with its beautiful art and colours. This work was created as the final part of my graduation at Breda University of Applied Sciences, and just like the characters in the movie I am excited to start a new adventure. _____________ Credits and my full appreciation to the Dreamworks team that worked on the movie. Big thanks to: Bjorn Prins, Lotte de…2.2k
Aztec ArchitectureMesoamerican ArchitectureMayan ArchitectureAztec TempleMayan TempleAncient MexicoStaircase Railing DesignMayan ArtAztec ArtAztec Architecture540
Aztec PalaceMinecraft AztecMesoamerican ArchitectureAztec ArchitectureAztec CityMayan ArchitectureAztec TempleAztec PyramidsAztec SymbolsAztec outpost, Gustav Nordgren This outpost was one of my favourites to work on so far. It was super cool to dive into the architecture of these cultures. If you are savvy in architecture you might notice that the buildings are borrowing more from Mayan architecture than Aztec. There was some confusion in communication within the team and we named it Aztec in the end. Many many thanks to my colleague Manuel Vormwald for being such a dream colleague, he made the background and the…1.3k
Aztec Architecture ArtAztec BuildingsMaya ArchitectureMesoamerican ArchitectureAztec ArchitectureAztec TempleTemple RunDnd AccessoriesDnd CraftsAztec Architecture Art402
Aztec JungleLush CaveAztec ArchitectureAztec CityAztec TempleJungle TempleTemple RuinsAncient Indian ArchitectureTemple ArchitectureAztec temple ruines in Rainforest, AntinoicePROMPT for generating similar images can be obtained from the description of the video on YouTube5.4k
Meso American ArchitectureMeso American ArtMesoamerican AestheticGuatemalan ArchitectureAztec BuildingsMaya PyramidMaya AestheticInca ArchitectureMaya ArchitectureMeso American Architecture1.9k