अँड्रॉइड लाइव्ह वॉलपेपर

थेट वॉलपेपर शैली 3D

3D Aquarium HD

वॉलपेपर आयडी:
9.8 MB


3D Aquarium HD अँड्रॉइड लाइव्ह वॉलपेपर

Amazing 3D aquarium live wallpaper featuring real animated fishes and sea corals

Colorful 3D fishes, beautiful background of sea corals and animated air bubbles make '3D Aquarium Live Wallpaper HD' even better than the real aquariums! In this amazingly realistic aquarium background wallpaper, dozens of different exotic fishes are swimming on a background of colorful sea corals, plants and beautiful sunrays.

This fish wallpaper with high definition is not a movie, and everything is 3D rendered in OpenGL. Its cool 3D parallax effect will make you feel that you are visiting a real aquarium. And when swiping your phone screen left and right, you will find that the background is also moving. Just install this perfect '3D Aquarium Live Wallpaper HD' app , the beautiful animated 3D fishes, colorful sea corals and plants will dress up your phone screen with gorgeous backgrounds and smooth motion, and turns your phone into a mini aquarium. You can also share the best wallpaper in HD Quality via email, Facebook, Twitter, MMS and G+ with your friends.

-the most realistic 3D aquarium live wallpaper;
-dozens of different exotic fish species;
-real background of sea corals, plants and sunrays;
- Fabulous HD graphics;
-Extremely easy to use, set as wallpaper with just one tap;
-Optimized battery usage;
- Gorgeous fish aquarium wallpaper compatible with 99% mobile devices;
-Creation of the same static HD wallpaper out of the animated one within Settings;
- Awesome wallpaper completely free of charge.

To set wallpaper:
Home->Menu->Wallpapers->Live Wallpapers

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पुनरावलोकन करा

नोंदणी आपले आवडते मोबाईल अॅप्स, गेम, रिंगटोन आणि वॉलपेपर अपलोड आणि अपलोड करा, आपल्या नावाची पुनरावलोकने पोस्ट करण्यासाठी एक PHONEKY खाते नोंदवा.

नोंदणी किंवा साइन इन करा ते PHONEKY कडे



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अँड्रॉइड लाइव्ह वॉलपेपर सेवा PHONEKY द्वारे प्रदान करण्यात आली आहे आणि ते 100% विनामूल्य आहे!

लाइव्ह वॉलपेपर सॅमसंग, एचओएव्ही, एक्सपो, व्हीव्हीओ, एलजी, झियाओमी, लेनोवो, झीटे आणि इतर अँड्रॉइड ओएस मोबाईल फोनद्वारे डाऊनलोड केले जाऊ शकतात.