Ooh... I'm NOT going to make a lot of friends with this review, but oh well! I actually remember watching this series as a kid. There's a lot of anime that I've watched as a kid, that don't immediate come to mind. This is one of those series, and for a good reason. I likely repressed the memory. It jogged back when I looked for more anime series to watch, and this was recommended.
From what I know, people speak highly of this series. I remember watching it with my brother, and it wasn't a fun time. He really liked it, and I really disliked it. I absolutely hated this show. The characters were unlikable. The MC's dad was a terrible guy, the depressing red haired girl, and the random new girl was just gross and weird. I remember hating every character, except the MC and his brother. Take in mind, I only remember not hating his brother because his brother wasn't on the show. This show probably has one of the most unlikable casts of all time. Seriously, how is it possible that everyone is unlikable.
And no, I don't mean that in a scumbag way. There are characters who are objectively terrible people, yet they manage to be entertaining. In a way, it feels like there's a purpose for them being unlikable. Think Helter Skelter with Lilico. Lilico's very unlikable and a terrible person, but that's the point of her character. That's what makes the story good. With this, they're unlikable personalities actively drag the story down.
I personally don't recommend this anime. It's basically "random BS go!" the anime series. And the characters aren't even likable with their randomness. They're terrible and disgusting people. I seriously couldn't stand watching this show, and I watched the entire thing because my brother really liked it. I don't know. This show just put me in a foul mood every time I had to watch it.