The Return of the 90s Web

In big cultural concepts like music or fashion, things have a way of coming around full circle. I'm pretty sure someday grunge will come back as a hot new sample, and at some point our kids might think frosted hair tips are totally cool.

When I look at some of the trends on the web today, I wonder if we’re at that point yet. I wonder if we’re ready to revisit some of the ideas of the early web again.

Probably not in design - I’m afraid dancing-baby.gif is gone for good. But some of the broader ideas from back then are picking up a second wind lately, and I like it.

Serverside Rendering

Permalink to “Serverside Rendering”

After spending the better part of the last decade shifting rendering logic to the client, it looks like the pendulum is about to swing into the other direction again.

With projects like Phoenix Liveview or’s recent “it’s-just-HTML” approach, it seems like server-side rendering (SSR) is stepping back into the spotlight.

It makes sense - servers are really good at this, and sending compressed HTML through the network can be lightning fast. The classic request-response cycle has evolved as well: HTTP/2 and smart techniques like Turbolinks or just-in-time preloading allow for a much better experience now than when you first tried to load that Michael Jordan photo on the Space Jam website over dial-up.

Taking the responsibility of rendering UI and all the Javascript that comes with it off users’ shoulders would be a great old new strategy for the next generation of web apps.

No-Code Tools

Permalink to “No-Code Tools”

Frontpage and Dreamweaver were big in the 90s because of their “What You See Is What You Get” interface. People could set up a website without any coding skills, just by dragging boxes and typing text in them.

Of course they soon found that there was still source code underneath, you just didn’t see it. And most of the time, that source code was a big heap of auto-generated garbage - it ultimately failed to keep up with the requirements of the modern web.

the webflow interface, different design widgets and controls

Today our understanding of the web has improved, and so have our tools. Webflow is one of the contenders for the “no-code editor” trophy. The output it generates is far better.

These tools will probably not be a replacement for developers as a whole - complex projects still require tons of human brainpower to work. But for all the landing pages and marketing sites, this could be the holy grail of WYSIWYG we thought we had in the 90s.

Personal Websites

Permalink to “Personal Websites”

It might just be my IndieWeb filter bubble talking, but I think there is a renewed interest in personal websites. A lot of big social media giants are falling out of favor, and it becomes cool again to own a space on the web rather than being one of a billion usernames.

Our digital identities are becoming increasingly more important, and people become aware that they’re not in control of their data. Personal sites were very popular in the era before Myspace and Facebook, and it’s now easier than ever to build one.

Services like Carrd offer a straightforward way to create simple one-pagers, and their numbers show a lot of interest:

Blogging is gaining popularity again as well, used as a tool for self-marketing or simply to express opinions. There are lots of good options for people who want to pick up blogging - either on their own sites or with platforms like, that offer more independence than Medium & Co.

Curated Feeds and Discovery

Permalink to “Curated Feeds and Discovery”

Another issue created by social media is the prevalence of “algorithmic feeds”. We decided that the constant stream of input for our eyeballs should never end, so we built these complex systems to generate new content for us based on our interests.

But these are giant black boxes, and nobody really knows what signals go into them. Throw advertising, “fake news” and a couple of trolls into the mix, and you get the mess we all know now.

That’s why many people crave a more controlled reading experience on their own terms. Chronological, personal, relevant - a bespoke magazine of trusted sources. A curated feed.

One way to achieve something like that is through plain ol’ boring RSS. One more thing that was said to be dead but is growing in popularity again:

Another possibility is to discover new content through human connections instead of algorithms. People we already know for their content recommend others in the same field, creating decentralized clusters of trusted information.

Website owners used to do this a lot in the days before search engines, by providing Blogroll Pages or forming Webrings with links to others in their cluster.

Webrings were a common way for people to connect their sites in the early web. To be a member of a webring, you had to embed a little widget on your site that contained a “forward”, a “backward”, and a “random” button. These buttons would then link to other sites in the ring.

BTW: If you want to host your own webring, I made this free Starter Kit for you.

Member of the An Example Webring webring

Previous Random Next

Smaller Communities and Web Monetization

Permalink to “Smaller Communities and Web Monetization”

Many independent creators are moving away from big “everyone’s on them” platforms back to private, more niche communities. New models for membership sites like Ghost’s “Members” feature enable creators to build communities on their content. People teach courses, self-publish books or provide APIs for specific topics.

Where the 90s had chatrooms and message boards, today there are tools like Discord or Twitch that help people with shared interests to connect with each other. These niche communities can then be a powerful userbase for independent businesses.

Of course the problem of monetization has existed from the very start of the web, and it’s still not easy today to earn money without splattering ads everywhere. But new standards like the Web Monetization API could be a very interesting solution, enabling creators to receive micro-payments for their content.

Learning from the Past

Permalink to “Learning from the Past”

I don’t know if all of these trends will really play out, or if we’re up for something completely different. I do think it’s a good idea to learn from the past though, because that is what keeps us moving forward.

So maybe the second 90s can be even better than the first. At least we’re done with NSYNC this time.


What’s this?
  1. Paulo Pinto
    No need to say that Max Böck’s blog posts are always great to read –> The return of the 90s web…
  2. Juha Liikala
    This!👇 ”It might just be my IndieWeb filter bubble talking, but I think there is a renewed interest in personal websites. A lot of big social media giants are falling out of favor, and it becomes cool again to own a space on the web rather then being one of a billion usernames.”
  3. “The Return of the 90s Web - Max Böck”…
  4. Hacker News
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  1. Hacker News
  2. Winson Tang
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  3. HackerNewsTop10
    The Return of the 90s Web Link:… Comments:…
  4. Hacker News 20
    The Return of the 90s Web… (
  5. git dim 👨‍💻
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  6. Hacker News 50
    The Return of the 90s Web… (
  7. 90年代のWebのリターン…
  8. Mike Kijewski
    I love this idea. There is so much missing from the twitter/Facebook/instagram internet that 99% of people interact with today.
  9. Phil Eaton
    I just wish HTML forms supported sending JSON. But HEY has me rethinking things. I'm curious not to use JS again.…
  10. Hacker News
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  11. Angsuman Chakraborty
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  12. Jonas
    Den asociala webben som försvann. Eller?…
  13. Hacker News 100+
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  14. Hacker News 100
    The Return of the 90s Web… (
  15. M157q News RSS
    The Return of the 90s Web… Article URL: Comments URL:… Points: 101 # Comments: 48
  16. Hacker News Feed
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  17. The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  18. Homepages are coming back! :)…
  19. Hacker News 150
    The Return of the 90s Web… (
  20. Justin Hill
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  21. Fahren
    This, hopefully, becomes a thing. Bring on the indie web…
  22. Greg Albritton
    Great post! Appreciate your thoughts. Maybe BTS replaces NSYNC???
  23. Web Surfer 🏄🌎
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  24. 6LT Data
    The Return of the 90s Web ( :
  25. Dave Dunkin
    The Return of the 90s Web Not mentioned: WebAssembly is the new Java Applet…
  26. syndrowm
    Can we get rid of networkmanager yet?…
  27. Malte Ubl
    This post makes some good observations. However, a server-side rendered email client sounds horrible. Email must work offline.…
  28. Ashutosh
    Things have gotten over-complicated on the Web, and that's why old tech is cool again. 🔸Server-side Rendering 🔸#NoCode Tools 🔸Blogs and Personal Websites 🔸RSS Feeds 🔸Smaller Communities…
  29. Yohan Totting
    Web is similar to fashion, the old 90s trends are return.…
  30. Hacker News Bot
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  31. The Return of the 90s Web is #Trending in #Tech #Technology circles.…
  32. Hacker News 300
    The Return of the 90s Web… (
  33. Jon Sagara
    I’m squarely in the server-side rendering camp. Take your SPAs and get off my lawn! 😬…
  34. Hacker News Robot
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  35. Lobsters
  36. Exaday
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  37. Evgeny Yakushevsky
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  38. Alexandre Dieulot
    Thanks for your link to! A better term than “predictive preloading” is “just-in-time preloading”; predictive is the name usually used when you do complex stuff with analytics, like Guess.js does.
  39. It’s a great time to start a website! I’ve been very happy to revive mine…
  40. Sahel Jalal
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  41. I wholeheartedly agree with this…
  42. Ydn.
  43. Fingers crossed! "After spending the better part of the last decade shifting rendering logic to the client, it looks like the pendulum is about to swing into the other direction again."…
  44. Matteo � Pescarin
    The Return of the 90s Web -…
  45. Josef Šlerka
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  46. The 90s Web made me the Web lover and SEO I am today so I'm saving this for later.
  47. I really like the webring idea.
  48. Andy Bell
    nodding to all of this, except frosted tips. They should *never* return
  49. Àlex
    The Return of the 90’s Web…
  50. Francesco Napoletano
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  51. NewsMeme
    The Return of the 90s Web |…
  52. Cy Culpin
    The amount of cookie acceptance and popups you have to click through to get to a site these days reminds me of 90s splash pages. In lots of cases it would be easier to have it all in a single splash page and deal with it in one click :)
  53. Hacker News 50
    442 – The Return of the 90s Web…
  54. Robert Muehsig
    Ha! "The Return of the 90s Web"… // thx @oliverguhr
  55. 90年代のwebが復活って面白いな 確かにゆいチャットのチャットルームたちがDiscordとして復活してる。これは新しい日記SNSが必要だな!…
  56. Robert Lujo
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck… #webdevelopment
  57. Sara Chah
    Return of the 90's Web: Mehr Blogs, Newsletter, Personal Space und Dreamweaver-Websites. I'm here for it!…
  58. Lukasz Domanski
    ”I wonder if we’re ready to revisit some of the ideas of the early web again. Probably not in design - I’m afraid dancing-baby.gif is gone for good“ IMO, RSS prob won‘t make a comeback, but it‘s interesting how we went a full circle on some other stuff.…
  59. Igor Kulman
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  60. Markus Schork
    I hope it comes with the sneakers!
  61. Hacker News
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  62. Darko Romanov
    The Return of the 90s Web… by @mxbck #dev
  63. Roy Tang
    Shared via pocket: The Return of the 90s Web…
  64. Daniel Kaczmarczyk
    Very interesting article for those who miss the 90's web…
  65. Hacker News 500
    The Return of the 90s Web… (
  66. Adactio Links
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  67. Vineet Malhotra
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  68. Carella
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  69. Khürt Williams
    "It might just be my IndieWeb filter bubble talking" <- It's mostly that. In the 1990s, I personally knew very few people who had a website. In 2020, I still know very few people who have a website.
  70. I really liked that post. Thanks a lot for sharing it.
  71. Luciano Mammino
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  72. Régis Gaidot ☁️
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  73. Jakob Skjerning
  74. Nicolas Debock
    super interresting point of view : the no code movement and server side rendering are a flashback to the 90's web. Add to this the meta app (from Wechat to @revolut in the finace vertical) which could be seen as good old "portals"…
  75. Mike Aparicio
    *Bruce Banner voice* “That’s my secret, Cap. I’m always making websites like it’s the 90s.”
  76. Adam Martin
    “The Return of the 90s Web”…
  77. Charles Hall
    personal websites still need to be easier. the current tools have a high barrier to entry. even for those of us that have designed and built the web since its inception.
  78. Diego Monroy
    The return of the 90s web?…
  79. Jerome Ydarack
    The return of the 90s web…
  80. Javier Pastor
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  81. Elixir & Phoenix Framework is in a sweetspot for "The Return of the 90s Web" by @mxbck With all the improvements since the 90s, it doesn't even feel old! LiveView can enrich the UX and provide real-time features with ease like never before. I like it!…
  82. Andreas Kapp
    Server-side rendering: „After spending the better part of the last decade shifting rendering logic to the client, it looks like the pendulum is about to swing into the other direction again.“ - Phoenix Liveview - “it’s-just-HTML”…
  83. Sukirno Inox
    Yep, ini juga lagi bantuin ngembangin web pake angular, tp berharap bisa SSR juga. Masih belum nerapin Feed RSS. | The Return of the 90s Web…
  84. Mich is Me
    The Return of the 90s Web… @mxbck
  85. John Siebenthaler
    lots to consider - #blogging stands out as a way to (re)engage with your audience... #webdev #PR #marketing
  86. Adam Ludwin
    excellent post
  87. Pat Hartl… You know what I love about this article? I've never liked SPA's. They great for things that are _actually_ applications like CodePen or Discord, but for regular websites? Keep it simple.
  88. ⭕ Bernie
    I actually just set up my RSS reader and dusted off my blog
  89. elvendrim
    The Return of the 90s Web… via @mxbck
  90. I thought this post by @mxbck was really great. I see a lot of what he sees (and then some) and I absolutely love it.…
  91. wei tsang
    I swear I’m not intentionally trying to be a hipster >.>…
  92. パンダくん
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  93. Jorge Jaramillo 🦾
    Totalmente de acuerdo. The Return of the 90s Web.…
  94. Myles Younger
    1/ By @mxbck via @digg. Really good quick read. In my dynamic ads days, I engineered a lot (not 100%) of the rendering to happen server side for several reasons.…
  95. Juan Luis Hortelano
    Interesting post : The return of the 90s Web…
  96. Jonas Salen 🖖 BLM
    Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes. #frontend
  97. Don Willoughby
    The Return Of The 90s Web… via @Digg
    The Return of the 90s Web: Kicks Condor chimed in with thoughts on modern personal directories…
  99. Pinboard Popular
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  100. Geoff Feinson
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  101. ● NEWS ● #mxb #www #internet #animation #clutter ☞ The Return of the 90s Web…
  102. kei⛅️
  103. Yohan J. Rodríguez
    #Tech #Automated | The Return of the 90s Web…
  104. Peter Zaitsev
    The Return of the 90s Web - What do you think ?…
  105. c0de517e/AngeloPesce
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  106. Anirvan Chatterjee
    Skip the spacer images, keep the rest…
  107. Armando Alves
    The Return of the 90s #Web…
  108. The Latest
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  109. Matthias Ott
    The Return of the 90s Web, by @mxbck 👏…
  110. subterraneanwebZ
    The Return of the 90s #Web… via
  111. Jan Ehrhardt
    I like @mxbck discovering good ideas from the past coming back. I hope this is not just his bubble 😂…
  112. Jeffrey Horn
    I so badly want this to be true.…
  113. january holmes
    Personal websites and blogs making a comeback? I'm all for welcoming the 90s back:…
  114. Vojtech Rinik
    Return of the 90s Web…
  115. sucrito sucas
    "A lot of big social media giants are falling out of favor, and it becomes cool again to own a space on the web rather then being one of a billion usernames."…
  116. Christian Hartmann
    Dev: The Return of the 90s Web »…
  117. Gary Cotterell
    Interesting read Max. Food for thought.
  118. David J Carr
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  119. fernandocomet
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  120. Clive Thompson
    The return of the 90s web:… I'm fascinated by the recent appreciation of server-side rendering and static web sites. Clearly they have their limits, but they're an intriguing response to the balloonification of the front end
  121. Andy Yan
    The 90s....they were rad.…
  122. Igor Fedyukin
    Веб возвращается в 90е - интересные тенденции. Индивеб и ССР :)…
  123. Abdullah Aldawsari
    ملخص جميل عن بعض مظاهر الويب في التسعينات وربما بداية الألفية وعودتها هذه الأيام.…
  124. Kai 🚀
    Ох, какой быстрый. Приятно.
  125. Si Jobling
    Interesting observations of the Web coming full circle (not quite 90s but certainly 00s); something I've noticed recently is the return of personal websites/blogs, RSS feeds for consumption and smaller niche communities…
  126. Anne Barela
    In big cultural concepts like music or fashion, things have a way of coming around full circle. Max Böck is pretty sure someday grunge will come back as a hot new sample, and at some point kids might think frosted hair tips are totally cool. When I look at some of the trends on the web today, I wonder if we’re at that point yet. I wonder if we’re ready to revisit some of the ideas of the early web again. Probably not in design – I’m afraid dancing-baby.gif is gone for good. But some of the broader ideas from back then are picking up a second wind lately, and I like it. The changes include more server side rendering, no-code tools ala Frontpage and Dreamweaver, and personal websites independent from Medium, Blogger, etc.See the details in the post.Bonus: Here is the website from 2006, fetched from
  127. Naomi²
    I like this article on some of the current trends on the web. Also because it means I might come back into fashion…
  128. Jason Morehead
    Personal websites? Curated feeds? RSS? I want to go to there.
  129. Ahmed Al Omran
    90s web is coming back…
  130. Armor Nick
    We are "going back to the 90's web" except it's like we remember it, not as it actually was. Websites used to be crappy, slow and annoying. Nowadays, they are mostly clean and fast. Nostalgia is a strange thing.…
  131. Eva Lettner
    OMG webrings! That was such a fun concept and I made loads of friends as an awkward teenager through webrings and the 'I'm a teen with a website' scene.
  132. Martin Hahn
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  133. Gerard van Enk
    Interessante vraag...zou het terugkeren van 'oude trends' zoals dat bijv in mode wel gebeurd ook bij webdevelopment gebeuren? Zou best kunnen, maar dan niet op 't gebied van design denk ik...…
  134. Sergi Muñoz
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  135. cirox
    Frontpage e Dreamweaver (e volendo anche Access) oggi sarebbero "no-code tools"…
  136. JesseCon
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck #webdevelopment #Webdesign…
  137. Mark Hardwick
    So maybe the second 90s can be even better than the first. At least we’re done with NSYNC this time.…
  138. Régis Faubet
    Intéressant car il n'y est pas question de design, mais bien de pratiques et de technique.…
  139. Guillaume Le Nistour
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  140. pL
  141. Say Wot
    This is good news.
  142. Sven Przepiorka
    Es ist spannend, wie sich das Web gerade entwickelt. Die einen jagen jedem neuen Trend hinterher. Und die anderen lassen sich von der Anfangszeit inspirieren. Ich gehöre definitiv zu letzteren ...
  143. Osman Vielma
  144. Возвращение веба из 90-х. Макс Бёк сравнивает современные подходы и тенденции с тем, что было на заре Интернета —…
  145. The Return of the 90s Web…
  146. Gabriel Jorby
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  147. Serkan Bektaş 🚀
    90'lı yılların webine modern dokunuşlar
  148. The Return of the 90s Web…
  149. Eco Web Hosting
    Smaller communities, personal websites, and server-side rendering. @mxbck is right - let's bring the 90s web back:…
  150. Margaritis Malioris
    The Return of the 90s Web… - ..maybe the second 90s can be even better than the first!
  151. Duncan Gidney
    The Return of the 90s Web… via @instapaper
  152. Matt Hill
    Not sure I fully agree, but in some ways this would be great if true:…
  153. Ron Brennan
    This makes a lot of sense. The gears are turning.…
  154. Brian Rinaldi
    Interesting post by @mxbck that looks at trends in the web/web dev that hark back to what was popular in the 90s. For those who've been around since then, it's easy to argue that the web we created is not the web we'd imagined we were creating at the time.…
  155. VisionSnap
    The Return of the 90s Web CSS Tricks…
  156. Carsten Bach
    I just shared this text with our team @figuren_theater and you all should read it, too. Thanks @mxbck…
  157. The Return of the 90s Web…
    Great article!!! “I do think it’s a good idea to learn from the past though, because that is what keeps us moving forward”. Thoughts?
  159. Tobias Zeumer
    The Return of the 90s Web -…
  160. Malibu IT Labs
    The Return of the 90s Web: One of my forever-lessons here on CSS-Tricks is that having your own website and blogging on it is a good idea. It’s probably one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, as it’s been a direct source of fun, career development……
  161. Scott Gruber
    The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck. Hand code your website and feel the HTML Energy (HT @htmlenergy).…
  162. Leo
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  163. Esther Schindler
    "In big cultural concepts like music or fashion, things have a way of coming around full circle."…
  164. \\ uto-usui //
    ウェブに2度目の90年代がやってきているムードを読み解くくらくら SSR / No-Code / Personal Websites / Curated Feeds / Smaller Communities…
  165. P-Product 💻🔶
    The Return of the 90s Web… In big cultural concepts like music or fashion, things have a way of coming around full circle. I'm sure someday grunge will come back as a hot new sample, and at some point our kids might think frosted hair tips are totally cool
  166. Raffael Stüken 💥
    On: The Return of the 90s Web By ⁦…
  167. Julian Hatwell
    As 90s music and fash makes a come back, might the same be true for 90s web?…
  168. Skal vi så have brede eller smalle bukseben i denne sæson? Det lader til at moden er ved at skifte igen (og med god grund)…
  169. Commandork
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  170. Danny de Vries
    What is old is new again. Personal websites are the best thing that's making a comeback in 2020.…
  171. Christian Surchi
    The Return of the 90s Web… on @refindcom @mxbck
  172. Thorsten Beeck
    Cool blog post. I also found myself in it, I redesigned my personal website earlier this year. 😁
  173. Greg Davidson
    Inspired reading @mxbck's post (…) and @kickscondor's thoughts ('s-link-…). Indie Web goodness 💯 /via @waxy
  174. Lucas Rollan
    As someone who got started in web development using Dreamweaver, this brings a tear to my eye.…
  175. Andrew Kovalenko… The Return of the 90s Web
  176. Etumnamboa
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  177. Edgaras
    Pre-rendered sites, the raise of #nocode, discovering web content and more by @mxbck at…
  178. bert boerland
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  179. Web Design Museum
  180. weareSHIFTA
    "¿ Listo para volver a las ideas de la primera #web ? Los años 90 y su editor sin código están de moda | Como también los blogs, que ganan popularidad nuevamente, como una herramienta para el auto-marketing o simplemente para expresar opiniones", @mxbck…
  181. Sahil Parikh
    The Return of the 90s Web by ⁦…
  182. Manish R. Jain
    😂 Someone mentioned SSR (server-side rendering) to me and I'm like - old skool style. What's next - Perl?
  183. Michael Friedman
    Couple interesting parallels that @mxstbr draws between the 90s web and the web we have today, pertaining to personal brand and writing online.… Highlights:…
  184. If you miss this web, it's here already. Don't friendzone, you were meant to be together:…
  185. ((λ()'Dr.ArneBab))
    The Return of the 90s Web:…
  186. → Ale Narvaja
  187. Liran Tal
    90s are making a comeback on the web, nice relaxed read at… my only nitpick is that server-side rendering are already deeply rooted, they're not "the new buzz" anymore.
  188. An interesting article about how the web looks today…
  189. James Sinclair
    “After spending the better part of the last decade shifting rendering logic to the client, it looks like the pendulum is about to swing into the other direction again.” —@mxbck Not just “about to”, been swinging for a while. “The Return of the 90s Web”…
  190. Adam Seligman
  191. Azzam Syawqi Aziz
  192. Eric Wilson
    "A lot of big social media giants are falling out of favor, and it becomes cool again to own a space on the web rather than being one of a billion usernames."…
  193. Shannon Crabill
    “…it seems like server-side rendering (SSR) is stepping back into the spotlight. It makes sense - servers are really good at this, and sending compressed HTML through the network can be lightning fast.” — @mxbck…
  194. Firewater
    Remember when dial-up was a thing? Turns out, the internet is going back to its '90s roots. According to coder Max Bock there's an uptick in blogging, RSS feeds, and discovering new content through human connections. What do you miss about the '90s?…
  195. 蛤 hey 的網頁只是 HTML with form?! 都是 server side rendering?!…
  196. 倉下 忠憲
    "Website owners used to do this a lot in the days before search engines, by providing Blogroll Pages or forming Webrings with links to others in their cluster." ◇The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…
  197. Joulse
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  198. Calves Kelson
    O excesso de publicidade embutida em qualquer site que acessamos junto com a porraloquisse das redes sociais já vem me incomodando há muito tempo. Acho foi por isso que esse texto meu trouxe uma paz…
  199. Claire Brotherton
    Who remembers webrings? I do!…
  200. ElectronicPress
    The Return of the 90s Web…
  201. r7kamura
    "The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck"…
  202. khosoda
    これ読んでからサイトの運用を色々と考えるようになった|The Return of the 90s Web…
  203. Mrs. D
    The Return of the 90s Web It might just be my IndieWeb filter bubble talking, but I think there is a renewed interest in personal websites. A lot of big social media giants are falling out of favor, and it becomes cool again to own a space on the web rather than being one of a billion usernames. Our digital identities are becoming increasingly more important, and people become aware that they’re not in control of their data. Personal sites were very popular in the era before Myspace and Facebook, and it’s now easier than ever to build one. #indieweb
  204. Stéphane Klein
    « After spending the better part of the last decade shifting rendering logic to the client, it looks like the pendulum is about to swing into the other direction again. »…
  205. Marcia Caines
    If these are the tech trends shaping the web then I am down.…
  206. Antoine Frankart
    The Return of the 90s Web… by @mxbck
  207. Thank YOU Max 🙌
  208. Javier Archeni
    Me encantó tanto el artículo de Max Böck que no pude evitar aprovecharlo para el podcast. Sigan todo lo que hace este señor. Vielen Dank an Sie!
  209. John Siebenthaler
    Looking to connect? #Blogging stands out as a way to (re)engage with your audience... #webdev #PR #marketing…
  210. Tom Anypuppies
    Well good for me that I left out most of the hypes in between then 🤓
  211. Tom Anypuppies
    // cc @bnt_de
  212. Cassie Evans
    Love it✨
  213. I'm also finding this trend interesting - just as I'm learning all about how the 'modern' web works, it's all swinging back again! While there are clearly trends, a bit of everything is clearly good, and even better when we know which tech works best for what applications.
  214. Matthias Ott
  215. Wil Floyd
    Top story: The Return of the 90s Web | Max Böck…, see more
  216. Antti Riikola
    Familiar with #indieweb concept touted by none other than @t ?
  217. Max Böck
    yes, it's mentioned in the post as well
  218. Marc DeSantis
    Are we bringing Perl back?
  219. Antti Riikola
    Awh shucks, should've read it before tweeting 😆 #mostexcellent
  220. Maxime Richard
    ribbon is back?
  221. Dennis Lembrée 🦇
    I like this. "The Return of the 90s Web"… #www
  222. Richard Hemmer
    @mxbck I agree. I'm a bit excited thinking about the ways ActivityPub might be used to create its own ecosystem and how it could tie in with the whole Indieweb community.
  223. Molly JongFast
    @mxbck me too