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Nov 21, 2009 1:48 PM

Aug 2008
so finally Kikyou passes away sad episode

also i think Kikyou was a contractor, from DtB, i mean did u see that star fall when she died.
Nov 21, 2009 1:58 PM

Nov 2007
tsubasaloverNov 21, 2009 11:13 PM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 21, 2009 2:12 PM

Nov 2008
That was a great episode but still it felt like it was rushed. But still this is going to be one of my favorite episodes.

Now I can't wait for next week. My favorite arc is coming. Its one of the reasons I'm watching the animation. Hopefully the animation will not disappoint me.
ClementIVNov 21, 2009 2:20 PM
Nov 21, 2009 3:44 PM

Aug 2008
I can't understand...
Eight chapters... 18 left: what will it fill with?

I wonder... mmm... I don't know.
Nov 21, 2009 4:18 PM

Feb 2009
Wait so are the 26 episodes of this season covering the WHOLE rest of the manga? Or will there be more seasons after this?

And yes this episode was sad. I don't like Kikyo but that was damn sad, I cried. The next episode looks pretty intense.
Nov 21, 2009 4:38 PM

Jun 2008
Man, im really depressed...poor Kikyou, she didnt have to suffer so much to die T.T finally when she was getting along with inuyasha, kagome, sango, miroku and kohaku...poor Kikyou, she suffered too much.
Well, there will only be 26 eps, so yes, they are gonna make all the manga in the next eps, so many chapter will be missing, or will be very rushed.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Nov 21, 2009 4:41 PM

Aug 2009
Kikyo will be missed!

Nov 21, 2009 4:57 PM

Feb 2009
That just sucks. Everything's going to be rushed! They should just make another 4 seasons like they did the first time. >>
Nov 21, 2009 5:02 PM
Sep 2007
Really good episode, I had always felt bad for Kikyo and this episode made me feel even worse for her. Just when she begins to open up and be nice to everyone she has to die, though she did sae many lives in return.
Also poot Inuyasha, first time he cried, wow, Kikyo deserved those tears. I'll miss her character.

As for the next episode, it looks really good, it'll be focusing on Sesshomaru :)
Nov 21, 2009 5:05 PM

Nov 2008
the instrumental of Dearest is so beautiful
and i almost cried :'(
Nov 21, 2009 5:30 PM

Oct 2009
Rip Kikyou

Nov 21, 2009 5:54 PM

Jun 2008
I cried a lot. The instrumental of dearest is known as Inu and kikyo theme song. it only played in this episode and in the special eps 147-148 (special inu-kikyou eps). I cried in 147-148 when i heard that theme, and now i cried again T.T

I was touched...everyone cried for Kikyou and even Kouga felt sorry for her.


ワンダーランド花 ♥

Nov 21, 2009 8:47 PM

Feb 2009
I actually cried because it's so fucked up that they let Inuyasha protect everyone except Kikyo and she died without getting what she wanted until the end.

RIP Kikyo, no one's gonna be able to fill those shoes. :D

Nov 22, 2009 12:34 AM

Aug 2009
I cried. Goodness, the instrumental of Dearest really had me crying so much. It was a beautiful episode. I will miss Kikyou.. T_T

Sesshoumaru arc next.
Nov 22, 2009 3:09 AM

Mar 2007
Grrrrr, Why did Kikyou turned out to be such a Mary Sue?
What happened to the Kikyou everyone used to hate? The one that only wanted to kill Naraku and get back to Inuyasha? So now she wants to protect the whole humanity? yayyy. We love you Kikyou, RIP... hell no?!
Though I was sad too, as an Inu/Kago supporter I could not ignore it. I was angry when it happened in the manga, but now I'm even angrier. >:
Actually, this is the proof that Inuyasha will never love Kagome as much as he loved Kikyou... Now that Kikyou is dead, Kagome is just a default. Yes, I am sad for Kikyou, I'm sad for Inuyasha... but poor Kagome. I didn't want Inuyasha and her to get together that way. I wanted him to choose her... Well, it'll never happen. :
*Keeps on writing her Kagome/OMC fanfiction while cutting veins*
NushiNov 22, 2009 3:43 AM

InuKago OTP ^~^
Nov 22, 2009 3:30 AM

Apr 2008
Well, when I was reading the manga I felt really delighted after she passed out d: But with the music and stuff in anime her death scene looks really beautiful, dammit. Thus I'm a Kikyou hater :x (Well, kissing scene is a bit pissin').

I've always wondered WHY Rumiko Takeshi haven't left it, like, Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyou. There wouldn't be the problem of dual Inuyasha pairing, don't you agree?

But still I think it's one of the best episodes, instrumental of Dearest, like Yukari_Hiwada said, was epic ;^;
just demi
Nov 22, 2009 9:02 AM

Jun 2008
@Nushi: Well, just think this way: if Kikyo didnt die, the triangle would never end, no matter what, because Inuyasha cant let go Kikyo or Kagome. Its a fact that he loves both equally. He would never choose between them, so it was better this way, because it wouldnt make sense if he stayed with both, or with Kikyo. So, i was expecting Kikyo to die long time agoT.T
Plus, i think it sucks Kagome and Kikyo sharing the same soul, and Kagome being Kikyo´s reencarnation, because that only complicated the situation even more.
Im Kikyo lover, although i know Kagome stays better with Inuyasha. Kikyo changed during the anime, people can change, and all she wanted was to find peace. Besides that, Kikyo always wanted to protect the villagers, and children, so why not protect the friends of the person she loved the most? Everyone understood finally Kikyo´s heart, that´s why everyone cried in the anime. Why we, fans of the show should be hating her, if nobody in the anime hates her anymore?
@Demivrrr: Well, even the manga, the scene is beautiful, its a peaceful goodbye, without any hate. Kikyo died and yet, its weird, because the soul we saw going to the stars, is in fact...Kagome´s future soul. I think that´s why Kikyo said "now i can be an ordinary woman, finally", because her love for inuyasha was so strong, that she reborned as Kagome. Kagome was born as an ordinary woman, had a normal life and was happy, just like Kikyo wanted to be but she couldnt because she was trained since her childhood to be a priestess, to be cold and lonely. Reborning as Kagome made her wish come true.
Even Kagome realised that. For those who read the manga end
OrulyonNov 22, 2009 11:28 AM

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Nov 22, 2009 9:48 AM

Mar 2009
Sad episode.

Damn that Narako , when will he finally die!

Next episode looks awesome.
Nov 22, 2009 9:50 AM

Feb 2009
Nushi said:
Grrrrr, Why did Kikyou turned out to be such a Mary Sue?
What happened to the Kikyou everyone used to hate? The one that only wanted to kill Naraku and get back to Inuyasha? So now she wants to protect the whole humanity? yayyy. We love you Kikyou, RIP... hell no?!
Though I was sad too, as an Inu/Kago supporter I could not ignore it. I was angry when it happened in the manga, but now I'm even angrier. >:
Actually, this is the proof that Inuyasha will never love Kagome as much as he loved Kikyou... Now that Kikyou is dead, Kagome is just a default. Yes, I am sad for Kikyou, I'm sad for Inuyasha... but poor Kagome. I didn't want Inuyasha and her to get together that way. I wanted him to choose her... Well, it'll never happen. :
*Keeps on writing her Kagome/OMC fanfiction while cutting veins*

That's a pretty messed up thing to say even if you do advocate for your OTP. Don't be a fanboy/girl, characters can change, and Kikyo did change and that's what makes her special and NOT A MARY-SUE. (Do you actually know that definition?) In the end, I actually respect Kikyo way more than Kagome because even while Kagome was yet and still picturing Kikyo as this evil person constantly bewitching Inuyasha, she was out there risking the little bit of life she had left to keep HER friends safe. If that isn't selfish I don't know what is. And although Kagome figured out why she was wrong in the first place, I hope she learns to accept that Inuyasha will always love Kikyo in a way that Kagome can never be replaced by, and since it seems like she understands it, I say the love triangle can successfully pull to a close. :D

Nov 22, 2009 10:08 AM

Feb 2008
cabemaru said:
I can't understand...
Eight chapters... 18 left: what will it fill with?

I wonder... mmm... I don't know.

I agree with you, I don't know why are hurry up the chapters, all the important deaths at the moment already ocurred, okay not. yet...This part is a spoiler... Rin and then the slaughter is finished at least until the end.
The fear of dying without ever having knowing love was greater than the fear of death itself.
Nov 22, 2009 11:59 AM

Jan 2008
giganoBrago said:
the instrumental of Dearest is so beautiful
and i almost cried :'(

No "Almost" for me. Yea, they did that well.
Nov 22, 2009 12:04 PM

Feb 2009
cabemaru said:
I can't understand...
Eight chapters... 18 left: what will it fill with?

I wonder... mmm... I don't know.

I can see them doing it in 26 eps. Sure, it'll be rushed for the most part, but I can see them doing it.

Since this is the end of the whole "get the bow off the mountain/end of Kikiyo" event then

and that's all that is left to this series.
Nov 22, 2009 1:31 PM

Jan 2008
Absolutely beautiful episode. I'm thanking the production team from the bottom of my heart for animating it so well.

Yes, it actually had me crying which is rare. I'm so happy to see that they did justice to this scene. The music was absolutely perfect.
Nov 22, 2009 3:46 PM

Apr 2008
The best episode so far! I almost cried, when Kikyou passed away. At least she died in Inuyasha's arms and got a kiss.
Nov 22, 2009 3:51 PM

Aug 2008
For an episode that kills off one of its central characters, it was meh. I felt absolutely nothing, nor was I shocked by anything that happened this week. It's pretty ridiculous to see so many characters do so many stupid things during the fight with Naraku, that I'm really surprised that Koga and Miroku didn't die. Especially with the way the show has been on a killing spree. I expect Miroku to bit it in a few episodes, the way things are panning out.

Also, if I have to see another fight in the same dark canyon with the same dark sky, I'll probably throw something. The show is quite cheap.
Nov 22, 2009 4:03 PM

Sep 2008
Man, why is Kagome so useless?
I just want to punch her in the face since Kikyo died.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 22, 2009 4:17 PM

Sep 2009
Kagome is useless again, as always and it bugs me soo much. I don't get why an anime / manga has to have such a useless heroine.

It's a pity how sadly a new star born. :\
Nov 22, 2009 7:47 PM

Nov 2008
i think kikyo actually used the power in kagome´s arrow to purify the shikon no tama instead of saving himself

koga talking about kikyo, i felt like WTF? now he knows her? lol, they spend together like 3 or 4 eps, imo that was a forced comment to cause more tears T_T

yup they are killing everyone they can!, beware main chars even you are not safe! and this ep is the proof(points shippo) ^^

sadness was becaming unbearable, tears were coming out of my eyes faster than the peace of this season and then, that great kiss scene relieved some of the pain i was enduring ahhh(takes a deep breath)

RIP my beloved kikyo, you will be always alive in my fanfic ^^

meh time to upgrade meido zangetsu ha, sessho go do the hard work ^^
i really want to see naraku dead right now! grrrrrrr
Nov 22, 2009 8:33 PM

Nov 2007
Good thing I'm not watching this series. I simply wanted to hear Dearest at the end. lol.

Other than that, can't comment much. Only watched the Dearest part.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Nov 22, 2009 9:15 PM

May 2008
Excellent episode..I din not expect it to turn out so good....

Nov 22, 2009 11:04 PM

Aug 2009
Goddammit I've read the manga and knew this was coming but this doesn't make it any less sad, and they've even played the intrumental version of Dearest.. *tear flow rate spikes*

At the very least, my favorite arc is coming up next ;_;

Nov 23, 2009 1:55 AM

Apr 2009
Chimasternmay said:
so finally Kikyou passes away sad episode

also i think Kikyou was a contractor, from DtB, i mean did u see that star fall when she died.


Nov 23, 2009 9:04 AM

Oct 2007
noteDhero said:
For an episode that kills off one of its central characters, it was meh. I felt absolutely nothing, nor was I shocked by anything that happened this week. It's pretty ridiculous to see so many characters do so many stupid things during the fight with Naraku, that I'm really surprised that Koga and Miroku didn't die. Especially with the way the show has been on a killing spree. I expect Miroku to bit it in a few episodes, the way things are panning out.

Also, if I have to see another fight in the same dark canyon with the same dark sky, I'll probably throw something. The show is quite cheap.


"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Nov 23, 2009 12:15 PM

Dec 2008
Wait... I'm missing something really important here. How can Kikyo die when she's already dead? O.o
Nov 23, 2009 12:25 PM

Oct 2009
Very sad, I wanted to cry.../
I think Inuyasha's and Kikyo's love story is both sad and beautiful.
Farewell Kikyo, you will always be one of the most important characters in this story!
Nov 24, 2009 1:28 PM

Nov 2008
someone call the elric brothers, we need a homunculus here T_T and they can use the shiko-no tama as philosofer stone maybe xD
Nov 25, 2009 9:17 AM
Jun 2009
the episode is really sad, ohh and i love the place where they bring kikyo
i love that hill and the sky at night is soooo nice..with all of them sitting there....and crying..XDDD and paired up....
Inuyasha and kikyo
sango and maruko
kagome and koga....sweeeeet...
kirara and shippu

though i'm kikyo hater (not as in hater.i still like her a bit) i still feel sorry for her....

if only kagome seen that kissing scene....
i think inuyasha love kikyo more than kagome -.-
Nov 25, 2009 10:57 PM

Aug 2009
chikane_Himemiya said:

if only kagome seen that kissing scene....
i think inuyasha love kikyo more than kagome -.-

ya i think true,
inuyasha starts to love kagome cause she looks like kikyo in the first place

but no doubt about it, inuyasha and kikyo is one of the saddest couples in the anime i've seen so far

rest in peace kikyo
rest in peace

Nov 25, 2009 10:58 PM

Aug 2009
doblefilo said:
someone call the elric brothers, we need a homunculus here T_T and they can use the shiko-no tama as philosofer stone maybe xD

you rock man !!!!

Nov 28, 2009 8:15 AM

Nov 2008
Ah, shit. I cried like a baby. KIKYOU!! :(
Nov 28, 2009 4:07 PM

May 2008
I liked the instrumental version of 'Dearest' they had during the end of the episode.

And this is my personal opinion, but as a full supporting Kikyo HATER, I have to say..

YES. BITCH BE DEAD. BITCH BE DEAAADD. FINALLY. I was getting so tired of her just wallowing and walking around as a walking dead person, and getting in the way all the time. Not to mention screwing up Inuyasha's head :/ He's so much better off with Kagome.

FFS it's about time. Thank god. I couldn't be happier. I finally don't have to put up with seeing Kikyo anymore.

Nov 29, 2009 6:33 AM

Jun 2008
@KayChan4U: Well, too bad that even after Kikyo´s death, Kagome has this huge Kikyo complex or in the end of the manga

No offense to Kagome lovers. Personally i love Kikyo and i like Kagome almost as much as Kikyo,(and although im a Kikyo lover, iam a Kagome and Inu supporter) that´s why i cant understand all the hate about her, that pisses me off, because we all guess from the start that Kagome, obviously would stay with Inuyasha, because they are the main characters and Kikyo was a living dead. So, peace, people! If you´re a Kikyo hater, at least respect her fans! and have you noticed that NOBODY in the inuyasha group was happy to see her die?! Even Kagome was crying like hell, which means she was not happy at all!(you see, that way, Inuyasha never choosed between the two, and besides that, Kagome and Kikyo were finally in peace with eachother).

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Nov 29, 2009 9:53 AM

Mar 2009
oh my. from the moment that kikyou is dying. im crying too.
what a sad scene!
Nov 29, 2009 2:37 PM

Jun 2008
I didn't think I would cry so hard, and I'm in love with Inuyasha x Kagome, but I really liked Kikyou and had so much respect for her and her relationship with Inuyasha. The music brought good memories and had a nice effect, really hit the spot.

In regards to what Nushi said, I think definitely he would have chosen Kikyou over Kagome (and has happened before) if she hadn't died. I think luckily, Kagome is there to be with him and as her reincarnation I find it a natural fate really. Everyone should know your first love will always be different from the others, Kagome understands that. But I'm very glad Inuyasha is able to love her as well<3
Nov 29, 2009 5:19 PM

May 2007
giganoBrago said:
the instrumental of Dearest is so beautiful
and i almost cried :'(

My words exactly.
I never thought something like InuYasha would be this emotional.

Kikyo forever <3 ;_____________;

Nov 29, 2009 11:05 PM

Jul 2008
Well, there goes my reason (Kikyo) for watching this. I don't know how I'm going to get through the rest of the episodes when she isn't there anymore. ugh.
Nov 30, 2009 9:08 PM

Nov 2009
This episode was so much better than all the previous ones.

And, yes guys, you've heard it here first: Kikyo is my first choice. Kagome is good too though, so I'm content.
"Love isn't finding a perfect person. It's seeing an imperfect person perfectly." Whatever that means.
Dec 5, 2009 9:10 AM

Sep 2008
): Sad episode. The instrumental version of Dearest is really moving. Really beautiful. Couldn't have picked a better piece to play when Kikyo was dying.

I stopped being a Kikyo-hater a long time ago so of course I felt bad for her... The manga made me cry, but I didn't cry while watching the anime episode... (Maybe because I was eating lunch. XD' My bad...)

I'm super glad that Kohaku's with Sesshy. Otherwise I'd think that Naraku would just fly over to Kohaku and kidnap him. If he tried now, though, Sesshoumaru would just be all "YOU MUST DIE [even if I don't care about Kohaku]", I bet.
Dec 7, 2009 8:06 AM
Sep 2009
DarcyD said:
Nushi said:
Grrrrr, Why did Kikyou turned out to be such a Mary Sue?
What happened to the Kikyou everyone used to hate? The one that only wanted to kill Naraku and get back to Inuyasha? So now she wants to protect the whole humanity? yayyy. We love you Kikyou, RIP... hell no?!
Though I was sad too, as an Inu/Kago supporter I could not ignore it. I was angry when it happened in the manga, but now I'm even angrier. >:
Actually, this is the proof that Inuyasha will never love Kagome as much as he loved Kikyou... Now that Kikyou is dead, Kagome is just a default. Yes, I am sad for Kikyou, I'm sad for Inuyasha... but poor Kagome. I didn't want Inuyasha and her to get together that way. I wanted him to choose her... Well, it'll never happen. :
*Keeps on writing her Kagome/OMC fanfiction while cutting veins*

That's a pretty messed up thing to say even if you do advocate for your OTP. Don't be a fanboy/girl, characters can change, and Kikyo did change and that's what makes her special and NOT A MARY-SUE. (Do you actually know that definition?) In the end, I actually respect Kikyo way more than Kagome because even while Kagome was yet and still picturing Kikyo as this evil person constantly bewitching Inuyasha, she was out there risking the little bit of life she had left to keep HER friends safe. If that isn't selfish I don't know what is. And although Kagome figured out why she was wrong in the first place, I hope she learns to accept that Inuyasha will always love Kikyo in a way that Kagome can never be replaced by, and since it seems like she understands it, I say the love triangle can successfully pull to a close. :D

I dont get your point.
Of course shes going to save everyone else.
What about in episode 98 when she carried Kikyo out of the cave?
Or when she saved her in episode 151 from dying again?

Goddamit you guys, Kikyous been dead since EPISODE 1!
She also died again and then Kagome brought her back
in episode 151!
Enough is enough!

And it hasnt been confirmed who Inuyasha loves more.
He just felt because because he couldnt protect Kikyo.

More respect for Kagome.
if she was the one who died,
imagine how inuyasha would act.
Dec 7, 2009 9:58 AM

Jun 2008
vietboy89 said:

I dont get your point.
Of course shes going to save everyone else.
What about in episode 98 when she carried Kikyo out of the cave?
Or when she saved her in episode 151 from dying again?

Goddamit you guys, Kikyous been dead since EPISODE 1!
She also died again and then Kagome brought her back
in episode 151!
Enough is enough!

And it hasnt been confirmed who Inuyasha loves more.
He just felt because because he couldnt protect Kikyo.

More respect for Kagome.
if she was the one who died,
imagine how inuyasha would act.

I think both Kagome and Kikyo should be respected. We did not offend Kagome. Lets not forget that Kagome shares her soul with Kikyo, so, that means both are not bad.
We all know, no matter how many times we try to deny it, that Inuyasha loves both. It is impossible for him to choose, and i think that every inuyasha fan can see that or is blind.
Kagome saved Kikyo, but Kikyo also saved Miroku etc etc. And Kikyo was very grateful to Kagome when she died, she told her not to cry.

Indeed, the truth is we will never know who he loved more, because he didnt get the chance to CHOOSE. So for Kikyo haters who are super happy for Kikyo´s death, i dont think her death was the best thing it could ve happen because till the end of the manga we know that even Kikyo is dead, she wasnt forgotten by him, so i wonder, if she remained alive, would he stop being after her? i dont think so. but well there are some evidence that Inuyasha really loved Kikyo, so if people start saying that all his tears were because he felt sorry for her, oh god, then you must be blind.
EPISODE 10- inuyasha cries tears of blood for kikyo. The flower demon who can read the hearts, tells him:
"You´re sad because the woman you loved the most is dead"
And when Kagome asked him if we would follow kikyo to death he didnt replied.
It was not sorry what he felt for her, or he wouldnt be in such an intense pain.
So peace guys!Kikyo has been dead since ep.1 for sure. too bad but she didnt die in inuyasha´s heart. His love for her remains!

ワンダーランド花 ♥

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