Mar 11, 2016
And now presenting; Puddin’s First Review!
I know a little something about superheroes, ladies and gents, and I know a little something about comedy. One Punch Man gets a looooot of love for, apparently, “doing both of these things so well,” so obviously a natural Joker like moi, was obviously going to be drawn to this after having read all of Les Mis in one sitting and had a craving for something a bit less heavy handed. Something that could make me laugh that isn’t my own jokes for once, you know?
But this, this is NOT what I expected, nor what I consider a
“Pioneer of Parody.” Folks, telling the same joke more than once, let alone OVER and OVER again kills it. KILLS IT. It takes a crowbar right to the gut and yanks, gnashes, tears it to shreds, until there is nothing more but a pile of viscera and doggy dinner scraps sopping wet in cold, ripe blood. Does that sound very appetizing to you? DOES IT? Because to me, The Clown Prince of Crime himself, that sounds deliberately disdainful. In fact, telling a joke more than once is quite similar to explaining the joke. And if you have to explain a joke, then there is no joke!
And all of the heroes in this show? RIPOFFS! A man who can defeat anything in one punch, wears a cape, flies around, and is BALD? Excuse me, but you seem to have mish-mashed good ol’ Lexy and Supes into some horrid catastrophe of a character, and labeled him some contrived “Hero” wearing something only that total HACK Ronald McDonald would put on willingly. And people think “Satanma” or whatever his Wapanese name may be, is a hero? Must I describe to you what a hero is? I certainly hope not, there seems to be loads of them running around nowadays, you’d know it if you saw it, all it takes is some fraud wearing colorful underwear over their pants and BOOM! You have yourself a hero, listeners, and they don’t even need to have powers. Take Bat Brain and his boy-toy sidekicks of his.
And what just really hurts me inside is that they didn’t even have the decency to rip him off like all the rest- the best we get is Green Tornado, Asian Cyborg, and Katana wannabe. If that type of damn near PLAGIARISM is allowed to go on further, I swear upon my mother's grave that Madhouse Studio will have earned itself a place on my hit-list, and finally live up to its name… literally! Have you seen what I can do with some paint and a little patience? I’ve transformed whole museums into art houses truly worth experiencing, how hard can a little cartoon company be?
And don’t give me all of that guff about “the animation,” kiddo, because I could care less. In a down to earth sense, what matters here ain’t the look, as I’ve learned throughout my days, it’s the substance behind the appearance. There’sa aint’sa no substance’s here to be found but a poorly written aneem, partner.
So in short, avoid this like the plague. It neither makes you laugh nor accurately portrays all of those superpowered boners dicking around in tights. If you want superheroes, well then, put on a cape and a mask and hope I don’t kill your whole family. If you’re in the mood for a real laugh, go watch “A Serbian Film” or “Seinfeld.” Either one works!
Reviewer’s Rating: 1
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