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Cookies Policy

At (The Site), we understand that some of our users may have concerns about how we use cookies on our website. We want to assure you that we only use cookies in ways that are beneficial to you and your experience on our site.

Cookies are small files of letters and numbers that we put on your computer. These cookies allow us to distinguish you from other users of our website, which helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site.

We use cookies for a variety of reasons, such as keeping track of your preferences and ensuring that the content displayed on our site is tailored to your interests. We hope this information has reassured you and thank you for visiting!

How we Use Cookies

At our website, we use cookies and other technologies to help make your experience more enjoyable and tailored to you. Cookies are small pieces of text that we transfer to your computer or device for record-keeping purposes. They allow us to customize our website by recording non-personal statistical information like how much time you spend on a certain page, which advertisements catch your eye, etc. This helps us improve our services and enhance your experience.

Most web browsers are set up to accept cookies by default, but if you would prefer not to have them enabled, then you can opt-out by changing the settings of your browser. If you do choose to disable cookies, however, it may affect certain features or services available on our website. Here is a breakdown of how we use cookies on our affiliate website:

  • To improve the user experience – by recording information such as which pages are most popular so that we can tailor content accordingly
  • To analyze usage trends – so we can track which areas of the site are most used and popular
  • For marketing purposes – including sending targeted adverts and promotional material depending on what information is stored in the cookie
  • To combine personal data with cookie data when necessary – this could include combining your account profile with the information from the cookie

We understand that some players might be wary about allowing us to access their devices through cookies; however, they provide great value in terms of helping us offer better content that is both useful and interesting for our players. Disabling cookies may also remove any browser customizations you have made as well as opting out from certain sites that utilize cookies for tracking opt-outs/unsubscribes. We hope this has helped clarify how we use cookies here at our online casino!

What cookies do we use on our website?

We may use a variety of cookies on our website. These are essential, analytical/performance, functionality and targeting cookies.

  • Essential cookies are a must for the proper functioning of our website. They enable us to provide services that you request, such as allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently and remember your preferences.
  • Analytical/performance cookies help us recognize and count the number of visitors on our website, as well as track how they move around when using it. This data is invaluable in helping us improve the user experience on our website by making navigation easier, optimizing search results and presenting content that is more relevant to you.
  • Functionality cookies are used to identify returning visitors and personalize content according to their preferences. We remember language or region selections, for example, so we can greet you by name when you come back and present content according to your chosen settings.
  • Targeting cookies record your visit to our website, what pages you view and which links you follow. We then use this information to make our website as well as its advertising content more pertinent to your interests and can even share it with third parties for this purpose.

Please note that third parties (such as advertising networks or providers of external services like web traffic analysis) may also use their own cookies over which we have no control. They could be analytical/performance or targeting types of cookies; both of which collect data about usage patterns in order to provide customized content or analyze online activity trends.

Cookies Used

Cookie NameExpiration DateThird-Party?Reason for UseClassification
fr1 MinuteYesUsed by Facebook for advertising purposes.Targeting/Advertising
__cfduid1 YearYesUsed for security and threat detection purposes (
_delighted_fst20 YearsYesUsed for security and threat detection purposes (
_ga2 YearsYesUsed to distinguish users (Google Analytics).Performance
_gat1 MinuteYesUsed to throttle request rate (Google Analytics).Performance
_gid1 DayYesUsed to distinguish users (Google Analytics).Performance
btagNeverNoAffiliate referrer.Targeting
btag_data14 DaysNoAffiliate tracking, set with arbitrary data sent to us in a query string parameter when a user visits the page from an affiliate.Targeting/Advertising
clickID14 DaysNoAffiliate tracking, set with arbitrary data sent to us in a query string parameter when a user visits the page from an affiliate.Targeting/Advertising
firstTimeLoginVisitNeverNoOnce the user logs in to the site this cookie is set to detect whether in the future we should show the user the signup page or login page when they visit a page that requires authentication.Functionality
sly-ckd365 DaysNoOnce the user has accepted and confirmed our use of cookies (via the cookie disclaimer) this is set in order to not re-show the cookie disclaimer.Functionality
sly-lngNeverNoStores the user’s current language to keep the site in the language they selected.Functionality
sly-pyld14 DaysNoSame as above another parameter that can be seen.Targeting/Advertising
LastGames30 YearsNoStores the user last played games.Functionality


