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Spectrum News is your all-in-one destination for local news, weather, forecasts and events.  You let us know where you call home, and we customize your experience with stories and information that matter to you and your community.

Available for all Spectrum customers. *If you're not a Spectrum customer, enjoy free access for 30 days.

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1. Go to settings and select Manage Notifications.

2. Select Enable Notifications and then the News and/or Weather options. 

3. If you selected Weather, you can indicate if you want to receive alerts for lightning near your location and alerts for when rain or snow starts near you.

4. When you select the Weather and Safety Alerts, you will see 3 options to choose from.

  1. The first option, Severe Watches and Warnings Only, includes only critical alerts like tornado, snow, hurricane and flood warnings.
  2. The second option adds watches and more warnings for conditions like extreme heat and cold, lake-effect snow, air quality, coastal flooding and more.
  3. The third option allows you to select all advisories, watches and warnings issued by the National Weather Service. Here is a list of alerts with definitions.

Keep in mind that some alerts could come overnight, so consider that when you make your selection. You can change your selections at any time.