At the very beginning Night Head Genesis reminded me so much of Weiß kreuz! They share the same ambience, melodrama, and even the artwork styles are similar (although Genesis is much more consistent than poor Weiß).
While there are no assassins in Night Head Genesis, both anime do revolve around unique sets of people and professional organizations; for instance, Arc is comparable to Eszett. The plot is carried out in much the same way as the Missions of Weiß - that is to say, with story arcs that are all connected by an overall scheme in the end. The arcs in Genesis are not
as action-packed as Weiß, but the fight sequences watch the same.
The Genesis brothers reminded me specifically of Aya and Omi from Weiß, but of course there is the feeling of Schwarz about all the characters in Genesis simply by their ESP and desire to alter society with their supernatural gifts.
Definitely if you've seen one anime, you'll enjoy the other title. read more