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СофТоуцх БПП Боттле Моунтаин Моунтаин




SofTouch-BPP-Nursing-Bottle-Mountain-FIG-1 SofTouch-BPP-Nursing-Bottle-Mountain-FIG-2

Како саставити

  1. КОРАК 1
    • Grasp the shield of the Nipple firmly.
  2. КОРАК 2
    • Place over the cap, then press down to fit it securely into the cap.
  3. КОРАК 3
    • Press on the ventilation valve to check that it opens.SofTouch-BPP-Nursing-Bottle-Mountain-FIG-3

Choosing A Nipple

Use this chart as a guide to change nipples as your baby grows. As babies of the same age may have different requirements, select according to their development.SofTouch-BPP-Nursing-Bottle-Mountain-FIG-4

Савети за коришћење

  • For safety and hygiene reasons, it is recommended to replace the nipple at least every 2 months.
  • Rotate the use of 2 or more nipples for about 2 months before replacing them. If your baby grows comfortable with one certain nipple, he or she may object if you change to a new one.

Пре прве употребе

  • Before first use, disassemble the product and clean thoroughly. Then, place all components in boiling water for 5 minutes.
  • This is to ensure hygiene. Always wash your hands with soap before cleaning, sterilizing, and feeding.

Упутства за чишћење и складиштење

  • Након сваке употребе, добро оперите и стерилишите.
  • Одмах након употребе, исперите у топлој води и оперите користећи Пигеон Ликуид Цлеансер.
  • Disassemble and clean the product thoroughly.
  • Користите спужвасту четку за прање пластичних боца.
  • Користите најлонску четку за прање стаклених боца.
  • Abrasive scrubbing brushes, metal scrubbing brushes, and abrasive cleansers should be avoided as they may cause scratches on the bottle.
  • Ensure that all parts including areas that may not be visible are thoroughly washed and rinsed to remove any milk residues.
  • Када се не користи, чувајте га у сувом, покривеном контејнеру.
  • Опрез: Before using for the first time, wash and rinse the nipple thoroughly to remove the white powdered food additive that has been applied to protect the ventilation valve and Y-cut nipple opening.
  • Use your fingers to gently massage around the nipple, ventilation valve, and nipple opening to clean. If you scrub or pull too hard, the valve may get damaged which can cause leaks.
  • The tip of the nipple is very delicate. When using a nipple brush to clean, wash very carefully. Push the tip of the nipple with your fingers so that the nipple brush does not break through the tip of the nipple when washing it.SofTouch-BPP-Nursing-Bottle-Mountain-FIG-5
  • Inspect before each use and pull the nipple in all directions. The nipples may be worn by biting. Special attention is needed for a teething child. Throw away at the first signs of damage or weakness.
  • Do not leave a nipple in direct sunlight, heat, or leave in disinfectant (“sterilizing solution”) for longer than recommended, as this may weaken the nipple.

Упутства за стерилизацију

  • Обавезно стерилишите пре сваке употребе.
  • Стерилизација кључања: Ставите све делове у кључалу воду на 5 минута.
  • Стерилизација паром: You can use Pigeon Steam Sterilizer and follow the directions in the user manual.
  • Chemical and UV Sterilization су могуће.
  • Microwave Sterilization is possible for PP/ PPSU/ Glass Bottles and nipples. Do not sterilize T-Ester bottles in a microwave.
  • Use sterilization products made specifically for baby bottles and nipples. Follow the instructions in the user’s manual for these products.
  • With chemical sterilization, the printing on the bottle may fade. It is recommended to replace the product when it starts to discolor and/ or turn cloudy.
  • Опрез: All milk/ oil residue should be thoroughly removed before sterilizing to avoid permanent staining of parts
  • After microwave and boiling sterilization, the bottle will be hot. Be careful not to burn yourself.
  • During UV sterilization, ensure that the nursing bottle and all parts have at least a 1-inch gap away from the walls of the UV sterilizer.
  • The air ventilation outlet may generate high heat that can cause damage to the product.

Припрема мајчиног млека

  • Pour thawed breastmilk into the bottle and warm it up. For easy and convenient warming, use the Pigeon Smart Bottle Warmer set at 37°C.

За безбедност и здравље вашег детета

  • УПОЗОРЕЊЕ! Непрекидно и продужено сисање течности изазива каријес.
  • Увек проверите температуру хране пре храњења.
  • Баците на прве знаке оштећења или слабости.
  • Држите све компоненте које се не користе ван домашаја деце.
  • Никада немојте причвршћивати гајтане, траке, пертле или лабаве делове одеће. Дете се може задавити.
  • Никада не користите брадавице за храњење као цуцлу.
  • Увек користите овај производ уз надзор одрасле особе.
  • Бочице за дојење треба да се користе за храњење бебе млеком или другим течностима. Немојте их користити у друге сврхе.
  • Do not use a microwave to warm contents as this may cause uneven heating. Localized high temperatures could scald your baby.

Warning: For usage of glass bottles

  • Glass bottles may break when dropped or subjected to an impact. This may lead to injury or scalding.
  • Inspect the bottle before and after each use. Replace it if any cracks, glass fragments, or damage are found.
  • Use only under adult supervision. If your child drops the bottle or falls with it, the glass may break and cause injury.
  • For safety reasons, do not use bottle handles with glass bottles.
  • Do not freeze. Due to thermal shock, they may break or crack when taken out of the freezer.
  • Exercise caution when pouring boiling liquids into the glass bottle as it may break if the bottle is cold.
  • Do not use ice water to cool the bottle as extreme temperature differences between the internal and external walls of the bottle can cause it to break.
  • Do not use metal to stir contents or to clean within the bottle. This can damage the glass.
  • Пигеон Цорпоратион
  • 4-4, Нихонбаши Хисаматсу-чо,
  • Цхуо-ку, Токио 103-8480 ЈАПАН
  • ввв.пигеон.цом

Документи / Ресурси

СофТоуцх БПП Боттле Моунтаин Моунтаин [пдф] Упутство за употребу
БПП Планина бочица за дојење, БПП, планина бочица за дојење, планина бочица, планина


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