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What is the reason behind so much hate on popular stuff?

Yesterday, 9:01 AM
Feb 2023
It's become a pretty general thing to trash on the most trending anime (or anything really). While it's true that some people genuinely dislike a show but most of the time its the people who has never watched it. I mean if something is popular then, if not best, it is decent. But many haters just bluntly say overrated or absolutely garbage. I guess part of the fun is to watch a fan get heated up.

So has this been relevant from way back then? Why is this so common and what effect does this have in the community?

Yesterday, 9:29 AM

Feb 2025
A lot of the most popular anime are popular primarily because of its concept and the large fandom they attract rather than the quality of the stories themselves. Pokémon is essentially the newspaper comic of anime; very safe and consistent so new fans come and go. Naruto is like Harry Potter with ninjas and with a colourful cast that various fans can self-insert with, that gets people interested even if the story degenerates significantly as each arc goes on. Miyazaki...well, honestly, he clashes with a lot of MAL users' political views so there's a lot of animosity towards him on this forum that isn't representative of the wider anime fandom.

On the video game side, Kingdom Hearts has a similar trend. Fans will acknowledge that the writing is J.J. Abrams level convoluted, but they got invested because of Disney+Final Fantasy+Shonen anime and stuck around because of the large community. People outside that community, however, get confused by it.

However, despite criticism, a lot of the popular anime persists because we as anime fans have little basis of unity otherwise. I can talk about my love of music anime, but most people in any given thread will not know what I'm talking about. But bring up Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, or Naruto, and people will generally have an opinion to contribute one way or another.

♪Strong from the inside, you're still my lifeline! I feel you wherever you are!♪
Yesterday, 9:32 AM

Jul 2024
People like to be contraians. Heck, I'm not above it. Anything that is popular tries to appeal to the most number of people, meaning that sometimes popular things can be rather shallow, which urks anyone with a hint of pretension in their personality. Sometimes, people hate it just because they want to be a hater, while sometimes people have valid criticisms of media that lacks substance.

You're right to say that usually, if something is popular, there is at least one thing objectively appealing about it. It's probably good at whatever it is it does, whether that's visually appealing action, relatable characters, cheap laughs, or hypnotic boob physics. But because it's popular, people will probably be more critical of the things it doesn't do well or outright reject its appealing aspects because it's not their jam, and they're in the minority it doesn't appeal to. And if you're in the minority that doesn't like things that appeal to most people, your tastes tend to get even farther from the mainstream over time until you become a total hipster- leading to a tendency to write off anything with mainstream appeal as being below your tastes. Honestly, fair enough, some people just get douche-ier about than others.
Yesterday, 9:46 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to upbeat_deadbeat
People like to be contraians. Heck, I'm not above it. Anything that is popular tries to appeal to the most number of people, meaning that sometimes popular things can be rather shallow, which urks anyone with a hint of pretension in their personality. Sometimes, people hate it just because they want to be a hater, while sometimes people have valid criticisms of media that lacks substance.

You're right to say that usually, if something is popular, there is at least one thing objectively appealing about it. It's probably good at whatever it is it does, whether that's visually appealing action, relatable characters, cheap laughs, or hypnotic boob physics. But because it's popular, people will probably be more critical of the things it doesn't do well or outright reject its appealing aspects because it's not their jam, and they're in the minority it doesn't appeal to. And if you're in the minority that doesn't like things that appeal to most people, your tastes tend to get even farther from the mainstream over time until you become a total hipster- leading to a tendency to write off anything with mainstream appeal as being below your tastes. Honestly, fair enough, some people just get douche-ier about than others.

You should know by now that popularity is never a sign of quality.
Yesterday, 10:04 AM

Jul 2024
Reply to JoeChip

You should know by now that popularity is never a sign of quality.

Totally agree! It's all subjective, after all. I try to judge things by their own merit instead of jumping on bandwagons (no matter which direction they're heading).
Yesterday, 10:16 AM

Jul 2013
I don't care about the popularity of anime shows. I enjoy shows that I find interesting. That is it.
Yesterday, 10:20 AM

Aug 2015
everything has haters its just that the more popular it is the more haters there are (look at fortnite or justin bieber for example), and adding to that on the interent the negative is more vocal and visible,
Yesterday, 10:26 AM

Oct 2021
It's basic math basically more people watching means more opinions, which means, statistically, more chances for someone to think it’s absolute trash. It’s like throwing a party: invite five friends, and it’s a fun night. Invite five hundred, and suddenly you’ve got someone crying in the bathroom, someone flipping tables over pineapple pizza, and at least one guy who swears the party was never good to begin with.

The sheer law of large numbers dictates that with popularity comes a mix of reputations, and thanks to human nature, negativity just happens to be louder. A critically acclaimed anime could have 95% of viewers enjoying it, but you bet the loudest voices belong to that 5% who think it’s a crime against humanity. You know, the kind of people who act like the show personally walked into their house, flipped their dining table, and insulted their ancestors. They’re out here writing five-page essays on why it’s the worst thing to ever exist—like, forget global crises, this is the real tragedy. The only difference is that they are still living—holed up in their basement, surviving on a diet of instant noodles and pure spite, furiously typing out their magnum opus on why this anime is the worst thing to happen since unsliced bread. You can practically hear the keyboard suffering as they go off about how true fans would never enjoy such filth, all while their white mom yells at them.
Yesterday, 10:30 AM

Mar 2023
People just don't think that a anime they dislike deserves so much praise.
Yesterday, 10:34 AM

Dec 2022
Because popular anime attracts more attention to it; this attention can then manifest itself through both positive and negative reception. As many people have an inherent "negativity bias", fans of these series are prone to fixating on criticism over praise, despite the likelihood that said criticism (usually taking the form of poor reviews and ratings) isn't nearly as frequent as acclamation.

Have to disagree with your statement that if "something is popular, if not best, it's at least decent" though. There are plenty of lauded and/or popular series out there with no redeeming aspects to them aside from demonstrably high production values, if even that.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Yesterday, 10:34 AM
Jun 2021
That was like 10 years ago. Nowadays nobody cares. 99% of the normies stop either at the shounen titles or some of the... well, let's say "shilled" seasonal titles.
True anime fans today give less of a damn about popularity than ever before and I'm all for it.
Hot Blood saves lives.
Yesterday, 10:40 AM

Sep 2018
Personally, I like some popular anime and I dislike some others. Despite that, fans of popular anime I dislike would still think I'm a contrarian.

Zahnaf said:
While it's true that some people genuinely dislike a show but most of the time its the people who has never watched it.

False, when someone complains about a specific anime it's because they watched it. "Old good new bad" anime fans are the ones who complain after having watched nothing new or just some popular stuff.
Zahnaf said:
I mean if something is popular then, if not best, it is decent.

For you maybe, not for everyone.
Yesterday, 10:54 AM

Feb 2014
Care to provide any examples?
I mean, people could just be hating on something that really sucks.
Yesterday, 10:55 AM

Feb 2024
Reply to Young_Forever
It's basic math basically more people watching means more opinions, which means, statistically, more chances for someone to think it’s absolute trash. It’s like throwing a party: invite five friends, and it’s a fun night. Invite five hundred, and suddenly you’ve got someone crying in the bathroom, someone flipping tables over pineapple pizza, and at least one guy who swears the party was never good to begin with.

The sheer law of large numbers dictates that with popularity comes a mix of reputations, and thanks to human nature, negativity just happens to be louder. A critically acclaimed anime could have 95% of viewers enjoying it, but you bet the loudest voices belong to that 5% who think it’s a crime against humanity. You know, the kind of people who act like the show personally walked into their house, flipped their dining table, and insulted their ancestors. They’re out here writing five-page essays on why it’s the worst thing to ever exist—like, forget global crises, this is the real tragedy. The only difference is that they are still living—holed up in their basement, surviving on a diet of instant noodles and pure spite, furiously typing out their magnum opus on why this anime is the worst thing to happen since unsliced bread. You can practically hear the keyboard suffering as they go off about how true fans would never enjoy such filth, all while their white mom yells at them.

Popular and critically acclaimed are not the same thing though.
Yesterday, 11:42 AM

Oct 2021
Reply to JoeChip

Popular and critically acclaimed are not the same thing though.
@JoeChip XD yea I just noticed my mistake
Yesterday, 11:48 AM

Sep 2016
Some people want to feel like special flakes in the snow.
Yesterday, 12:26 PM

Oct 2016
My guess is people hate on popular shows for getting all the spotlight while being not that much to them, all the while overshadowing other shows that they consider much better.

And also, popular shows give others the idea that "this is anime", so, like a very limited idea of what the medium is and can be.

And I guess those titles get a lot of newer people within the medium, that have different ideas and changes for it that veteran viewers do not want, that's why they call them tourists.

But those are just my guesses.
Yesterday, 12:31 PM

Jan 2021
It's also negative cognitive bias. If everyone loves a thing and you only notice a single "trash" comment, you're gonna feel strongly. The popular thing is "your tribe" and one no-name just insulted it... but you have a ton of people on your "side" cause the thing is popular... so you feel empowered to take down that one no name down with your "friends" cause it is in human nature.

On the opposite spectrum, if everyone is saying a thing is good and you find it okay, you might turn that to hatred cause you feel like you were gaslit. There are some humans who subconsciously have friends who are lower status than them in terms of skill or appearance to make themselves look better to the public... I think making a popular anime look good when someone else thinks it isn't might look suspicious in a similar fashion... causing anger or sadness or some negative reaction?
Yesterday, 12:36 PM
Sep 2022
Sometimes there's a basis to it, but usually it's just trying to look cool. It happens in every media, from cinema to books and, especially, music.

Yesterday, 1:05 PM

Jul 2017
I never got the hatred for popular shows tbh but there's always the large group that just can't shut up about their hatred towards certain shows. I've heard arguments that something being constantly pushed in their face makes them despise it, but I don't get it, probably cuz I've never felt that way.

Of course popularity is not a sign of quality, but If something is popular, there's something to it that brings a larger crowd and being "for everyone" is never a bad thing really [same with being average] - I also stopped being in fandom space's as popular shows tend to have the loudest "hate groups" in the fandom itself [mostly for ships and I like to look at fanarts] - plus twitter and reddit tends to put the most negative opinions in the open and heats up discussions [or shouting matches] about them.

and many people don't really fully go into their feelings about shows and just call them "overrated" - because they can - ignoring any good things about the series and pushing the flaws outright.

[​🇮​❜​🇲​ ​🇦​ ​🇵​​🇷​​🇴​​🇫​​🇪​​🇸​​🇸​​🇮​​🇴​​🇳​​🇦​​🇱​ ​🇭​​🇺​​🇸​​🇧​​🇦​​🇳​​🇩​​🇴​ ​🇨​​🇴​​🇱​​🇱​​🇪​​🇨​​🇹​​🇴​​🇷​]

Yesterday, 1:08 PM
Jul 2024
I don't know why, but it seems like a thing a lot of people have been doing for the last several years. I don't know if it's a Bandwagon effect or what. For myself, I give a show a chance, I don't care about hype. The only thing that bothers me are the shows that get over-looked, for various reasons.
Yesterday, 4:30 PM

Sep 2019
Hating is an art form that unfortunately most people never manage to perfect.
Yesterday, 4:44 PM
Apr 2014
Its not just popular stuff? Go look at the forums for any non popular anime, like for example Kisaki Kyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi. Its just like 9 episode of people crying that they don't like the show even they they "really want to." No you don't want to like the show idiots, you want it to be a different show entirely. People will just hate on anything and everything. Thats what the forums are really for, containment zones for the unhappy.
Yesterday, 4:46 PM

Apr 2020
Zahnaf said:
It's become a pretty general thing to trash on the most trending anime (or anything really).
That's it. There's the answer.
Popular stuff brings lots of people's attention towards itself, much more than the others-- wanted and unwanted, lots of good and lots of bad. People just like giving different kinds of attention to popular things so they could get some kind of attention as well. It's simply a burden every popular people or things has to bear by nature, and a challenge that should be expected to come from popularity.
Yesterday, 4:53 PM

Oct 2013
People hate popular things because they can’t stand the idea of something they deem mediocre or bad having more love than the more niche things they like. Even though that’s by design alot of the time. Anything that seems like it should be huge but isn’t simply failed to get the majority interested. But thats different than things that were always suppose to have a more niche audience. I don’t get why some people are so shocked when something made to have mass appeal…has mass appeal, and things that aren’t don’t. Not that hard to grasp.

Then there’s people who will complain about how popular certain things are and then decide their thing sucks when it gets popular. And it makes me wonder if they ever were fans or if they just wanted to feel unique and special.
Yesterday, 5:36 PM

Jan 2025
There's a large array of reasons why popular stuff gets hate. Some of it is Hipsterism ("It's popular therefor it must be philistine garbage for idiots"), maybe some is insecurity or big ego ("I'm not wrong, it's everyone else who is wrong!"), perhaps jealousy or frustration their faves aren't as popular, maybe some of it is just overexposure blowing up their feelings becuase it's always in their face, maybe it's just being let down to an extreme degree for the thing not meeting their overblown expectations.... Or, Maybe, they're just aiming to start fights online, and shitting on something popular is one the easiest and relatively harmless ways to do it. especially if they're aiming for engagement. Tepid and neutral takes don't get clicks.
Yesterday, 5:41 PM

Apr 2020
When something is popular a lot more people will learn about it which will lead to more reactions to that title, especially with how fast the word can spread through social media. Now, while popularity can attract attention to the title, it doesn't mean that everyone will like something just because it is popular, because not all people share the same taste. To bring myself as an example, I watched both Frieren and Dadadan and while I liked them and I can understand why they are popular in my opinion they are just two good series and not masterpieces like some other people think, because while there were things in these series that I liked there were also things in these two series that kept them back from liking them more. With that said, there are some people who just love to judge something just based on popularity and not based on the show itself, either because they went hyped and got disappointed, which is their fault for setting their expectations too high, or they are these weirdos who will start hating even something they liked just because it became popular.

11 hours ago
Aries Saint

Oct 2024
Because it's popular to be a contrarian or someone who stands out from everyone else. It's not something that's new. Of course, that's not to say that there's something wrong with people who don't share the same enjoyment in popular anime as others. But I think it's dramatic to consider anything mainstream bad. Especially since the most vocal critics tend to have some popular and highly rated anime that they like as well. Not to mention that I think it's hypocritical for these people to complain about hype. They're the same people who try to draw people's attention to favorites of theirs that they deem to be overlooked and unfairly rated. Even though their opinions are no less subjective than anyone else's opinions. Plus, it can be said that there are likely some valid reasons as to why certain anime aren't popular nor highly rated. But I doubt they get much input if any at all from those people.
11 hours ago

Feb 2023
Anime that are popular in Japan, such as K-On!, don't get much hate from the real anime fans. The "popular" anime that people hate on is stuff that is popular in the West, and it has more to do with all of them being the same. They're all battle shonen, which all tend to have the same flaws as each other, particularly with the pacing, and having the heroes always win, with plot armor.
10 hours ago
Aug 2014
Seen a lot of this recently. People build their identity on "I liked old anime(s) and anything that's popular now is slop". Sure, I get it somewhat. My favourite anime of all time is Mushishi, but I don't cast shade at other shows for not being like it. I didn't even like Frieren that much despite being told it's "like Mushishi" (it's really not). I don't think it's even a top 10 anime for me but it's not trash. There's still a decent story in it, good characterization, relationships. The artwork and animation aren't too bad either.

A lot of animes now seem to be modernized shounen like Dandadan. It's not a bad anime, but it's just nothing really new apart from a sprinkle of ecchi and romance. It's still entertaining, even if you over analyse it. There's some good ideas in writing and characters.

Same with Solo Leveling, it's actually fundamentally a really BADLY written story. There are no characters or character development or important relationships. The main character is the only one with character development and its directly tied to a numerical value with very little complexity. The other characters exist to worship him. It's still somehow holds my attention to see what happens next.

The shows are absolutely flawed but they aren't garbage. There's decent production value that's converted into entertainment, even if they are hollow at the seams.

There are some shows are are actual slop like One Piece with almost no redeeming qualities that rise above others though even though it blatantly overstays its welcome. Peoples' radars are just calibrated to favouritism more than anything and anime draws a very loud immature and edgy set of people - I hate to say it. So there are many people who would crusify me for something like this.

If I continue, it would just be a ramble and vent so the point is in the upper half of what I wrote.
LockHowl10 hours ago
10 hours ago
Oct 2017
"left the target audience"

marketing is reaching to a broad range of people and most of it is just shoving something into people's faces whether they like it or not. and there's little risk to it other than people getting heated online. I hate solo leveling and blue lock and its all everyone's talking about instead of some underrated shows I've been watching.

it's also just ragebait, a lot of people can exploit the dissatisfaction of it and fuel it with unnecessary shit to boost engagement on their accounts online either for clout but mostly money. the bluecheck twitter meta gets paid for engagement and get affiliations to promote a gambling website. youtube and sponsors pays people for a callout to their brand and its an engagement bait calling some anime controversial for a none issue.

10 hours ago

Dec 2008
There are of course people who just like to troll or be different.
But there is a lot of stuff that is popular not because it is good, or even "decent", but because it has garnered attention. Maybe it is because of nice art, or a killer OP, or an interesting premise, or a memorable scene. The rest of the anime could be pretty mid, but casuals don't watch much anime in the first place so they have little to compare it to.
For example, Oshi no Ko has received a lot of mainstream popularity because of its first episode and OP. The series itself isn't actually that great.
Attack on Titan as well has a very strong beginning and was rather unique at the time.
How much of Kimetsu no Yaiba's popularity is because of Ufotable versus the story and characters actually being good?
I have a friend who never watches any anime aside from the English dub of DBZ back when we were kids. Yet somehow he knew about Solo Leveling and started watching it. Solo Leveling is generic as fuck and has a terrible story, but for someone who never watches anime, they've never seen something like this where characters have RPG mechanics and shit so it probably feels super unique.

It's all about how good the anime is at getting a large number of people to notice it, and you don't need to be good to do that.
Of course I am not saying all popular shows are bad or anything.

I do think it has probably gotten more common because there is a higher proliferation of anime amongst mainstream audiences these days via social media and stuff.
9 hours ago
Apr 2024
When something is popular more people will know of it, meaning there's a larger pool of people who'll watch it and dislike it, when something isn't popular less people will know about it and those who'll watch it are probably interested in it since it looks like it's for them
9 hours ago

Jan 2020

maybe they don't hate the popular thing, they just hate people who usually like popular thing, or hate how media and internet acted when popular thing exist
Хайде, хайде, хайде, това е първата зона, брато, първа зона, първа зона, добре, добре, добре, това става тук горе, отива тук горе, само спокойно, само спокойно... Ха, отдясно е, навсякъде отдясно отдясно къде е дясното ти о да добре добре добре тихо мълчаливо не успях да се съсредоточа върху това ЕХ ТЪПАК КОГАТО СИ БАВНО БАВНО ... ой е путката на моето момиче прасе куче, аз Чувствам се добре, о, мамо, *шамар*, какво е това госпожице татко-
8 hours ago

Apr 2022
have to act like a bitter old man to fit the look, seldom they make valid points.
8 hours ago

May 2009
tired: liking popular stuff
wired: hating on popular stuff
inspired: liking popular stuff to spite the haters
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
7 hours ago

Oct 2013
I feel when things generally are popular… you have your critics who like to focus more and nitpick apart due to the hype. I feel I can be that way when things get overly hyped my expectations therefore become high then I just get disappointed I guess
6 hours ago

Jul 2023
A popular show has more eyes on it, which will almost always mean there's going to be a not-insignificant portion that dislikes the show just mathematically speaking

If you're asking about people who just straight up haven't seen it, the answer probably starts here:
They've seen enough of the genre to know it's not their cup of tea. If you see 500 slave harem isekai with RPG elements, do you need to watch the 501st on the off chance it might be a 7/10 as opposed to a 4.

From there, you can likely extrapolate one of two things (or both):
1. They enjoy being contrarians and making people mad.
2. "[show they like] should be popular, not [show that is popular]!"

This can also be exacerbated by their experiences with fans of whatever anime this happens to be.
6 hours ago

Apr 2024
because in reality, no one can be satisfied with everything, everyone has their own standards, the more different the perception, the more different the standards for a work to be called good, a fan who has watched more than 100 anime, read and contemplated many different literary works will have different tastes than a fan who has only watched 10 or 20 anime.

Why are Oscar-winning movies usually not movies with huge revenue?
Why didn't Black Myth WK win GoTY while AstroBot did?
Why are the judges in the culinary industry all experienced chefs and have built a career including countless restaurant chains, reputations and their own brands, not famous chefs with tens of millions of followers on youtube and tiktok?

In fact, the anime that is considered popular today does not reflect its true quality, but the great contribution is due to the target audience and the strong development of social networks or any media, which have contributed to promoting and increasing its popularity.
After all, the criticism comes from part of what was said above, but the most important thing here is that all works are often not perfect, when you accept to publicize your work on any media, you also have to have the courage to accept criticism from positive to negative.
It is no different when you spend time experiencing the whole story and you rate it as good, but until you find and read a better and more meaningful story, then you will also notice the shortcomings in the story you just rated so that you can see what it needs.
Just like a game that you spend hundreds of hours playing, if you don't die, die many times, how can you understand the mechanism or anticipate all the possibilities, that when you play to master, you will also have enough knowledge as well as understand the flaws of that game to be able to give comments and suggestions on both the advantages and disadvantages to help that game improve.

If everything you want can only allow to go straight in one direction without any obstacles, then you are just living in an illusion, like a frog in a well, without any maturity, just like the works that are considered too popular at the moment but do not dare to accept the shortcomings or any flaws then it cannot improve and is not worthy of the hyped.
5 hours ago

May 2016
Some years ago it was very popular a certain meme about madoka magica that made me want to know more about the series. Also I began HxH because I was interested in Meruem and Komugi which were mentioned in a video about anime couples.
3 hours ago

Nov 2024
So has this been relevant from way back then?

I never noticed it. Popular works had several/many fansub teams working on the same title, so popular works had many various releases, so I feel that anime fans were more united way back or at least more tolerant toward works they didn't like. Maybe it was because amount of anime was less, so each new work was more appreciated.
Why is this so common and what effect does this have in the community?

I think it comes from wanting to show that you're "different from rest of the mob" mentality. There are people who embrace this quietly alone, there are people who want to show it to others, that they are "cool" for being different. So while it's okay not to like some popular works, but some go lengths to bad-mouth works some people like.

As for effect, it can spark hatred, intolerance: people are both anime fans, but they can start to hate each other, because hater keeps bad-mouthing work other likes.
I apologize for my mistakes, because it's not my native language.

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