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Sep 21, 2017 7:05 AM

Mar 2014
TsundeReaper said:
Danae said:
It was an okay ending, although I wish Fujiwara had gotten some shit for hurting Hotaru but oh well, it was a noticeably rushed episode. I still think it's a bit insensitive of Yuma to talk about her romantic feelings to Takeda.

This series was very poorly-written. I'm still waiting for a good shoujo ai sometime in the future. At least the ending was decent enough for someone like me who is completely uninterested in reading the manga. 3/10

Agreed, though I have to say I am not hyped for Citrus because the manga follows a pretty similar pattern (girls being completely clueless, miscommunication problems, recycled obstacles and pointless rivals for no reason, one girl forcing herself on the other etc.)

You guys are kidding right? Citrus became repetitive halfway to the latest chapter, nonstop teasing, the plot stop progressing. At this point y'all should realize how overrated Citrus by now

This end isn't any better, badly executed original end, rushed and feels forced, the only good thing is that Yuma and Hotaru is together now. Still a horrible end, they didn't even try, disappointed coz the manga is starting to get better from chapter 18 to the latest


That's what I said mate, I am *not* hyped for Citrus for the same reason as you, plus the ones I already mentioned
Sep 21, 2017 8:01 AM

May 2015
It's sad when my favourite part of an anime is the OP. Great song, I really like it. The rest was trash.

Sep 21, 2017 9:11 AM

May 2012
Good ending. They kissed each other but I wish if they had sex
Sep 21, 2017 9:51 AM

Feb 2012
Welp, there end my 9 weekly minutes of predicted trash. Can't even say that the production or direction were good lmao. 3/10.
Sep 21, 2017 10:42 AM

Jul 2009
NTR could have been good, with a 24 minutes episodes...all this looked so rushed, the end even more! I am happy coz Hotaru and Yuma are together, but it was damn rushed and it ruined it... 6/10
Sep 21, 2017 11:46 AM

Jun 2013
Yeah so this ended up being even worse than the manga, which itself is not good either
Probably worst show of the season.
Sep 21, 2017 11:48 AM

Jun 2013
Tyrel said:
Very mediocre. Wtf was that weird camera angling at the end (?). Seemed like an elevator camera watching them, but it feels very much more than that.

The last scene was pretty much the beginning of the op just without the song.
Sep 21, 2017 7:01 PM

Feb 2014
I love yuri, but this series is... bad.
Just as bad as the manga (I've read until chapter 14).

*sigh* There are some good balanced drama and romance yuris out there but they chose to adapt exactly this one, and in addition, with Netorare. Omg, what an obsession for a thing that conveys negative feelings; and that's what considerable amount of people enjoys, it's a shame.


Now, what is coming next is Citrus (have read until chapter 25), full of melodrama.... at least it will be better than Netsuzou if they didn't change (for bad) the manga.
Vi-Sep 21, 2017 7:58 PM
Sep 21, 2017 7:48 PM

Oct 2013
I guess this was the only way the anime could end, considering the on-going manga(that's also walking around in circles). It wasn't bad but I do feel fairly dry after watching this. I'm not much into yuri nor ntr but the premise & 1st few eps(also,fairly nice art) gave the impression that it's gonna be spicy and I went in expecting some of that. Well, I got some but it quickly became rather dull as the eps went on, as I was just baited each ep with the allure of something more impactfull happening. To that end, the manga does satisfy better. In the end, Takeda remains the clueless naive fool that hasn't even found out who Yuma liked and Fujiwara? He was just like "oh, whatever" to everything. The drama was rather tame, which made the series kinda boring as it went on.

Sep 21, 2017 8:06 PM

Sep 2011
SakurasouBusters said:
Tyrel said:
Very mediocre. Wtf was that weird camera angling at the end (?). Seemed like an elevator camera watching them, but it feels very much more than that.

The last scene was pretty much the beginning of the op just without the song.
Oh okay. I never really watched the OP lol.
Sep 21, 2017 8:59 PM

Feb 2008
Don't really know why I picked this. Probably a random sexy erotic screenshot that made me watch it. Can't do much with 7 minutes per episode.

I love the NTR genre. But this was horrid.

"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Sep 22, 2017 6:44 AM
Oct 2014
from what chapter should I start after watching the anime?
I have no intention to start this from the begging. actually the only reason I watched this anime is to support future yuri adaptations.
Sep 22, 2017 10:03 AM

Jun 2017
(≼⓪≽◟⋌⋚⋛⋋◞≼⓪≽) I just saw something that's different from the MANGA!!
Another cut shorted anime before its manga ended (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
But, who cares,

I agree that everyone except Takeda in this Anime are MEH, yet I'm so glad it has different ending even it was forced but who cares. So I will just continue read the manga while everyone move on from it and stop giving a f.
Lexia_LoreleiSep 22, 2017 10:16 AM
Sep 22, 2017 10:17 AM

Jun 2017
InaOkami said:
from what chapter should I start after watching the anime?
I have no intention to start this from the begging. actually the only reason I watched this anime is to support future yuri adaptations.

You can try reading from Chapter 14 before they skipped everything 🙋
Sep 22, 2017 1:34 PM
Oct 2014
Lexia_Lorelei said:
InaOkami said:
from what chapter should I start after watching the anime?
I have no intention to start this from the begging. actually the only reason I watched this anime is to support future yuri adaptations.

You can try reading from Chapter 14 before they skipped everything 🙋

Thanks a lot for answering!
Sep 22, 2017 3:45 PM

Aug 2010
Poor Takeda. He was definitely way too good for this show.
Sep 22, 2017 5:11 PM

Nov 2009
Shion657 said:
Maybe Fujiwara is gay. Yeah make the two guys fall for one another.

Would have made for an interesting concept tho.

When will I get a better shoujo-ai/yuri fix in anime that is not dumb or hentai/futanari, with beautiful characterization and plot?
What a freakin dream................... *sigh*
This was a major disappointment.
Sep 22, 2017 6:25 PM

Mar 2009
This anime was a mistake.
Sep 22, 2017 7:44 PM
Jan 2016
Aah. After all the unfulfilled cliffhangers, I thought at least the ending would be tragic. I really hoped it would be something like School Days. But I guess a sweet happy ending is ok too.. oh well.
Sep 23, 2017 2:41 AM

Apr 2012
Good riddance, about damn time this pos finished.
As much as I love the Yuri scenes, this left a bad taste in my mouth, generally it made me unhappy to watch.
Fujiwara is an unredeeming bastard so il refrain from saying the obvious.
I soldiered on to see if it had any redeeming features but meh. it was still crap.
Poor Takeda man, the only good guy in the series. People saying he should find another true love, move on.
But from my perspective after what his been true he might be inclined to find love . Congrats Yuma and Hotaru you just royally fvcked someone up, enjoy your love together, you didnt deserve it.

Whatever the case its a blatant 1/10 for me. The 1 being purely out of compassion for Takeda
AkinoBladeSep 23, 2017 2:53 AM
The Art of Shipping is no mere game. It can be small skirmishes to huge nation size wars.
Of course some will claim their ship is the BATTLESHIP but they all do. This is why battles occur because of factions fighting each other to justify their favourite ship.
And thus SHIP to SHIP combat occurs almost anytime even now.
Beware, Threading into the Shipping battlefield will be bloody.... What are you waiting for?
Sep 23, 2017 3:32 AM

Jun 2015
Well at least Yuma managed to find out what the true nature of Hotaru and Fujiwara's relationship was like. An abusive one no less. But whats more surprising was the fact that the abuse was part of their deal. Thats one hell of a strange relationship that they are having though. As a result of discovering the feelings that she had for her Yuma sure is getting worked up over Hotaru though. Hotaru looks like she's determined to separate from Yuma then based on her words. Always trying to rescue someone sometimes can be a bad thing though. I guess being helpful all the time can also be a bad thing. Despite being in low spirits its nice that Takeda is able to offer some useful advice for Yuma though. Its nice that in the end Yuma realized what Hotaru's true feelings were though. Well confronting feelings that will be seen as strange by others is a form of bravery in itself as well. Well at least the anime ended with a happy ending for these two at least.
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Sep 23, 2017 8:55 AM

Nov 2009
Itai, itai, itai. It was actually quite painful and patience-trying to get through this series despite episodes being only 9 mins. The two main girls are the worst, because of them being such awful persons I couldn't even support them.
Sep 23, 2017 5:41 PM
Mar 2012
Well... end probably better than koi to uso. At least yuri end is good, better pair these trashy characters, than have good man Takeda suffer more. He deserves someone better. But Fujiwara didn't get karma, sad.
Sep 23, 2017 6:31 PM
Dec 2013
Not sure why I bothered watching this. It was pretty mediocre and the ending was a turd. Somehow I stuck with it anyway.
Sep 23, 2017 7:22 PM
Dec 2012
Not the best thing in the world but the ending was okay i guess.
Didn't leave a bad taste. Takeda found out who Yuma really liked, Fujiwara got ditched and Yuma and Hotaru got together.
Also lol at the people who didn't get this is NTR and got mad about it.
Sep 24, 2017 1:49 PM

Jul 2013
That was a decent series, love a bit of yuri scene and yeah why not. I wouldn;t mind a 2nd season
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Sep 29, 2017 1:39 PM
Mar 2016
In the end , them lesbians fall in love for real.....I feel bad for the nice guy, not Fujiwara.
Sep 29, 2017 10:19 PM

Oct 2007
Couldn't sit through ep 3-12. Skipped this episode, 5:51 is where it really began for me xD shortest series ever.
Sep 30, 2017 6:04 AM

Oct 2008
Just finished this...go lesbo to the max!!

Oct 2, 2017 5:18 AM

Jan 2013
It's a boring show about a boring girl realizing she wants to have gay sex with another boring girl. Boooooooooooooooooring!
Oct 5, 2017 11:39 AM

May 2015
lol what a piece of garbage this whole thing was.
Oct 7, 2017 7:02 AM

Sep 2009
why did they have to show the elevator like that? Is someone watching them or is it just nothing? oh well it was entertaining but I wouldn't really recommend this anime to anyone tbh

Oct 11, 2017 5:00 PM

Feb 2013
For a short anime, it had a lot of story....which is good....but considering you had NTR as a title I kind of expected it to be SO MUCH worse....still not that bad though.

Oct 13, 2017 4:23 AM

Dec 2012
It so rare to see a Yuri, but this one failed to impress me. Their relationship makes no progress during almost 11 episodes and suddenly, Yuma realizes that she loves her.
Takeda is such a good guy. It's too bad that the last episode felt so rushed.
Except the ending, it was a fine anime. Thanks to the 9 minute format, I was never bored when watching Netsuzou TRap.
Oct 13, 2017 5:29 PM

Oct 2012
Well, it wasn't bad for what it was, I honestly enoyed it all the way and I'm glad for the happy-ending.

But man, that aftercredits elevator scene and Hotaru's smile was pretty creepy. Is Fujiwara or someone else watching them, recording them or something? Did Hotaru planned everything from the start?

7/10 Good anime, hoping for S2.
Nov 7, 2017 3:16 AM

Jun 2011
Why do I torture myself, Fukumenkei Noise, Koi to Uso, and now this.. 3 kinda messed up / heartwrenching romance in a row.. Fujiwara should go fuck himself, Takeda is the MVP and Hotaru x Yuma banzai.

I am still unclear why Hotaru is doing this to herself though, should have made a non-contact pact with Fujiwara instead of sleeping with him when you like someone else.

Seriously, Takeda is the MVP of the series if I haven't already said that.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Nov 8, 2017 11:10 PM

Jul 2012
9/10 I thought it was GREATTTTT! Yuma and Hotaru were cute and I enjoyed each episode that would end in some cliffhanger. The relationship this anime successfully brought out is how "both far and close" a person to person relationship, in this case Yuma and Hotaru. That was really the focus of the anime and source of Yuri, using a cheating theme and slight NTR that spins off the dating between Yuma and Takeda or Hotaru and Fujiwara.

Fujiwara was abusive, but he was not the reason or cause why Hotaru teased and manipulated Yuma (basically abusing Yuma from out of being abused by Fujiwara). That can be seen when Hotaru steps up against Fujiwara multiple times when he does asshole, taking pictures, and Hotaru refusing him sex. Likewise Takeda was nice, but he was not the reason or cause Yuma chose to cheat on him with Hotaru. Yuma definitely liked Takeda and he was a satisfying partner. He wasn't a cheating material cuck. Yuma never wanted to cheat on Takeda, but she has her heart out for Hotaru.

In Yuma's and Hotaru's relationship

Hotaru was naughty and flirty in nature, but you can tell she didn't really like herself, has low self-esteem (lets herself be beaten, acknowledges she's a bad girl), she thought highly and even liked Yuma to the point of being possessive. She deliberately wanted to strain their relationship. She gives Yuma a hard time knowing she cares. She mixes lies with truths. (That can be seen when Hotaru told Yuma the truth in the balcony about her teasing and that they are still best friends, but the lie was Hotaru still wasn't being honest with their relationship) Deep down she suffered cause she couldn't be honest with Yuma and so she has Yuma join her. Hotaru selfishly wanted Yuma for herself. She liked Yuma but was also jealous of her. Hotaru pushed so far to achieve an ideal image of her own of herself that it pushed her relationship with Yuma far apart when they were close.

Yuma likes Hotaru as a friend, but when Hotaru teases Yuma, not sure about the change, but concerned Yuma just goes with it/accepts it. Takeda figures and understands Yuma asking her to give it some time and thought. While Yuma thinks about her relationship with Hotaru, she wanted Hotaru to come back to her as they once were. Yuma thinks about her feelings and realizes she loves Hotaru and remembering how Hotaru teased her, selfishly wants her for herself too. However, there was so much she didn't know about Hotaru. To Yuma who was a good girl, Hotaru was someone she treasured, would never let go. She wanted to know everything about Hotaru. She wanted to save her like when they were young. Hotaru was able to break the wall that drove their close relationship far apart and save their relationship. She convinced Hotaru that she would always be with her (not just because the image, she's a stray cat). In the end, they both just wanted each other's attention, and at last they finally met their real feelings with each other, and so they now in love.

Takeda and Fujiwara were aware of that, so neither of them were really hurt. The real romance in here is Yuma and Hotaru. Just like their character, Takeda supported Yuma, while Fujiwara doesn't care. In the end, I'm sure they can all stay as friends. Probably close enough for foursomes xD
張大です for 張大勇督察
Dec 8, 2017 3:22 PM

Aug 2016
I hated every second of it. 3/10.
Nanika ga Okashii
Jan 1, 2018 5:52 PM

Aug 2015
That was pretty awful.


Now thats over I'll go onto the next thing I've been putting off finishing.
Jan 8, 2018 3:08 AM

Mar 2015
I definitely think that if the white-haired prick got what he deserved, this show would've had higher ratings.

5/10, just meh.
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Jan 25, 2018 7:21 PM

Mar 2012
Hirugiku said:

Btw gonna be interesting to read the alternate yaoi version with their boyfriends. OH BOY, i wonder if its gonna get adaptation as well :P

There's an alternative boys love version with the guys?
Jan 25, 2018 11:45 PM

Jan 2015
Shokugeki said:
Hirugiku said:

Btw gonna be interesting to read the alternate yaoi version with their boyfriends. OH BOY, i wonder if its gonna get adaptation as well :P

There's an alternative boys love version with the guys?

yes but i dont think its translated
Feb 11, 2018 2:37 PM

Dec 2017
this shit makes my guts spilled out. takeda giving advice about love, fuck me... and till the very end he still didn't know about them..

oh boi.. and the ending was just.. 'okay.. what?'. i guess the manga was still in production or something
May 17, 2018 7:17 AM
Aug 2017
ten said:
This ending wasn't all that bad, but overall felt very rushed. I would have liked the show more if they took more serious approach to the relationship development and characters' personalities.
yehh they shouldn't have made the episodes 10mins long
Oct 7, 2018 7:00 AM

Sep 2008
I didn't think it was nearly as bad as people say it is. Might have actually been okay if it wasn't rushed.
Nov 26, 2018 1:36 AM

Nov 2009
I thought this was simple yet enjoyable and the writing was solid enough. Every episode left me looking forward to the next. Seems people dislike the cheating. The girls loved each other for a long time, it just took a while to realise and confront those feelings. Not surprising it could've taken being in other relationships to realise that. Remember they're teenagers as well. Personally I found it refreshing to see a more realistic take on relationships. 7/10 based solely on enjoyment.
Nov 26, 2018 8:35 AM

Feb 2014
I'll do a quick review on this one.

The story is shit, but character is drawn great.

Look, I won't complain about many story left unclear, especially at the ending. But, c'mon man, this show is not enough to satisfy your shoujo Ai need (it doesn't even feel like Yuri at all. What they can do is only tease you until near climax and left you hanging behind the door).
Jun 10, 2019 5:50 AM
Dec 2018
Whoever wrote this must have the mind of a 12 year old.

All the characters were terrible, a manipulative attention seeker, a dim and hypocritical main character, an abusive guy and a complete dimwit. Can't believe that people are saying Takeda is a nice guy, he's a complete idiot. The fact that the writer gives him no consolation at the end just makes the whole thing even worse. Terrible. 3/10.
Jun 16, 2019 11:44 AM
May 2012
Ahh! It was a bit weird, I’ve never read the manga and maybe that’s different and better but wow was this odd. I felt more like I was just being fannserviced and they sorta just made it really soft core and added some drama so it’s not actually hentai. The love scenes were good though. They make Yuma ridiculously hot... I guess I enjoyed it but it was certainly weird.
Best guy certainly does not win though and I get that because it’s shoujo-ai. But damn I wanted him to win, really felt bad he got cucked so hard by the end.

I don’t see why this is so badly reviewed, it’s not like it’s really supposed to be some epic tale, it’s kind of just a fan service show that throws some crazy shit into the mix to screw with your mind a bit.

6.5/10 or so.

I guess I’m just dumb and like anything that turns me on lol...
Jul 6, 2019 5:31 PM

Jun 2013
Started watching it solely because Ono-san, but loved it so much that couldn't stop till the end. I really don't understand all the negative comments, is it so perfect in other animes or what? I did enjoy the story, though all of them are pretty stupid.
Hotaru is so cute that I would have her myself.
C1011Jul 6, 2019 5:51 PM
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