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Sep 23, 2021 8:10 AM
Junichi_Hashiba said: I've seen it suggested the station is symbolic, the platform and people on the other side of the tracks represents the old world Shinji just left, with the tracks representing an impassible barrier between the worlds. I'd guess Rei and Kaworu came back along with all the other souls we saw returning at the end. Then Shinji leaves the station to start his Isekai life. I agree that the station is symbolic, but it's mainly symbolic for Anno. Its his way of saying that he doesn't need Evangelion/fiction to deal with reality, at least that is my reading. |
Sep 25, 2021 11:37 AM
I would like to pat myself on the back for finishing this boring as shit movie. What a painful experience it was. Nothing good can be said about this movie aside from its aesthetics. Hopefully, no more Eva related stuff anymore. The franchise sucks, just kill it. |
"Life is too bitter, so coffee, at least should be sweet..." - Hikigaya Hachiman (Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Come wa Machigatte Iru) |
Sep 26, 2021 7:55 AM
I know how this ending made me feel, and yet I don't know how to feel. Sayonara, EVAngelion. |
Sep 27, 2021 12:11 PM
Finally! Is it really over? How many years has it been lol. Pretty good. Didn't expect Mari x Shinji ending. Wish it were Asuka but oh well. |
Sep 27, 2021 1:48 PM
I kinda surprising with the ending (of course and i think everyone think so) but this was not a bad ending, when i thought its gone be something with shinjixrei but wasn't happen and really got shock by the new character that anno introduce to the rebuild series, I understand what the role of mari but at the same time there's still loot of plot hole like the other series. but it was a good movie although there's a less explanation of "what's going on" when i finnish I i'm really speechless, it's was hard to get understand and giving some opinion and comment |
Sep 28, 2021 12:33 PM
what the f is shinji moping about, because of that guy who he knew for like 3 days and knew basically nothing about? this is making no sense. Also in a word where biilions of people already died he should be used to this sort of thing. He was alright in the 1st movie but that's it. |
Sep 29, 2021 11:37 PM
A roller-coaster of strong emotions and unexpected twists, which is ironically what I expected this movie to be... Overall, this final movie does a great job interrelating previous and current events as well as pushing even further the limits of an intricated lore. Everything unfolds in beautiful metaphorical décor and gets elevated by the power of an incredible soundtrack/ending theme. A few pacing issues here and there, not because of the length, but because of some segments choosing style over substance, thus making the flow of more meaningful and purposeful scenes somewhat abrupt at times. The development was never as clear for the characters, as explicitly illustrated as it could in the boundaries of a plot ambiguous by nature, and I'm not complaining despite preferring the implicit approach; a consequential, yet logical sense of closure was rightfully needed, even if I think it wasn't exactly achieved for everyone. What was left more open to interpretation instead was the conclusion since it's distinctively tainted by the creator's experience and new way of life. Therefore, I think it stands by itself and just as much by your personal perspective on the topics addressed. Ultimately, this franchise and this tetralogy close the book (for now) with another excellent chapter and delivers one of the best endings I've witnessed for a story. |
Oct 1, 2021 4:48 PM
Not bad as a standalone movie, really bad as Evangelion and a sequel. I couldn't shake the feeling as if a formerly depressed writer who's no longer depressed was preaching through the film, essentially snatching his fancy toy away from the other children because it's his - even though he doesn't want to play with it anymore. What annoyed me the most was the out of place big tiddy onee-san popping oneliners and wisecracks every odd second on screen, who even is she? She came out of nowhere with near zero development and suddenly became critical to the plot, throwing other established characters to the side. The only explanation I can imagine is that the writer once again selfishly screwed over the plot and self-inserted his wife or something, it certainly felt as though the writers knew the character, even though viewers were never given a chance to because she was so busy being quirky cool. Tantrum aside the movie wasn't all bad, I'm just immensely disappointed as someone who cares deeply for NGE. |
Oct 5, 2021 12:15 AM
Without a doubt I can say that I've never understood Evangelion, not when I first watched the series as a teen and not when I rewatched it all as an adult. I was always more into the series for the action, the Eva's, the setting, the character stuff, that was what drew me in, because that's what I was able to latch onto. Having finally finished the movies, I gotta say I really liked the ending. Where Evangelion embodied Anno's depression during its inception, these movies and this ending feel cathartic, a way for him to tie up the entire series for good. So much of what went on was just exposition nonsense and it all went over my head, but I think I was able to grasp the feeling he wanted get across and overall was a good time. |
Oct 8, 2021 1:07 AM
Utterly disappointing. This movie was a mess and the most insulting thing is that it practically confirmed that the Rebuild movies are connected to the original Evangelion series and EoE via multiverse theory. |
Oct 8, 2021 7:51 PM
Amazing...Thank you Anno for Evangelion |
Oct 9, 2021 10:18 AM
Can someone tells me did Asuka and Misato die in Evangelion 1.0 +3.0 ? I'm a little confused about this. |
Oct 9, 2021 4:36 PM
BiruLaut said: Can someone tells me did Asuka and Misato die in Evangelion 1.0 +3.0 ? I'm a little confused about this. Misato died and Asuka got consumed by the ninth angel but that was before Shinji decided to create a new world with no Evas on it. Asuka appears at the train station and Misato is most likely fine as well. After all, she's now a mom and has Kaji by her side. |
Oct 12, 2021 5:12 PM
Finished this a few days ago so if I'm lacking on some of the details, I apologize but I didn't want to talk about it right after watching it because I knew, I was going to be here for a bit. There is a lot to talk about here, which is Eva tradition. Providing one of the most interesting series to discuss and dissect, I think even for those who don't like the product. I'll get this out right away though, I loved Thrice Upon a Time, and it justified the Rebuild films to me. It's easily my favourite of the four, and it made the whole experience worth watching, or gratifying to watch. Like I said, even though I didn't quite like You Can (Not) Redo, I found it super fascinating to talk and think about. However, I don't like it more than EoE or the Rebuilds as much as the original run. I find Thrice Upon a Time a bit too uneven to compete with End of Eva. Evangelion has always been the anti-Escapist series in a sense. In the original series, this was done simple through it's storytelling, by not really giving the audience the action series one might expect. Granted, the original series made a strong point from episode one that it wasn't going to be a typical mecha series, the first episode is entirely on the character, and I know it's a meme to say "unlike other mecha series, it's about the characters" but it does make a statement about the series priority that there is no mecha action in the first episode at all. It's all about characterizing Shinji Ikari and setting up the cast dynamics and the setting. As the original series continued it only furthered it's dedication to character exploration, and providing scenarios that those who look to anime as an escapist self-insert fantasy, couldn't relate to. Or perhaps, related with it too strongly. That anti-Escapist mentality is explicitly what the text is about now, where the resolution literally strips the series away from it's sci-fi setting. The happy ending of the series is simply one without Evangelion, without all those fantasy elements, an ending in the real world, further accentuated by the live-action locale. This even extends to why Mari is the one Shinji seemingly ends up with imo. I know a lot of people would've preferred Asuka, or Rei, but those characters are too entrenched within Evangelion. Mari is a disappointing character for me, and her relationship with Shinji is barely established, I'm pretty sure they only share five scenes together in the entire film series, with one of those was the very ending scene in the "real world". But that's almost the point, right? It's about growing up and saying goodbye to the past, it's about moving forward without dwelling on the past, or relying on gratification of wish-fulfillment fantasy's. Like Gendo for example, his inability to see Yui at the end until he makes peace with Shinji exemplifies this. He's so dedicated to recapturing what was loss, he cost himself a meaningful relationship that might've brought him peace. I remember reading Anno stating that Mari was there to "Destroy Eva", but by the end I think she's more there to "Move on from Eva". She exists outside of the context of the original series, and after reading Nick Creamer's brilliant article on Eva 3.33, it became all the more clear that the Rebuild films are intended as conversation to those who've watched the original. I've been saying since 1.0 that this felt like it'll be going the quasi-sequel route a la Final Fantasy VII Remake, but now I see it's not just in a plot way, but as a response and conversation to it's legacy. And simply put, Shinji winding up with Asuka and Rei with how much those shipping and characters have been fetishized, basically missing the point of the series, Shinji winding up with one of them would've skewed the message. It would've been indulging in the fantasies, as well as fanning the flames between what could be a heated waifu war. And one thing I love about this framing, is it's not aggressive or spiteful to the audience. I wouldn't argue with someone who felt 3.33 felt so, but Thrice Upon a Time certainly isn't. There's dedicated goodbye sequences, a stronger commitment to providing cathartic resolutions with Shinji's scenes with Asuka, Rei, Kaworu, and even Gendo. I never considered it a slight against the original that Shinji and Gendo never had a true coming to terms or even really a scene to resolve their relationship. EoE managed to tie the two together in a way that was incredibly satisfying, revealing Gendo's as essentially a grown up Shinji. I don't feel like Gendo's extended backstory here really added anything to the character that couldn't already be parsed in the original series, but it's undoubtedly a stronger source of catharsis to have it laid out so openly between father and son, and casts a more sympathetic light on him. This doesn't feel like a movie designed as revenge to all those who didn't get the original, but something much more caring to the audience it's communicating towards. It understands the love for the series, and is dedicated to pay the proper respect in it's closing moments, all without budging on it's stance. And I love how these scenes basically play out like an inverse of the TV ending, with Shinji promoted from patient to therapist. Then within the same sequence, naming Shinji's plan as a Neon Genesis was brilliant. I flipped out with that title drop. The name finally makes sense! It was a puzzle piece moment that was like decades in the making (albeit, only several years for me since I watched NGE for the first time in 2017). And the title drop was especially effective because the Rebuild films legitimately dropped that title, instead opting to go simply by Evangelion. I never thought much of that decision, but with how powerful it's inclusion was for me here, it's one I'm grateful they made. With that scene, and other closing scenes like the Eva's becoming people, it felt like having a strong connection truly paid off. Providing a more genuine sense of closure than any of the previous attempts. Shinji going backwards through the animation process was also really cool, I don't have any remotely insightful commentary there but it was too cool to not mention. All that said, this was not all two & a half hours of the movie. It's pretty clear at this point I loved the ending of this film, but there was a lot more to it than that. The beginning of the film with the length village section was also fantastic. I loved this two, it was so interesting seeing the way the trio independently acted during this time, and also learning all the vital details of the timeskip and the fates of the other characters. I had assumed Toji was more likely to be dead than Kaji, well I was wrong lol. The highlight here was definitely Ms. Look-a-like, or "Rei". Granted, sometimes her whole "what is blank" bit did feel a bit too repetitive but that aside, I loved seeing her development here, and how a lot of the stuff she learned came back into play in her goodbye message. She managed to have a really great character arc throughout this portion, and I quite enjoyed her scenes interacting with Shinji, Asuka, and the villagers. An Shinji's eventual climbing out of his worse depression and integrating somewhat into the village life was also fantastic. I think my favourite exchange here was Shinji asking "Rei" why everybody was being so nice to him and her answer simply being "Because we like you". It's so simple, and straightforward, but so earnest and true. I felt it. But okay, I've been praising this movie non-stop, but like I said, it's pretty uneven. I don't really have any new complaints that I have already mentioned in the previous films. While minor, the returning horniness of the first two films coming back was disappointing. It wasn't as bad as the second film, I think that was the only one were it was problem that warranted discussion. But the second would have to be the action. I don't think the CGI looks very good (I didn't have as much issue with the head as most seem to though), and a lot of the action sequences here I've basically already forgotten a few days removed. You could argue that means they weren't that bad, but that's a large portion of the film that bored me enough that they didn't retain in my memory only days after witnessing them. I remember scattered moments, like Asuka meeting Asuka (was that meant to be Shikinami meeting Langley? Probably not but that was my original thought). The only action sequence I can remember is Shinji vs. Gendo. I remember them becoming Danganronpa and talking about Hope & Despair, and I remember the repeated sequence with the different backdrops throughout the series which was a weird mixture of boring and cool nostalgia. And while I did note that having them hash out it so openly is a good form of catharsis, it wasn't necessarily emotionally effective for me, it eventually worked on that level by the end, especially with the apology, and that leading him to seeing Yui, but there was portion of it where I only had a detached appreciation for those who'd find catharsis here, whereas it felt sort of unnecessary to me until that end bit. Not much of a critique when it comes with the caveat it worked at the end. I do wish I had more insightful critiques, I feel like I did have more when I initial watched it but my mind is very convenient, it usually remembers the highlights than the negatives. I guess the only other thing I can think to mention is to re-iterate that while I liked Mari's function in the ending, her character as a whole was a disappointment. We get a bit more clarity on her backstory with the Fuyutsuki scene, which kinda makes the Shinji things a tad gross if I understood that all right, but as a character she didn't really get a whole lot. I like her role in the finale, but in hindsight it seems like that's all she existed for. I wish she felt more like a character and not just a thematic tool. Ultimately though, I'm glad this post is 90's lavish praise, I'd much rather focus on the positives and I'd much rather that franchise end on a note I could love. I was worried that the Rebuild films would wind up as an interesting experiment and not much more, considering that I liked each subsequent film less, and less. But thankfully, Thrice Upon a Time bucked that trend and provided one of my favourite experiences with Evangelion, a franchise that has provided several of the best moments in my anime and manga fandom. Sayonara Evangelion, thanks for everything. |
TerrestriousOct 12, 2021 9:29 PM
Oct 12, 2021 11:24 PM
First half was great. Second half was garbage, wanted to like it but spent a lot of it either laughing at the stupidity, shaking my head, or just saying, "this is shit." The more I think of it, the worse my opinion gets. I gave it a 5/10, initially, the strong first half carrying it, but the way it ends up devaluing that and everything the Rebuild series had going for it, I feel like I'm being kind giving it a 4/10. Third movie wasn't amazing but was the best of the lot. Wasted my time, wish I never saw it. Good ideas, terrible execution. |
Oct 18, 2021 4:44 PM
IIRC, my journey with the Evangelion franchise began almost 10 years ago, in December 2011, when I started watching the original 1995 TV series Neon Genesis Evangelion. And I watched Evangelion 1.0 movie in December 2013. And now all these years later, I just finished the fourth and final Rebuild of Evangelion movie, and my journey with the Evangelion anime stuff is over. And I assume this is the end of the franchise (animation-wise). After 26 years, it's come to an end. No more future anime related to Evangelion. It'll never return again. It's a bittersweet feeling, and I don't even consider Evangelion one of my favourite anime. But it's one of the first anime I ever watched when I started getting into the medium, so the series holds a special place in my heart. I know most people will be relieved to finally see a conclusion to the whole series. But I wonder how many people are putting off watching this because Evangelion was a huge part of their life and they don't want it to be over as the series means so much to them. Like I recently saw a Let's Player on YouTube who talked about how he was always putting off finishing Mother 1, and would only play it for a few minutes, because the Mother series meant so much to him and he already finished the second and third games, and once he finished Mother 1, that'd be it, as there will never be a Mother 4. Anyway, this was an alright movie. Hard to say if I enjoyed the TV series more or the Rebuild Movies more. Though the first movie Eva 1.0 just shows the same events as the first 6 episodes of NGE. All I know is that the TV series' OP is one of the best OPs I've ever seen/heard in an anime. I still haven't watched the Death & Rebirth movie, but that only shows stuff from the TV series and the first half of End of Evangelion, which I've seen already, but I still should watch that someday. So I'm pretty much done with Evangelion. Still have the manga to read, though. I can't believe I never fully rewatched the TV series, so I should rewatch the TV series someday too. I'm always going to dislike Asuka though, and I really don't give a shit who Shinji ended up with in the end. |
wildhoodMay 24, 2022 3:00 PM
Oct 21, 2021 11:09 PM
Wow. Ok, so, first of all, I don't think this was the best Evangelion outing yet. It was an amazing movie. The first half was incredible. Second half was action oriented and a bit inconsistent, still it was incredible. The movie in all was a great one. Tho I think, talking about movie as a whole, 2.0 and 3.0 were slightly better. Now, about the last 20 mins. Having said everything above, I think this is hands down the greatest finale to any show I have ever seen. The last thing that I would have expected was a show built over depression and trauma to have such a happy ending. And I never thought that a happy ending could be this satisfying. You can interpret the ending in any way you want. You can say that everyone gets reborn and lives happily in a world without Evangelions. Or it's just the Eva pilots who get reborn. Or all of it was nothing but Shinji's delusions from which he moved on in the end. Or whatever tf you want. It doesn't undermine the fact that it was one of the most incredible and beautiful endings I have ever seen. Thank you and Good-bye, Evangelion. |
Oct 23, 2021 8:32 PM
Most of the movie was a solid 9, but that ending was a 10. However, why Mari? It just feels so random for the characters to end up like that. I read that Mari is partially based on Anno's wife, and Shinji being Anno's self reflection, I guess that's why they end up together. But still. I was like wtf. |
Oct 24, 2021 12:38 PM
anikevin said: Most of the movie was a solid 9, but that ending was a 10. However, why Mari? It just feels so random for the characters to end up like that. I read that Mari is partially based on Anno's wife, and Shinji being Anno's self reflection, I guess that's why they end up together. But still. I was like wtf. Mari wasn't a thing in the tv series because Anno didn't meet his wife yet back then. She appeared in the movie probably just like how Anno's wife appeared in his life... out of nowhere from the sky with a parachute. I think that's how things happened. XD I wish they would let us know more why it's Mari tho. But a love story of Anno might never happen to explain all about it. Who knows if he might lol |
Oct 24, 2021 3:22 PM
Rei7 said: I wish they would let us know more why it's Mari tho. But a love story of Anno might never happen to explain all about it. Who knows if he might lol Dude, I'm invested in Anno's life now. If he writes an autobiography I'll make sure to buy it lol |
Oct 25, 2021 11:13 PM
Im glad I get to see this movie and see what happens. But I finally finished it the whole movie, but it really make me sad sometimes. |
Nov 1, 2021 3:57 PM
"The jinx's synch rate was zero!" "Could it be that Shinji's true synchronization wasn't zero, but the closest value to zero?" "Yes, his synch rate is..... infinite." |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Nov 13, 2021 6:54 AM
Wow, this was amazing... I'm seriously impressed. Loved Shinji in this, and the new stuff about Gendo was really interesting. I only wish there had been more of Misato and Kaji's son Ryoji, and also Kaji himself. I wasn't big on Mari in the last movie but she definitely grew on me. Wasn't expecting to see the grown up versions of Toji and Kensuke... that was really cool! Ritsuko didn't get enough focus either but she was badass as always. 5/5 movie. Was anyone else hoping to see Pen Pen? haha. I couldn't tell if he was part of that group of penguins. |
Nov 24, 2021 4:00 AM
That was the most amazing film i had ever watched in my history in the anime community, i think this is will be my favorite anime of all time, that ending amazing!! Considure the end of EoE and NGE (maybe wa dont wanna talk about the NGE Ending lmao) |
Nov 28, 2021 9:00 AM
Dec 13, 2021 1:15 PM
Setsumi_Kokonoe said: Not bad as a standalone movie, really bad as Evangelion and a sequel. I couldn't shake the feeling as if a formerly depressed writer who's no longer depressed was preaching through the film, essentially snatching his fancy toy away from the other children because it's his - even though he doesn't want to play with it anymore. I've heard some other fans take this stance and it sort of blows my mind. Because to me (and I could be understanding this very wrong) You're right. The formerly depressed writer has finally found happiness and is preaching a message of hope and growth/maturation through this film. Evangelion has a reflection of Anno's journey as well as Shinji's. Shinji has overcome himself because irl Anno did too. The toy your metaphor refers too is the beautifully written Evangelion and EoE package which 100% is one of the finest works of fiction ever penned imo. But it sits in a rather bleak setting if not morbid even by the end of it (but that's what makes it so powerful). The toy that's being referred to is Anno's depression or the product of this man being unhappy with his life. The "other kids" are the fans. I don't know if I can subscribe to the idea that someone's depression, even if it was Anno's most powerful fuel for writing Eva can be equated to a toy or a commodity for the masses. Tbh Eva is deliciously pragmatic and bleak at times which is both realistic and refreshing let alone artistic. But the Rebuilds are Anno's happy ending. At times the Rebuilds try to tell a story about growing up, letting go, and being alive. But that's always been at the heart of Eva in the broadest sense hasn't it? It's a happy tune as the final note and a message to the fans that things wound up/will wind up alright after all this time. Thrice most of all. And I think there's some beauty that we should all feel good about in that. I think we should appreciate the Rebuilds as not just a continuation of but as a borderline literary foil to the original run (this cannot be anymore evident in a singular bit then Thrice and EoE being the same events/film told by different Hideaki Annos/two Anno's at different stages in their life). The original Eva was a depression and spite project from what I understand. Maybe we should be happy that the ultimate message of the Rebuild's is one of growing up and growing out to finally be happy. EDIT: For what it's worth I think both the Rebuilds and the original run have all time great powerful messages and there are different but extremely moving lessons to be learned/seen from both, just under different lenses which is a testament to the greatness of Anno imo. |
Champloo_RemixDec 13, 2021 1:22 PM
Dec 15, 2021 6:57 PM
Wow. Decent movie, much better than 3.0, still think 2.0 was probably the best. Wasn't majorly into the 14yr time-skip, although this movie handled it a lot better that the last. Definitely things that didn't go the way I would've preferred. Absolutely necessary runtime. Glad it wasn't a short movie. I actually liked Mari, and I'm just glad Shinji got a happy ending, so that conclusion didn't bother me too much. Not a massive fan of the whole entering the "real" world aspect though. Was never a major Asuka fan watching the OG series, found her more likeable in these movies though. After Asuka AND Shinji BOTH confessed their feelings for each other but didn't end up together, the felt really bittersweet. I never really shipped them together (until 2.0) but it just kind of felt wrong not seeing them end up together after all was said and done. Wasn't certain if Kensuke X Asuka was supposed to be a thing, or if he was like a parental/guardian/adult figure for her. The former just doesn't feel right, the latter feels more natural though. Definitely not a fan of that ship IF that's what was being hinted at. Can't say every question I had was answered. But I'm also not the most massive Eva fan, so I can accept there was definitely some more subtle stuff that would've gone over my head. Another thing about the ending I felt really bittersweet about, Shinji+Mari going their own way while everyone else stayed behind. Seeing them all grown up kind of cements the end of it all, feels a little sad. In all, I think the 14 year time skip in 3.0 (at least how it was handled) is probably my least favourite thing about these movies. As someone who isn't a major Eva fan, and who watched the entirety of Eva in the past few months, this really was an experience. It was different. Seeing it all come to a conclusion is a bit sad. I didn't expect to care after I finished it, but it does feel weird now that that's the end of it, no more Evangelion. This will definitely be a notable point in my Anime history. Crazy experience, crazier storytelling. Things I didn't like, things I loved. At the end, I'm glad I at least experienced it. |
CrimsonRuinDec 15, 2021 7:02 PM
Dec 16, 2021 1:47 PM
Do Shinji and Mari remember everything before the new world? The interaction at the train station implies that they remember pre new world as she took the choker off of Shinji's neck. Please help me understand. |
Dec 21, 2021 11:54 PM
Hase0 said: Do Shinji and Mari remember everything before the new world? The interaction at the train station implies that they remember pre new world as she took the choker off of Shinji's neck. Please help me understand. they were the ones who broke the world timeloop, so wat da ya think. |
Dec 26, 2021 1:25 PM
Champloo_Remix said: I don't know if I can subscribe to the idea that someone's depression, even if it was Anno's most powerful fuel for writing Eva can be equated to a toy or a commodity for the masses. 100% agree with this but I think the distinction here is that I (and people like me) aren't invested in Anno's personal life but rather what the story he told ment for us. I think that most if not all writers put a piece of themselves into their work but when readers/viewers consume said work it takes on a different meaning, because we are not always aware nor is it often relevant what the writer went through for the narrative of his story. I'm glad that Anno's life got better and I'd probably enjoy other things he wrote in this state, but changing Evangelion after it's grown a culture around what it was and what ment a lot to people feels wrong, at least to me. You could think of my analogy like this; an old toy creator carefully crafts a wooden toy, it's his first and it means the world to him so he puts it on a shelf. Not knowing any better a child comes across said toy and learns to cherish it every bit as much as the creator, the child shares it around with all their friends and they love it just as much and it becomes the apple of everyones eye. The toy creator who now feels differently wants to sculpt his priced toy into something else entirely, so when he finds out the children are cherishing it does he have the right to take it back and change it, regardless? Well, yes, it's his and it's always been his - but it's kind of a dick move isn't it? The toy in this story isn't the man's feeling, but what resulted from them. To him those might be one and the same, but not to the kids. I think you're right in that we're looking at it from different perspectives, I don't care about the message as much as what it ment to me - based on my own experiences, and to have the story dramatically change in that scenario can feel as if you're told your feelings are wrong. |
Dec 30, 2021 5:48 AM
Long hair Rei was something i didn't know i desperately needed |
Jan 5, 2022 5:01 AM
Best movie of this anime, without a doubt. Shinji really evolved, which was a very positive surprise for me, and managed to settle down with everyone. The ending was excellent and was the best of the 3 there were, it even had a skip time (which I always like to see in every anime). The only things that made me a little sad in the end was Misato's death and Asuka not finishing the anime dating Shinji (although I think Mari dating him is more realistic). |
asdasdsadad |
Jan 11, 2022 1:35 AM
Evengelion is just so weird and depressing. At least the movie wasn't as depressing as the series. And Mari just sticks out too much as too good to be true... |
Jan 17, 2022 6:23 PM
In the end scene, Asuka sit besides Rei and Kaworu. Is she the 'real' Asuka or one of her clones? Can anyone explain to me please? Thank You for your time :) |
Jan 20, 2022 1:41 PM
Setsumi_Kokonoe said: Champloo_Remix said: I don't know if I can subscribe to the idea that someone's depression, even if it was Anno's most powerful fuel for writing Eva can be equated to a toy or a commodity for the masses. 100% agree with this but I think the distinction here is that I (and people like me) aren't invested in Anno's personal life but rather what the story he told ment for us. I think that most if not all writers put a piece of themselves into their work but when readers/viewers consume said work it takes on a different meaning, because we are not always aware nor is it often relevant what the writer went through for the narrative of his story. I'm glad that Anno's life got better and I'd probably enjoy other things he wrote in this state, but changing Evangelion after it's grown a culture around what it was and what ment a lot to people feels wrong, at least to me. You could think of my analogy like this; an old toy creator carefully crafts a wooden toy, it's his first and it means the world to him so he puts it on a shelf. Not knowing any better a child comes across said toy and learns to cherish it every bit as much as the creator, the child shares it around with all their friends and they love it just as much and it becomes the apple of everyones eye. The toy creator who now feels differently wants to sculpt his priced toy into something else entirely, so when he finds out the children are cherishing it does he have the right to take it back and change it, regardless? Well, yes, it's his and it's always been his - but it's kind of a dick move isn't it? The toy in this story isn't the man's feeling, but what resulted from them. To him those might be one and the same, but not to the kids. I think you're right in that we're looking at it from different perspectives, I don't care about the message as much as what it ment to me - based on my own experiences, and to have the story dramatically change in that scenario can feel as if you're told your feelings are wrong. I think I understand your stance a little more with this and I think it does come down to us having different interpretations which is okay. Your stance is very Barthes' "Death of an Author" which I've studied in college but admittedly disagreed with adamantly (at least in taking the author's expression out of the equation to an extreme degree, not leaving any room for a balance between the "authorial" and "interpretive" realms). In this case, I understand and it is a good point that for someone to give us something that has become so sacred in its identity, it could be perceived as irresponsible to a degree even if it is the creator's right. Personally, I have my own interpretations seperate from Anno but would argue this: has this not been an expression of Anno *the man* and his life from the beginning in a lot of ways? Hasn't this been a personal commentary laced into a complex story from episode 1? I really don't see it as it being something that was one way then drastically and inorganically having been changed (although I won't say the opposite position is wrong as there's grounds for that as well). That's where I don't necessarily see eye to eye with you I think. I think Rebuilds feel like a natural extension of what was explored thematically in NGE if you ask me. We got one side of the coin in NGE and the Rebuilds shows us the other side of that same token to give us a view of the whole. I think that to say that NGE relative to the Rebuilds was repurposed into something alien is to say that there is no "yin" to the original NGE's "yang". The original NGE+EoE package was obviously darker in tone to say the least and it fit. But the Rebuilds rhyme with the same scheme only it is "light" instead of "dark". Shadows can't live without light and light can't exist without dark. The whole narrative is reflective of a man boiling in depression in Act 1 and then slowly finding his answers/peace in Act 2. Whichever side is right or wrong is purely and enjoyably interpretive but ultimately I can't say that the theme of the Rebuilds wasn't perhaps the only possible extension of the original NGE that would have felt right to the capacity of any sort of spiritual continuation. 100% we as the viewer are entitled to have and hold our own version of the piece and even prioritize it. I guess what I'm trying to say is that. This didn't feel like some abrupt shift for shock value to me. As much as the original NGE was partly a personal commentary driven by his own life and experiences, the Rebuilds are conclusively the same yet the yield is certainly different because the Rebuilds are Anno revisiting NGE at a much later and different/more positive stage in his life. Is Anno still depressed and brooding, bathing in that trademark maddening existential dread? Or in the Rebuilds, is he coming back to us from the other side to ultimately show the viewer how and why everything will work out, why and how you can be happy despite everything? That's sort of the way I see it at least. I have really strong feelings on my personal interpretations of the series and Rebuilds *but* taking this in a "case by case" approach, with a project as intimate in the history of fiction (let alone anime) as NGE in particular I feel like Anno's role in the narrative itself to the 4th dimension of the viewer is like really inextricable. Especially considering how noted it is that NGE in its entirety is so much a deep dive into Anno himself. |
Champloo_RemixJan 20, 2022 1:52 PM
Jan 24, 2022 10:35 PM
After so many years of waiting I expected another mind bending session. This time Anno spared us the usual "let me show you what is it all about" and delivered beautiful pice of art. I shed a tear couple of times and Im over 30yo. Goddamn Anno, you're a genius. /e I can't, can't belive this is the end.. so beautiful. |
aydarJan 24, 2022 10:46 PM
Jan 27, 2022 7:20 AM
NGE is pretty much Anno's inner world. I'm happy for the man that he found happiness, but Evangelion's Rebuild was really too bright and fast, skipping a lot of dark elements. The maturing is great, but life isn't just all black or all white like Evangelion movies. Original Eva + EOE are fully dark and more deep, while Rebuilds + this very movie are just too bright. I miss the balance tbh. Anno's works are just too personal and feeling-based for me. |
I hate everyone equally |
Feb 20, 2022 7:03 PM
Feb 27, 2022 4:50 PM
beautiful, just beautiful. |
» [The World's Continuation【世界のつづき】- UTA/Ado ♪] « 0:00 〇────── 4:55 ↺ |◁ II ▷| ♡ ✦ Come and Join us! ✦ Evil Club ψ FuwaFuwa Sanctuary ✿ ✿ DeaD Blossoms ✿ |
Apr 13, 2022 2:59 PM
These movie unfortunately did not captivate me like the original series and EoE. Partially it is due to Mari, since I do not care for her at all as a character. I knew after the first movie of the new set would not be a retelling, but an alternate version of the time loop... However, I don't resonate with it nearly as much. I'm glad they didn't rehash it since it would have been a waste of time and resources, but it didn't add anything but an entertainment value of what-if for me. That being said, the first movie of the four was by far my favorite (7/10). The rest are 6/10, a point above average due to the animation being particularly beautiful and I enjoyed seeing Shinji mature. Overall it makes me want to revisit the original series and movie. I'm unsure if I would watch the four set of movies again, but I would recommend it to anyone that wanted a happy ending, I suppose. |
Apr 29, 2022 8:54 AM
I hated this movie. I'm glad it tried to give some characterization and purpose to WILLE when 3.0 just expected us to like them because they co-opted real characters but I still hated 90% of the scenes with them. All the "original" content in these remakes made me sad. Seeing Evangelion remade as a bad Gurren Lagann rip-off with a hodgepodge of other influences (Naruto and Hellsing Ultimate definitely being in the mix) could not be more depressing. They just never found a way to really make the character stuff that compelling. Rei learning to be human was by far the best part of this movie and it's a 45 minute arc that isn't tremendously satisfying in the end because it needs to shoved aside for MOAR BATTLES!!!!! Shinji getting some closure with his parents is good but again, its a very compressed arc at the end of 2 hours of bloat and Gendo has spent 2.5 movies floating around as barely even a character. If you haven't watched the TV series the journey means very little. And I guess that's the big issue with 3 and 4. They're supposed to be their own story but if you haven't seen the TV series they're bad and confusing but if you've seen the TV series and aren't a 15 year-old idiot that just wants big mecha fights then Rebuild is bad and disappointing. I know that the TV series ending was not Anno's intended vision but the story he told within the confines he had was great. End of Evangelion was a good compromise of having much greater resources and its still very good. This series was just a bunch of visionless wank where they had infinite ability to make anything they wanted and it turned into sprawling slop. |
May 8, 2022 6:38 AM
Loved the movie, I'd say it did exactly what EoE did but in a different way. (Or even as a continuation) I also loved the underlying message of Anno projecting himself into it. Finally letting go of EVA as a whole, he doesn't need the series anymore as he used it to deal with loneliness, depression and the kind. In that way the Rebuild movies kinda felt like watching Twin Peaks where the director is putting a lot of himself into the series. Just the scene with Shinji at the end where we slowly lose more and more animation only for Mari to pull him back in (which I saw as the love of the Eva fans pulling Anno back into the series) Eventually getting to a world where everything is finally fine, we see Shinji leaving with Mari, leaving behind the old world of the Evangelion series behind and finally moving on from his way of coping. As for the in universe of Eva I like that we got to see the original series flash by, that makes it look like the Rebuild series aren't just a "rebuild" but rather a sequel or at least a different timeline / universe. Same with how we saw Kaworu's coffins, the many he's left to fulfill (probably all the other timelines from games and novels f.e.). I did enjoy the atmosphere of the original series a bit more, the rebuild movies didn't pull me in as much as the series did. The balance of the world in Evangelion and the symbolism behind Anno's own mind was done really well. I still think NGE and EoE had more of an impact on me but I think the message here was clear and fantastically displayed. |
PrOxAntoMay 8, 2022 7:03 AM
May 8, 2022 11:37 PM
It's ironic. Evangelion fell victim to the very thing it tried to critique in the beginning. Every character blandly represents their respective archetype that the series deconstructed. Not only that but the theme changed from strictly anti escapism to the exact opposite to find self acceptance. Whatever, I hope Anno is enjoying himself nevertheless |
May 9, 2022 9:37 AM
james_demp said: haha i think nobody know, thats the question of all time Wtf is going on ?!??!!?! |
May 25, 2022 2:23 PM
It was a great movie and all the Evangelion came to an end and a happy end with this one. Really liked the movie. |
May 28, 2022 4:34 PM
What an amazing movie! I was kind of disappointed with 3.0, but 3.0+1.0 hit it out of the park. Finally, a good positive ending for Shinji that I've been wishing ever since I started to see him suffer in NGE Ep 1. There were a few fights and scenes were I didn't really like the CGI, for example inside the Ground Zero of Second Impact, where Asuka and Mari were fighting the initial Evas. However, it was equally compensated by good 2D scenes in between, the best highlight being Asuka's Angel transformation which was epic af. Another highlight given was this movie finally gave an insight on Gendou's internal monologue and thoughts. I understood kind of that he just wanted to reunite with Yui in End of Evangelion, but it was expanded nicely here. His convo with Shinji and Shinji coming to terms with him felt very peaceful to me. Not only this, but Shinji's final conversations with Asuka, Rei, and his final farewell to both his mother and father was very peaceful and heartfelt. It's like his torment finally came to an end. Just amazing. It must be really an icing on the cake for Eva fans who have been watching since 1995 and wanted a good ending for Shinji. As for the finale, it ends with Mari and Shinji. A good ship to end with, after concluding the story of the other main girls so peacefully. 9.7/10. One of the best anime movies I have ever watched. Goodbye, all of Evangelion. Sayonara, subete no Evangelion. PS: I FORGOT TO MENTION ONE LAST KISS OMG! Utada Hikaru nailed not only One Last Kiss, but also Da Capo ver. of Beautiful World. She carried the songs of Rebuild movies single handedly. What a Gigachad. Much respect to her. |
KoustubhMay 28, 2022 5:00 PM
Jun 13, 2022 6:31 AM
Unexpected ending that I welcome because it's not as depressing as the old series ending, still sucks that Asuka barely got much of a closing on her story but at least she is chilling in the new universe that Shinji created and even got a confession back from him, 10 out of 10 from an emotional point because the depression is over, 9/10 as a whole personally. |
Jun 19, 2022 11:41 PM
It was good but i expected more not storywise but fights at the end with unit 01 vs 13 everything else was grate. But this ending left me with bitter taste in my mouth i wasnt dissapointed but i felt like something was missing and i dont know what. |
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