“Um, m-marriage is where your life goes to drink.”
When I first saw this anime while browsing for brand new anime releases, this anime came into view. My first thoughts… Probably just one of those cliché anime comedy romances. Well I got the comedy romance part right, but the cliché part I couldn’t have been any more wrong. Forgive me Otaku God for calling this anime cliché *goes on hands and knees* The jokes are quite fresh and new, and the romance is so adorable your most likely going to die from potential blood loss coming out of your nose.
The plot is
quite simple beyond beliefs; there is no complexity about it in anyway. Even a five year old can understand it. The anime is about the love between two high schoolers, and what fate awaits them. Well to put it simply all you’re watching is Io and Tsumiki’s relationship grow each and every episode, while at the same time, watching the other characters bug the heck out the both of them, mostly Tsumiki though. Even though this anime requires no extreme thought into understanding what the fudge it’s about, this anime is probably the only anime of its kind that has a perfect way of displaying plot development. Each and every episode, it shows a subtle amount of growth in a relationship from grabbing onto a coat to feeding your lover a spoonful of delicious goodness. This anime just isn’t about romance though; it also does a heck of a good job of making me choke from the amount of laughter produced. Sure not every part of this anime is so funny that it’s enough to make Grumpy from Snow White laugh, but hey I betcha a quarter that he would sniffle a giggle. Which means, whether you’re a Happy or a Grumpy you’re definitely going to laugh, giggle, snort, or even nose bleed when watching this comedy romance filled Heaven!
Soon to be lovers, Io and Tsumiki are the ideal anime couple of 2012 with their excellent way of showing character development! Each and every episode, one way or another, shows some tiny sign of character development which is definitely one of Acchi Kocchi’s proud strong points. Their budding relationship is so cute that it even puts Kamichama Karin’s Kazune and Karin’s adorable relationship to shambles! Now why don’t we highlight the extraordinary features of these soon to be lovers? Tsumiki is not your average tsundere, unlike most tsunderes she has that cool and collective attitude that boys go crazy for, however that’s not all; she has her cute side too which proves it with those kawaii cat ears that pop up now and again. Tsumiki is also a fantastic cook, adorable singer, and a super strong woman. There’s no doubt that she’s the ideal woman for most men! Now last but not least let us introduce the one the only, Io Otanoshi! Io may be quite oblivious to many things, but he makes up for it with those devilish good looks and charm that the Gods and Goddesses of Anime had blessed him with. Io like Tsumiki, is also a fantastic cook, but that’s not all, he’s also got the skills of a ninja! He’s every woman’s dream man! But that’s not at all, Acchi Kocchi also has Hime Haruno our nose bleeding princess, Sakaki the awesome pevert who is strangely similar to Yohei Sunohara, and Mayoi Katose the strange girl with a knack for technology.
If there is one thing I have learned from watching countless anime shows with a variety of different and yet unique art styles, I have come to the conclusion that the art style used in an anime should somehow fit the plot and genre of the anime. For example, in a horror anime, you need a somewhat mysterious and dark feel which will cause the hearts of its viewer a feel of slight uneasiness. In this case, however, you have a romance comedy anime with its goal being to somehow cause the hearts and souls of its viewers a feeling of relaxation, happiness, laughter, and adoration. To successfully put all these wonderful feelings together the animators had used an art style similar to that of Lucky Star’s. However, that is not all; the animators had also used graphics, effects, and the hearts and souls of those who love cute things too not only woo their viewers into a zombie like state in which people will stare adoringly at their computer screen, but also a near death experience where the viewer’s soul have somehow died and gone to a world of pure bliss.
“I don’t know anything about the meaning of love; I just want to look at you all the time.” That my anime friends are a small part of the cutesy lyrics to the anime’s opening “Acchi de Kocchi de.” Like most openings to animes the lyrics somehow in some way relate to the anime’s plot, cutesy and romantic for this one. The voice actors used in this anime are in no doubt, specialists. These seiyuus had successfully and utterly pulled down the red carpet and walked dazzlingly across it smilingly handsomely at all those other rejected seiyuus and said, “Tough luck kids, maybe next time.” Very unbelievable if I do say so myself that a few voice actors could be as so professional as to pull off the stupidity, cuteness, embarrassment, and all those other fanciful adjectives I type randomly just to make this paragraph longer. “If I grin and nyaa, I’ll know you’ll scratch my back.” And that was just extremely adorable lyrics to the anime’s ending song "Te wo Gyu Shite ne” which is just as adorable and pleasant as Tsumiki with her cat ears which I know most people are as so tempted to pull.
If there is one thing I wanted to do after watching episode one of this anime, it was to dance around in my underwear like a strange lunatic while smiling and listening to anime music. If you are wondering if I have problems than yes, yes I do. But that does not change the fact that this anime is so wonderful that every Otaku will get up and scream of joy, while watching Tsumiki go moe on them! I also got into the strange habit of saying cat like things; I have the strange urge to do so. But yes if you want me to get right into the point than yes, yes I 100% did enjoy watching this anime, so much that I want to dance happily in my own little world where my crush will someday pat me in the head lovingly and feed me a spoonful of food. My gosh, I’m sure every girl wants their crush to do that to them! Don’t worry ladies, I’m sure someday your prince will come.
Alternative Titles
Japanese: あっちこっち
More titlesInformation
Finished Airing
Apr 6, 2012 to Jun 29, 2012
Spring 2012
Sentai Filmworks
4-koma manga
24 min. per ep.
PG-13 - Teens 13 or older
based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.
Available AtResourcesStreaming Platforms | Reviews
Filtered Results: 79 / 105
Your Feelings Categories May 11, 2012
“Um, m-marriage is where your life goes to drink.”
When I first saw this anime while browsing for brand new anime releases, this anime came into view. My first thoughts… Probably just one of those cliché anime comedy romances. Well I got the comedy romance part right, but the cliché part I couldn’t have been any more wrong. Forgive me Otaku God for calling this anime cliché *goes on hands and knees* The jokes are quite fresh and new, and the romance is so adorable your most likely going to die from potential blood loss coming out of your nose. Plot: The plot is ... Apr 6, 2012
Normally someone wouldn't even bother to look at an anime that admits to have cliched characters in its synopsis. Nowadays, I normally wouldn't even touch an anime that looks like it could turn into a harem. However, the cover of Acchi Kocchi just attracted my attention so much that I just couldn't resist its cuteness. No one can. Thus, I started to watch the first episode, having low expectation and knowing it could turn into a horrible school harem. Upon finishing the first episode however, I found myself an easy-going little comedy gem.
The plot usually starts off with the main male character Io meeting up ... Jul 29, 2013
I usually see myself as a laid-back person more than anything. Because of that, the genre-less genre of "slice of life" appealed to me. With that eager and naive mindset, I dove head first into the world of...well...ordinary life. I first began with '"Lucky Star", but the overwhelming amount of references was beyond my knowledge. I then tried "Nichijou", but despite it's charm, I didn't feel that "love at first sight" spark. With that being my interpretation of this genre, I casually shied away.
Somewhere down the line, I found "Acchi Kocchi". I was somewhat reluctant due to my earlier experiences, but something about the cover ... Apr 9, 2012
First time writing a review for an anime, why would I pick this anime for my first review? The only reason is because... IT'S TOO CUTE ;3
This anime really makes me wonder sometimes, why isn't life more happy? ;3 Reality seems more stressful, but I guess this is why cute slice of life shows the happy part of our lives ;D Story (8): There's not much of a story as it's basically a cute slice of life, sort of like Lucky Star. The main characters have a little love story going on and random things happen, that can make you laugh or drown in how 'kawaii' ... Jul 1, 2012 Given the intro, graphics and such, I just figured this was another carbon copy of 'Kill Me Baby', and while many of the setups and gags were in the same vein, at least here there was a thread to follow, thin, but still a thread. I think people who watch this can be easily divided into two groups: those who scrunch up their eyebrows and say 'what?' when Mayoi is on the loudspeaker asking people to look to their right, then telling them "there is a wall", and then those who hear that line and have to hit pause because they're laughing so hard. I enjoyed ... May 11, 2013
Honestly, i am not the type who can enjoy an anime which doesnt have any strong plot or using an "cute" character like Azumanga Daioh or Lucky star. But for this one its exceptional.
Why? From the start i am watching this anime i have a mix feelings from "WTF" into "SMM (So Much Moeness)". I dont really understand a bit about this one but along with a few episodes finally i got hooked...no, not hooked. but GOT IN LOVE with this one. Acchi Kocchi or Place to Place in english is a typical slice of life anime with comedy and some romance on it. The story is ... Mar 10, 2013
It's hard for me to find a slice of life comedy I can enjoy from beginning to end. Paniponi Dash!, Azumanga Daioh, Nichijou, and many others just never took the cake for me. This is most likely due to the lack of comedic and romance I value in most anime.
-Story- That being said Acchi Kocchi (Place to Place) hit home when I first started watching this. There isn't really a story per say, but there is character development within certain relationships that you can follow along. Every episode is as enjoyable as the last, Including the special. -Art- The art is perfect for me. It's my kind ... Apr 6, 2012
Every season we look for those animes that make us look forward to the day they will be aired and this is definitely one of those animes for this season!
(8)Story: Doesn't look like there's any real story to this show other than it's a kinda slice of life anime with a lot of cute and [very] funny moments. It's only the first episode but I don't think it will disappoint. (9)Art: I like the art very much in this show, the character shows in the art. It's very clean and there were no problems with the animation and the little cat ears on Tsumiki were very adorable and ... Mar 30, 2014
On the surface, Acchi Kocchi looks like your typical high school slice of life rom-com filled with overused cliches such as school festivals, beach excursions, valentines day drama, and the like. While that is an accurate description of the general concept of this show, it excelled at making me laugh through unconventional and random humor, and making me smile at the sweet and tender moments the show sets up. With a cast of adorable (albeit cliche; we have the clueless male lead, the tsundere female lead, the airheaded and innocent girl, and the over-the-top troublemakers) characters, comedy that is more than often met with a
Jun 16, 2013
When I was young, I have always enjoyed those Looney Tunes cartoons and the Disney shorts. Acchi Kocchi is one of those anime where I can go to my dentist's office and watch that without having any fear. Acchi Kocchi was able to show the true colors of moe and comedy combined.
You may think Acchi Kocchi is another rom-com anime with an indecisive main character with no attraction, but you are absolutely wrong. While watching Acchi Kocchi, it gave me a heartwarming feeling. Acchi Kocchi focuses on a maiden in love, Tsumiki Miniwa, trying to find her way into Io Otonashi's heart. You can say ... Nov 16, 2013
Normally, I am not the type of person that can sit through a slice of life anime like this with no real story (like lucky star). However this one caught my attention one day and I was gladly surprised to find that it was not that bad of a show.
Story: 6/10 The plot is very simple, its just about High-schoolers that are in love. If you are going into this anime expecting to find an amazing and deep plot, then you are going to be dissapointed. Story is the weakest part of this anime, in fact it does not have much of a story ... Mar 4, 2013
Acchi Kocchi: This Anime's Story Was All Over The Place!
Okay, I know. REALLY bad pun. I just had to get it out before getting into this review. Acchi Kocchi is one of those series that I found to be just magical in its presentation. There is no "Madoka Magica" surprises with the cute animation though. What you see is what you get, a bunch of cutely animated HS characters doing hilariously cute things. The "story" revolves around a group of five high school friends participating in hilarious everyday activities, from making odd Valentine's Day chocolates for each other, to scaring each other with a bear suit ... Jun 18, 2014
Your first two questions when considering this anime might be “Is it actually cute?” and “Does it have much substance?”
For the answer to the former question, I invite you to take a look at the picture of Tsumiki Miniwa on her character page. Look at that face! Can you…deny…that face? And look at the top of her head; even though she’s a normal human, the show puts cat ears on her all the time without any explanation, just to boost her moe points. Truly terrifying. Not to mention she’s shy but tries to show her feelings. Moe. Soft-spoken and thoughtful. Moe. Super short but ... Jun 11, 2015
This is just a moe,slice of life,comedy anime.It doesn't have some big story.It's just every day life of a high schooler in love. →Art Art is fine.It's bright,simple and colorful.They do put a lot of detail.It may look childish.And it fits perfectly this anime! →Sound The sound track didn't stand out to me at all.Except the opening.Opening is upbeat and really adorable for me . →Characters ... Sep 22, 2012
“Kawaii” - Adjective, meaning “cute” or “adorable”, and is a big element in Anime. So much so that it even has its own genre. Synonymous to “moe”, “kawaii” has, over the years, been a definite attracting part of Anime. And nothing describes Acchi Kocchi more, then “kawaii”…. Except maybe “sugoku kawaii”… or “hounto sugoku kawaii”.
The plot isn’t brain straining at all. It simply revolves on the lives of a group of high-schoolers, and their wacky and mind-numbingly cute excursions. And with that, you can expect a lot of giggles, chuckles, snorts, and even the occasional, loud burst of laughter. And since we’re talking about high-schoolers ... Jun 15, 2012
Acchi Kocchi is a show ahead of its time. Outstanding in all fields, a true masterpiece. While watching, I only felt amazement and shame - my eyes are not worthy to view something so perfect, almost as if it was made for the Gods themselves.
What makes Acchi Kocchi so great, is that, on top of the gorgeous art, unique and relaxing character designs, and orgasmic soundtrack, it has the best writing one could ever possibly imagine. Fumitoshi Oizaki makes Gen Urobuchi look like a stagnant pedant who is capable of only writing children's literature. The characters are so well written I know I could die ... Jun 29, 2012
How often or how rare does a sweet and fluffy comedy anime about high schoolers? Acchi Kocchi may look like a cliché at first glance, but once you get to really watch it, you'll fall in love with its sweet atmosphere.
Story: There really is nothing much to go around for this series. Acchi Kocchi is more or less a slice-of-life comedy without a deep storyline, but the episodes are well-rounded and do not seem lacking at all. Art and Sound: For a slice of life and comedy, the art and music feels light and definitely matches the mood of the series. Character: Nothing really special, but their simpleness is really ... Jan 12, 2013
Such a short Anime, but Its too cute to resist to be honest. Acchi Kocchi is mainly about love and having fun with friends.
Story (8.5/10) To be honest, this anime doesn't really have a storyline to follow. Most of the time, you will see Lo and his friends just having their fun times outside & inside of school. I was expecting heavy romance as well (such as holding hands, kissing, etc), but you won't find It here. Like I said, this anime doesn't have a storyline to follow, but tons of comedy you will find here. Art (10/10) The art in this anime is absolutely cute ... Aug 11, 2012
To sum it up this series, if nothing else, makes to smile, laugh, and leaves you that way. Unless you have a slightly cold heart.
This series wasn't the best in the world, but it definitely was not the worst. if anything, it was average. The series is basically a comedy the whole way through, even though it attempts to put in some romance here and there.Every episode is split into two parts; part A and part B, and in those 11 or so minutes the 4 characters does some sort of activity ( all 24 Parts in the series are different so don't worry about ... Jan 13, 2014
Acchi Kocchi is a very simple anime, without overcomplicating itself with unnecessary plot points or any intense action scenes or drama. Hell, even the animation looks simple. (Not a bad thing.) Without further ado, onto the review.
Story (6/10): Acchi Kocchi in translation means "place to place", entailing that the characters, or at the very least, the story, moves from place to place. Which, indeed it does. Acchi Kocchi branches itself into very well known slice of life animes like Lucky Star, and Nichijou, for having very simple plots. The story itself focuses heavily on the daily life of ... |