
Hi, bongo!

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Recente Forum Posts door bongo

bongo United States 10 jaar geleden

                Heh-Heh,  "Joe Dirt, Joe Dirt",  love that reference Jodi.    I hope the NFL  does  move into the 21st century.  I would like to think that we're more enlightened and...
Heeft de NFL zichzelf verlost?

bongo United States 10 jaar geleden

          I'm impressed Johnny, you did your homework.  I remember that one (barely I was about half lit as I recall).    Good tight game.    I hate it when it's a blowout.
Voorspellingen voor de Superbowl

bongo United States 10 jaar geleden

              Yeah it should be a great matchup.  I don't think in the history of the Superbowl there has ever been a number one offense vs. number one defense. 
Voorspellingen voor de Superbowl

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