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21 January 2024

Great War naval, again

 Please click on the link below for a new post about naval gaming on my main blog:

Great War naval, the return

29 September 2023

Knocking off the rust, and moving a bit

 I'm not scrapping this blog, even after this long time between posts, but there are changes afoot.  

I have cleaned up the links on the right side of this blog a bit - still a lot more to do especially with the explosion of 3D printing resources for gaming. 

The big change is the transfer of attention to my main blog, Pewter Pixel Wars.  Everything will be posted there in the future, but I intend to write a brief note here with a link to the subject on my main blog.  I hope that the folks that are still watching this humble blog will follow me over there!


22 March 2020

Ships off Haiti, part 1

Some progress:

Here are the contents of the Haitian rebel ship package - hulls, masts, bowsprits, funnels, and deck guns!  Fortunately, there are good pics of the assembled models on the FB page, and line drawings in the Salnave's War book.  Phil (of Spithead Miniatures) also sent a helpful e-mail detailing some of the differences he decided for the models, and suggested painting guides.

After a bit of sorting, the models are ready for assembly.  I need to review my basing plan before going much further.

Last but not least, the government squadron is sorted.

15 March 2020

Back, again?

I am trying to get my wargaming 'sea legs' back!

A new arrival has piqued my interest:

These are 1/1200 ship models from Spithead Miniatures for the Haitian Revolution (Salnave's War) of 1867.  Also pictured above is an ACW 90-day gunboat and USS Benton.

To accompany these wonderful models, I picked up a copy of this:

This slender book is a concise source of information for the vessels and battles at sea during the revolution, including maps and drawings of all the ships present.

29 October 2018


Not much is happening here on the hobby table as far as naval projects go, but hopefully that will end soon enough.

I have purchased a few books to help stoke the boilers a bit:

Many directions these tomes lead!