The Norse god of Chaos challenged the Olympic Pantheon and was turned into a satyr as punishment. Loki kinda goated imo.
Devastating: pizza has officially gone extinct in the US.
@onenicebugperday, a nice bit of course correction from this fancy friend!
Dragon and damselflies are incredible fliers!
kaiju vs. kaiju
(via argumate)
neo-assyrian siege engineer writing a sort of “harry potter and the methods of rationality”-esque fanfiction of the iliad where the siege of troy is over in like 6 months with few heroics after odysseus organizes the construction of a few siege towers and an earthwork ramp up to the wall
and because of this efficient assault only a few nobody soldiers die before the trojans surrender and the latter 60% of the poem is achilles, paris, menelaus, odysseus etc all getting each other hyperpregnant and shit
(via cauchesque)
the phrase “military surplus store” is so evocative… truly it couldn’t come from any other society in the world besides usamerica
there’s a society out there so militaristic, so dedicated to violence for the last 200 years, so indoctrinated from birth into dominion of every other culture in the world, that their main industry is the military, it’s the security forces, so dedicated to this in fact, that they overproduce to the point where they sell out their gear to the population at large, there’s a country in this world where even the civilians are soldiers
Military surplus stores exist in other countries, too.
Which is sort of obvious, when you think about it. Say you build a huge ass army. As a result, no one messes with you. Your military is doing what it’s supposed to do: be an effective enough deterrent that you never actually have to use it.
But now you’re a few decades into your long peace, and it turns out you’ve got a lot of obsolete materiel. Your gen 3 gas masks are so effective you don’t want to use your gen 1 gas masks anymore. You’ve got a bunch of old uniforms from 20 years ago, and you’ve been using the most recent one for five.
Rather than incinerate all of those goods, it makes sense to sell them to civilians who might have a use for them, no?
there’s a country in this world where even the civilians are soldiers
there are lots of countries where this is literally true and none of them are the us
It’s like they see non-american countries as inhabited essentially by fairies. Pure innocent woodland animals, and not humans with the usual range of human inclinations towards and against nationalism and military. Like they haven’t heard of, like… any other country in the world!
looking at many of the popular tumblr commies who reblogged this they (at least claim to) live in countries other than the US
they know theyre lying they just dont care
This is why I’m a hater. Fuck these people! Fuck being on a team with ‘em! I don’t owe them shit, ideologically or otherwise.
(via the-grey-tribe)
Things I am considering reviewing for Scott Alexander’s “Review Anything But a Book” contest:
-A retrospective on Supernatural in which Sam and Dean, respectively, correspond to balioc’s “Cult of Vision vs. Cult of Strength” theory.
-A review of Season 1 of Outer Banks and how it posits an absolutely utopian vision of school-skipping, crime-committing teens enjoying capital-f Freedom that we all secretly yearn for.
-A track-by-track review of Weird Al Yankovic’s Running With Scissors, with an emphasis on how humor for both children and adults has changed since the album’s 1999 release.
-A track-by-track review of Vigil In a Wilderness of Mirrors, an obscure 1989 prog rock album that was my personal teenage/college-age self’s Nevermind or Led Zep IV.
-A general analysis of The Midnight’s Kids, if not my favorite album of all time than certainly in the top three (it’s where the blog name comes from!)
-A review of college sports media personalities and business figures, namely Greg Sankey, Larry Scott, ESPN in general, and why they’re all malevolent bottomfeeding scum (if this were a Thai menu, this is the one with three peppers after it.)
-A look at Cooper DeJean, Philadelphia Eagle and Super Bowl Champion, and how the reaction to him explains race relations in America. (one pepper here. Maybe two if you’re white.)
Every time I see a duck I think to myself that I want to pick up that duck. There is a sort of quality of the duck that makes it feel like the act of picking up the duck would somehow be analogous to those strange videos where people use knives to cleanly cut through multilayered cakes. There would be a sort of accumulative act even without taking permanent possession of the duck. It would rather be more like pulling the lever on some ancient machine which makes a counter increase by one. The duck is the lever. I hope my meaning is clear to you all?
(via discoursedrome)
well I spent all of middle school watching castration videos on liveleak and I turned out fine
(via cauchesque)
so outside of kink and improv where are people available to express “cartoon villain emotions” with
outrageous political blogging