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Friday, November 18, 2022

Isn’t it strange that in Florida, with all those strict rules against cheating, the GOP red tsunami happened as predicted? The Democrats have again fixed, rigged, and stolen an election

You’ve Been Gaslighted, writes Root For America's Wayne Allyn Root (thanks to Sarah Hoyt) — Democrats Just Stole Another Election.

When something is so obvious, if the outcome makes no sense, if the outcome is literally impossible, then it is what it is. Forget “proof.” You know it. You saw it. You felt it. You experienced it. It happened. It’s real.

The 2022 midterm was just stolen. Just like 2020. 

If you disagree, you’re either delusional, or terribly naïve, or brain dead. Or you’re in on the fix. 

It’s time to admit we’re all part of a massive experiment in fraud, theft, brainwashing, and gaslighting to a degree never seen in world history.

Think of all the times in just the past few years you’ve been gaslighted. They lied to you about open borders…they lied about Hillary’s 30,000 deleted emails…they lied about spying on Trump…they lied about Russian Collusion…they lied about a perfectly fine Ukrainian phone call…they lied about massive Biden corruption in Ukraine and China… they lied about the Hunter Biden laptop…they lied about the origins of Covid…they lied about the need for lockdowns and masks…they lied about the need for Covid vaccines…they lied about the vaccines being “safe and effective”…they lied and covered up all the deaths and injuries from the vaccine…they lied about the success of miracle drugs Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin…they lied about the stolen 2020 election…

You’ve been the victims of nonstop severe gaslighting for a decade now. You’re all part of a human psychology experiment in the limits that government and media can go in propaganda and brainwashing…while you can see they’re lying right in front of your eyes.

And these are the exact same people now telling you Democrats just over-performed, and stopped a GOP red landslide, against all odds, without cheating and stealing the midterm election. 

Historically, every president in history facing his first midterm experiences a tough day with automatically 20 to 30 House seats lost…and 4 or more Senate seats lost…but this terribly unpopular President Biden is brain dead with severe dementia, and can’t put 3 coherent sentences together…Yet Biden defied history?

While also facing the worst economy in modern history…and the worst inflation in America’s history…and out of control crime…and open borders…and failing schools…and polls showing 75% of Americans believe the country is going in the wrong direction…Yet Biden beat all of that?

If you believe Democrats made a miracle happen, without cheating, rigging and stealing…I have a bridge to sell you, over the Atlantic Ocean, in the Vegas desert.

First, every poll in the country showed a gigantic GOP landslide victory- ranging from red wave, to red tsunami. Polls even showed women moved 32 points from September to October in favor of the GOP. 

But in the end they all moved back to Biden and Democrats? Does that make sense to you? 

Second, every poll in the country showed the top two issues, by a mile, were inflation and the economy. And crime was in second place, along with open borders. 

And they all voted for Biden and the Democrats? Does that make sense to you? 

CNN’s own exit polls showed the GOP made massive gains among almost every voting group- men, women, white men, white women, blacks, Hispanics, young people. Everyone.

And they all voted for Biden and the Democrats? Does that make sense to you? 

In this environment where Americans can’t afford gas…or groceries…or rent…with the economy failing…inflation raging…scared to death of losing their jobs…living in cities plagued by violent crime, mass shoplifting, homeless everywhere, streets lined with poop, pee, drug needles…and failing schools intent on teaching your children to become masked transgenders…

In this environment, they all voted for Biden and the Democrats? Does that make sense to you? 

That they looked around at the disaster one man has created in only two years, and they defied a century of historic midterm defeats for the party in power…and voted for Democrats? Folks, you’ve been gaslighted.

But the real proof the midterm was rigged and stolen is…FLORIDA.

In Florida the GOP won a landslide. DeSantis and Rubio and everyone else in the Florida GOP won in a red tsunami. The same one the polls showed was happening in the entire country.

Guess what Florida has? Florida has strict Voter ID, strict laws against voter fraud, severe prison terms for anyone caught trying to commit voter fraud, no mail-in ballots sent to every voter, no ballot drop boxes, no ballot harvesting, no ballots accepted for days after Election Day, no counting for days until the desired result is achieved by the Democrat Party.

Isn’t it a funny and strange coincidence that in that state, with all of those strict rules against cheating, the GOP red tsunami happened as predicted? But everywhere else, where there are no strict laws against voter fraud, and they allow all that cheating, the red tsunami fizzled. 

And that under-performance is being blamed on Trump? And on conservative MAGA candidates? 

Yet in Florida, Governor Ron DeSantis is the most Trump-like, MAGA, America First, anti-woke, anti-trannie, in-your-face, ultra conservative politician in all of America. And with that ultra MAGA message, plus strict voting fraud laws…the GOP swept to a landslide victory.

And in most other places, they didn’t. Coincidence?

Folks, we’ve been robbed. Again. This was a repeat of 2020. They’ve fixed, rigged and stolen the election. First, they robbed us of the Presidency. Now they’ve robbed us of a red Republican landslide. And now they’re trying to blame it on Trump

This is gaslighting. And we’ve had our election stolen- again.

Related: • Déjà Vu All Over Again in the Banana Republic of Biden: No, the Democrats did not run better campaigns; they cheated, as usual
• Let’s dispense with the myth that liberals are really against voter fraud; Voter fraud is actually an essential part of their election strategy
• If the Democrats learned anything from their 2016 debacle it’s that they didn’t cheat nearly enough
• Democrats don't support voter fraud; they just worry about disenfranchising the deceased
• Voter ID: Apparently not allowing minorities to cheat is a form of racial oppression
• Of the 47 countries in Europe today — the nations and the continent that the Democrats are always telling us to emulate — 46 of them currently require government-issued photo IDs to vote
Joe Biden, Why Are You Calling Denmark a White Supremacist Country? And You, Barack Obama: Why Are You Calling Africa a Racist Continent? 
• Our élites constantly lecture everyone about "disinformation," about "big lies", etc; They're the biggest liars of all, with zero accountability
Isn't America Being Governed by a Mafia Family Dynasty, setting things up so that there will always be Democrats in power?
• Inside of a month, Democrats have redefined riots and election challenges from the highest form of patriotism to an attack on democracy — And by “democracy”, they mean the Democrat Party
• Voter Fraud: A Note to Leftists Who Claim that "Not a shred of hard evidence has been produced"
Dennis Prager: The Numerous (and Sweeping) Anomalies Regarding the 2020 Election That Cannot Be Ignored

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

Élections de mi-mandat aux Etats-Unis : incertitudes, fraudes, blâmes… Y a-t-il un bon côté ?

Evelyne Joslain, assistée d’Eric, reçoit :

  • Erik Svane, auteur de bandes dessinées
  • Marc Amblard, avocat
  • Philippe Karsenty, homme politique, fondateur de Media Ratings

Thème : “Elections de mi-mandat aux Etats-Unis : incertitudes, fraudes, blâmes… Y a-t-il un bon côté ?

Cliquez sur le lien pour entendre l'émission d'une heure et demie… 

Patron d'émission du Libre Journal du Nouveau Monde à Radio Courtoisie, Evelyne Joslain est l'auteur d'une poignée de livres sur les États-Unis.

At the very end of the debate (1:20:55), there is a reference to David Chapelle quoting the very first debate of 2016 to his Saturday Night Live audience:

• Donald Trump: The whole system is rigged!

• Moderator: Well, Mr. Trump, if in fact the system is rigged, as you suggest, what would be your evidence? 

• Donald Trump: I know the system is rigged because I use it

Monday, November 14, 2022

What Is Behind Trump's Attack on DeSantis? Has He Lost His Marbles or Does He See Things the Rest of Us Do Not — Such as the Florida Governor Being Set Up as a Stool?

As you listen to Democrats and Republicans alike rage against, mock, or blame Donald Trump in the wake of the 2022 mid-terms, there is one question we all ought to be asking ourselves: How exactly is this different than what has been hurled at Trump for the past six-seven years?

In this case, however, the charge is made worse, of course, by the results of the mid-terms — but have conservatives really forgotten to what extent Democrats rig elections? — along with the fact of The Donald's mockery of “DESANCTIMONIOUS” (thanks to Glenn Reynolds — as well as to Ed Driscoll and to Sarah Hoyt).

While highly critical of "Trump’s tantrums over the attention DeSantis is getting", Jeff Goldstein nevertheless recognizes that

the corporate media and GOP establishment shadow-puppeteers like Paul Ryan are trying to blame Tuesday’s underwhelming showing on Trump. And yes, they are wooing DeSantis as a potential Trump killer. But the facts are that Trump had a 93% win rate as a midterm kingmaker, with several races still undecided, and obvious missteps like Dr Oz notwithstanding. 

 … just because the GOP establishment wants to push DeSantis over Trump doesn’t mean they can control DeSantis. They may think they can

When, however, Jeff Goldstein says that Trump's "behavior repels independents and suburban women", he is forgetting the two-minute (the two-hour?) hate sessions retreaded daily by the "neutral" media…

In that perspective, it should be noted that over at the Conservative House, Sundance points out that the élites, Democrat as well as Republican, are betting on Ron DeSantis in the hope (well-founded or not) that the Florida governor will (consciously or otherwise) be more open to (their) influence.

The Bush clan have wrapped their arms around Governor Ron DeSantis as a 2024 weapon to counteract the MAGA movement. They have poured hundreds of millions into the “acceptable Republican” effort and are in full control of the DeSantis campaign management.

The Mitt Romney’s, Mitch McConnell’s, Paul Ryan’s, Kevin McCarthy’s etc are trying to leverage the club dynamic over Ron DeSantis and provide enticements to maintain the alliance with their internal battle plan to retain full control over the Republican Party.

The Never Trumpers, financed by donors, the professional party system and club officials, are all part of the internecine battle.

When President Trump labels the former congressman, now Florida Governor as “Ron DeSanctimonious,” that background reality is the who, what, when and why.

This battle is about Republican Party control and the use of Ron DeSantis by the club members who refuse to let go of power.

As noted by a comment from Rick Stans:

Watching heads explode over Trump’s “DeSantimonious” comment is exactly what the RINO elite relishes! Sundance has spelled out Ron’s position very clearly over the past weeks and anyone with half a brain could see it! Ron is a tool being forged as the splitter to weaken Trump in his bid to win in ‘24.

Moreso, the “god” man is what the RINO elite like Ryan and McCarthy hope will destroy the MAGA movement and restore the order of Kings & Queens in D.C. verses the serfs in fly-over country! The Coastals are becoming a bit uneasy hearing about Red Waves and MAGA movements! Time to crush these peasants once and for all!

Enter “god” man! Smiling, snarky Ron the Trump slayer! The Rip Van Winkle of Mar-a-Lago post raid! Trump’s friendly shot across the bow is a wake-up call!

No Ron, we won’t sit back and let you be another fraud, a fallen acorn from the dead Bush Oak that was fertilized with our hard-earned tax dollars for decades!

Either we’re all in for MAGA (despite what Trump does) or we’ll all be learning how to say “can I trade my dollars for yuan” in Mandarin one day! Wake up foolish Ron supporters who have become offended by Trump! Haven’t you learned from your parents that “sticks and stones may break my bones…..”

Trump is a gamer and his words were just a precursor to let Ron know that all the money and notoriety he will be promised for distancing himself from MAGA to “Save” America, is really nothing but fools gold in the end if MAGA goes the way of the Tea Party!

The Republican Club would rather lose elections and retain power than win and be held accountable to deliver on their false promises.

Time to allow Richard Baris, the People's Pundit (thanks to LafnH20), to share his Twitter feed:

I’ll tell everyone what it was right now, though it’s not the smartest fight for REPs to have before a midterm. When Ron DeSantis is chatting with @kevinomccarthy and Team Paul Ryan behind the back of the man who made him the governor of Florida, it was bound to happen.
They’ve targeted Ron DeSantis as the stool they believe is their best chance to foil another Trump Presidency and after enough hammering away at him and blowing up his head, there are indications that it is working. But make no mistake, it is a DC establishment plan and is true.
I’ve received at least a half dozen calls from GOP donors who have told me the contents of their conversations AND sitting members of Congress have confirmed it.
@GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy and Paul Ryan have hatched a plan to defeat MAGA in 2024 and Ron DeSantis is the stool.
Sorry if that hurts some of your feelings, but it’s true and those of you most likely to bitch about me saying it don’t know what the Hell you’re talking about. If DeSantis doesn’t bite, though he has been more lately, their next target is @GlennYoungkin.
 … Point being, for those of us who know, it was not at all surprising to hear that. Sure, it plays into their hands, but that’s Trump folks. That’s his way to say, “I know what you’re doing, I’ve heard all about it.” “Andrew Gillum would be governor of Florida if not for me.”
The reactions to this thread are exactly why Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell are in love with this idea.

Folks, I don’t really care for whom you vote. But don’t delude yourselves into pretending it isn’t #NeverTrump behind the push for Ron DeSantis to fracture the party in a primary if and when Trump obviously runs. It most definitely is them to include McCarthy and McConnell.

And both things can be true. It [the friendly fire] absolutely could’ve waited for Wednesday. But come on, everyone should know by now, that’s Trump.
Mitch McConnell’s former chief of staff and campaign manager, right here, and retweeted by Byron York with the quickness. I have to be brutally honest, I’m a little surprised the party who beat Fox New is gearing up to potentially fall for this plan. He knows full well, folks.

Incidentally, I am getting the following message on some of the People Pundit's tweets:

This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists.

But the Twitter account seems to appear normally on my phone. Elon Musk, where are you?!

After speaking to Sebastian Gorka, who called Trump and DeSantis "two alpha males" (thanks to Sarah Hoyt), the National Pulse's Raheem Kassam offered his prescription:

  1. Democrats run “better” campaigns, mostly because they’re allowed to, which in turn is because they dominate in positions that exert pressure – in politics, media, and culture. It’s easier for Democrats to rip down Republican yard signs without recompense. It’s also easier for left leaning activists to get away with violence or intimidation. Their talking heads are rarely challenged when they lie. They use Chinese Communist-owned platforms like TikTok to radicalise impressionable young voters and they use issues like abortion and student loans to do it. We recognise all of this as immoral. But elections aren’t conducted by Marquess of Queensbury rules. Republicans play touch football and call it smashmouth. Democrats play smashmouth and call it kiss chase.

  2. The GOP ‘McLeadership’ must change. If you accept that Republicans should have done better in this cycle, you have to go to the source of where the decisions are made and how the money is spent. That’s in the hands of people like Kevin McCarthy, Tom Emmer, Mitch McConnell, and Ronna Romney McDaniel. Trump isn’t a “party leader” in a European political sense. He wasn’t on the ballot this year. He doesn’t control the purse strings, nor the hires inside the GOP. His philosophy is ultimately beholden to centralised implementation.

  3. DeSantis has a big and bright future. But it cannot come at a cost to the MAGA movement. Even those surrounding and supportive of the victorious Florida governor accept that DeSantis is closer to the GOP comfort zone – including the neoconservatives – than Trump is. The Florida governor had the winds at his back in this election – an horrific opponent, a mass Republican migration to the Sunshine State, and of course, his own well-earned incumbent record to run on. …

Déjà Vu All Over Again in the Banana Republic of Biden: No, the Democrats did not run better campaigns; they cheated, as usual

Of course, it’s completely normal on Election Day for 44 polling places to run out of paper simultaneously. Don’t start fueling conspiracy theories by noticing that such a shortage must be deliberate!

No, the Democrats did not run better campaigns. They cheated, as usual.

Astounding that, in the wake of the 2022 election, while everybody is asking What Explains the Lack of a Red Wave in the 2022 Mid-Terms and to what extent (if any) Donald Trump is responsible, so few people, not even on the right, seems to be saying the obvious, that America's Voting System Is Rigged. How rigged? Just as rigged as, in fact, still as rigged, as in 2020 (thanks to Ed Driscoll). Via Raheem Kassam, Emerald Robinson asks:
What does this vote-rigging look like?

 … A day after the election, the corporate media is telling you that “late arriving mail-in ballots” are still to be counted in order to decide elections in Arizona, Nevada, and elsewhere.

If you can believe these obvious lies, you can believe anything.
Stalin said: ' It's not who votes but who counts the votes-'
so my question is WHY isn't the GOP screaming this as well as who said it?

In another post, Emerald Robinson adds that It's Deja Vu All Over Again In The Banana Republic of Biden:

Countless people have called in the last few days to ask me if Kari Lake or Blake Masters or Adam Laxalt or Lauren Boebert— and all the rest of the midterm candidates in “stalled” races— will ultimately prevail.

My answer is always the same: no. No, I don’t think they’re going to prevail. They’re going to lose. In fact, they’re being cheated out of their victories right now. 

My rule of thumb is simple: if you’re a Trump-aligned Republican and your election results were not released within 24 hours of Election Day, then you’re toast.

The entire point of “slow-rolling” vote-counting is that it gives the cheaters the necessary time to count how many ballots they need to beat the Republican candidate and then to manufacture those ballots — or to disappear the necessary number of GOP ballots by “abjudication.”

Didn’t the GOP learn any of these lessons from the 2020 election? Of course not.  

 … Democrats have no problem posting literally unbelievable vote margins in order to win.

There is, or there ought to be, a civil war coming, and like in the 1860s, it's is entirely the Democrats' fault.

Related: • Of the 47 countries in Europe today — the nations and the continent that the Democrats are always telling us to emulate — 46 of them currently require government-issued photo IDs to vote
Joe Biden, Why Are You Calling Denmark a White Supremacist Country? And You, Barack Obama: Why Are You Calling Africa a Racist Continent? 
• Our élites constantly lecture everyone about "disinformation," about "big lies", etc; They're the biggest liars of all, with zero accountability
• Democrats don't support voter fraud; they just worry about disenfranchising the deceased
• Voter ID: Apparently not allowing minorities to cheat is a form of racial oppression
• Let’s dispense with the myth that liberals are really against voter fraud; Voter fraud is actually an essential part of their election strategy
• If the Democrats learned anything from their 2016 debacle it’s that they didn’t cheat nearly enough
Isn't America Being Governed by a Mafia Family Dynasty, setting things up so that there will always be Democrats in power?
• Inside of a month, Democrats have redefined riots and election challenges from the highest form of patriotism to an attack on democracy — And by “democracy”, they mean the Democrat Party
• Voter Fraud: A Note to Leftists Who Claim that "Not a shred of hard evidence has been produced"
Dennis Prager: The Numerous (and Sweeping) Anomalies Regarding the 2020 Election That Cannot Be Ignored