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Fairy Tail
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Apr 6, 2019 3:22 PM

Nov 2011
Mm, so this episode dealt more with Gajeel and his selfless acts. What a guy. Levy is one lucky girl to have met him.

Looks like Brandish decided to take her own action this episode against August. A very risky move if you ask me. Looks like we got a glimpse more of Irene's powers again.
Apr 6, 2019 4:09 PM

Nov 2016
The Gajeel x Levy part was just wow. Seriously one of my favorite moments in the whole series. I didn't tear up in the manga, but this episode pushed me over the edge.

Mest was savage, but he picked the wrong enemy :D

Ah and Irene using Universe One was also pretty cool. This is one hell of a spell.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Apr 6, 2019 4:25 PM

Aug 2018
Man what a giant dump they took on Mest's character just to force conflict. Probably the worst writing I've ever seen in this show.
Apr 6, 2019 4:26 PM

Feb 2013
Who would have thought we will see Gajeel like that when he first appeared.
Lol, Mest was too stupid, I won't be sorry if he is killed.
Apr 6, 2019 4:53 PM
Jan 2019
i don't know Gajeel and levy have family and children
is that true? or i don't understand the situation(i don't read manga)
Apr 6, 2019 5:17 PM

Aug 2013
My feels mate.

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
DeadlyRavenApr 7, 2019 9:52 PM
Don't believe the hype.
Apr 6, 2019 5:56 PM

Aug 2018
It was kinda sad but it didn't hit me because almost nobody ever dies in this anime and it wasn't a proper "dead body on screen" thing. I'm like 99.9% sure he's coming back (never read the manga so not a spoiler)
Apr 6, 2019 6:06 PM

Nov 2018
Gajeel has always been one of the best characters in the cast, just the total package. In the end he obtained Dragon Force when he ingested the iron in the bane particles. Universe One is a new age magic that can basically bend the laws of physics with enchantments, the war is about to be over sooner than later going off Irene's words. I wouldn't rule out Gajeel's death until we see what the magic can do, looked gorgeous tho.

Love Brandish too, at the Spriggan 12 meeting August acknowledged they were all pawns to Zeref's endgame plan, now Brandish sees the war as just genocide for Fairy Heart's power, Zeref's contradictions and his mind are so fucked up he's causing destruction for the fun to where his own soldiers are seeing through his game, making Irene use a magic Zeref didn't want her to use. I love when villains retain their own mindset and moviations. It's just a shame the Spriggan 12 weren't utilized fully and the pacing of the anime makes it even worse cause it's even faster than the manga but that's my only complaint.
Apr 6, 2019 7:15 PM

Jul 2017
Gajeel x Levy finally happening
Apr 6, 2019 7:21 PM

Apr 2014
seriously id be ok if Mest died i never liked him even when he first showed up as the other name he had

and then this just made it even worse really forced yet i just dont like mest

other than that this ep was ok

and as for Gajeel i mean this is fairy tail and all the major Mc's always find a way to survive or comeback some how some way so yeah felt nothing at that part was just wanting that part to end as quick as possible tbh
"one step at a time"
Apr 6, 2019 7:40 PM

Oct 2015
Acnologia is one of those villains I just have to cheer for, the dude is a subtle badass and that what makes him cooler than Zeref.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Apr 6, 2019 8:37 PM

Oct 2015
FMmatron said:
The Gajeel x Levy part was just wow. Seriously one of my favorite moments in the whole series. I didn't tear up in the manga, but this episode pushed me over the edge.

Mest was savage, but he picked the wrong enemy :D

Ah and Irene using Universe One was also pretty cool. This is one hell of a spell.

brah same
i cried
then remember fcking mashima pulling that shit
reiwa weebs will unironically tell u they want a remake or sequel but when they get it ,its suddenly souless and a cashgrab cause they dont like the thing anymore and cant fathom they grew out of it and must mean the show somehow became bad
Apr 6, 2019 8:45 PM

Dec 2014
seriously mist..why did you have to do all that
Apr 6, 2019 9:11 PM

Feb 2019
Mest, you baka! And Gajeel, nooooo! So many rioting feels from this episode alone. Sadness, irritation, and joy as well as confusion. And a face-to-face between Mavis and Zeref in the next episode? Can't wait!
Apr 7, 2019 12:42 AM

Jun 2017
LeenPhoenixRae said:
Mest, you baka! And Gajeel, nooooo! So many rioting feels from this episode alone. Sadness, irritation, and joy as well as confusion. And a face-to-face between Mavis and Zeref in the next episode? Can't wait!

Pretty much sums up my thoughts regarding this episode too, good job!

Just when negotiations was going somewhere, Mest comes up with the brilliant idea of taking down August. Mate, he wouldn’t be the ‘strongest’ among the 12 if he were to be taken down by a little stab. I hope Natsu gives him a good whack later on but things are looking far more grave for him to even spare such a thought.

Poor Gajeel though, those flashbacks and the accompanying music really made it a heartrending moment. God, he just wanted a family and yet life made sure he wouldn’t. Knowing Fairy Tail though, it’s only a matter of time before he comes back all fit so definitely not looking forward to that xD.

Irene, on the other hand, pulled off some scary magic right there! Even the composed badass Acnologia and the Master, Zeref, himself is impressed. A hint regarding Irene being some mysterious magician is revealed, I wonder how she got hold of such an ancient bothersome spell. I’d expect no less from

Next episode preview promises some more interesting developments, looking forward to seeing Zeref and Mavis meet and Irene take care of Royal Guards for whatever reason (is she planning to go for a conquest of her own?).

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
DeadlyRavenSep 5, 2019 5:57 PM
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Apr 7, 2019 1:03 AM

Oct 2015
Forgot how much of a badass Irene is. Even August wanted no business with her. Still a little bit annoyed with how the whole Mest thing went down. I mean, Brandish is on a whole different level from him. And somehow his magic is able to effect her? Idk, maybe it's because her guard was down and so was Augusts so he didn't sense it or something but I wasn't a fan. I gotta say, I think August looked cooler in the manga and I rarely say that.
Apr 7, 2019 1:30 AM

Jun 2012
Gajeel cut some onions for me when I did't ask for it. But he'll come back right? This is still a fairy tale right?

And all the final bosses are making a show of might, those were cool. August's rage was the coolest. I had to be thankful for that stupid Mest for triggering it.
Apr 7, 2019 2:05 AM

Mar 2018
This is actually the part where I said to myself "Is Fairy Tail finally gonna be good?".

Mest's PIS is just so fucking forced. When did he implant the memories? No build up whatsoever. Just out of knowhere he manipulated Brandish.
TruceeApr 7, 2019 2:18 AM
Apr 7, 2019 2:49 AM

Jan 2017
And here I was thinking, "great, infinite tsukuyomi"
This episode was filled with some d**k moves on fairy tail's part; they had made it obvious some episodes earlier that mest was to do something... then there was Gajeel and lily, a great job. A real tearjerker.
Let's see what next week brings
Apr 7, 2019 3:04 AM

Oct 2017
So, they killed Gajeel huh? The character reached his ultimate growth, sad for Levy but a good end story-wise. It's FT so I expected a last-second miracle!

As for Irene she seems so confident in this spell, even Acnologia seems to fear it! Who is she? Can't wait to learn about it next week.

The preview is weird, with Zeref already with Mavis, maybe because of Irene's spell?

It's hard to wait week after week with FT :(
Apr 7, 2019 3:59 AM

Aug 2013
Mest was messed up for pulling that trick.

Gajeel moment had me almost teared up.

Apr 7, 2019 4:39 AM

Jul 2007
eglepe said:
Man what a giant dump they took on Mest's character just to force conflict. Probably the worst writing I've ever seen in this show.

Haha you havn't seen the half of it yet.

Apr 7, 2019 7:19 AM

Apr 2013
Wow, Mest putting a memory into Brandish was double-bullshit. First he isn't nearly strong enough to do that and second he shouldn't be stupid enough to even try that. Irene vs Acnologia was too short as expected, let's see how that weird spell will work. Gajeel dying was.. unexpected? And not really fitting for this show.
Apr 7, 2019 7:31 AM

Mar 2017
Well shit! That was one hella devastating episode! Bring Gajeel back! He finally told Levy how he feels, they need to live that future together 😭

By the way, what the fuck is wrong with Mest?! That negotiation was going going so well and decides to pull that stunt? Stupid asshole.

Also, i have a feeling that Cana & Mavis just destroyed the only weapon that could stop Acnologia...
Apr 7, 2019 8:30 AM

Apr 2011
Wow! Mest just made the most stupid decision.

And after that scene he suddenly became the most hated character in the series lol

Apr 7, 2019 9:39 AM

May 2015
Yea, as I remember from the manga...Gajeel dragon force looks like shit. Anime version made it even worse.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Apr 7, 2019 9:47 AM

Jan 2014
damn, I actually want to see a battle between Natsu and August. I wonder which is stronger between

and I think Universe One could be animated better though.

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
DeadlyRavenApr 7, 2019 9:50 PM
Apr 7, 2019 1:49 PM

Apr 2013
Mest kicked from guild when?
Apr 7, 2019 2:18 PM

May 2016
That was a damn strong spell... sasuga Irene just like Erza but 1000 times stronger...
Apr 7, 2019 6:04 PM
Apr 2019
FrozenRaider said:
Yea, as I remember from the manga...Gajeel dragon force looks like shit. Anime version made it even worse.

Nah it's actually one of the better looking dragon forces. Natsu's looks like shit, wendy's looks like shes trying to do a natsu cosplay and sting/rogue look like they have fucking face paint on lol.
Apr 8, 2019 6:46 AM

Sep 2018
My fav ship💙💙💙. Proly the best ep this season. The fights aren't good at all this whole season so the I like these eps which focus more on char relationships.
Irene is so badass and ofc Acnologia is the coolest villain in FT. Hoping to see their fight next ep.

FMmatron said:

Mest was savage, but he picked the wrong enemy :D

That was the dumbest thing ever lol. I mean even by FT's standards that was jus stupid on Mest's part.
Apr 8, 2019 9:36 AM

May 2015
Kai126 said:
FrozenRaider said:
Yea, as I remember from the manga...Gajeel dragon force looks like shit. Anime version made it even worse.

Nah it's actually one of the better looking dragon forces. Natsu's looks like shit, wendy's looks like shes trying to do a natsu cosplay and sting/rogue look like they have fucking face paint on lol.

Everyone has their taste so I'm not gonna argue. My main problem with Gajell DF is that I dont really see any difference between his "metalic" form and DF. Oh well, at least he finally got DF. Too bad that his fight was so anticlimatic.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Apr 8, 2019 9:54 AM
Apr 2019
FrozenRaider said:
Kai126 said:

Nah it's actually one of the better looking dragon forces. Natsu's looks like shit, wendy's looks like shes trying to do a natsu cosplay and sting/rogue look like they have fucking face paint on lol.

Everyone has their taste so I'm not gonna argue. My main problem with Gajell DF is that I dont really see any difference between his "metalic" form and DF. Oh well, at least he finally got DF. Too bad that his fight was so anticlimatic.

Theirs actually a couple differences, theirs the scales, his rigid hair and his iron has a darker hue. His fight was actually one of the better ones in this entire arc. Have you read the manga? Cause basically the rest of the fights from this point on are fucking garbage, especially

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
DeadlyRavenSep 5, 2019 5:59 PM
Apr 8, 2019 12:56 PM
Dec 2010
Geez, Mest has to be one of the dumbest mo-fos in anime history with that colossaly stupid plan of his.

Also, wasn't really feeling any sadness during Gajeel's 'death' scene, since, I mean, it is Fairy Tail and he is a beloved main character, so he'll probably be back to being alive again within like 5 episodes thanks to the power of Magical Friendship or something.
Apr 8, 2019 8:26 PM

Apr 2009
Gotta echo other posts, I couldn't get too worked up over Gajeel's death because so many people have "died" except actually didn't... even in just this arc! I liked the sentiment though, a real change for Gajeel from when he was part of Phantom Lord to now, in part because of his love for Levy.

I was really shocked by Mest's actions though, that caught me completely offguard. Seemed a little too cold-blooded and calculating for the guild and him, but oh well. Really shakes things up and I can't wait to see how Brandish reacts once she gets her senses back.

And I absolutely hated the idea of
It just feels cheap and tacked on usually. But Irene's growing on me. She's calm but menacing, great VA, kinda sexy, and has been one of the most interesting Spriggan 12 (not a high bar, granted...)

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
DeadlyRavenSep 5, 2019 6:01 PM
Apr 9, 2019 10:37 AM

Feb 2014
Gajeel really turned out to be one of the most loved characters from being hated before. He changed for the best and gave us that lovable good feeling.
And finally Universe One is unleashed. We're getting Mirajane next week. Let the demon loose!!!
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Apr 9, 2019 2:10 PM

Jun 2015
Tell me it's a joke. Gajeel can't be dead. He's my favorite.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Apr 14, 2019 1:47 AM
Jan 2017
eglepe said:
Man what a giant dump they took on Mest's character just to force conflict. Probably the worst writing I've ever seen in this show.

Could have been a great episode but Mest's act of cowardice ruined everything...
Apr 14, 2019 10:23 AM

Apr 2015
Ouch, seeing Gajeel like that was so sad, Poor Levy. Gajeel has finally shown his true feelings towards Levy!

Wow Mest, you messed up badly.... how stupid could you have been!

I keep saying it everytime a new character does something, but Irene OP, please nerf!
Apr 29, 2019 5:07 PM

Sep 2017
Well shit they actually did a thing. Not only did a ship become official, but someone actually "died." After Lisanna I don't trust shit and I'd say there's a 80% chance he's coming back but whatever.

I can't believe they just shit all over Mest's character like that to force conflict. Now that's a good meme.
May 11, 2019 6:21 AM

Aug 2017
Gajeel x Levy part was great.

Stupid Mest.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
May 15, 2019 3:00 AM
Jul 2018
Argh! Damn Mest messed it all! I'm so pissed.
May 16, 2019 8:13 AM
Jul 2018
Gator said:
Wow, Mest putting a memory into Brandish was double-bullshit. First he isn't nearly strong enough to do that and second he shouldn't be stupid enough to even try that. Irene vs Acnologia was too short as expected, let's see how that weird spell will work. Gajeel dying was.. unexpected? And not really fitting for this show.

Not dragging up old discussions I'm just a bit behind, but what do you mean mest isn't strong enough to do that? He convinced all of fairy tail he was a member, even though he really was, BUT also the magic council that he really wasn't, as well as fairy tail that he really wasn't when he really was.... wasnt was .... this headache is Mest/DoranBolts power, that and his zippidy doo da ness. I don't think it would be to unreasonable to assume that August would drop his guard for a comrade. While every onlooker can go, how dumb, how weak, don't forget this is a war against an army that wants them dead. It's a little kiddy anime so they often fail at delivering that sentiment. We can all go, "should have gave her a chance", but Brandish herself made it known they were still enemies. Despite us all wanting the opposition to learn the errors of their ways, they are still an overwhelmingly powerful force trying to kill them, so mestibolt saw an opportunity and took it. Id have probably done the same thing. Then again, after learning about zerriffs contradictions, Id have used my ability to convince the black wizard that he loves himself. Anywho, I got some catching up to do. In summary, dude is not as weak as you think.
Jun 3, 2019 7:20 PM
Apr 2016
Uhh, don't know what's all the fuss about Gajeel x Levy, this is Fairy Tail we're talking about, there's no way Gajeel died, lol. Interesting ending, seems like some really powerful magic.
Jul 13, 2019 4:06 PM

Jul 2017
The Gajeel x Levy moment was emotional in the manga and this episode did it justice, truly the best ship in this series.

Ah, Universe One.

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags; please hide plot details.
DeadlyRavenSep 5, 2019 6:03 PM

Jul 24, 2019 1:24 AM

Dec 2013
Gajeel and Levy moment was painful. Easily best ship in this series.

Mest's idea wasn't bad but August wasn't going down with a single stab.
Sep 5, 2019 4:02 PM

May 2014
About half-through the final season. Seeing Gajeel "die" and being send to another dimension was a meh reaction. I have seen enough to know he will miraculously somehow come back to life.

Irene's power on the other hand was really interesting. To reconstruct a whole continent is some amazing power. It can even be threatening to Acknologia himself. Seeing the preview he can be turned into a mouse or something smaller. Hahaha

Very fine ep. I suppose I have to wait 4-5 more moths for more ep. from Koten Gars. Oh well, I can wait I suppose. ^^
Sep 10, 2019 4:00 AM

Oct 2013
Okay, this was a damn good episode. Yeah sure I know Gajeel is probably coming back, but it didn't look like it within the context of this episode specifically, especially with how much development was spent focusing on his goodbye. No tears on my end, but it was a powerful moment, and it was heavy enough I actually believe there's a slim possibility Gajeel is really gone.

And that moment with Mest, Brandish, and August was a real "holy shit" from me. That was a crazy good twist and I was shook. Mest's getting a lot of hate in this thread and I kind of get it, but he also did something legit. He found an opportunity and seized it. There was no guarantee August could be convinced to back down, even having agreed to a temporary ceasefire.

In other news, I guess we're never gonna get an explanation for Mavis' projection. F

Oct 5, 2019 4:02 AM

Dec 2012
Gajeel fell for Levy?
Dragon Force.
Lily hold Levy.
Dem images.
Gajeel is gone.
6 more until all dragons are slayed.
Irene's perfection as she descends.
Acnologia, you better not touch Irene. I will enter the plot and end you.
Brandish eyes.
Dat stab! Dat blood.
Mest? Mest did that?
Oh shit! August is pissed!
Brandish is dead?
Melt. Dat blast!
Cana freed Mavis.
Mavis is awake?
Irene under oppai.
Irene side under oppai. Is that pantsu I see?
The whole of Fiore? WTF!
Hisui oppai.
World restructuring magic... Universe One?
Dat ending.

Irene perfection on full display. Also, Mest is a mad man.

2 1/2 chapters. When Levy was on the ground looking at Gajeel get sucked in, her booty was showing. They didn't show Mavis' naked body falling out. They didn't show Irene's pantsu when she was flipping. The anime actually added Hisui and the king.
RobOct 5, 2019 4:09 AM
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Oct 15, 2019 6:32 AM

Jul 2009
Yes!!! I finally saw Gajeel thinking of having a family with Levy!!!
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