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Kid-E-Cats Adventures for kids

Kid-E-Cats Adventures for kids

गेम आयडी:
95 MB
अधिक माहिती
अँड्रॉइड आवश्यक आहे:
Android 4.4 or higher
ते सुरक्षित आहे.
JoyBox Games


Kid-E-Cats Adventures for kids Android खेळ

Educational a baby game. Funny cat games for boys and girls.

⚡Miou-Miou-Miou⚡ New Free Fun Adventures!⚡
NEW Free game based on famous cartoon series Kid-e-cats!
No Network required.

Educational adventures of the Heroes of the cartoon series Kid-e-cats.
Boys and girls together with girl Candy, boy Coockie and boy Pudding play home stories and travel based on the popular cartoon episodes:

?'Musical imstruments' - find and gather all the music equipment, clean up the mess in the Kid's room, assamble the musical group

? 'Who's to Blame?' - solve puzzles and catch The Bandid, make your own puppet theater show

? 'Treasures of Ancient Egypt' - uncover the mystories of the Egypt, escape from the Grandpa mummy, find the treasure

? 'Kid E TV' - entertain Mommy and Daddy with reenacting their favorite TV shows

? 'Tree House' - build and customize an amazing treehouse

? 'Packing a bag' - help Daddy to gather everything he'll need on the business trip

? 'Kittens go Diving' - discover the secrets that the ocean holds

? 'Wild Adventures' - learn how to survive in the wilderness with Grandpa

? 'Lookign for a whale' - travel the sea with whole family and find the whale

⛄ 'Snow sculptures' - build and costomize unique snow sculptures

? 'New Year Eve' - Meet a New Year in company of beloved cats. Decorate X-mas tree, launch fireworks, help Mommy in the kitchen and more

? 'Lifeguards' - Adventures on fishing with Grandpa cat and Daddy cat

✈️ 'Airplane' - Adventures at the airport and on the plane!

If you like cartoons and cat games, then you will definitely like our adventures.

'Kid-e-cats Fun Adventures' educates and develops your little baby!

Colourful home stories and intuitive gameplay let your baby enjoy beloved kitties based on the Kid-e-cats cartoon series.

While baby are playing this kind and safe game, their parents can enjoy some free time.

Contact us at: support@joybox.games

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पुनरावलोकन करा

नोंदणी आपले आवडते मोबाईल अॅप्स, गेम, रिंगटोन आणि वॉलपेपर अपलोड आणि अपलोड करा, आपल्या नावाची पुनरावलोकने पोस्ट करण्यासाठी एक PHONEKY खाते नोंदवा.

नोंदणी किंवा साइन इन करा ते PHONEKY कडे



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