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Дастури корбари Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount

Мундариҷа пинҳон

D-17-499-02-rev.4   17-499-02-rev.4   04/08/19

Transom or optional Trolling-motor Mount

Табдилдиҳандаи амиқ
Adjustable Wide-beam Model: P48W
Chirp Model: TM150M


Барои иҷрои беҳтарини маҳсулот ва кам кардани хатари хисороти молӣ, осеби шахсӣ ва/ё марг чораҳои эҳтиётии зерро риоя кунед.

Огоҳӣ: Ҳангоми насб ҳамеша айнаки бехатарӣ, ниқоби чанг ва муҳофизати гӯшро пӯшед.

Огоҳӣ: Ҳангоме ки киштӣ дар об ҷойгир карда мешавад, фавран дар атрофи винтҳо ва сӯрохиҳои дигаре, ки дар корпус парма карда шудаанд, тафтиш кунед.

CAUTION: P48W—Operate at 200kHz only. Operating at any other frequency will permanently damage the transducer and/or the echosounder.

CAUTION: TM150M Chirp transducer—Табдилдиҳандаро ҳамеша дар об кор кунед. Кор дар ҳаво имкон медиҳад, ки табдилдиҳанда аз ҳад зиёд гарм шавад, ки дар натиҷа ноком мешавад.

Огоҳӣ: Never pull, carry, or hold the sensor by its cable; this may sever internal connections.

Огоҳӣ: Never strike the sensor with anything except the palm of the hand to release it.

Огоҳӣ: The bracket protects the sensor from frontal impact only.

Огоҳӣ: Ҳеҷ гоҳ ҳалкунандаҳоро истифода набаред. Тозакунанда, сӯзишворӣ, пломба, ранг ва дигар маҳсулот метавонанд дорои маҳлулҳое бошанд, ки метавонанд ба қисмҳои пластикӣ, бахусус рӯи табдилдиҳанда зарар расонанд.

МУҲИМ: Пеш аз идома додани насб дастурҳоро пурра хонед. Ин дастурҳо ҳама дастурҳои дигарро дар дастури асбоби шумо иваз мекунанд, агар онҳо фарқ кунанд.

  • Recommended for boats up to 8m (25′) long 
  • Барои қаиқҳои дорои муҳаррик(ҳо)-и дарунӣ тавсия дода намешавад. 
  • Барои корпуси зинадор тавсия дода намешавад 
  • P48W—Not recommended for a stepped transom because the transducer will be difficult to adjust. 
  • Requires 89mm (3-1/2″) of vertical space to install 
  • Adjusts to transom angles from 3° – 20°
  • Нури садоро ба таври амудӣ ба корпус бо кунҷи маргаш то 28° равона мекунад 
  • Фаъолияти хуб то 44kn (50MPH) 
  • P48W—Trolling-motor Kit adapts transducer for use with a trolling motor

Маълумоти дар кабел пайдошударо сабт кунед tag барои истинод дар оянда.
Part No._____________Date__________Frequency_______kHz

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - 1  P48W     Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - 2TM150M

Асбобҳо ва маводҳо

Айнакҳои бехатарӣ
Ниқоби чанг
Муҳофизати гӯш
Мурваттобакҳои Филлипс
Пармакунии электрикӣ
Лаҷомҳои пармакунӣ ва сӯрохиҳо:

Bracket holes                    4mm, #23, or 9/64″
Transom hole (optional)   2mm or 1/16″ larger than connector Ø

Кабели клamp holes                   3mm or 1/8″
Лентаи ниқобпӯшӣ
Angle finder (some installations)
Пломбаҳои баҳрӣ (барои хати зери об мувофиқ аст)
Канори рост
Grommet(ҳо) (баъзе насбҳо)
Пайвастҳои кабелӣ (баъзе насбҳо)
Банд clamp (trolling-motor mount) Measure before purchasing (Figure 8)
Рангҳои зидди ифлосшавӣ дар асоси об (ҳатмӣ дар оби шӯр)

Маунти Трансом
Attaching the Bracket to the Transom Housing
  1. Insert the transom housing’s pivot posts into the recesses on the sides of the bracket (Figure 1).
  2. Press the two nuts into the slots in the back of the bracket.
  3. Align the holes in the transom housing, bracket, and nuts. Insert the two machine screws capturing the nuts. Tighten the machine screws until the housing will stay in the “up” (released) position unaided.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 1

Figure 1. Attaching the bracket to the transom housing
Copyright © 2008 – 2019 Airmar Technology Corp.

  1. pivot post (2)
  2. machine screw (2)
  3. slot (2)
  4. чормағз
  5. қавс
  6. recess (2)
  7. transom housing

ШАРҲ: The side of the transom where propeller blades are moving downward is preferred.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 2

Figure 2. Mounting location on single drive boat
Copyright © 2008 – 2019 Airmar Technology Corp.

  1. 75mm (3″) minimum beyond swing radius
Ҷойгоҳи васлкунӣ

Огоҳӣ: Датчикро дар як саф ё наздики сӯрохиҳои обгиранда ё холӣ ё паси рахҳо, арматураҳо ё номунтазамии корпус, ки ҷараёни обро халалдор мекунанд, насб накунед.

Огоҳӣ: Сенсорро дар ҷойе насб накунед, ки дар он қаиқ дар вақти прицеп, ба об баровардан, кашидан ё нигоҳдорӣ дастгирӣ карда шавад.

  • For the best performance, the transducer’s face must be in contact with smooth water. To identify an area of “clean” water, observe the water flow off the transom while the boat is underway.
  • Allow vertical space above the bracket for it to release and rotate the sensor upward.
  • Монтаж кардани сенсор дар паҳлӯи трансом, ки парчаҳои винт ба поён ҳаракат мекунанд, афзалтар аст (Расми 2).
  • Сенсорро ба қадри имкон ба хатти марказии қаиқ наздик кунед, то боварӣ ҳосил кунед, ки чеҳраи интиқолдиҳанда ҳангоми гардиши қаиқ дар об мемонад.
    • Single drive boat—Mount the sensor at least 75mm (3″) beyond the swing radius of the propeller.
    • Twin drive boat—Mount the sensor between the drives.
    • Trim tabs—Mount the sensor inside the trim tab, space permitting.
    • TM150M on stepped transom—Mount the sensor on the lowest step being sure there is enough space above the bracket for it to release and rotate the sensor upward.
Пармакунии сӯрох

Огоҳӣ: Барои пешгирӣ кардани пармакунии аз ҳад амиқ, лентаи ниқобкунандаро ба масофаи 22 мм (7/8 ″) аз нуқта печонед.

NOTE: Fiberglass hull—Minimize surface cracking by running the drill in reverse until the gelcoat is penetrated.

  1. At the selected location, position the sensor, so it projects 3mm (1/8″) below the bottom edge of the transom (Figure 3).
  2. Being sure the bottom of the sensor is parallel to the waterline, mark the location of the screw holes with an “X” in the center of the two outer-most slots.
  3. Бо истифода аз бурҷи пармаи 4мм, #23 ё 9/64 дюйм, дар ҷойҳои нишондодашуда ду сӯрохи чуқурии 22мм (7/8") парма кунед.
Compensating for the Transom Angle: Shims

Барои иҷрои беҳтарин, чӯби табдилдиҳанда бояд рост ба поён равона карда шавад. Азбаски гардиши аксари қаиқҳо кунҷӣ аст, кронштейн бояд онро ҷуброн кунад. Кунҷи гардиши қаиқро бо кунҷкунак чен кунед.

  • Standard transom (12° transom angle)—The bracket is designed for a standard 12° transom angle. The 9° shim is not needed for this installation. If your boat is capable of speeds above 20kn (28MPH), install the bracket with the 4.5° shim, taper down (Figure 4).
  • Stepped transom and jet boats (3° transom angle)—9-ро истифода баред° shim with the taper down (Figure 4). If your boat is capable of speeds above 20kn (28MPH), install the bracket with both the 9° ва 4.5° shims, taper down. Install the 4.5° shim against the transom after shaving the interfering portion of the rails and lower bump. Place the 9° shim and bracket assembly on top.
  • Small aluminum and fiberglass boats (20° transom angle)—9-ро истифода баред° shim with the taper up (Figure 4). If your boat is capable of speeds above 20kn (28MPH), install the bracket with only the 4.5° shim, taper up.
  • If you are unsure about using the shim(s)—Experiment with the shims by following the instructions “Mounting & Adjusting.”
Mounting & Adjusting

Огоҳӣ: Канори пешбари сенсорро дар об нисбат ба канори паси он амиқтар ҷойгир накунед, зеро аэратсия ба амал меояд.

Огоҳӣ: Барои пешгирӣ кардани зиёд шудани кашолакунӣ, пошидани об ва садои об ва кам шудани суръати киштӣ, сенсорро аз зарурат амиқтар дар об ҷойгир накунед.

  1. Apply marine sealant to the threads of two, #10 x 1-1/4″, self-tapping bracket screws to prevent water seepage into the transom. Be sure the nuts are in the slots in the back of the bracket and any shim(s) is in place (Figure 1). Screw the sensor to the hull (Figure 5). Do not tighten the screws completely at this time.
  2. Using a straight edge, sight the underside of the sensor relative to the underside of the hull (Figure 4). The trailing edge of the sensor must be 1 – 6mm (1/16 – 1/4″) below the leading edge.
  3. Using the vertical adjustment space in the bracket slots, slide the sensor up or down until the bottom left corner of the sensor projections 0 – 3mm (0 – 1/8″) below the bottom of the hull (Figure 3). When you are satisfied with the position of the sensor, tighten the two bracket screws.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 3

Figure 3. Vertical adjustment and cable routing
Copyright © 2008 – 2012 Airmar Technology Corp.

  1. allow 76mm (3″) of slack to adjust beam angle
  2. сарпӯши кабел
  3. кабел clamp
  4. 50мм (2 дюйм)
  5. screw (2) location
  6. параллел ба хати об
  7. hull projection 0-­3mm (0-­1/8″)

12° transom angle

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 4a


May improve operation above 20kn (23MPH)

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 4b

  1. 4.5° shim with taper down
  2. кунҷ

13°-17° angle

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 4c

  1. кунҷи ночиз

May improve operation above 20kn (23MPH)

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 4d

  1. 4.5° shim with taper down
  2. more angle

3° transom angle

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 4e

  1. 9° shim with taper down
  2. nearly parallel

May improve operation above 20kn (23MPH)

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 4f

  1. 9° and 4.5° shims with tapers down
  2. more angle

20° transom angle

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 4g

  1. 4.5° shim with taper up
  2. кунҷи ночиз

May improve operation above 20kn (23MPH)

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 4h

  1. more angle

Figure 4. Sensor angle adjustment
Copyright © 2008 Airmar Technology Corp.

Озмоиш дар об
  1. With the beam angle factory-set to 90°, become familiar with your echosounder’s performance at a speed of 4kn (5MPH).
  2. Gradually increase the boat speed and observe the gradual decline in performance due to turbulent water flowing under the transducer’s face.
  3. Агар пастшавии самаранокӣ ногаҳонӣ бошад (тадриҷан нест), суръати қаиқро, ки дар он саршавии он рух додааст, муайян кунед. Қаиқро ба ин суръат баргардонед ва сипас суръатро тадриҷан зиёд кунед ва ҳангоми гардиши мӯътадил дар ҳар ду самт гардиш кунед.
  4. If the performance improves while turning to the side on which the sensor is installed, the transducer’s position probably needs adjustment. The sensor is probably in aerated water.
    To improve performance, try the following, one at a time, in the order given, in small increments.
    a. Increase the sensor’s transom angle in the water. Review “Compensating for Transom Angle: Shims” and see Figure 4.
    b. Move the sensor farther into the water in increments of 3mm (1/8″) (Figure 3).
    c. Move the sensor closer to the centerline of the boat. Fill unused screw holes with marine sealant.
Устувор кардани кронштейн

Stabilize the bracket by installing the third bracket screw at the bottom of the center slot (Figure 5). Using a 4mm, #23, or 9/64″ drill bit, drill a hole 22mm (7/8″) deep.

Apply marine sealant to the threads of the third #10 x 1-1/4″ self-tapping screw to prevent water seepage into the transom. Tighten the screw.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 5

Figure 5. Stabilizing the bracket
Copyright © 2008 Airmar Technology Corp.

  1. stabilizing screw
Releasing the Bracket

The sensor releases easily when it is fastened to the hull. Give a sharp blow to the bottom of the sensor using the palm of the hand.

Масири кабелӣ ва пайвастшавӣ

Огоҳӣ: If the sensor came with a connector, do not remove it to ease cable routing. If the cable must be cut and spliced, use Airmar’s splash-proof Junction Box No. 33-035 and follow the instructions provided. Removing the waterproof connector or cutting the cable, except when using a water-tight junction box, will void the sensor warranty.

Кабели сенсорро аз болои трансом, тавассути сӯрохи дренажӣ ё аз сӯрохи наве, ки дар трансом парма карда шудааст, гузаронед. болои хати об.

1. If a hole must be drilled through the transom, choose a location хеле болотар аз хатти об (Figure 3). Check for obstructions such as trim tabs, pumps, or wiring inside the hull. Mark the location with a pencil. Drill a hole using the appropriate size bit to accommodate the connector.
2. Route the cable over or through the transom.
3. On the outside of the hull, secure the cable against the transom using the cable clampс. Як кабелро ҷойгир кунед clamp 50 мм (2 ″) болотар аз кронштейн ва сӯрохи васлкуниро бо қалам қайд кунед.
4. Ҷойгир кардани сими дуюм clamp нисфи байни кл якумamp ва сӯрохи кабел. Ин сӯрохи васлкуниро қайд кунед.
5. If a hole has been drilled through the transom, open the appropriate slot in the cable cover. Position the cover over the cable where it enters the hull. Mark the two mounting holes.
6. At each of the marked locations, use a 3mm or 1/8″ bit to drill a hole 10mm (3/8″) deep.
7. Apply marine sealant to the threads of the #6 x 1/2″ self-tapping screws to prevent water from seeping into the transom. If you have drilled a hole through the transom, apply marine sealant to the space around the cable where it passes through the transom.
8. Allowing an extra 76mm (3″) of cable ease near the sensor, position the two cable clamps over the cable and fasten them in place. If used, push the cable cover over the cable and screw it in place.
9. Route the cable to the instrument being careful not to tear the cable jacket when passing it through the bulkhead(s) and other parts of the boat. Use grommets to prevent chafing. To reduce electrical interference, separate the sensor cable from other

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 6

Figure 6. P48W: Transom housing
Copyright © 2008 Airmar Technology Corp.

  1. винт (2)
    (6 x 1/2″)
  2. сарпӯш
  3. табдилдиҳанда
  4. баҳор
  5. transom housing

симхои электр ва двигатель(хо). Ҳар як сими зиёдатиро печонед ва онро бо пайвандҳои кабелӣ ҷойгир кунед, то вайрон нашавад.
10. Refer to your echosounder owner’s manual to connect the sensor to the instrument.

Санҷиши ихроҷҳо

Вақте ки киштӣ дар об гузошта мешавад, фавран check for leaks around the screws and any other holes drilled in the hull. Note that very small leaks may not be readily observed. Do not leave the boat in the water unchecked for more than three hours.

P48W: Trolling-motor Mount
Assembling the Adaptor
  1. Remove the transducer from the transom housing by first removing the two screws and the cover (Figure 6). Lift out the transducer and the spring.
  2. Insert the spring and transducer in the trolling housing (Figure 7).
  3. Slide the locking ring along the cable until it rests against the transducer. Be sure the bosses on the locking ring engage the recesses in the trolling housing.
  4. Using the two 6 x 3/4″ screws supplied, screw the locking ring onto the trolling housing. Be sure the notches in the locking ring mesh with the notches on the top of the transducer.
    Танҳо дастро мустаҳкам кунед. Аз ҳад зиёд сахт накунед.
    ШАРҲ: Do not use the screws from the transom housing.
Locating & Installing the Adaptor

Огоҳӣ: Do not put tension to the cable where it exits the transducer, since excessive force can break internal connections.

Огоҳӣ: On bow mounted motors, be sure the cable route does not result in pinching the cable when the motor is in the “up” position.

ШАРҲ: It may be easier to adjust the beam angle before the transducer is mounted on the trolling motor. See “P48W: Operating” on page 5.

  1. Purchase a stainless steel band clamp, available in the plumbing section of most hardware stores. Be sure to measure the circumference of the trolling motor to determine the correct size.
  2. Loosen the screw in the band clamp so that one end of the band is free. Pass the free end through the two slots in the trolling housing (Figure 7).
  3. Бандро печонед clamp around the motor case with the transducer located on the underside (Figure 8). Tighten the screw on the band clamp.
    ШАРҲ: If the motor has a strut that shades the transducer, it will not significantly reduce the transducer’s performance.
  4. Route the cable around the side of the motor case and along the support tube. Secure the cable to the support tube with cable ties.
    ШАРҲ: Allow sufficient cable so the user can change the beam angle of the transducer.
  5. Route the cable to the echosounder being careful not to tear the cable jacket. To reduce electrical interference, separate the transducer cable from other electrical wiring.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 7

Figure 7. P48W: Trolling-motor adapter
Copyright © 2008 – 2015 Airmar Technology Corp.

  1. boss (2)
  2. винт (2)
    (6 x 3/4″)
  3. ҳалқаи қулф
  4. табдилдиҳанда
  5. баҳор
  6. trolling housing
  7. slot for band clamp (2)
  8. recess (2)

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 8

Figure 8. P48W: Trolling-motor mount
Copyright © 2008 Airmar Technology Corp.

  1. пайвастҳои кабелӣ
  2. найчаи дастгирӣ
  3. кабел
  4. гурӯҳи clamp
  5. табдилдиҳанда
P48W: In-Hull Mount

Огоҳӣ: Do not in-hull mount the TM150M as it will over-heat.

Although the performance will be diminished, the transducer can be adhered directly to a solid fiberglass hull—NO CORING. Instructions are available at Go to Support Docs >Installation and Owner’s Guides>In-Hull Transducers. Click on “Puck Type & Trolling Motor” (part number 17-010).

P48W: Operating
About Adjusting the Beam’s Orientation

The transducer transmits an oval shaped beam that can be adjusted to different angles relative to the boat: 0°, 23°, 45° or 90°. At 0°, the widest part of the transducer’s beam is oriented fore-aft. Likewise, at 90° the widest part of the beam is oriented to port-starboard. Note that the width of the beam will be different at each beam angle.

To understand when to use each beam angle, see the table below.

Кунҷи шуоъ Fore – Aft Beam Width Port – Starboard Beam Width Ариза
38° 12° Best high-speed bottom detection
Fish appear as large arches
23° 36° 18° Good high-speed detection
Fish appear as prominent arches
Wider side-to-side beam than at 0°
45° 29° 29° Detection similar to conventional wide-beam transducer
Equal size beam width in both directions
90° 12° 38° Maximum detection while boat is moving forward
Good high-speed bottom detection
Fish arches are not pronounced or may not be evident
Transom Mount: Adjusting the Beam

ШАРҲ: The knob corresponds to the shape and position of the transducer’s beam.

To change the beam’s orientation relative to the boat, grasp the transducer’s knob, push down, rotate to the desired angle, and release the knob (Figure 9). Check that the transducer is locked into the angle by sliding your hand along the bottom of the transducer to be sure it is flush with the housing.

Trolling Motor: Adjusting the Beam

ШАРҲ: The knob corresponds to the shape and position of the transducer’s beam.

The beam angles are marked on the underside of the trolling housing (Figure 10). To change the beam’s orientation, grasp the transducer and pull outward. Rotate it until the orientation mark is aligned with the desired angle and release the transducer. Be sure the transducer is locked into the angle after the knob is released.

P48W: Reassembling the Transom Housing
  1. Slide the cover over the cable onto the transducer (Figure 6).
  2. While holding the wavy spring over the pocket in the transom housing, insert the transducer into the pocket. (The spring fits under the lip of the transducer.) Orient the transducer so the knob is facing 90° and the cable exits near the bracket at about the 45° нишон додан.
  3. Using the two 6 x 1/2″ screws supplied, fasten the cover onto the transom housing. Танҳо дастро мустаҳкам кунед. Аз ҳад зиёд сахт накунед.
    ШАРҲ: Do not use the screws from the trolling-motor adapter.

To adjust knob: push, turn, and release

ШАРҲ: Knob corresponds to shape and position of beam.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 9

Figure 9. P48W transom mount:
Adjusting the beam’s angle (0° shown)

Copyright © 2008 Airmar Technology Corp.

  1. кунҷи нур
  2. тугма
  3. табдилдиҳанда
  4. сарпӯш
  5. винт (2)
    (6 x 1/2″)
Ранг зидди ифлосшавӣ

Surfaces exposed to salt water that do not interlock, must be coated with anti-fouling paint. Use дар асоси об anti-fouling paint only. Never use ketone-based paint, since ketones can attack many types of plastic possibly causing damage to the sensor. Apply paint every 6 months or at the beginning of each boating season.


Рушди обӣ метавонад дар сатҳи сенсор зуд ҷамъ шавад ва дар тӯли ҳафтаҳо самаранокии онро коҳиш диҳад. Чеҳраи интиқолдиҳандаро бо дастпӯшакҳои Scotch-Brite® ва шустушӯйи ҳалим тоза кунед, то харошидан нашавед. Агар ифлосшавӣ шадид бошад, реги каме тар бо коғази тар/хушк.

поён view                              боло view

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - Figure 10

Figure 10. P48W trolling-motor mount:
Adjusting the beam’s angle (90° shown)
Copyright © 2008 – 2015 Airmar Technology Corp.

  1. trolling housing
  2. табдилдиҳанда
  3. orientation mark
  4. кунҷи нур
  5. knob corresponds to shape and position of beam
Damaged Cable Jacket
  1. Should the outer jacket of the cable be abraded or cut, check that the internal conductors are not damaged.
  2. If the conductors are damage free, allow the cable to dry and fill the damaged area with sealant.
  3. Cover the damaged area with electrical tape.
Severed Cable
  1. Slide heat-shrink tubing onto the cable.
  2. Splice each pair of matching colored conductors with rosin core solder.
  3. Wrap each conductor with insulating tape at the splice.
  4. Splice the braided shield wire with solder.
  5. Fill the spliced area in the cable with sealant.
  6. Cover the damaged area with the heat shrink tubing, following the manufacturer’s directions for its use.

ШАРҲ: If the instrument fails to provide a reading, the problem may not be the damaged cable. The transducer, connector, or instrument could be defective.

Иваз кардани сенсор ва қисмҳо

Маълумоте, ки барои фармоиш додани сенсори ивазшаванда лозим аст, дар кабел чоп карда мешавад tag. Инро нест накунед tag. Ҳангоми фармоиш рақами қисм, сана ва басомадро бо кГц муайян кунед. Барои маълумоти мувофиқ, ин маълумотро дар болои саҳифаи якум сабт кунед.

Қисмҳои гумшуда, шикаста ё фарсуда бояд фавран иваз карда шаванд.
Қисмҳоро аз истеҳсолкунандаи асбоби худ ё дилери баҳрӣ дастрас кунед.


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Airmar Technology Corporation   D-17-573-01-rev.13   17-573-01-rev.13   08/25/22

Airmar A - 1Airmar - Xducer


Installation Supplement: Chirp Transducers

CAUTION: Follow the instructions that came with your transducer. To install a Chirp transducer in a way other than intended by the manufacturer may lead to the transducer overheating, resulting in transducer failure.

Аз рӯи хусусияти технологияи Chirp, табдилдиҳандагони Chirp нисбат ба табдилдиҳандаҳои анъанавии таркиши оҳанг, ки дар як басомад кор мекунанд, гармии бештар тавлид мекунанд. Табдилдиҳандаҳои чирп дар сохти худ барои пароканда кардани гармӣ гармкунакҳо доранд. Табдилдиҳандаҳои Chirp Airmar тарҳрезӣ шудаанд, ки мувофиқи шумора ва ҷойгиркунии ин гармкунакҳо бо роҳҳои мушаххас насб карда шаванд.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - a1

Thru-Hull Mount: Low-Profile
Моделҳо: B75L/M/H/HW, B150M, B175L/M/H/HW, SS75L/M/H, SS175L/M/H/HW
Табдилдиҳанда дар сӯрохе, ки тавассути корпус парма карда мешавад, дар ҷои хунук дуртар аз қисмати муҳаррик насб карда мешавад. Ҳангоми кор чеҳраи фаъоли табдилдиҳанда бо об дар тамос аст.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - a2

Кӯҳи Thru-Hull: беруна ё поя
Models: B265LH/LM, B275LHW, B285M/HW, B765LH/LM, B785M, M188LH, R109LH/LM/LHW, R409LWM, R509LH/LM/LHW
Transducer is installed entirely outside of the hull. A stem or stuffing tube hole is drilled through the hull for the transducer cable. The active face and sides of the transducer are immersed in water.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - a3

Маунт дар Ҳолл
Models: M135M, M265LH/LM, M285HW, P75M, P95M, P155M, R111LH/LM, R599 LH/LM
Табдилдиҳанда дар дохили қуттии тар/зарди пластикӣ насб карда шудааст, ки дар дохили корпус дар ҷои хунук ҷойгир карда шудааст. Он бояд аз қисмати муҳаррик ва дигар ҷойҳои гарм дур бошад. Дар корпус ягон сӯрохи парма карда намешавад, аммо ин насб танҳо барои корпуси сахти нахи шиша мувофиқ аст. Чеҳраи фаъол ва паҳлӯҳои табдилдиҳанда ба гликоли пропиленӣ (антифризи заҳрноки баҳрӣ/RV) ғарқ карда шудааст.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - a4

Маунти Трансом
Моделҳо: IC-TM90M, TM150M, TM165HW, TM185M/HW, TM265LH/LM, TM275LHW
Табдилдиҳанда ба беруни қаиқ дар қаиқ пайваст карда шудааст. Ҳангоми кор рӯйи фаъол ва паҳлӯҳои табдилдиҳанда ба об ғарқ мешаванд.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - a5

Кӯҳи кави: Киел
Моделҳо: CM265LH/LM, CM275LHW, CM510L, CM599LH/LM/LHW, PM111LH/LM/LHW, PM411LWM
Transducer is installed in a cavity in the keel at a cool location away from the engine compartment. The active face of the transducer is flush with the outside of the hull and in contact with water.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - a6 Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - a7

Cavity Mount: Pocket
Моделҳо: CM265LH/LM, CM275LHW, CM510L, CM599LH/LM/LHW, PM111LH/LM/LHW, PM265LH/LM, PM275LHW, PM411LWM
Табдилдиҳанда дар пуфак дар корпус дар ҷои хунук дуртар аз қисмати муҳаррик насб карда шудааст. Чеҳраи фаъоли табдилдиҳанда бо беруни корпус ҳамвор аст ва бо об дар тамос аст.

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount - a8

Монтажи зарфҳои кафшершуда
Моделҳо: CM265LH/LM, CM275LHW, CM510L, CM599LH/LM/LHW, PM111LH/LM/LHW, PM411LWM
Табдилдиҳанда дар зарфи пур аз об ва кафшер берун аз корпус насб карда мешавад. Рӯй ва паҳлӯҳои фаъол дар об ғарқ карда мешаванд.

Ҳуҷҷатҳо / Сарчашмаҳо

Airmar TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount [pdf] Дастури корбар
P48W, TM150M, TM150M Chirp Ready Transom Mount, TM150M, Chirp Ready Transom Mount, Ready Transom Mount, Transom Mount


Назари худро гузоред

Суроғаи почтаи электронии шумо нашр намешавад. Майдонҳои зарурӣ қайд карда шудаанд *