MAGICSHINE SEEMEE R300 Radar Rearlight
- Pikeun nyegah hurung teu kahaja, punten jaga unit lampu dina modeu konci sateuacan diangkut atanapi disimpen.
- Ulah ngabongkar, ngaropéa, remanufacture, tusukan, atawa ngaruksak alat atawa accu.
- The SEEMEE R300 radar taillight does not replace cyclist attentiveness and good judgment. Always operate the bicycle in a safe manner. Failure to do so could result in severe injury or death.
Mimitian Pitunjuk
SEEMEE R300 tiasa disambungkeun kana komputer sapédah nganggo protokol radar ANT +. Éta kalebet protokol Lampu ANT + sareng Radar ANT +.
- Lampu belakang radar SEEMEE R300 ngadeteksi kendaraan anu ngadeukeutan jarakna dugi ka 140 meter.
- Radar ngadeteksi kecepatan kendaraan anu caket tina 5 dugi 100 km / jam (tina 3 dugi ka 63 mph).
CATETAN: The radar does not detect vehicles traveling at the same speed as your bike. - Sudut deteksi radar nyaéta 35° sacara horisontal sareng 45° sacara vertikal.
- Radar bisa ngadeteksi nepi ka dalapan kandaraan ngadeukeutan.
Catetan: Place your bike computer and taillight within 3 meters. Keep 10 meters away from other ANT+ sensors when pairing.
- Hurungkeun SEEMEE R300 sareng aktipkeun pungsi radar na.
- Turn on your bike computer, go to Menu>Sen- sors ›Add Sensors> Radar ›Search All.
- Pilih SEEMEE R300 (nomer acak), teras klik "Tambahkeun".
- Nalika pasangan suksés, sénsor nunjukkeun yén "Radar" sareng "Lampu" disambungkeun.
Press and hold the power button for l second to turn the taillight on/off. When the taillight is on, the radar function is activated by default.
- Pencét jeung tahan tombol radar salila 1 detik pikeun ngahurungkeun / mareuman pungsi radar.
- Fungsi radar tiasa dihurungkeun / pareum nyalira. Nalika ngan radar dihurungkeun, lampu tukang bakal asup kana mode radar wungkul.
- Nalika radar berpungsi, indikator bakal ngurilingan jarum jam sareng lampu beureum.
- Nalika radar teu normal, indikator bakal tetep kedip-kedip bodas.
Robah mode:
When the taillight is on, click the power button to cycle through Low High-Night Flash Day Flash With a connected bike computer, enter “Light Mode” and select the corresponding brightness level. Or customize the taillight lighting mode on a compatible computer, e.g., automatically adjust the lighting mode and brightness according to ambient light.
FUNGSI mémori:
Nalika lampu tukang dihurungkeun deui, éta bakal otomatis ngalih ka modeu cahaya anu terakhir dipilih.
When the taillight is off, press and hold the power button and radar button simultaneously for 3 seconds, and the taillight will turn on in maximum output and then enter the memorized mode. When the vibration function is on, the taillight will enter sleep mode after 5 minutes of inactivity and automatically turn on in the memorized mode when a vibration is detected.
When the tailliaht is off. press and hold the power button and radar button simultaneously for 3 seconds, and the taillight will turn on in maximum output and then enter the memorized mode. When the vibration function is on, the taillight will enter sleep mode after 5 minutes of inactivity and automatically turn on in the memorized mode when a vibration is detected.
When the taillight is off, press and hold the power button and radar button simultaneously for 3 seconds, and the taillight will keep flashing and then enter the memorized mode.
Pencét jeung tahan tombol daya salila 3 detik pikeun asup ka modeu konci na sadaya pungsi sejenna bakal dinonaktipkeun samentara. Klik tombol daya atawa tombol radar, sarta indikator bakal flash beureum. Dina modeu konci, pencét jeung tahan tombol daya salila 3 detik pikeun muka konci lampu tukang.
The taillight modes are subject to the identification display of the bike computer’s Light Mode control interface. Due to the different computer brands you use, here may be slightly different.
Sadaya data diukur luyu jeung ANSI / NEMA FL 1-2009. Tés dilaksanakeun dina suhu 25 ° C sareng kecepatan angin 25 km / jam. Waktu jalanna tiasa bénten-béda gumantung kana hawa éksternal sareng kaayaan ventilasi, sareng panyimpangan ieu tiasa mangaruhan hasil tés.
GROUP numpak mode
Lamun dua atawa leuwih SEEMEE R300 sakaligus hurung dina modeu Low sarta tetep dina jarak 10 méter, lampu tukang otomatis pindah ka modeu Grup Ride.
Nalika dua atanapi langkung lampu tukang SEEMEE R300 caket sareng hurung dina pola anu sami, aranjeunna otomatis ngalih ka mode PelotonSync Flash. Pencét tombol pikeun kaluar tina mode PelotonSync Flash sareng pindah ka modeu sanés.
Modeu kakuatan lemah:
When the remaining battery power is below 10%, the taillight will change to Eco Flash mode and cannot be adjusted. The radar flash mode and vibration function will be disabled during this period. The runtime of the only radar mode is for reference only. When the taillight enters Group Ride mode, the radar flash is off, and the taillight only provides computer radar data.
VIEW RADAR ON komputer sapédah Anjeun
Go for a ride. The radar information will be displayed on the activity data screen. The vehicle position moves up the column as a vehicle gets closer to your bike. The threat level changes color based on the potential level of threat. Green indicates no vehicle is detected. Orange indicates a vehicle is approaching. Red indicates a vehicle is approaching at a high rate of speed. If your bike computer is set to sound or vibrate, it will sound an alarm when it detects the first vehicle. After the threat is eliminated and a new approaching vehicle is detected, the computer will sound an alarm again.
Sesuaikeun setélan waspada radar
- Turn on your bike computer, select Menu>Sen- sors ›Radar (corresponding number) ›Sensor Details ›Alert Settings.
- Pilih hiji pilihan.
Ngecas / INDIKATOR batré
Lamun lampu tukang pareum, klik tombol daya pikeun mintonkeun tingkat batré sésana pikeun 3 detik.
- Ngecas: kedip-kedip beureum
- Fully charged: Constant green for 2 minutes
- waktos ngecas standar approx. 2.15 jam (5V 2A)
- 100%- 40%: Constant green
- 39% -11%: beureum konstan
- 10%- 0%: Flashing red
Nalika lampu tukang disambungkeun ka komputer sapédah anjeun, pariksa kakuatan sésana lampu tukang dina komputer. Nalika kakuatan sésana lampu tukang lemah, komputer bakal nunjukkeun yén lampu tukang aya dina modeu daya lemah.
Dokumén / Sumberdaya
MAGICSHINE SEEMEE R300 Radar Rearlight [pdf] Buku Panduan SEEMEE R300 Radar Rearlight, SEEMEE R300, Radar Rearlight, Rearlight |