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Flyfish VOLADORVD7 FPV Drones

Flyfish VOLADORVD7 FPV Drones

Bubuka produk

Aircraft configuration information

  1. RAK
    Motor:Hawk 2807 1300kv
    sabeulah:HQProp 7*483
  3. ESC
    Hakrc 50A Stack
    Jenis drive: brushless DC drive
    Flight controller model: Hakrc FF F405
    Firmware type: betaflight
    RunCam Phoenix 2 sp
    Modeu Gambar: Simulates an image
    2.5W 5.8G
    Simulated video transmission
    RLRS Lora
    Pita frékuénsi:433MHZ
    Jarak hiber:15 km
    Lithium polymer batteries
    Bubuka produk

Recreational flights

  1. Recreational flights
  2. commerce Aerial photography
  3. Mission flights
  4. Kajadian olahraga

Arah pikeun pamakéan

  1. Aircraft batteries
    Place the battery with the straps that come with the package fixed to the base plate of the rack, The battery is facing one end with the power connector Tail direction.
  2. The aircraft and the remote controller are linked batteries The remote control first enters the linking mode, Quickly plug and unplug the aircraft power cord three times in a row (Keep the aircraft powered on for the last time)
    Confirm that the receiver indicator is in the blue light flashing slowly Indicates that the linking mode has been successfully entered, Wait for the receiver indicator to turn solid to indicate successful binding
  3. Airplanes and glasses Alignment
    Plug in the aircraft first and turn on the glasses Automatic frequency search using glasses/ Manual FM adjusts the frequency point of the glasses to The frequency is the same as that of video transmission Check if there is an image on the glasses screen There is a continuous image screen Indicates that the aircraft and glasses are successfully linked
  4. Check before you fly
    After the aircraft is powered on and the linking is successful, Press the unlock switch of the remote control without the spiral prize installed, Visually check if the motor is working properly
    (Catetan: Confirm that the motor rotation direction is correct)
    Check whether the image transmission system is normal
  5. Pasang propellers
  6. Precautions for flying
    1. Check the battery level before flying
    2. Check the electromagnetic environment for interference before flying
    3. Make sure the flight path is free of obstructions

parentah pangropéa

Aircraft Maintenance Instructions

  1. The aircraft should be checked regularly for screw tightness
  2. Do not use highly corrosive solvents to clean the aircraft, improper operation will cause damage to circuit boards and structural parts
  3. To clean the lens, wipe it with a cloth designed for glasses

Battery Maintenance Instructions

  1. Long-term storage of the battery requires charging until storage The voltage is about 3.85V before storage
  2. Pouch batteries are kept away from fire sources and sharp appliances, Prevent spontaneous combustion
  3. It is recommended to use the battery at a reasonable ambient temperature Use the battery to ensure full performance
  4. Lithium batteries need to be charged with a special balanced charger.
    Do not use a non-certified ordinary charger for charging

Glasses Maintenance Instructions

  1. When not in use, store your glasses in an environment that is not easy to be bumped, and it is recommended to use a special protective backpack for storage
  2. The antenna of the image system is not bent, which can easily cause damage to the antenna
  3. It is recommended to store the glasses and the glasses-powered battery separately
  4. Avoid storing glasses in humid, extreme high and low temperatures, to maintain the expected service life of the product

FCC Perhatosan

Alat ieu geus diuji sarta kapanggih matuh wates pikeun alat digital Kelas B, nurutkeun bagian 15 tina Aturan FCC. Watesan ieu dirarancang pikeun nyayogikeun panyalindungan anu wajar tina gangguan anu ngabahayakeun dina pamasangan padumukan. Alat ieu ngahasilkeun, ngagunakeun sareng tiasa mancarkeun énergi frekuensi radio sareng, upami henteu dipasang sareng dianggo saluyu sareng petunjuk, tiasa nyababkeun gangguan anu ngabahayakeun kana komunikasi radio. Nanging, teu aya jaminan yén gangguan moal lumangsung dina pamasangan khusus. Upami alat ieu nyababkeun gangguan anu ngabahayakeun kana panarimaan radio atanapi televisi, anu tiasa dipastikeun ku cara mareuman sareng ngaktipkeun alat, pangguna didorong pikeun nyobian ngabenerkeun gangguan ku salah sahiji atanapi langkung tina ukuran ieu:

  • Reorient atawa mindahkeun anteneu panarima.
  • Ningkatkeun separation antara alat jeung panarima.
  • Sambungkeun alat-alat kana stop kontak dina sirkuit béda ti nu disambungkeun ka panarima.
  • Taroskeun ka dealer atanapi teknisi radio/TV anu berpengalaman pikeun pitulung.

Awas: Sakur perobihan atanapi modifikasi kana alat ieu anu henteu disatujuan sacara eksplisit ku produsén tiasa ngabatalkeun wewenang anjeun pikeun ngoperasikeun alat ieu.
Alat ieu saluyu sareng bagian 15 tina Aturan FCC. Operasi tunduk kana dua kaayaan ieu:

  1. Alat ieu moal ngabalukarkeun gangguan anu ngabahayakeun, sareng
  2. alat ieu kudu narima sagala gangguan narima, kaasup gangguan nu bisa ngabalukarkeun operasi nu teu dihoyongkeun. Alat ieu saluyu sareng wates paparan radiasi FCC anu ditetepkeun pikeun lingkungan anu teu dikendali. Alat ieu kedah dipasang sareng dioperasikeun kalayan jarak minimal 0cm antara radiator sareng awak anjeun.

Dokumén / Sumberdaya

Flyfish VOLADORVD7 FPV Drones [pdf] Pituduh Pamaké


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