Morita-san wa Mukuchi’s Second season is really more of the same but still quite enjoyable. It reminds almost of Shaft’s Hidmari sketch in that they’re both 4 panel comics about 4 girls doing nothing of importance with a very similar sense of humor; sadly this show is not nearly as funny. Enough chat let’s dive in.
Story/Characters: 4 friend laugh and joke their way through typical everyday occurrences. Really there is no story, no story arcs or character development. For a show like this it’s okay, it sets up the joke, makes the joke and then leaves and that’s just fine. It doesn’t over stay its welcome and doesn’t need to worry about making transitions.
The characters are all one dimensional with one/two traits: Mayu’s quite, Hana’s Shy, and Mika won’t shut the hell up. Again it’s not that big a deal because they’re all set up’s for a joke. Also everyone loves Mayu and there seems to be this whole undercurrent of Yuri that’s not played with nearly enough. Heck Mayu has a stalker that no one ever seems to acknowledge and is known as girl with glasses.
Speaking of jokes this brings me to my main problem with the show: the humor. It’s not bad per se just typical and safe. Did it get a few chuckles out of me, yes but they were few and far between. It just feels like I’ve seen it all before. I can’t decide if the thing about Hana being from a broken home is meant to be funny or not.
Music/Art: The opening is energetic and fun with some nice animation and the overall look of the show is nice. The girls are distinct enough to never get confusing and Mayu’s eyes feel like you’re staring into the abyss in a good way. Not much else to say, it’s all around solid art and sound.
Wrap up: This series isn’t going to set the world of comedy ablaze but I don’t think it was trying to. Again that’s alright not every comedy has to be a masterpiece. The show is fun, colorful and sadly forgettable. Seriously I just finished watching this about 20 minutes ago and can remember about 3 jokes.
If you want to know if you should watch this show, ask yourself “Self did I enjoy season 1?” If yourself answers yes then you should go watch it if not then don’t pretty simple. If you didn’t watch the first season then do so now (it’s only 40 minutes) then ask yourself the above question.