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Human sleep-wake regulatory network model (Gleit et al 2013, Booth et al 2017)

Gleit RD, Diniz Behn CG, Booth V. (2013). Modeling interindividual differences in spontaneous internal desynchrony patterns. Journal of biological rhythms. 28 [PubMed]

See more from authors: Gleit RD · Diniz Behn CG · Booth V

References and models cited by this paper

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References and models that cite this paper

Booth V, Xique I, Diniz Behn C. (2017). One-Dimensional Map for the Circadian Modulation of Sleep in a Sleep-Wake Regulatory Network Model for Human Sleep SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. 16

Costa MS, Born J, Claussen JC, Martinetz T. (2016). Modeling the effect of sleep regulation on a neural mass model. Journal of computational neuroscience. 41 [PubMed]

Booth V, Xique I, Diniz Behn C. (2017). One-Dimensional Map for the Circadian Modulation of Sleep in a Sleep-Wake Regulatory Network Model for Human Sleep SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems. 16

See more from authors: Booth V · Xique I · Diniz Behn C

References and models cited by this paper

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