The good thing about this anime is the concept is different with other superhero anime. Normally, you will watch super villain who smart and very dangerous, and the super hero who want to protect the city at all cost. Normally it is serious.
In this anime, THE CONCEPT IS FLIPPED upside down
Now, the villain is just a stupid person who want to beat the others and the main character is super strong and can beat the villain into pulp by just one punch. And it is wrapped in comedy-action drama.
The concept is good.
I expect this to be a good comedy anime, so I just sit casually, but...
1. First, the comedy is not really funny. In the first episode, There is a child with chin like a butt. I find it is not funny at all. Then, most of every episode there is a naked man. Then the bad guy turns into a stupid person who act cool when winning. "I sound like a robot to make it cool". And this joke is repetitive. The same joke is shown over and over.
2. The main characters is a hero for fun. He has no interest at helping people at all. He is so selfish and egoist.
If there are monsters, he does not care about the others' safety. If others are injured and like dying, he does not care, or sometimes he just asked "are you alive?" but nothing more.
He rarely listens to other people and rarely becomes serious in real life.
He does not care about others' opinion about himself because at the first place, he is already been by himself alone. He is anti-social and never in this anime he decided to discuss about plan or working together..
The main character here is not a good character. I bet if Saitama does not have the power, nobody will praise him for his attitude.
The only good character in this anime is mumen rider. Even though he is weak, he keep trying to help others.
3. No main conflict and no twist.
In this 12 episodes anime, you will find repetitive episode over and over.
The difference is there is another new villain.
There is a little conflict though: "a hero who do not get appraised", but actually saitama do not care at all, because at the first place he is anti-social. He did not get any disadvantages at all because of this issue.
Then, no twist. Saitama is still the most powerful character till the end.
So, here I will give 4 as bad.
It will be good if you have a different taste of joke than me.
However, I prefer joke like "si juki" or "Bowling King" who can make you laugh hard.