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Oct 15, 2021 9:54 AM

May 2021
Haha booobs boobs every where
Oct 15, 2021 11:00 AM

Mar 2019
teasing NTR from the first episode are we ? lmao not the best start here
i heard that the manga is a shit show so i'm not expecting anything here really lmao
this is gonna be at the bottom of my list i just know it
Oct 15, 2021 12:37 PM
Dec 2019
AddaeAkono said:
I finally watched the uncensored version of episode 1 and its a shame that we have to wait until Winter 2022 to see the rest of it. I can understand the frustrations with the MC not willing to mate with the other girls when I read the manga, but you have to understand that Ersa said that she would wait for him before going into cold sleep. He has a right to know about Ersa's whereabouts since she disappeared and nobody knows where she is.

He is basically saying "If I have to save humanity by mating I'm going to make love with the one I have confessed to!" He has a month to find his true love I can wait for the other episodes. (In 2022) If he does find her they may be a chance Ersa may be willing to do it.
Oct 15, 2021 2:14 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Started watching this for obvious reasons, but dang this is actually kind of sad.

Alright maybe I read this wrong, but 99% of men died, and 5 survived. Does that mean there was only 500 men in the world to begin with??

Hope this isn't the case where it's just 11 episodes of the mc refusing to bang. Anyway, time to wait until January I guess

whiskey tango foxtrot

Oct 15, 2021 3:36 PM

Mar 2014
I couldn't stop laughing through out this episode xD

It's was pretty obvious without reading the summary on how this was going to go.
Men killing virus, only women in the world so pretty predictable.

This MC is pretty damn loyal and tough to resist all these women. I wonder how has the mnaga been going on for 5 years now... Can't be him being in bed with Every single women in the world now...Come on
"You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Oct 15, 2021 3:56 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Videoman190 said:
AddaeAkono said:
I finally watched the uncensored version of episode 1 and its a shame that we have to wait until Winter 2022 to see the rest of it. I can understand the frustrations with the MC not willing to mate with the other girls when I read the manga, but you have to understand that Ersa said that she would wait for him before going into cold sleep. He has a right to know about Ersa's whereabouts since she disappeared and nobody knows where she is.

He is basically saying "If I have to save humanity by mating I'm going to make love with the one I have confessed to!" He has a month to find his true love I can wait for the other episodes. (In 2022) If he does find her they may be a chance Ersa may be willing to do it.

I have read the manga so I'm not going to spoil anything Ersa and why she became his handler.
Oct 15, 2021 4:25 PM

Apr 2007
As expected, the MC is a gutless little bitch surrounded by assertive women.

Pre_Yum said:
Ah... the censored version. Well, all I've heard about this series is that this is culturally the closest you can get to the Henti and still keep it inside the Anime category. The first episode was alright, I guess. The main guy, Reito has to do so much work in this world. LMAO. And, all these women... Idk but being left in such a world, where you're one of the last men left can either be a curse or a blessing.

Well, we'll have to see how that's gonna go. But, Idk how they're going to adapt this. Either it's gonna be a fuck ton of censorship or just straight-up porn on National Television. LOL.

Well you heard wrong. Unless the MC has sex. Yosuga no Sora remains the closest(non-OVA) anime you can get to hentai without being one. Followed by Seikon no Qwaser & HSDXD(maybe).
Oct 15, 2021 5:31 PM

Jan 2021
It should’ve been me, not him! it’s not fair
Oct 15, 2021 6:51 PM

Aug 2011
It's just a good wank at the end of the day nothing to take seriously, although the music surprised me lol.
Oct 15, 2021 7:36 PM
Nov 2020
I'm surprised there isn't more talk about this... what is this anime/story implying about a world that is virtually inhabited by only women? I mean, why exactly did society fall apart and many ending up in poverty just because men ceased to exist? Would this scenario also occur if all the women (save a handful) died instead?
Oct 15, 2021 7:57 PM
Mar 2015
"Give me your sperm"
Oct 16, 2021 12:03 AM
May 2021
I know it's for plot purposes but the fact he is refusing to have sex with beautiful women to save the world is ridiculous.
Oct 16, 2021 2:26 AM
Jun 2017
I've watched the uncensored version, and love its premise so im going to watch this one
Oct 16, 2021 4:05 AM

Mar 2013
I feel like watching a scientific version of
here. lol
It's not that I dislike this genre but... to add unnecessary fan services to/in/for heroines
and ultimately destroys her character and personality; their purity tarnished because of it,
is the only thing I hope to not happen to them. For that sole purity is my fan service.
Oct 16, 2021 8:32 AM
Jun 2016
While all the woman so far are very nice llking, I hope we don't see much on the loli sie of things as for my personal tastes I'd prefer the mature sexy types.

The protagonists is such a wimp, yes I get it, he loves the main girl who's missing, but you would think as a man of science he would understand that it is for the better of mankind that he get busy with these woman.

But if they need it so badly and he's refusing to cooperate, can't they just ye know let the woman go loose on him or is that not okay?

Also these are my predication,
1, She has turned her mind into that of an AI to help find a cure.
2, she put her mind into an android body so she can keep reseraching without needing to eat or sleep.
3, she has long since died and the caretaker girl is her clone which is why she looks after the mc and looks so much like her.
4, she's in cryo sleep too because she has a deadly virus that only affects woman
5, She's alive and well just deep in her research on a cure.
or 6, she is pregnant and caring for a child right now.
7, she went into hidding because she broke her promise and gave herself to another man

I am looking for help on finding a anime that I may have forgotten to add to my list.

The name eludes me thus why i ask for help.

To narrow it down, it was magic themed, but in a modern setting, magic was unknown to common folks, main characters best friend is talking with a mage to help her get off a island she was trapped on, and in exchange she helps solve the mystery of how his sister died.
The magic had a cost of using silver for it?
Or just metal in general for it.

Any help would be apprecated as this has been driving me mad for some time now, I used to keep notes, but i lost those phyisical notes.
Oct 16, 2021 10:12 AM
Aug 2020
I only have a question, is the main character gay? I meen how tf can you miss so hard? Bro you are living every guys dream and you just say no?! This the first time i say i love Issei from dxd, he would be the perfect candidate for the main character.
Oct 16, 2021 1:31 PM

May 2016
I watched for the plot and ended up with regret, the setting is can be really dark if they want and direct it that way which probably won't happen tho i kinda have a bit of hope.
Oct 16, 2021 11:53 PM

Apr 2021
sonu711 said:
Haha booobs boobs every where

Boobs are indeed everywhere.
Oct 17, 2021 4:27 AM

Dec 2018
Great first episode~
I don't really hate the MC for being loyal to the girl he love... But, I don't think she will be angry if he mate with many girls to save the humanity.
But then again.... In the future, If those babies got same father from different mother....
Home sweet Alabama.
Oct 17, 2021 5:50 AM

Jan 2017
I came in expecting a crazy ass plot and indeed I got myself a crazy ass plot, watching the uncensored ver is just the icing on this cake

Welp time to wait another 3 months for the 2nd episode I guess
Oct 17, 2021 6:22 AM
Oct 2021
Not sure why everyone is so much exited about this seires. The overoll story is mediocre and the protagonist will do sex at the end of the series. If this was anime adaptation of Parallel Paradise I could understand why it would be so controversial.
Oct 17, 2021 11:31 AM

Apr 2018
This is extremely unrealistic.
There is not a single normal hetero/bisexual man that would resist such lust.
Oct 20, 2021 9:11 AM
Oct 2021
Anime sangat seru
Oct 20, 2021 2:39 PM
Feb 2019
Mihaeroff said:
This is extremely unrealistic.
There is not a single normal hetero/bisexual man that would resist such lust.

you already said normal
Oct 21, 2021 1:44 AM
Mar 2021
Again and again, we have a naive MC (mizuhara reito) like bruh
Oct 21, 2021 11:17 AM

Nov 2020
Isn't the girl he is looking for, right infront of him? whatever, well looking forward on how things go.
Oct 24, 2021 11:48 AM
May 2019
Sh1r0u said:
Isn't the girl he is looking for, right infront of him? whatever, well looking forward on how things go.


Oct 24, 2021 2:46 PM

Jul 2021
Decent first episode, but not really a fan of the mc. Also like there's no way that purple haired girl isn't related to the girl he's looking for in some way, right? If anything, why hasn't he questioned why she looks so much like the girl he's looking for? Kinda stupid if you ask me
Oct 24, 2021 3:03 PM
Jan 2019
Where Can i Watch this show? Cause it’s not on crounchy Roll and there is only 1 episode on pirate sites such as “ or kissanime” where i Usually Watch stuff.
Oct 26, 2021 12:06 AM

Dec 2015
the thing with this one is. i don't think any of y'all have done the math... i ran some VERY rough numbers.

using drugs and herbal supplements it's not exactly hard to cause a woman to ovulate. the problem is the dude's plumbing. there's new studies saying it takes a dude's nuts 42 days to grow a sperm. so, assuming dude hasn't 'expelled' anything in the 42 days before he was frozen, his tank's full.

now let's say all 5 guys are 20 years old. 40+ year old human males' number of swimmers goes down a LOT. so we'll say the stud lifetime of our first 5 guys is 20 years.

HOOAH! for girl 2 would need to wait approximately 24 hours for the 'fluids' to rebuild... the swimmers are there, but their bus to the oven's not fueled up. HOOAH! 2 will have a much lower sperm count, but still easily probable because the swimmers are stronger than HOOAH! 1 and there's enough of them.

HOOAH! for girl 3 and dude's tank is almost empty. once more they waited 24 hours for the bus to get fueled up... but the number of swimmers is less than HALF what the first shot was. of course that's an average over all human males. some boys will have lots of lil squirmies for 3-4 'shots'... and other fellas give it their all! on the first salvo.

so in 3 days those 5 guys could each knock up 3 girls. ok 15 kids in the first week. BUT assuming each guy's tank was being filled on day 1 and he emptied it entirely by day 3 every OTHER gal's gonna have to wait those 39 more days. there's 365 in a year, ignoring the 1/4 divide the year by 39, so. that's 9.35 times those 5 guys' tanks are going to be filled up for those 3 days worth of boinking. and yes i'm simplifying the math a LOT. so that's 15 kids being created 9 times each year, that's ONLY 135 kids a year... by 20 years... that's ONLY 2,700 kids in 20 years.

see what i mean about humanity's going extinct?

the ONLY way i see this idea working with 5 guys and my simplified math? if ALL those 2,700 kids were male and immune to this virus.

ok we'll just say boys 15+ will be lined up for stud. let's assume the first 15 girls got knocked up in the first week of January. ok normal 9 months October. so within 15 years only those 15 boys in October would be studded out. remember the 39 day benchmark? November's 15 boys from February would be ready. and December's 15 boys from March... so 3 batches of 15. so 45 new studs, if we're lucky, will be ready to ridem cowboys! in their 15th year. their daddies have been boinking for those 15 years annnd like i said, in 20 years that'd be 2,700 boys.

see what i mean by it would ONLY work if every birth was a boy and each boy was immune to the virus?

and of course i'm leaving out all the super-science-fiction stuff. :)
KiliianSleipnirOct 26, 2021 12:14 AM
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Oct 26, 2021 2:19 AM

Aug 2018
Well, and don't forget while you're waiting those 20 years, many women will age out of contention. Of course, some more will age in, but we're still talking about a huge numerical and genetic bottleneck there.

GregHill said:
Why does it always have to be such ugly giant boobs? I think someone needs to unchain the animators from their desks and take them to a strip club so that they see what boobs look like and how they move in reality.

^ This. So tired of exaggerated, oversized breasts on characters.

And yes, someone else pointed out the plot stupidity of having the world's technologies being lost just because the men aren't there to keep them going. Pretty dumb gender bias there, given how many capable woman scientists and tech-savvy women there are in the world even today. Yes, it would be a catastrophic loss of knowledge if half of the population died out, male, female, or otherwise, or any mixture thereof. But no, if all the men died suddenly, humanity's not going to have a huge technological collapse.

Please don't feed the trolls.

Oct 29, 2021 3:22 AM
Feb 2020
Obviously a fap material show.
What i find really disgusting is the premise of mass dead by virus. Considering current Covid epidemics i find it very screwed and so on... many peole will probably get depressed watching it especially if they lost relatives or close ones due to the covid..
PS: i advice fellow Mal members not to expect much of this show considering the reviews of the manga sourse material... Quite negative reviews for that one
mitkopomOct 29, 2021 5:41 AM
Nov 2, 2021 6:46 PM

Jun 2009
Some dude got pissed off by feminists and decided to make a jerkoff fantasy where "the world is ruined because women can't do anything without men." Oh, Japan. Never change.
Nov 6, 2021 1:44 PM

Jul 2021
It was a very good episode and it is already possible to know what we can expect from this anime and its events.
Nov 25, 2021 2:03 PM
Nov 2021
so these are my thoughts on the first episode:

i spent 23 minutes of my life laughing my ass off, and i intend to watch this series to see what happens next.
Nov 28, 2021 12:49 AM

Jul 2019
How is it 1 episode out and its already rated a 6 lmfaoo
Jan 7, 2022 2:43 AM

Jul 2021
I'm going to be brutally honest that I turned off my braincell to watch this so my lack of knowledge in this anime can be off putting but anyways why does the Mizuhara wants to get cryogenized, to have sex with more girls and level up his hornyness or something because he's about to get railed with thic waifus and I don't think that he's going to be able to escape. Also I feel like Elisa is about to NTR with Mizuhara's big brother jkjk but damn that Mira girl looks really based. Mizuhara running for his life is so hilarious while the majority of the people living in the city he's running are all females but damn only 4 men are the ones who were able to make it? Whatever the trigger is, Mira has got something to do with this but the title is definitely misleading at this point if only Mizuhara gets rid of the world by fucking many upcoming waifus and at the end of the day, there will be an equally amount of female and male so thus, that's how you save humanity from all the violence bois! Still don't get how having childrens can help to save humanity, but I would predict that he's going to fuck many upcoming waifus and maybe do some threesome just to increase the chance of getting more babies or even twins, then treat them with gratitude and explain the whole situation going on and how they could overcome it which is still yet identified. Also Mari is about to fuck Mizuhara but too bad she has a similar hair with Elisa :V Also what in the fucking world, when she showed all of these naked women, I wonder.. how many women will Mizuhara fuck? 10,000 , 20,000 or more??!! You see, overall the whole plot is surprisingly interesting because they're about to save humanity through Mizuhara fucking women all over until all the violence is over and I wonder if this keeps going on or will there be any cool shitz happening.
Jan 7, 2022 4:52 AM

Jul 2017
Episode 1 just re-aired on AT-X being the uncensored version...and it looks the exact same 3 months back and on its official YouTube channel.

The real meat is next week with Episode 2 after thereafter because of the obvious production issues, FIXED. Would like to see "how much" has improved since then.
Jan 7, 2022 8:35 AM

Jul 2017
I finally got to seeing this episode for the first time since I wanted to wait to see this during the season it was airing, and it was pretty much as lame of a start as I remembered from the manga when I read it quite a while back. Was more boring than anything.
Jan 7, 2022 9:18 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
This feels like someone was writing up a hentai plot and then halfway through the script was like hey let's turn this into a post-apocalyptic horror story instead

It's a weird mix but I guess it sort of works?

Bit awkward of a premise to have now with Covid and all in real life but that's a different matter
Jan 7, 2022 9:49 AM
Sep 2020
the main character is too naive
like trash
Jan 7, 2022 10:28 AM
Mar 2015
The main character is worse than the MC of Platinum E nd
Jan 7, 2022 11:50 AM
Jun 2021
Who the hell voted 5 out of 5 for this anime ?
Jan 7, 2022 11:50 AM
Jun 2021
Who the hell voted 5 out of 5 for this anime ?
Jan 7, 2022 11:52 AM

Oct 2016
this maaaaaaaaaaaaay be spoilery, so if it is, feel free to delete it admins

im so sad that Reito is the main MC (kinda redundant, but all male survivors are kinda MC later on) because he really is the worst, worst than Rito from ToLove-Ru even... he even gets the worst harem lmao.

my advice would be, hate Reito, he is trash, his harem is trash, his plot is trash... but keep an eye on Doi and Hino

Doi gets the hottest fucking harem in existence, and Hino becomes the best boi ever

im pretty sure Link wrote Reito as soy as he is just to be able to write the rest of the males as they wanted
Jan 7, 2022 12:01 PM

Aug 2018
Is Reito the biggest pussy on the planet? I already hate him.
Jan 7, 2022 12:25 PM

Jul 2021
It was actually fun to watch lol, the plot is pretty interesting. I'll keep watching
Jan 7, 2022 12:29 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Crunchyroll's censored version is ridiculously over the top. Black bars everywhere, lol.

NoviSun said:
Is Reito the biggest pussy on the planet? I already hate him.

You have no idea!
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Jan 7, 2022 12:55 PM

Feb 2021
Farabeuf said:
Crunchyroll's censored version is ridiculously over the top. Black bars everywhere, lol.

NoviSun said:
Is Reito the biggest pussy on the planet? I already hate him.

You have no idea!
It isn't Crunchyroll's version per say as they weren't the one who made it, but that's the version you will find on Japanese TV, and as Cruchyroll can only stream what the Japanese companies gives them, then that's what they get for now.
But an uncensored version could be added later like it happen with Testament of sister new devil.
Jan 7, 2022 1:06 PM
Jul 2021
Farabeuf said:
Crunchyroll's censored version is ridiculously over the top. Black bars everywhere, lol.

NoviSun said:
Is Reito the biggest pussy on the planet? I already hate him.

You have no idea!

Ugh so trash, Btw, has anyone watched this episode after watching what released in October? I'm wondering if they changed anything already besides black bars
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