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Trixie your so random your is always tricky. By the way you better believe you got tricks up your sleeves and your powerful and greaaat.
Hello everypony, I'm new here!! :3
ComanderZhabikKlavik replied to Impacted's topic in Welcome Plaza
Hi! Welcome to the MLP Forums! -
Hi I'm Rainbowdash daughter don't worry *scrubbing your head mane* I could help you!
Have question come and find me. * grab your hooves and high five it* ok bye *fly off speed*
There is no question that she is a great and powerful unicorn!
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(and 3 more)
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Robots Baby one more time
Nsxile started following LovinglyPromise
mega thread Song Stuck in your Head Right Now
Snoopy Fan replied to Blue Moon's topic in Media Discussion
Skillet - You Ain't Ready -
Untitled video - Made with Clipchamp (1).mp4 I made this for you Trixie
What’s the first movie you remember going to see in theaters?
Mothra replied to Snoopy Fan's topic in Media Discussion
Pokemon the first movie, I even remember that the theatre I went to was giving out a special Mew card for a certain amount of people that bought tickets. I got one, but lost it a few years later due to my own carelessness -
Meh, I don't want to VK due to driving and I don't like to drive...
Not sure, I'm kinda happy I got a week off from work and will have nice weather but I also don't feel like leaving my house and driving long hours for this VK....
I might it once every two months if I choose too. I'm not the biggest fan but if ur road tripping and need a fast bite.
I can agree with that I'm about to go on VK, but I don't want to go on VK.....
*nods* and it's 2025 so they're not even that young. they could be 14
mega thread Song Stuck in your Head Right Now
Snoopy Fan replied to Blue Moon's topic in Media Discussion
Shine By Ricky Fante -
Robots (2005) In honor of the movie’s 20th anniversary. I know this movie like the back of my hand. Hey, that’s new.
Gonna have to step away from here for a meeting. Are you for real?
Staying in the box actually provides so many protective features
My Wild Thornberrys shirt and hat. Quite the smashing outfit.
@Blitz Boom Though conflicted in mind, there was no doubt in the sense of comfort and belonging Lin found in the presence of Mother and the others. It was enough to get her to forget her troubles, at least until she thought of them again. And it was true for her deep-seated hatred, something she carried subconsciously. In one manner, she recalled Uncle Uddo’s sentiments on the longma, who are beyond redemption. On the other hoof was Sen, who continued to believe that they should take a chance on their fellows. As much as she harbored a longstanding grudge, she couldn’t find it in herself to be truly heartless despite having already vowed to exact her revenge. Lin looked to Mother, then to Omen and Sen, still undecided but having already considered her next moves. “I’m… confused about all this, and I am afraid too… of being let down, of being betrayed, and of losing what hope we’ve gained for ourselves.” Sen stepped back and smiled, perhaps understanding his sister’s deeply held fears. That beneath her anger was someone who hoped for the future, had those hopes taken, and was unsure about how to make of it but to lash out at everyone they believed responsible. Though their situations shaped them into beings different from who they were as children, they still had similarities, with something not lost on him. “That anger, I know it. I carry it with me, just as you do, and we take our anger out on those who we think deserve it. Maybe we should let that go and work toward something better, if not for others, then for us. But if you cannot let go of that anger, then at least do not act on it, for the sake of those who do not deserve it.” “I could only imagine how different we could have turned out had it not been for those who helped us out, like Omen. If there is an example of how there is good out there beyond the forest, I can think of no one who can show it better than her. And let’s not forget how her perspective can make even complicated problems look a little simpler.” Lin smirked and chuckled, wondering how all this even happened after what felt like a lifetime from their first meeting. “I’m sure we shouldn’t forget Rosa and the friends we made then and now as examples. Frankly, I doubt we have been good examples to her in return. Us putting ourselves in between her and the hunt master’s second means we have made an enemy among the longma, one who might hound us until we mess up.” “And we’ll handle it when the time comes, preferably with trust and a better approach. Omen is capable, so we should trust her while also having each other’s backs. But for now, let’s focus on what comes next.” “Right. Mother? Thank you for this; I’m glad we got this chance to talk. And about what you told us, about your tale and what it means for your children… we’ll keep our lips sealed.” Sen stood by, happy at the way things turned out despite wishing he could sway Lin to his way of thinking. At least her considering, or reconsidering, her anger and what she plans to do about it was something of a victory for him. That said, he remembered the other reason why he wanted to come to this realm, one that made him want to stop by in the first place. “Mother? There is one other thing. I don’t know if you have something against bringing things from the outside world and keeping them here, but I have something that we wanted to give to you if you’d like.” The longma opened his saddle bag and pulled out the pictures the group got at the Moonlit Thicket, the carnival that they and Rosa visited. Among them was the group photo, a reminder of Sen’s silly clown make-up after losing a bet with Rosa, but more importantly, a reminder of a time when their worries were virtually non-existent. It was a brief moment in their lives, but Sen and Lin wished moments like these lasted longer. He motioned for Lin and Omen to gather around him so they could sit together with Mother, hoping to spend some moments recollecting times when their lives felt a lot simpler. “Ha ha! I still remember that night and your squishy clown nose. It felt like we were younger again, playing like we didn’t have a care in the world.” “And all that happened because we were scared for Rosa… that it might have been his last night of freedom before we knew what would happen to him.” The longma sat by Mother and reached one copy of the photo to her, along with several others taken by a roving photographer in the area that night. “I’m truly fond of that picture of us, with Lin pulling me, Rosa, and Omen in for a hug. We thought of getting a few extra copies, even one for you, Mother.” ————————————————————————————————————————————————————— “That sounds about right from what accounts we learned from the minotaur in our time. Truth be told, we just kept to ourselves and let them be; they were content to do the same for us. Though there was a story about one, which ended up getting trapped in some labyrinthine ruins. Or maybe it was someone else trapped in those ruins and the minotaur happened to be the area as well…” “It seems we can’t even can’t get our accounts right, but the minotaur was the one thing constant. It was, from what we learned, the product of terrible circumstances. He was big, fierce, and had some hunting implements on him, but once he was out, he just left.” “As for the sphinx, there was one that was fond of telling riddles to passers-by. Some reportedly entertained the notion of answering those riddles, but they weren’t too good at it. Eventually, travelers went around the sphinx on account of being delayed in their travels. I never learned what became of that sphinx, as the reports of encounters with it just dropped to nothing. Maybe it got tired of having no one to visit that it relocated elsewhere.” “The only thing for certain was that it was no elder sphinx. But, your tales of the sphinxes according to your history do corroborate what we learned in our time. Frankly, it still boggles the mind that even in this day and age, there is more to know about the creatures we once believed as myth.” The golems nodded, satisfied with the knowledge that what they learned in their time continued to be built up, even if it was through others. That interconnectivity of the world, whether its inhabitants knew it or not, was always something to admire. And being told about the library and the Evergrown was another thing for the group to note. They might find something that could be of use to their friends among the longma should they cross paths again. Now whether or not that information would be useful was something they couldn’t anticipate, but forest-dwelling beings might have their own run-ins with the Evergrown, and it helps to be prepared. Videntor chuckled at Rusty’s suggestion. That he and his fellow golems would be immortalized in one form or another…. It was something they never thought possible, and it got him wondering just what that would mean for the Hyracotherians as a whole. “When you put it that way, it might be one way to remember a seemingly forgotten race. If it ever happens, Ryder should consider approaching you as a consultant. Maybe you would become a pioneer in the study of a long-gone civilization. You already have some exposure to our history, though if there is any chance of seeing us in the flesh, I cannot say. Then again, that might be a topic for those who dabble in the ethical quandaries of resurrecting creatures thought long gone. Flesh golems… well, I would rather not think about that and the mental exercise needed to consider the ethics behind that approach.” Though the golems were having an excellent time in the museum, they recalled their other obligations for the day and wouldn’t want to put things off. There was more for them to do and an agreement to uphold with Scarcity. Scriniarii would have to step in and get the group back on track. “This has been a very enlightening time, Rusty, but I am afraid we would need to cut our time here short. Thank you very much for accommodating us; it has been a pleasure getting to know you and the history of Equestria, though perhaps we might find ourselves returning in the future. There is a lot more for us to learn, seeing as we are displaced from our time. For now, it is time that we go our own way.” The golem bowed, still keeping the longma practice in mind despite having it become a reflex at this point. He found himself realizing how it had become second nature before extending one hoof toward Rusty. It may feel strange at first, but it was likely how ponies greeted each other, and the golems would do well to acclimate themselves to the practices of their new home. Likewise, Videntor and the others also extended theirs to shake the stallion’s hoof, emulating each other’s moves. By then, the group turned to Scarcity, ready to head off to their next destination.
Get Out Of The Box!