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Nov 21, 2021 1:59 PM

Jan 2012
Ost at the end was a top-tier, gave me chills. All in all a cool episode. Really hope the show will take a more story-driven turn but it's still fine as is.
Nov 21, 2021 2:02 PM

Nov 2019
Let's see what they'll do with my favorite arc. Get ready for a lot of feels at the end of it all, as always...
"All truth is meaningless. In the end, 'meaning' comes from the mind of each individual human. Even when there is a single truth, it can mean different things to different individuals. The truth has no meaning in itself!" - Erika Furudo
Nov 21, 2021 2:03 PM

Jun 2021
ErvolHetain said:
God bless, Passione.

how do u get the picture in full screen? i cant xD only the ass, and i have the episode in 1080p
Nov 21, 2021 2:16 PM

Jan 2020
I love the after credits man. It really adds to the series without being a roadblock or slowing anything down from the main story.

The guy on the train with the axe is probably the scariest dude we've seen yet lmao. I didn't even think that they can use weapons but the more you know. The part with the sensei was pretty emotional too with the baby :(

I hope things things go well with that. And speaking of that, I really wonder what the situation with the new teacher will be but surely she isn't gonna grow to him or he's not gonna become good or anything right? But who knows.

I'm interested in seeing how things play out and I enjoyed this episode

Nov 21, 2021 2:27 PM
Jul 2018
Miko's brother looks like her at times, Miko saw a lot of ghosts in this episode each with a different species I find it interesting and also this ending gives goosebumps with this teacher I have no doubt that there is something behind this ghost accompanied him.
Nov 21, 2021 2:27 PM

Jan 2021
The ghost on the subway looked kinda cool it was also nice to see the mom the end credit scene was nice too
Nov 21, 2021 2:28 PM
May 2017
Syureria said:
Since Arai-sensei is on leave due to pregnancy, So there's a substitute teacher in Miko's class, but this guy seems quite dangerous, that eyes, uwaaa.... he's a Tono yoshi-sensei? 遠野善 that guy with pet spirits/ghost? Idk I don't understand the last scene.

Maybe it is time for Miko to stop pretending to ignore everything she sees and start putting her gift (or curse, depending on how it is seen) into good use. Fact is she already start questioning herself about it.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Nov 21, 2021 2:32 PM

Apr 2015
Passione blessing us with tights... It definitely suits her!

The train scenes were incredibly creepy, who knew that spirits could hide in actual humans and this slasher just slashes humans to find the ones that are hiding. He just pulled one out of that lady next to Miko-chan.

The pregnant segment was quite mysterious but also eerie at first, first impression was that there was a spirit trying to possess a baby that still has to be born, until I understood that the spirit going around the belly of the teacher was actually her previous (unborn?) son. Pretty touching moment right there.

Oh no, the evil cat guy is the replacement teacher... This is going to give some interesting situations, I wonder if he still have hard feelings on not being handed the cat back then.

Speaking about that cat, was nice to see the good cat guy again. I really feel kinda sorry for the guy. Two cat spirits still with him but his wife also has passed.. Damn
Nov 21, 2021 2:41 PM

Aug 2020
Family time with little brother plus a little fanservice. So that was the first baby spirit on the Teacher, the train scene was pretty scary. This new teacher is a walking disaster. Next episode will be great.

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Nov 21, 2021 3:14 PM

Feb 2018
leonardobarba said:
Maybe it is time for Miko to stop pretending to ignore everything she sees and start putting her gift (or curse, depending on how it is seen) into good use. Fact is she already start questioning herself about it.
Ma, I agree with you... she can't pretend anymore. It made me for clear, thanks for this :")
Nov 21, 2021 3:25 PM

Dec 2016
Kyousuke assuming that Miko was on her period when in truth she got the scare of her life and pissed herself
Me if I was in her place

Moon_ShamNov 21, 2021 3:31 PM
Nov 21, 2021 3:27 PM
Feb 2021
Pregnancy part was super sad and painful
Nov 21, 2021 3:32 PM
May 2017
Abysmal_Saint76 said:
Pregnancy part was super sad and painful

And a strong reminder for Miko that not everything she sees is malign.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Nov 21, 2021 3:38 PM
Sep 2020
I can only imagine the amount of robbery that Miko went through!
Nov 21, 2021 3:47 PM
May 2016
Probably the most consistently good show this season, love it. Feel like I'm on the same emotional roller coaster as Miko every episode. Train scary, happy scene with mom and cups, teacher sad, then happy, substitute teacher scary, scary-looking cat guy happy.
MenchiK1Nov 21, 2021 3:51 PM
Nov 21, 2021 3:58 PM

Aug 2020
Miko and Kyousuke decided to buy a present for their mom, and turns out that even at the shop the ghosts annoyed the poor Miko. It was kinda forseen to be honest. Going back home, there was a second challenge: the ghost with the axe. Fortunately, there wasn't any spirit inside Miko's body, like there was in the lady by her side. And after all, she had to buy new panties xD

I think the scene with Miko, Hana and their pregnant teacher was a surprise. The teacher's pregnancy was her second try, since her first baby didn't survive. And his spirit came to terms with her. Hana told Miko about the day she tried to buy a drink at the machine and there was an insect in the button, and that she had to get over it, accept and let go. Miko decided to do the same when finding a ghost, but she couldn't handle it. She pointed an important question: why does she spot spirits?

I didn't see the creepy guy becoming a teacher coming, it was very surprising. He's even more odd with those red eyes... The post-credits scene with the cat-owner man was wholesome.

Nov 21, 2021 4:19 PM

Feb 2020
Ah, Miko's fanservice back. Its about time. Miko looks calm enough to face the first spg spirit. But the other on the train mostly reached her limit. Poor Miko, got her brother misunderstood her condition.

Though, never know the evil spirit like that axed living being to dragged out its food. Interesting concept. But, still, using Hana as a grill tool actually a better way to gain good food.

Third one, once again some spirit turned into a good one, with no harm at all. Because its responded to Mama wish about the next baby. Miko thought about facing it head-on later. But, while there's still some nasty spirit, like that moth one, and then the recurring cat person, looks like Miko will keep the silent treatment as the better approaching.
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Nov 21, 2021 4:31 PM

Jun 2016
erjata said:

Miko always give us some fanservice :3

Miko's Holy Butt was a nice view. <3

It was a very emotional episode, and she seems to start thinking about helping some of the ghosts she encounters.
Nov 21, 2021 4:43 PM

Oct 2009
Kyousuke is such a good younger brother. Fav bit in the episode was the middle segment on the train. That mad ghost swinging his axe was anxiety inducing and I did really think something bad was going to come to Miko-chan. Lucky nothing came of it.

Sad to hear about the teacher miscarrying but the replacement teacher being that creepy guy in the park left me feeling apprehensive. Hopefully he doesn't create too much trouble to Miko but who knows what he is up to...
Nov 21, 2021 5:21 PM

Feb 2016
Really enjoyed this episode. It's interesting to see other types of spirits out there, from the fox yokai guardians to the reaper guy on the train. I wish she could have acknowledged the guy stuck in the pole or put down an offering for his safe passage to the next life. I'd love to know why the spirits seem to go bad... is it regrets or unresolved issues that happened during their lifetime? Also hitting me in the feels these past few eps as I had a recent loss.
Nov 21, 2021 5:25 PM

Oct 2011
I was wondering in the begining, how they would keep things fresh with this plot... because is basically Miko ignoring ghost after ghost, XD... but they manage to create some interesting and more tense situations every episode...

the axe guy was pretty tense... and the situation with the teacher too, in a different way... imagine in her place... seeing a ghost-thing attached to the belly of your pregnant teacher... you can't help but worry, but also don't know what this is, or what to do about it... good thing in the end, wasn't anything to worry... and still turned out into an emotional moment
Nov 21, 2021 6:23 PM

Jun 2021
Not a bad episode, but something a little different would be nice.
Nov 21, 2021 7:55 PM

Dec 2018
The best episode so far!
I'd remember that axe ghost in the manga scene... both manga and anime version is really intense!
Sensei scene is really a heart touching moment, shed a little tear when founding out about that small white spirit is actually the baby deceased older brother...

Here we go, the best arc is going to get animated~ The substitute teacher is finally arrived. Wow, that sinister look from that substitute teacher do made Miko worried more.
Nov 21, 2021 8:57 PM

Mar 2016
No middle ground this episode. From creepy/terrifying to making you bawl, to creepy/terrifying, to making you bawl again.

What the hell has been happening in some of these places to have all these messed up spirits hanging around. The one that looked like a car crash victim made sense, but all the others make me wonder why they're there. What looked like an attendent in the changing room followed by some sort of bounty hunter on the train that was pulling haunting spirits from people (could that one be considered 'good', even though it was glowing gold?).
We then got a weird cloud haunting sensei's baby...until it was revealed to be her first child. Hopefully that spirit will help this one grow strong. Was also beautiful that we got to see cat lover (ex-yakuza?) being loveable again while scaring the crap out of shop keepes due to his appearance xD

What the f*** is that guy doing at the school being a teacher of all things?! He is clearly a cold and calculating psychopath! As if having to deal the ghosts wasn't enough, now Miko has to deal with a living person who likely wants to kill her :S
Nov 21, 2021 10:10 PM
Jul 2021
One thing I didn't understand. In the mid way of the episode why did Miko and her brother leave the train early and they went to buy underwear? It wasn't mentioned in the start why ?
Nov 21, 2021 10:27 PM
Oct 2021
Anime_Novice75 said:
One thing I didn't understand. In the mid way of the episode why did Miko and her brother leave the train early and they went to buy underwear? It wasn't mentioned in the start why ?

It's implied she soiled herself because she was so scared.
Nov 21, 2021 11:50 PM

Feb 2016
I swear to god the bald guy and his cats get me every time, it's so sad yet wholesome T-T
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Nov 22, 2021 1:04 AM

Nov 2021
I fraking love it. And i didnt expect the strange dude (the teacher) to comeback.

Nov 22, 2021 1:50 AM

Apr 2020
glad to see the bald guy again.
Nov 22, 2021 4:23 AM
Oct 2019
oh boy the ghost in the train was so scary...
holy shit.

damn the sensei unborn baby, and that Bald guy. how this Horror Anime making me feel sad.

Gojo sensei is here.. or not...
Nov 22, 2021 5:45 AM

Feb 2020
Y'all don't miss out on the post-credit scene!
Nov 22, 2021 5:56 AM

Oct 2016
Damn, we went from wholesome shopping to terrifying axe man to wholesome ghost baby to terrifying new teacher to wholesome cat loving yakuza looking man and it was great. Was pretty sweet that Miko and Kyousuke bought their mom a couple mug.

I can respect Passione's passion in adding at least one small fanservice scene every episode lmao, Godbless Passione.

The train axe ghost's design, while disgusting because of the bug legs growing out of it was pretty fucking cool. I doubt it's collecting ghosts possessing people out of the kindness of it's heart though, it might have just been looking for food maybe.

That was pretty fucking tense though. As long as Miko doesn't show that she sees them, she's good. But I like that she's thinking about what to do with her abilities now, that's definitely foreshadowing for when she finally confronts her abilities head on.

The baby scene was so sweet, I was wondering what that white spirit was, but it was the sensei's first baby, that hit hard. I am really looking forward to the next episode, time for some plot.
Nov 22, 2021 6:08 AM
Aug 2020
The cat sensei in the end , my friend spoiled me about him. His backstory is gonna be sad .
Nov 22, 2021 8:54 AM

Jul 2021
this was the most packed episode uptill now, we start with dressing room ghost then the scary axe ghost in the train, this train ghost encounter must be the most scary one for meiruko till now. also that sensei scene was kinda scary in the beginning, i was scared that spirit was gonna do something to the baby, in the end it was bittersweet, i hope all goes well for that sensei. now we are back at the story they showed us in the beginning of series, the evil and good cat people, i wonder when they are gonna re-introduce that old woman again, haven't seen her since like episode 2 or 3. post-credit scene was wholesome and kinda sad too,i think the good cat guy is going to have a sad backstory, i wonder if he too is able to see all the ghosts or just of his cats...

The end of an era. Thank you Wit, Mappa and Isayama.
Feeling half happy, half sad.

Kawaii waifus
and precious
  best girls <3333

Nov 22, 2021 9:02 AM

Dec 2017
Wow, I forgot about the ghost of the ax, I loved the killer slasher design. Poor Miko but I manage to hold on and not react
Great, the new teacher has arrived and with it more of the kitten ghosts

Nov 22, 2021 10:13 AM

Dec 2015
the sensei scene and the last scene were both so sad but wholesome :')
Nov 22, 2021 11:50 AM

Nov 2014
Ok, taking axe to the fact has pushed the bar much higher than I expected. Miko should start playing poker.
Nice shot in changing room. They should start releasing those as end-cards or even better 4k pics.
Not a fan of new teacher part. Hopefully it doesn't develop into some drama or other shit.

I feel like this anime found a nice balance of somewhat scary but also funny ghost scenes, fanservice and wholesomness. I had some worries eary on, but now I enjoy it a lot in its current form.

erjata said:
ErvolHetain said:
God bless, Passione.

how do u get the picture in full screen? i cant xD only the ass, and i have the episode in 1080p

Multiple images stiched together, most probably. And what does resolution have to do with it? It's not like it affects field of view.
Nov 22, 2021 1:44 PM

Nov 2020
Anyone watching this ep watch the post credit scene. It will be worth it. It’s jus30 seconds long. Great to see more emotions in this ep. Absolutely loved it.
Na, Hashiru No Suki Ka?

Nov 22, 2021 2:36 PM
Aug 2017
that ghost asking for help is it just a nod to future episodes, or did i miss something about that scene?
Nov 22, 2021 2:46 PM

Jul 2014
This episode really went for the emotional rollercoaster, huh? A stark contrast between the terror of the axe-wielding ghost (not entirely sure why it kept attacking people after finding the spirit it was looking for in that one woman, but it made for some real tension) and the sadness of the dead baby's spirit.

And it looks like we're going into the arc with the new teacher next, presumably to round off the cour with the current pacing.
Nov 22, 2021 6:12 PM

Jan 2011
really dont know what i was expecting when this first aired the amount of mix feelings i get watching each week ,it's never fully laugh out loud funny or super sad or even that scary but it likes to just through those curve balls at you and make me go "oh well that was kinda sad but sweet" now back creepy yokai popping up

now that i'm more used to it i think it's current form is more interesting then haha a spooky ghost is there but she cant look at it bit that it started off as

train slasher was neat and kinda cool since it had a motive once again didn't seem all that bad? not sure where they plan on going with how they've shown some of them not really being all that harmful to people.

....but this sensei sub on the other hand..
Nov 22, 2021 6:38 PM

Apr 2012
I'm wondering if the girl who had the ghost on The train was alright. She was asleep all throughout.
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Nov 22, 2021 6:48 PM

Jul 2016
This show definitely reaches its peak when it comes to "emotional" segments. Such a shame they are so short and are so scattered throughout the anime.

Pretty decent episode again. I absolutely loved the design of the axe-wielding spectre and had it been longer, I'm pretty sure the segment about Sensei's first baby would have made me cry.

By the way, I'm honestly surprised it took 48 comments for someone to finally post Miko's umpteenth ass-shot.
Nov 22, 2021 9:56 PM

Dec 2016
Loved the sibling fan service at the beginning.

When Kyousuke asked Miko if she's done changing and was about to open the curtain then how Miko went “No!”
I was like “You're all shy now where was this shyness when you two took a bath together ◐.̃◐” 😂

I think that ghost with an axe was taking out those ghosts who possessed people. It might have looked scary but it had a good intention.

Damn never thought that cat killer would do a comeback....he's more creepy than those deformed ghosts.

The after credits scene was just wholesome. Felt like I was watching a proper different version of Gokushufudou XD
Good way to end it after showing that cat killer.
Rickydory123Nov 22, 2021 10:02 PM
Nov 22, 2021 10:10 PM

Mar 2017
Ahhh, we're getting my favorite arc in Mieruko-chan as of right now. Can't wait to see everything animated!
Nov 23, 2021 1:20 AM

Dec 2008
A normal day in Miko's life... or not.
A lot of content during this episode.

Shopping started rather harmless with dressing room spirit that only was slightly annoying, but Miko didn't want to go back inside again.

she did wet herself, didn't she? No, wonder actually, every episode they throw more shitty spirits at her. The axe murderer was just too much, in the end he found his right victim but continued anyway. The people didn't suffer from getting hit.
Still I feel that Miko overreacts, no spirit no matter how fucking ugly did harm her so far.

At first I thought that fog on the pregnant teacher was disgusting, but it took a really good turn when the spirit turned out to be the deceased child, as it touched the womans finger, that was so sweet and sad at the same time. I believe that is a good way to cope with such situations when pregnancy ends in the bad way.

and then the teacher of hell arrived, oh man Miko must be cursed.
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Nov 23, 2021 1:52 AM

May 2018
Wow the new homeroom teacher though...
My Candies:

Nov 23, 2021 3:54 AM
Sep 2021
How in the world are you all just going to ignore the baby spirit seen, that scene almost made me cry. When she said "you see, this is our second time" and then the spirits little baby hand grabbed her mother's finger, I died😭 what a Nice episode
Nov 23, 2021 5:17 AM

Aug 2021
I'm so ready for what the teacher is gonna do
Nov 23, 2021 6:02 AM

Dec 2008
weebisme1 said:
How in the world are you all just going to ignore the baby spirit seen, that scene almost made me cry. When she said "you see, this is our second time" and then the spirits little baby hand grabbed her mother's finger, I died😭 what a Nice episode
Yeah, that was fantastic although it made me tear up like nothing else.
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