Through specialised skills and technological capabilities, Micromax creates manufacturing processes / lines.
As the companies who create the products are not able to produce at the quality and scope that Micromax excels in. This is because Micromax has through years of experience developed an economy of scale on their manufacturing capabilities.
This takes steps from designing a CAD/CAM program to encode machines to be able to cut products out of large blocks of raw metal.
This is a risky process and small problems could cause high scrap costs for Micromax and is a reason why only a few companies venture into this industry. Micromax does not offer their own product at all, they focus on their skills to create manufacturing processes for their clients and offering these skills throughout numerous industries.
Although Micromax does all the technical cutting and machining in-house, they do have a range of sub-contractors that fall part of the supply chain to create the end products.
This is a tightly grouped set of companies that all fall part of the supply chain and fluently works together to deliver the end product at the highest quality and still being competitive.
Material we are proficient in:
- Aluminium
- Aerospace Grade Aluminium
- Titanium
- Plastics
- Steel