Ah Ninja Scroll, the epitome of everything a ninja anime needs and tries...and fails to be. My friend and I saw this at our local Blockbuster and he had heard of it from a coworker who said "WATCH THIS MOVIE!" Now generally when I get recommendations from my friends I don't enjoy them all too much but Ninja Scroll was and is possibly one of my favourite films.
Story: Ninja Scroll in a very realistic sense is an anime B-movie. So the story was pretty heinous. Essentially the entire plot can be seen as a device to switch setting and to move
Alternative Titles
Synonyms: Wind Ninja Chronicles, Juubei Ninpucho
Japanese: 獣兵衛忍風帖
More titlesInformation
Finished Airing
Jun 5, 1993
1 hr. 31 min.
R+ - Mild Nudity
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
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Filtered Results: 44 / 46
Your Feelings Categories Sep 29, 2009
This was the very first anime film I ever saw. This takes me back to a time before even pokemon was in the US. Although a lot of people today will say that the art isn't that good. Or that the character development is terrible etc. etc. Those are also the people that have only been watching anime since it became popular in the US.
The story is amazing. Demon ninjas with terrible powers, each unique. The Art for it's time is also excellent. This is the movie that made me realize that cartoons could be serious, not just Bugs Bunny style. If you like movies that have ... Aug 5, 2007
Ninja Scroll was one of the first examples of anime I ever saw, and it made a lasting impression on me - a bad one. Luckily, I was already convinced of the ability of anime to stand up to anything that live action could throw at it. This, on the other hand, went a long way towards making me realise that, as with anything else (I now realise - I was young and had no sense), not all anime is superb.
So, what's wrong? Well, ninjas. I await the day when I can see a ninja character that I can even begin ... Dec 16, 2013
Ninja Scroll was the first anime I have ever seen. I probably was going to elementary school at that time and I’m not sure how my friends parents allowed us to see this sick and twisted story full of gore and tits.
Needless to say, I couldn’t understand a jack shit of what was actually going on, but man did I love it. Ninja Scroll also marks my new found interest in anime. It is the first anime movie I’ve seen in 5 years. I loved it, and since then I’ve already watched about 10 anime movies. It is, in a nutshell, an action movie. And action here ... Aug 18, 2016
Long before the Naruto craze and a myriad other ninja themed shows, there was Ninja Scroll. Premiering in 1993, Ninja Scroll could probably be the anime movie that fans everywhere could point their fingers at, saying that it jumpstarted the ninja trend, much like Gundam for mecha, Tenchi Muyo for harem, or Akira for cyberpunk, and what a spectacle it is. This is one of those movies that a lot of oldtaku were exposed to as kids, and is probably at least 50% responsible for the once-stigma of anime being sexed up, ultraviolent, and DEFINITELY not for kids.
Madhouse blends this winning combination of stylized, ... Mar 7, 2017
Ninja Scroll was a runaway hit when it premiered in America in 1993. Although it was never popular in Japan, it is not hard to see why it is a common gateway drug for western anime fans. Audiences who were unfamiliar with anime felt right at home with Ninja Scroll's plot, which is reminiscent of action films from the same late 80's to early 90's era (think Die Hard or Lethal Weapon). Juubee is a loner with a good heart and a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. To top it off, he's a rugged alpha male unlike the androgynous
Dec 7, 2012
Ninja Scroll is awesome! There! that's the review.
The story is not great, it's actually pretty basic: An evil group, working for an evil shogun, trying to take over Japan. Our poor hero Jubei unfortunately gets stuck in the middle, when he decided to help some ninja girl that was being raped by a giant muscle-head freak who tells her to behave, because: it would not make a difference to him wether she's dead or alive while he's doing his thing. Yeah.. it's not classy. Jubei and the ninja girl, let's call her Kagero, end up joining forces to take on the evil group, yada yada ... Feb 2, 2013
This was once my favorite anime movie, and though it no longer holds the crown on my list, it is still an outstanding movie that has held up over time. Every person I have shown this to, whether they are an anime fan or not, has enjoyed this movie. When someone I know asks for a recommendation for anime I always start with Ninja Scroll.
The opening scene is all the character development you need for Jubei. They sum up his character in a quick defensive attack and short piece of dialogue. From there, you know exactly who he is and what he does. The ... Oct 10, 2018
I'm gonna say it Ninja Scroll is one of the greatest anime movies ever made. I've seen this film 6 times dubbed and subbed. Now Ninja Scroll is a truly classic anime that anime watchers who like MOE, CGDCT, and other high school romcoms should watch and learn from to cleanse their pallet and enjoy something great and culturally rich.
The story of Ninja Scroll deals with our protagonist Juubei Kibagami and basically he’s out to kill the 8 devils of Kimon because an insider from the government poisoned him, and if he doesn’t do it the government spy won’t give him the antidote for the ... Jul 1, 2015
Considered by some(not me) to be one of the best anime films ever. Ninja Scroll is an action anime that has gained quite a solid and very rabid following. I have seen reviewers attacked mercilessly for saying anything negative about it. I'll never hear a reason good enough on why someone should be attacked for expressing their opinion on anything but those things happen, and I only mention that point with intentions on providing insight on how loved this animated feature is.
Ninja Scroll is definitely one of the most violent and action packed anime films ever. To include, the film boasts some of the most ... Apr 24, 2015
With the recent onslaught of wish-fulfilment garbage and grimdark bullshit getting popular as of late, a lot of people have taken up the mantra that anime nowadays is shit and that the older stuff is undoubtedly better. Whilst I can certainly see where those people are coming from, I want to take a better look at what the so-called "good old days" of anime really had to offer. Today, we're taking a look at Ninja Scroll: a harbinger of nostalgia for the many oldtaku here on MAL that actually bought tickets to see Akira and Ghost in the Shell in theatres when they first came
Apr 6, 2008
This is one of the Japanese animated movies that have left a long lasting mark on me.
It influenced me alot in artistic style, and other ways. It's very much like typical old Japanese samurai stories, but with all the stuff animation allows in. Ninja techniques were great. I loved watching it and I watch it again now and then. I don't know why many people have a bad experience with it. Anyway, I'd reccommend this anime to hardcore samurai or ninja anime fans. Or men who are interested in animations and over the age of 27. Best suited for men in their 40s. Best Ninja Animation Movie ever!! Nov 4, 2009
This is a fantaastic action film. It's an homage to a series of ninja novels and the main character an homage to a famous samurai folk hero...but never mind all that rubbish! All you need to know is it's a high octane thrill a minute action adventure with great characters, great fight scenes and a decent plot (certainly much better than you'd expect for a movie of this type). Be warned it's very violent and it will shock anyone who equates animation with Mickey Mouse or only knows anime through Studio Ghibli. Having said that all the extreme content is handled in a mature and
Jan 12, 2016
Where to begin with my short review here Oh yes the story is really weak but that makes this a dumb fun rule of cool popcorn movie to begin with. The characters besides the main lead Jubei Kibagami and the villain Genma the rest of the characters are pretty forgettable.the OST is pretty weak and not remember able at all. The Animation on the fight scenes and in general is pretty good in my opinion. That reminds me the ending fight at the end of the movie on the burning ship has to be the best anime fight that I ever experienced in my whole
May 28, 2020
THEE gold standard for proper, speedy pacing in anime. One of maybe two anime that potentially move too quickly for the viewer to follow. There's no hokey filler to pad the run time. Each scene carries actual character depth and plotline intrigue.
That alone makes this movie a must-watch, and a compelling reason it's survived as a masterpiece for well over two decades. Beyond that, Ninja Scroll features fantastically rapid combat sequences, devilishly brutal tactics, some of the best Japanese voicework ever (the English dub is just hilariously bad, don't bother with it), a menacing musical score, a surprisingly complex story, and purely stunning animation throughout. "Why did ... May 13, 2015
'Bakkakkoii' a Japanese slang word meaning "Stupid-Cool". Ninja Scroll is both very, very stupid and very, very cool.
-Story- From what I know, during the early 90's hyper-violent and gratuitous movies and OVA's were very common in the anime industry. If Ninja Scroll is any indication... I heard exactly right. After their overthrow by the Tokugawa Shoguns, the Toyotomi clan has assembled an army of the night and... ah, who freaking cares? It's all an excuse to get a bunch of awesome ninja fights. If I had to describe the story in one word it would be 'gratuitous'. Blood? Gore? Violence? Fan-Service? Special Powers? All check. Ninja ... May 31, 2013
Misogyny! Gore! Everything wrong with anime! etc etc! Really though, the way I see it is that Ninja Scroll is fundamentally an exploitation film that happens to be animated, more or less structured like a 70s grindhouse film in terms of emphasis on very base payoff. Funny how people get a lot less lenient about that kind of sleaze once it's animated, i.e. real people aren't being exploited in the process. Anyway, it's actually rather unique in how it takes a period story with ninjas and, without sacrificing the romanticism of such a setting, does something grotesque and almost horror-oriented with it. Great oldschool animation
Oct 25, 2021
One of the best anime movies ever made. Beautiful hand drawn animation, great action scenes which would look great if they were live action, memorable and weird characters, an anti-hero main character who is a stone cold badass and cool music too. If you have any interest in anime then you need to pick this movie up, it's absolutely brilliant and for me it ranks up there with Akira and the original Ghost in the shell as one of the best anime movies of all time. It's definitely aimed at adults though so i wouldn't go buying this for your 10 year old who likes
Feb 19, 2025
Not the best anime in terms of story or characters but definitely one of the best anime ever in terms of action scenes, which were some of the most entertaining and engaging I've ever seen. Some of the cleanest vibes I've ever felt watching a movie. Pure fun.
Plot: 6/10 - The plot is pretty simple, nothing too complicated. It's about a ronin named Jubei who, wandering around a poor Japan torn apart by civil wars, finds himself having to face the eight demons of Kimon, led by Genma, a man Jubei thought he had killed. Helping him on his mission will be the ninja Kagero ... May 13, 2016
It's a fairly simple premise executed in such a fashionable and interesting way. Had their not been so much creativity within the film, I'm positive things wouldn't have worked out so well. The unfortunate part is that creativity stretched into one of the worst, most offensive subplots I've ever had to endure. There's this obscure, fetishistic sexual theme that runs in the film that is the first time I've ever felt the urge to call 'sexist'. It doesn't make the film unwatchable, but it definitely makes the film recommendable (at least in my case.) Art: Fluid. Everything flows right into everything else. The animation on this work ... |