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Suntory CMs

Aug 14 2022, 5:06 AM | Updated Feb 21, 2023 3:06 PM
Commercials for Suntory's diverse line of beverages.

Tags: Beer, Beverage, CM, Collab, Commercial, Drink, Suntory, Tea, Water
Tenki no Ko CMs
CM, 2019, 8 eps Me:- Author:-
Collab with anime: Tenki no Ko (Weathering with You)

Check this thread for the episode list:

*Sub available
Terrace House x Craft Boss
CM, 2019, 1 ep Me:- Author:5
Collab with: reality television series "Terrace House: Tokyo 2019–2020"

CRAFT BOSS popular drinks turns into anime characters.

Black / CRAFT BOSS BLACK (CV: Eguchi Takuya)
Latte / CRAFT BOSS LATTE (CV: Kato Emiri)
Brown the 2nd / CRAFT BOSS BROWN (CV: Kamio Shinichiro)
Tea / CRAFT BOSS TEA (CV: Nishiyama Koutarou)
Milk Tea / CRAFT BOSS MILK TEA (CV: Atsugi Nanami)

Aru Otoko no Ikikata
CM, 2019, 1 ep Me:- Author:6
A Suntory short for their Boss brand canned coffee. It covers the history of Yutaka Nakamura, a businessman who established the Hawaiians Spa Resort in Fukushima at the age of sixty-five.
(Source: ANN)

羽賀翔一先生の初アニメーション作品【ある男の生き方】 (Shoichi Haga's first animation work [A man's way of life])

Source: fieldcasterjapan Official YouTube Channel

*Sub/CC available
Sandwhichman Touhoku Ai Bottle
CM, 2018, 6 eps Me:- Author:5
Collab with: Japanese comedic duo Sandwhichman

1. 伊達政宗篇 (Masamune Date) [18/1/16 | 40 sec.]

2. 赤べこ篇 (Akabeko) [18/1/16 | 40 sec.]

3. ねぶた篇 (Nebuta) [18/4/25 | 30 sec.]

4. 将棋篇 (Shogi) [18/4/25 | 30 sec.]

5. サントリー烏龍茶「サンドウィッチマン 東北愛ボトル」第3弾『海女』篇 (Suntory Oolong Tea "Sandwich Man Tohoku Ai Bottle" 3rd edition "Ama") [18/9/18 | 30 sec.]

6. サントリー烏龍茶「サンドウィッチマン 東北愛ボトル」第3弾『なまはげ』篇 (Suntory Oolong Tea "Sandwich Man Tohoku Ai Bottle" 3rd edition "Namahage") [18/9/18 | 30 sec.]

#サンドウィッチマン #サントリー烏龍茶 #東北愛ボトル
(#Sandwich Man #Suntory Oolong Tea #Tohoku Ai Bottle)

Green Dakara x Mirai no Mirai
CM, 2018, 2 eps Me:- Author:5
Collab with anime: Mirai no Mirai

CM1: 「未来のミライ」×「GREEN DA・KA・RA」コラボCM公開 グリーンダカラちゃんがアニメキャラに ('Mirai no Mirai' x 'GREEN DA・KA・RA' collaboration commercial released Green Dakara-chan becomes an anime character) [Jul 12, 2018 | 0:18]

Source: maidigitv Official YouTube Channel

*Sub available

CM2: ダカラちゃん姉妹×「未来のミライ」のCM第2弾が公開 (Dakara sisters × 2nd CM of "Mirai of the future" released) [Jul 19, 2018 | 0:20]

Source: JIJIPRESS/時事通信芸能動画ニュース Official YouTube Channel

All-Free kono Natsu Ichioshi Monogatari Campaign Kokuchi Douga
CM, 2016, 12 eps Me:- Author:6
Collab with anime: Osomatsu-san (Mr. Osomatsu)

1. 人気アニメ「おそ松さん」のおそ松が日中から“一杯”! 「オールフリーと楽しむ、この夏イチオシ物語」キャンペーンPR動画 (Osomatsu from the popular anime "Osomatsu-san" has a "cup" during the day! "Enjoy with all free, this summer's recommended story" campaign PR video) [21 Jun 2016 | 0:45] ❤️

2. 人気アニメ「おそ松さん」カラ松がバスローブ姿で登場! オールフリーのキャンペーン告知動画第2弾 (Karamatsu from the popular anime "Osomatsu-san" appears in a bathrobe!  All-free campaign announcement video 2nd) [23 Jun 2016 | 0:44] 💙

3. 人気アニメ「おそ松さん」チョロ松、「にゃーちゃん!!」と叫ぶ オールフリーのキャンペーン告知動画第3弾 #Osomatsu-san #All Free (Popular anime "Osomatsu-san" Choromatsu shouts "Nyaa-chan!!" All-free campaign announcement video #3 #Osomatsu-san #All Free) [24 Jun 2016 | 0:44] 💚

4. 人気アニメ「おそ松さん」一松 孤独に一杯 オールフリーのキャンペーン告知動画第4弾 #Osomatsu-san #All Free (Popular anime "Osomatsu-san" Ichimatsu Lodging a cup All-free campaign announcement video 4th #Osomatsu-san #All Free) [25 Jun 2016 | 0:48] 💛

5. 人気アニメ「おそ松さん」十四松が叫ぶ!「素振り3000回だぁ!」 オールフリーのキャンペーン告知動画第5弾 #Osomatsu-san #All Free (Jyushimatsu shouts from the popular anime "Osomatsu-san"! "3000 swings!" All-free campaign announcement video #5 #Osomatsu-san #All Free) [26 Jun 2016 | 0:44] 💜

6. 人気アニメ「おそ松さん」トド松 夏のバイトを始める… オールフリーのキャンペーン告知動画第6弾 (Popular anime "Osomatsu-san" Todomatsu starts summer part-time job... All-free campaign announcement video 6th) [27 Jun 2016 | 0:43] 💖

Source: maidigitv Official YouTube Channel


7. おそ松さん 選べる限定動画! 第1話 「風流」(チョロ松、十四松) (Osomatsu-san Selectable limited videos! Episode 1 "Fury" (Choromatsu, Jyushimatsu)) [1:26] 💚💛

8. おそ松さん 選べる限定動画! 第2話 「World is mine」(カラ松、トド松) (Osomatsu-san Selectable limited videos! Episode 2 "World is mine" (Karamatsu, Todomatsu)) [2:00] 💖💙

9. おそ松さん 選べる限定動画! 第3話 「お祭り屋台」(おそ松、一松) (Osomatsu-san Selectable limited videos! Episode 3 "Festival Stalls" (Osomatsu, Ichimatsu)) [2:14] 💜❤️

10. おそ松さん 選べる限定動画! 第4話「いつかどこかの場所で」(おそ松、トド松) (Osomatsu-san Selectable limited videos! Episode 4 "Someday Somewhere" (Osomatsu, Todomatsu)) [2:08] ❤️💖

11. おそ松さん 選べる限定動画! 第5話「怪談」(一松、チョロ松) (Osomatsu-san Selectable limited videos! Episode 5 "Ghost Story" (Ichimatsu, Choromatsu)) [1:58] 💜💚

12. おそ松さん 選べる限定動画! 第6話「夏の終わりに」(カラ松、十四松) (Osomatsu-san Selectable limited videos! Episode 6 "At the End of Summer" (Karamatsu, Jyushimatsu)) [2:23] 💙💛

*Fansub available

*Note: Heart color corresponds to which brother/s appeared in the video.
Suntory Minami Alps no Tennensui
CM, 2016, 3 eps Me:- Author:5
Collab with anime: Kimi no Na wa. (Your Name.)

Ep. 1: "Mitsuha no Omoi" (Mitsuha's Thoughts)
Ep. 2: "Taki no Omoi" (Taki's Thoughts)
Ep. 3: "Kasanaru Omoi" (Overlap Thoughts)

Green Dakara x Bakemono no Ko
CM, 2015, 2 eps Me:- Author:5
Collab with anime: Bakemono no Ko (The Boy and the Beast)

CM1: "Sashiire" (Insertion or Present)
CM2: "Market"

Suntory Tennensui CMs
CM, 2013, 17 eps Me:- Author:6
Check this thread for the episode list:

Himitsukessha Taka no Tsume: Teikyou Kakutoku Daisakusen - Sakusen Kaigi
CM, 2009, 12 eps Me:- Author:-
Collab with anime: Himitsukessha Taka no Tsume Countdown

Official YouTube Playlist:

Source: tvasahi Official YouTube Channel


Taka no Tsume Watch Order Guide:
Suntory Can Beer CMs
CM, 1983, 9 eps Me:- Author:-
Collab with anime: Penguin's Memory: Shiawase Monogatari

Boxing (1983)
Sweet Memories (1983)
Beach (1984)
Train (1984)
Photo Album (1984)
Bring My Lover Back to Me (1984)
Jill's Return (1984)
Blue Love Letter (1984)
Rooftop Jazz (1984)

*No sub/CC

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