Be honest guys if I was actually a dead person from the 1920s who lived in a haunted mantion that slowly corrupted me and gave me the power to come back from the dead that I didn’t want but ended up using to steal my former best friend’s body and make him the villain of my silly little stories where everyone dies a silly little death would you still like me 👉👈🥺
L + ratio + go to my poker party and die + become a demon house zombie + your mom
I’ve come to make an announcement William J. Barnum is a bitchass motherfucker he pissed on my wife that’s right he pissed on my fucking wife he took his Colonel fuckin’ army dick out and he pissed on my fucking wife and he said his dick was t h i s b I g and I said that’s disgusting so I’m making a callout party in my big fucking mansion Colonel J. Barnum you’ve got a small dick it’s the size of this pistol except way smaller and guess what here’s what my dong looks like BOOM that’s right baby no war no mustache look at that it looks like two balls and a bong he fucked my wife so guess what I’m gonna FUCK THE MANSION THAT’S RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET MY SUPER LASER PISS except I’m not gonna piss on the mansion I’m gonna go higher I’m PISSING ON THE SPACESHIIIP HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT CELINE I PISSED ON THE SPACESHIP YOU IDIOT you have twenty three hours before my piss drrrroplets hit the fuckin District Attorney now get out of my sight before I piss on you too
Guys come on be nice to Actor Mark, he’s got glass bones and paper skin. Every morning he breaks his legs and every evening he breaks his arms. Every night he lies awake in agony until his demonic hauntings give him a heart attack and put him to sleep.
*kills your best buddy and your sister and steals your body after faking my death for the 46372828483983274716th time only for you to come back as some demonic entity and hunt me down but you can’t find me* no homo dude
YOU are his ex-wife who was having an affair with me that he divorced after finding out you cheated, I’M in his wine cellar during a poker party playing Russian roulette with him. WE ARE NOT THE SAME