So Bad It's Good
My favorite shit anime that I've come to semi-unironically love. It's all trash.
TV, 2009,
12 eps
11eyes is stupid as hell, the characters suck, and who even cares about the plot. It has three redeemable parts: Takahisa, Yukiko, and the godly opening. Please watch it <3
ONA, 2019,
12 eps
The whole cast consists of cardboard cutouts, the plot is largely uninteresting, there's tons of fake deep bs, and the animation is so stiff. I just...can't. I live for the pointless drama. It's absolutely incredible. Both seasons are easily bingeable.
TV, 2017,
12 eps
Keep in mind that this is season 4 of this anime, but each episode is only 2 minutes long and you'll get here in no time. I'm not sure what to tell you. The last few episodes were insane for no reason. Maybe I'm the insane one? I don't care. This shit is breaking the fourth wall for literally no reason. Why are they talking about the anime in the actual anime? Why are these people here?? I'm not sure what to do with my life now. I feel like this is breaking some kind of law. I'm just...really darn confused :c
Movie, 2017,
1 ep
Now, I know that the original story in the Ao Oni game isn't the best. I still think that this movie should have kept it, however, out of respect for the original work. At least try to make the story better if you're going for something new, you know? This was just a mess. It's barely even connected to the game, and it's just WAY too meta for no real reason. On top of that, the animation is so bad that even *I* am starting to lose my faith in Studio Deen. But hey, it was a pretty fun watch.
TV, 2019,
11 eps
It's half (badly animated CGI) anime and half (cornily acted) live-action. That alone says enough, honestly. On top of that, the plot and characters are all one-dimensional (pun very much intended). It doesn't feel like it takes itself all that seriously, but you know. It is what it is.
[written halfway through episode 1, verified to still be just as accurate after episode 12]
Note: MAL claims that this series is 11x10 minutes long because only the animated parts are counted. It's actually 12x24 minutes.
[written halfway through episode 1, verified to still be just as accurate after episode 12]
Note: MAL claims that this series is 11x10 minutes long because only the animated parts are counted. It's actually 12x24 minutes.
OVA, 1989,
1 ep
The story in this OVA is largely indecipherable (pun fully unintended) until you get a scene with actual dialogue...which is all just beautifully written. It's written in English, but all of it sounds unnatural, and it's really obvious that they let the first English-speakers they found into the studio, no questions asked. It has some of the best voice acting I've ever heard, I think. Just superb.
TV, 2019,
12 eps
This story is honestly insane. I've seen some of you people say that this is a more "realistic" romance, and I'm seriously questioning how you're going through life if you think so. There's just SO MUCH DRAMA and not at any point does anything else really matter. It somehow still tries to pretend that it's a good story with likable characters, when basically everyone is insufferable and annoying. It butchers every topic it tries to take on and never stops being horny and...WEIRD. It's beautiful in the pain it causes me.
TV, 2021,
12 eps
I don't think I need to say anything about this one. It's Ex-Arm. Don't question me about it, just watch it and let it change your life. I'm not quite sure why Souma gets caught up in stuff like this...
TV, 2022,
12 eps
This anime gives you something to point out every single second. A stupid plot point that doesn't make sense, a weird turn in a match that doesn't make sense, a line of dialogue that doesn't make sense, animation that REALLY doesn't make sense...or all of the above. What more could you possibly want? I recommend overthinking everything to really get your money's worth (yes, even if you're pirating it for free).
I will say that it's pretty sad when there is finally an anime about a niche sport and it turns into THIS. You get basically no explanation of the rules either, so you'll have to use Google (not ChatGPT, stop blindly trusting AI) like the zoomer you are to figure out what exactly makes this different from soccer. I will say that I find it INCREDIBLY entertaining, though. Definitely give it a try!
I will say that it's pretty sad when there is finally an anime about a niche sport and it turns into THIS. You get basically no explanation of the rules either, so you'll have to use Google (not ChatGPT, stop blindly trusting AI) like the zoomer you are to figure out what exactly makes this different from soccer. I will say that I find it INCREDIBLY entertaining, though. Definitely give it a try!
TV, 2021,
12 eps
The identity crisis in this is insane. So these girls are "actidols," meaning actors who are also idols. Yep. They act and then they sing songs during the play. This is a completely new concept that sure doesn't already have a term. Anyways, it's also sci-fi. It's set after a huge catastrophe struck and now there are, like, electromagnetic waves or someshit, but who cares. That's not the point of this story. So they have these weird systems that basically create these illusions for MAX IMMERSION or whatever. But then the story decides that it doesn't want to just be a random actidol (???) anime anymore, and the identity crisis gets a million times worse. Hilarity ensues. Anyways. It's pretty fun.
TV, 2020,
12 eps
This might have the best (read: worst) dialogue I have ever heard in any show. Literally EVER, okay? The amount of exposition is just beautiful as well. And the animation... *chef's kiss* This is high art.
Movie, 2011,
1 ep
I never exactly considered the manga to be a masterpiece in the first place, and this damn adaptation made it worse. There is not a single good scene in this movie, but it's worth every second. Keep in mind that it's pretty gross visually. Don't say I didn't warn you.
OVA, 2005,
1 ep
This OVA is incredible. I was confused the entire time. I would call it an unrivaled masterpiece, hadn't I watched everything else in this stack.
TV, 2017,
12 eps
You're missing out if you don't watch Hand Shakers. No, really. I mean it. It's literally a masterpiece, and I love it a lot. Please check it out.
TV, 2019,
13 eps
I usually wouldn't put several seasons of the same show in the same stack, but W'z is so fantastic that I thought it deserved its own spot. It took me a few episodes to really get into it - and I remember claiming that it didn't live up to its predecessor - but turns out it held the key to my heart. It stayed in my favorites for like a couple of months AT LEAST, so that's...SOMETHING, I guess. It may have even come back by now. Go on, check!
ONA, 2017,
5 eps
Do you know what this is? Have you seen a clip of it, maybe? If you have, you get it. If you haven't, you're legally required to check it out. No buts. I'll take legal action against you.
TV, 2021,
10 eps
This anime needs something else than most of the other stuff in this stack. It needs, like...God, maybe?? How can an idol anime be THIS terrifying?? See, the animation itself is actually really natural, probably because they used motion capture for it (pure assumption), but the models, man... Jesus fucking Christ, STOP.
TV, 2008,
12 eps
What's this? Concentrated homophobia in the form of an anime? Wow. It's so stupid, and there's so much pointless drama, and I just can't help but keep my eyes glued to the screen. I've rewatched it twice and season 2 is the worst, in case you're wondering about either of those things.
TV, 2019,
12 eps
You know when you watch a fantasy anime and they spend full episodes talking about how OP the protagonist is? How he (because it's always a he), for some reason, is INSANELY strong, and that's all he's got going for him? Let me introduce you to Kenja no Mago. That's the entire show. It's got bland characters, bland plot, and - you guessed it - bland animation. But most importantly, it's got the most OP protagonist you could think of. Who needs "suspense" or "character development" when you can have a show where everything anyone ever talks about is how the self-insert is STRONG and, uh.../STRONG/...?
(Sorry, it's been 3 years since I watched this and I genuinely don't remember anything other than the absolute lack of odds because of how ///STRONG/// the protagonist was. Also that I laughed pretty hard at it. Funsies.)
(Sorry, it's been 3 years since I watched this and I genuinely don't remember anything other than the absolute lack of odds because of how ///STRONG/// the protagonist was. Also that I laughed pretty hard at it. Funsies.)
TV, 2018,
12 eps
The edginess in this is absolutely unreal. I don't know what else to tell you.
TV, 2016,
12 eps
Let's talk about the plot of this one. So there's a group of people who are tired of living in, like, society, I guess. So they join this tour and go to this remote location to...make their own society or something? But then chaos ensues and everyone decides that this one girl is a ghost, for no reason, while the protagonist simps for her the entire time. Also, they're afraid of wild animals, but go outside IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, with like 3 flashlights to go around their group of 30-something people. Additionally, everyone's using their weird online handles, which means you have to live with a guy whose name is Hayato being referred to as "Speedstar" for the entirety of the series. This one didn't piss me off at any point, by the way, so you better watch it.
TV, 2017,
12 eps
Author:2 Poor Takeda. This is probably the trashiest thing I have ever watched...?
TV, 2018,
10 eps
Are you one of those people who watched Eromanga-sensei and thought "Wow, I sure enjoyed that, but I would have enjoyed it even more if the siblings were related by blood and the animators weren't getting paid and almost every key frame looked like an in-between frame on drugs"? Regardless of your answer, this anime is for you. It's about this guy who wants to be an author. Too bad for him, though, because he FUCKING SUCKS at writing. His little sister, though, is absolutely GODLY at it, inspired by her unfaltering love for her dear onii-chan. Too bad for her, though, because her school won't let her have a job. This obviously leads to our beloved protagonist pretending to be the author while his adorable imouto does all the work. This, of course, doesn't matter at all, because the important part is that this girl highkey wants to bang her brother. I'd say it's a pretty solid watch.
TV, 2017,
12 eps
I feel like Ousama Game was a turning point in my career as an amateur anime-watcher in that I'm pretty sure this was my first full-cour 1. I deadass read the manga (the 2010 Ousama Game manga, not that other stuff) after watching the first episode when it aired because oh my god. I love this franchise more than you realize. It's just so mind-numbingly stupid?? First off, this adapts TWO of the original novel's volumes at the same time, which caught me off guard. See, the main story is about the second round of the King's Game, while we only get flashbacks to the first round. Let me just tell you that this story isn't written to be told like that. How come I read the entire manga adaptation of the first story, for that to only cover like 25% of the anime?! Even worse, this made Miyano Mamoru and Horie Yui sound bad, which may not say much for you, but I love both of them a whole lot. Ousama Game ruins everything it touches in the most beautiful way you can imagine.
TV, 2014,
12 eps
Don't let the episode count trick you; this full anime is actually only 48 minutes long, 36 if you deduct openings and endings (that's right, it has both). What do you want to me to tell you? Pupa is legendary. It's kind of a must-watch, honestly. Some people will tell you to read the manga instead because it's "so much better," but I'm here to tell you that they're wrong. Okay, so the manga is a little better, but not by much. And it's also not as fun. Take my word for it. Please.
TV, 2007,
12 eps
Okay. I'm here for School Days. I watched the show, I know what flaws it has. But, listen. It's actually unironically better than a lot of the romance anime I see people go crazy about. There's no chemistry between the characters - that's standard to the genre. But this one doesn't NEED that. It's based around the protagonist being a shitty person, and it does a phenomenal job of making him one! That said, it's still bad. 10/10 enjoyment, though.
Movie, 2002,
1 ep
Some people will call Tamala 2010 a work of art, a masterpiece. I'll tell you right now that I'm not one of those people. This movie was a trip. There's no way the writers weren't on drugs when they decided to make this. At least it manages to make the viewer uncomfortable when it's supposed to. Or I thiiiiink it's supposed to make me uncomfortable...? Pretty sure. It did that.
Movie, 2003,
1 ep
"Perhaps...I'd like to strike it 馃憠馃憟" - Sayuri, 2003
I'm not quite sure what's up with this weirdly erotic piece of shit. I don't think anyone is. Someone tell me, what the fuck is this?
I'm not quite sure what's up with this weirdly erotic piece of shit. I don't think anyone is. Someone tell me, what the fuck is this?
TV, 2015,
12 eps
I know tons of people are going to disagree with me on this, but this whole thing just drips of irony. It seriously feels like something I could and would write. It still doesn't really make up for literally everything else, though.
TV, 2017,
12 eps
I seriously, truly adore this series. There's just something about stupid twists that constantly pretend to be genius, and that's this ENTIRE anime. The novels make it even better with all the times it tries to hide the identity of the speaker while it's obvious the entire time.