Postgraduate Training Information Verifiable by GME Office
- Name of trainee
- Type of program (Internship/Residency/Fellowship)
- Training program/specialty
- Dates of training
- Successful completion of training
Training Verifications Form
There is a $30.00 charge for verifications of training of programs completed five or more years ago.
If training occurred within the last five years, or if a federal entity or medical board is requesting, there is no charge.
After submitting the verification form, you’ll receive an invoice via email. Once payment is made, your verification will be sent to the email provided.
*Costs for these services are determined by the office completing the verification.
Additional Types of Verifications and Contact Information
Complete the form: University Registrar – Verification Request
Complete the Licensure form on the MD Program – Resources for Graduates website by following the pathway:
Certification and Licensure Services ➡️ Licensure Forms
If any of the above is required, then visit the Clinical University of Virginia School of Medicine website to locate program-specific contact information.
Contact the Carilion Clinic GME Office (Roanoke/Salem, VA) directly at 540-581-0322 or email