Snakes of Crimea, should they be feared

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Are there snakes in Crimea

Snake in Crimea in "Haunted Valley"

The nature and climate of Crimea are different from most of Russia, and therefore here you can find plants and animals that can not be seen in the natural environment in other regions. In this regard, travelers and tourists have a reasonable question: "Are there snakes in the Crimea, and are they dangerous? Are there poisonous snakes?"

Yes, there are snakes in the Crimea, and there is a small chance to meet them during a walk through the mountains and forests, during hikes and overnight stays in nature. But Crimean snakes do not pose a serious danger to humans: there are no deadly poisonous species on the peninsula, and the probability of meeting others living here is very small.

Of the seven species of snakes found in the Crimea, five are completely harmless. These include Copperhead, common and water snakes, leopard and four-striped runners. The last two species are rare and protected, with a lot of luck they can be found in the area of Karadag. Copperhead, a small snake of copper-yellow color, is widespread everywhere, along with the common grass snake.

The water snake prefers the rocky shores of the Sea of Azov. There are individuals with a length of more than two meters, which look frightening, especially when met under water, but they actively avoid contact with people.

Dangerous snakes of Crimea

A steppe Viper and a yellow-bellied runner can spoil the rest. They are dangerous, but not deadly, so if you meet them, do not panic. It is useful to be able to distinguish these reptiles from their harmless counterparts.

  • Steppe Viper Steppe Viper - a medium-sized snake, about half a meter long. It is most common on the Kerch Peninsula. The body is gray, with an earthy hue, a series of dark spots zigzag along the spine. Poisonous, but bites only in extreme cases: when it is grabbed or has nowhere to crawl. The bite of a Viper will not cause serious harm to health, but in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor without delay, especially if a child is bitten. There were no deaths from Viper bite in Crimea.
  • Yellow-bellied runner Yellow-bellied runner - the largest reptile of Crimea, reaches a length of up to 2.5 meters. Dark olive color, abdomen light yellow. It is rare. It has no poison, but it can bite hard. Able to pursue the offender, moving in large leaps. It lives in dry ravines, light forests, rocky gorges and ruins.

How to protect yourself and your loved ones

  • Snakes are most active in the hottest months: from June to September. At this time, visit reserves, ruins and wild beaches should be with extreme caution. Children should not be left unattended: driven by curiosity, they can provoke an attack.
  • Noticing a snake, you need to calmly go around it at a distance of 3-4 meters, without making noise and sudden movements. Threatening behavior, hissing and sharp attacks when a person retreats stop.
  • In no case should you try to grab a snake: in addition to a tangible bite, you can get other troubles. Water and ordinary snakes, for example, for protection emit a fetid liquid from the cloaca, which is very difficult to wash off.

It is important to remember that snakes are part of the ecosystem of the peninsula. A stone thrown at a snake out of fear or for fun can cause irreparable damage to the nature of Crimea.

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