ERMENRICH GL100 Laser Meter
- ק: וואָס איז אַרייַנגערעכנט אין די קיט?
- A: The kit includes a laser meter, USB cable, reflective panel (GL100 only), user manual, and warranty.
- ק: ווי טאָן איך טוישן די רעפֿערענץ פונט?
- A: Press the Reference switch button to change the measurement point from the bottom to the top of the device.
- Q: How do I select different measurement units?
- A: Press the MENU button to select Measurement units in the main menu. Use the (+) or (-) buttons to choose the unit and confirm with MEAS.
- לאַזער ופנעמער
- לאַזער ימיטער
- MEAS button (Measure/Confirm)
- מאָדע קנעפּל
- Reference switch button
- MENU קנעפּל
- CLEAR button (Clear/Off)
- קנעפּל -
- קנעפּל +
- לקד אַרויסווייַזן
- באַטערי אָפּטייל
- דרייַפוס אַדאַפּטער
פּראָדוקט אינפֿאָרמאַציע
Ermenrich Reel GL60/GL100 Laser Meter
Please carefully read the safety instructions and the user manual before using this product. Keep away from children. Use the device only as specified in the user manual, and warranty.
טשאַרדזשינג די מיטל
This device uses a rechargeable Li-Ion battery. Connect the power cable to the device and the 5V, 1A DC adapter for charging (not included) via a USB plug and connect it to the AC power supply to charge the battery.
Press and hold (7) for 3 seconds to turn the device on/off. The laser beam will switch on automatically and then off after 30 seconds. If the device is not used for 2 minutes, it turns off automatically.
רעפערענץ פונט
The default reference point is the bottom end of the device (Fig. A). Press (5) to change the measurement point from the bottom to the top of the device (Fig. B).
וניץ פון מעזשערמאַנט
Press (8) or (9) to select “Measurement units” in the main menu. Press (3) to confirm the selection. Use (8) or (9) to select the required measurement unit. Press (3) to confirm the selection and return to the main menu.
מאָדע סעלעקציע
Press (4) to change the measurement mode one by one. The setting order: Single distance measurement mode > Area measurement mode > Volume measurement mode > Calculations with 2 additional measurements (Pythagorean theorem) > Calculations with 3 additional measurements (Pythagorean theorem), method 1 – legs summation > Calculations with 3 additional measurements (Pythagorean theorem), method 2 – legs subtraction > Triangle area measurement > Trapezoid side measurement > Calculating with angle measurement (Pythagorean theorem) > Calculating with angle measurement and 2 additional measurements (Pythagorean theorem) > Calculating the distance between two points > Countdown.
ווייַז אינפֿאָרמאַציע
איין דיסטאַנסע מעזשערמאַנט
When the device is turned on, it goes into single-distance measurement mode automatically. Press (3) to turn the laser on. Aim the laser beam at the target and press (3). The value will be displayed on the screen. The angle will be calculated and displayed on the screen at the same time.
קעסיידערדיק מעזשערמאַנט
In single distance measurement mode, press (3) for 3 seconds. The device will keep taking measurements one after another. MAX, MIN, and the current measured values (Fig. C) will be displayed on the screen. The angle will be calculated and displayed on the screen at the same time. To stop continuous measurement, press (3) or (7).
שטח מעזשערמאַנט
Press (4) to enter the area measurement mode. Aim the laser beam at the target and press (3) to measure two sides of the target. The area will be calculated automatically (Fig. D).
באַנד מעזשערמאַנט
Press (4) to enter the volume measurement mode. Aim the laser at the target and press (3) to measure the length, width, and height of the three-dimensional target. The volume will be calculated automatically (Fig. E).
דערצו און כיסער
Direct the laser beam at the target and then take a measurement. Press (9) to add the next measurement (plus icon appears on the screen). Take the next measurement. Press (8) to subtract (minus icon appears on the screen). The addition and subtraction functions are available in Single, Area, and Volume measurement modes.
חשבונות מיט 2 נאָך מעזשערמאַנץ (פּיטהאַגאָרעאַן טהעאָרעם)
Press (4) to enter the calculations with 2 additional measurements (Pythagorean theorem) mode. Aim the laser at the target and press (3) to measure the lines and (Fig. F). The L line length will be calculated automatically.
חשבונות מיט 3 נאָך מעזשערמאַנץ (פּיטהאַגאָרעאַן טהעאָרעם), אופֿן 1 - לעגס סאַמעריישאַן
Press (4) to enter the calculations with 3 additional measurements (Pythagorean theorem), method 1 – legs summation mode. Aim the laser at the target and press (3) to measure the distance L by making 3 additional measurements. Measure the length of the lines 1,2 און 3 one by one (Fig. G). The L line length will appear in the main line on the screen.
חשבונות מיט 3 נאָך מעזשערמאַנץ (פּיטהאַגאָרעאַן טהעאָרעם), אופֿן 2 - פיס אַראָפּרעכענען
Press (4) to enter the calculations with 3 additional measurements (Pythagorean theorem), method 2 – legs subtracting mode. Aim the laser at the target and press (3) to measure the distance L by making 3 additional measurements. Measure the length of the lines 1 2 און 3 one by one (Fig. H). The L line length will appear in the main line on the screen.
טריאַנגלע געגנט מעזשערמאַנט
Press (4) to enter the triangle area measurement mode. Point the laser at the first vertex of the triangle and press (3) to measure the length of the triangle side A. Measure the length of the sides B און C(Fig. I) in the same way. The area of the triangle (S) will be calculated automatically and will appear in the main line on the screen.
טראַפּעזאָיד זייַט מעזשערמאַנט
Press (4) to enter the trapezoid side measurement mode. Position the device at the right edge of the lower base of the trapezoid. Using the built-in digital angle gauge, align the instrument strictly vertically (90°). Press (3) to measure the height 1. Do not change the position of the device, point the laser horizontally (0° on the angle gauge) and measure the length of the lower base 2, pressing (3). Move the device to the left edge of the trapezoid. Align it vertically (90° on the angle gauge) and measure the height (Fig. J) using (3). The length of the sloping upper side of the trapezoid will appear in the main line on the screen.
האָריזאָנטאַל שורה מעזשערמאַנט
Press (4) to enter the horizontal line measurement mode. Aim the laser at the target and press (3) to measure the length of the A-line (Fig. K). The angle α will be measured, the length of the lines L and H will be calculated automatically, and all three values will be displayed on the screen.
ווערטיקאַל שורה מעזשערמאַנט
Press (4) to enter the vertical line measurement mode. Aim the laser at the target and press (3) to measure the lines one by one (Fig. L). The angle α will be measured, the H line length will be calculated automatically,1 און 2 both values will be displayed on the screen.
Calculating the distance between two points
Press (4) to enter the calculating the distance between two points mode. Aim the laser at the target and press (3) to measure lines 1 און 2 one by one (Fig. M). The L line length will be calculated automatically. This mode is used only for approximate measurement of the distance between two points. For better accuracy, it is recommended to use it with the device mounted on a tripod.קאָונטדאָוון
Press (4) to enter the countdown mode. Use (8) and (9) to adjust the countdown time. Press (3) to measure the length. When the countdown time is over, the length value will be displayed.
GL60 GL100
- מעאַסורעמענט קייט 0–60m 0–100m
- מעאַסורעמענט אַקיעראַסי ±1.5מם
- ווינקל מעזשערמאַנט קייט 0-180°
- וניץ פון מעזשערמאַנט m/ft/in/ft+in
- לייזער קלאַס class IIIA, 500–535nm, < 3mW
- לייזער שטראַל / מיטל אַוטאָ-אַוועק 30/120 ס
- געשיכטע רעקאָרד 100 גרופּעס
- מאַכט צושטעלן 3.7V, 750mA∙h lithium battery
- אַפּערייטינג טעמפּעראַטור קייט 0… +40°С (+32… 104°F)
- סטאָרידזש טעמפּעראַטור קייט –10… +60°C (+14…104°F)
דער פאַבריקאַנט ריזערווז די רעכט צו מאַכן ענדערונגען צו די פּראָדוקט קייט און ספּעסאַפאַקיישאַנז אָן פריערדיק באַמערקן.
זאָרגן און וישאַלט
This is a class IIIA laser product. Please DO NOT look directly into the beam with unprotected eyes or through an optical device at any time and never direct it toward other people. Do not look at the direct or reflected laser beam or point it at other people or animals. It’s dangerous for your eyes! The beam can cause blindness and serious eye damage, as well as cause accidents. Do not remove any safety labels. Do not use the device if it is not working properly. In order to avoid lightning strikes, do not use the device during thunderstorms. Keep away from children. Protect the device from sudden impact and excessive mechanical force. Store the device in a dry cool place. Do not use the product in an explosive environment, or close to flammable materials. Do not try to disassemble the device on your own for any reason. For repairs and cleaning of any kind, please contact your local specialized service center. Only use accessories and spare parts for this device that comply with the technical specifications. Never attempt to operate a damaged device or a device with damaged electrical parts! If a part of the device or battery is swallowed, seek medical attention immediately.
באַטערי זיכערקייַט ינסטראַקשאַנז
דער מיטל איז יקוויפּט מיט אַ קריקאָנלאָדלעך ליטהיום באַטאַרייע. דעם אַוווידז אָפט באַטאַרייע פאַרבייַט. שטענדיק באַשטימען די מיטל אַוועק ווען ניט אין נוצן. אויב די באַטאַרייע אָפּצאָל איז נידעריק, ביטע ריטשאַרדזש די מיטל אין צייט צו ענשור אַז די מעזשערמאַנץ זענען פּינטלעך. דו זאלסט נישט אָוווערכיט די באַטאַרייע. דו זאלסט נישט אָפּזאָגן די באַטאַרייע גאָר.
ערמענריטש וואָראַנטי
ערמענריטש פּראָדוקטן, אַחוץ פֿאַר זייער אַקסעסעריז, האָבן אַ 5-יאָר וואָראַנטי קעגן חסרונות אין מאַטעריאַלס און ווערקמאַנשיפּ. אַלע Ermenrich אַקסעסעריז זענען געראַנטיד צו זיין פריי פון חסרונות אין מאַטעריאַלס און ווערקמאַנשיפּ פֿאַר זעקס חדשים פון די קויפן טאָג. די וואָראַנטי בארעכטיגט איר צו די פריי פאַרריכטן אָדער פאַרבייַט פון די Ermenrich פּראָדוקט אין קיין לאַנד ווו אַ לעווענהוק אָפיס איז ליגן אויב אַלע די וואָראַנטי טנאָים זענען באגעגנט. פֿאַר מער דעטאַילס, ביטע באַזוכן:
אויב וואָראַנטי פּראָבלעמס שטייען, אָדער אויב איר דאַרפֿן הילף אין ניצן דיין פּראָדוקט, קאָנטאַקט די היגע Levenhuk צווייַג.
קאָנטאַקט אינפֿאָרמאַציע
- Levenhuk Optics sro (אייראָפּע): V Chotejně 700/7, 102 00 פּראַג 102,
- טשעכיי, +420 737-004-919,
- לעווענהוק (USA): 928 E 124th Ave. Ste D, Tampאַ, FL 33612,
- USA, +1 813 468-3001,
- Levenhuk®, Ermenrich® זענען רעגיסטרירט טריידמאַרקס פון Levenhuk Optics sro (אייראָפּע).
- 2006–2024 לעווענהוק, ינק. כל רעכט רעזערווירט.
דאָקומענטן / רעסאָורסעס
ERMENRICH GL100 Laser Meter [pdf] באַניצער מאַנואַל GL60, GL100, GL100 Laser Meter, GL100, Laser Meter, Meter |