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A Wonderful episode, I enjoyed the crap out of this. I thought Kuroko was annoying (and she is) when she was introduced but man I like some of the Kuroko episodes a LOT. She's just a good person outside of her perversion. This was definitely on display in the past few episodes when she lost her memory of Misaka, and still helped her out (as Judgment, of course).
Well, episodes like this make me love her, and the overall plot was pretty cool too. Kind of a heartwarming one, loved it. Especially that last exchange and how she was embarrassed to say she was inspired by a "hero" when she was younger too. This season continually surprises me with it's great episodes.
Kuroko's teleportation works in 11 dimensions?.. Interesting to know..
Well, I mean.. If his abilities aren't also causing these accidents.. They can be pretty useful in preventing many tragedies.. But who knows, if they cause or not.. As well as boy suffers himself when he's using his powers.. It might result in anything - like in heart attack, or anything, really..
Kuroko and Konori actually can work together quite efficiently.. They really can be OP in some dangerous situations, saving someone and stuff.. This is cool to see..
Kuroko has someone as an example of protector of justice?.. Interesting.. I wonder, who that is.. She says she was child back then.. So maybe it's not Mikoto.. Or who knows.. Who it can be then?.. Well, maybe we'll learn with time.. It's also interesting in general, by the way.. Well, I mean, I don't know, how much Kuroko is dedicated to stay in Judgement for longer.. Like, will she still be there after school, or will she join Anti-Skill, or will she not work in this area at all?.. Who knows, really.. Maybe if she has some hero she looks up to - maybe chances are higher she'll continue being in this area, in one way or another.. But not necessary.. It's an interesting question about Kuroko's future, and I don't know, what Kuroko would want herself.. But getting some glimpse on the past is nice.. Would like to know more..
A Kuroko focused episode already means it'll be a good one. She's best girl after all.
Liked how they tied the events of this two-episode mini arc to an already ongoing bigger arc. That kid has some serious ability, though him being the unfortunate can't unleash all of its potential. But hey it can work wonders in combo, as it did with Kuroko's ability.
Also guess events of this episode have passed the timeline of Index 2 or rather the whole of AC invasion arc.
I'm so glad they managed to save that cute doggo. I'm more worried about the welfare of dogs than most people. lol
So that's a mystery solved. I thought that was the main plot for the 2nd arc, and instead, we are back to the Indian Poker thing again. Interesting.
I enjoy watching Kuroko and Uiharu go out of their way to solve every incident, big or small. While I also enjoy the larger Railgun arcs, it's nice to see intermediary episodes that could come across as filler, but shows the in-between stories where the characters actively help random people on the streets.