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КЕБА П40 станица за пуњење



  • Q: What should I do if I encounter a DANGER? situation?
    • A: In case of an imminently hazardous situation indicated by DANGER!, take immediate precautions to prevent death or serious injury.
  • Q: How can I ensure the operational readiness of the charging station?
    • A: Refer to page 14 of the manual for information on operational readiness.


This manual is valid for KeContact P40 variants with an installed MID1) meter (KC-P40-xxxxx-xxxxxMxx-…). The components shown in this manual are example graphics. The figures and explanations refer to typical product designs. The design of your product may differ.

  1. MID (Measuring Instruments Directive): European Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU

Представљање безбедносних упутстава

At various points in this manual, you will see notes and precautionary warnings regarding pos-sible hazards. The symbols used have the following meanings:

  • KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (1)ОПАСНОСТ!
    • Означава непосредну опасну ситуацију, која ће довести до смрти или озбиљне телесне повреде ако се не предузму одговарајуће мере предострожности.
  • KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (1)УПОЗОРЕЊЕ!
    • Indicates a potentially hazardous situation, which can result in death or serious bod-ily injury if the corresponding precautions are not taken.
  • KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (1)ОПРЕЗ!
    • То значи да ако се не предузму одговарајуће мере безбедности, може доћи до потенцијално опасне ситуације која може довести до лакших телесних повреда.
  • KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (1)Опрез
    • Значи да може доћи до материјалне штете ако се не предузму одговарајуће мере безбедности.
  • KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (2)ЕСД
    • Овај симбол вас подсећа на могуће последице додиривања електростатички осетљивих компоненти.


  • Идентификује практичне савете и корисне информације. Нема информација које упозоравају на потенцијално опасне или штетне функције.

Сврха документа

This document describes the relevant functions, properties and device-specific requirements for compliant operation of relevant KeContact P40 variants with an MID energy meter and is geared toward measuring point operators.


This document contains information for persons who meet the following requirements:

Циљна група Required knowledge and abilities




Measuring point operator

Persons who, due to their special training, expertise and experience as well as knowledge of current standards, are able to assess the work performed and the pos- sible hazards.

Knowledge about:

●       Currently valid safety regulations

●       The method of operation of the energy meter

●       The displays of the energy meter

●       The legal requirements for the operation of specific measuring points

Напомене о овом документу

The manual is part of the product. It is to be retained over the entire life cycle of the product and should be forwarded to any subsequent owners or users of the product. All safety notes in other manuals of the product must be observed. The instructions in this manual must be followed precisely for compliant use of the measurement device. Regardless of the device-specific information described in this manual, the general specifications for the operation of measuring points must be complied with.

Додатна документација

Ознака Циљна група

Упутство за употребу

●       End customer

●       Electricians

Упутства за инсталацију ●       Electricians

Кратка упутства

●       End customer

●       Electricians

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Опис уређаја

Charging station design

KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (3)

  1. Доња јединица
  2. Terminals (supply)
  3. Поклопац терминала
  4. Заштитни поклопац
  5. Поклопац кућишта
  6. KC-MS10 module
  7. Connector panel (interfaces)
  8. Апликациони модул

The MID variants of KeContact P40 contain a KC-MS10 module, which is certified as an active power meter in accordance with the European Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) 2014/32/EU. The following chapters describe the KC-MS10 module as an MID device exclusively.

Removing the KC-MS10 module

To remove the KC-MS10 module (MID device) from the charging station, proceed as follows:

  1. De-energize the charging station and secure it from being switched on again.
  2. Скините поклопац кућишта.
  3. Unscrew the 4 screws of the protective cover and remove the protective cover.
  4. Remove the terminal cover and disconnect the supply line.
  5. Terminate any control lines (LAN cable, etc.), if present.
  6. Unscrew the 2 mounting screws of the KC-MS10 module on the underside.KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (4)
  7. Unlock the mounting unit of the charging cable and remove it from the charging station housing.
  8. Lift the KC-MS10 module at the bottom and remove it from the housing.

Description of the MID device

The MID variants of KC-MS10 are certified as active power meters in accordance with the European Measuring Instruments Directive (MID) 2014/32/EU. Special markings on the KC-MS10 type plate allow for clear identification. The associated type examination refers to the KC-MS10.KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (5)

Типска плоча

KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (6)

  1. Типска плочица станице за пуњење
  2. Type plate of the installed KC-MS10 module

The two type plates are located on the right side of the charging station. The type plate shown is an example. The actual data on the type plate depends on the device variant.

Type plate of the KC-MS10 (MID)

KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (7)

  1. Product key / Serial number
  2. Type examination number
  3. Електрични подаци
  4. Класа тачности
  5. Метар константа
  6. Опсег радне температуре
  7. Број материјала
  8. Земља производње
  9. Адреса произвођача
  10. Production location and date
  11. Serial number as a QR code
  12. Electrical data of RCD (residual current de-tection)
  13. Electrical data of RDC (DC residual current monitoring)
  14. Electrical data of RCD+RDC
  15. Marking of the approval
  16. Portion of the type plate visible through the window in the outer housing
  17. ЦЕ ознака

Manufacturer’s seal

Position of seal

KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (8)

  1. Type plate (sticker)
  2. SaMC Manufacturer Seal (sticker)

The manufacturer’s seal consists of the following elements:

  • Type plate (sticker) on the right side of the KC-MS10.
  • SaMC Manufacturer Seal (sticker) on the left side of the KC-MS10.

The removal or destruction of one of the calibration seals indicates that inner parts of the KC-MS10 have been accessed and results in the loss of calibration validity. A gap effect makes tampering evident, as a checkerboard pattern is left behind when the label seal is removed.

Sealing (charge point operator)

The lead seal of the charge point operator is applied in the field after successful installation of the charging station and serves to protect the supply terminals from unwanted access. The fol-lowing options are available:

Sealing the protective cover

The lead seal of the protective cover makes unauthorized access to the interior of the device visible. This secures access to the power supply connection, basic electrical settings and changes to the components, among other things.KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (9)

The lead seal, which can be selected by the operating company of the charging station, is ap-plied to the protective cover of the housing and is used to protect the installed measurement device from unwanted access.

Product key (overview of variants)

The type and features of the device can be determined by the product designation on the type plate. Devices that are approved as active power meters in accordance with MID 2014/32/EU, accu-racy class B, have an M in the product designation: KC-MS10-xxxxxMxx.KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (10)

Display for energy meters

All KC-MS10 variants with a calibrated energy meter have an LCD display. It enables visual-ization of all relevant information, including that of the energy meter. Outside of the sleep state, the relevant information is displayed permanently. For improved readability, the backlighting of the display is activated in case of relevant charge events. Relevant events are:

  • Start of a charging session
  • Plugging in the charging cable
  • End of the charging session
  • Unplugging the charging cable

Display for calibrated energy metersKEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (11)

  1. LCD display (two lines)

Variants with an installed calibrated energy meter have an LCD display on the right side. This display shows the status of the energy meter and additional information.

Информације на дисплеју

KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (12)

Fig. 2-2: MID displays

If the device is in the sleep state, no information is displayed. In the sleep state, the system prohibits the transmission of energy (for details, see “3.2 Operational readiness”).

Short description of the displays

1. ред: 99999.9999 кВх Укупан збир енергије коју је уређај регистровао у [кВх] за све сесије пуњења до данас.




2. ред:

01.00.00 Верзија фирмвера
АБ12 Контролни збир
* Присутан је нови унос у дневник.


Relevant error on the KC-MS10, the module is out of operation. Oper- ation can only be restored by replacing the charging station or the

KC-MS10 module. If an energy meter reading is displayed, this count value is correct despite the error.

Active power meters


The maximum meter reading is 99999.9999 kWh. If this value is exceeded, the meter starts at “0” again.

  • Уређај који се не враћа
    • The measurement device has an integrated non-return device. Energy is only recorded if it flows from the supply terminals to the output terminals (charging cable).
  • Оперативна спремност
    • The meter function is active in every operating mode in which energy is flowing through the device. If the KC-MS10 module is in the sleep state, the main relay is open, which prevents the transmission of energy.

Принцип мерења

  • The transmitted energy is measured in all active phases.KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (13)
  1. Power supply to the supply terminals
  2. Power tap for internal supply: Before the ac-tive power meter
  3. Power measurement/active power meter
  4. Преклопни елемент
  5. Outlet for charging cable

The switching element (4) refers to the additional function of the KC-MS10 and is not part of the meter function.

Operation of the KC-MS10 as a measuring point

During the setting and calibration of the energy meter by the manufacturer as well as during commissioning, energy flows through the device. For this reason, the energy meter reading on the display is not “0” after completing installation.

Checking the compliant state of the device

To get a valid reading on the energy meter value, the following points must be checked:

  • The integrity of the energy meter and its associated components must be checked.
  •  The device must be within the calibration period. The information can be found on the type plate of the device and is marked with the letter “M”, followed by the last two digits of the calibration year.
  • Use of a suitable device type.
  • Correct function and readability of the display.
  • Display of the correct firmware version according to the type of examination certificate on the display.
  • All calibration seals must be present and undamaged.
  • Correct installation of the device and energy meter in compliance with national and regional regulations.
  • Operation according to the operating conditions.

Permitted MID software version

A device with an installed KC-MS10 measurement device includes conformity-relevant and non-relevant software parts:

Firmware assessed for conformity

  • Верзија фирмвера: 01.02.02
  • Checksum: 89A1

Periodic checking

To minimize damage due to failures, it is recommended that you read the meter and thus check the compliant state of the device in reasonable intervals. If the device is in a non-compliant state during the check, it must be assumed that the meter reading is invalid back to the last valid reading.

Correctly reading the energy meter

All KC-MS10 variants with a calibrated energy meter have an LCD display. It enables visualization of all relevant information, including that of the energy meter. Outside of the sleep state, the relevant information is displayed permanently. For improved readability, the backlighting of the display is activated in case of relevant charge events.

Relevant events are:

  • Start of a charging session
  • Plugging in the charging cable
  • End of the charging session
  • Unplugging the charging cable

Displays of calibratable energy meters

  • For details on the display, see chapter “2.8.1 Information on the display.”

Ажурирање фирмвера

  • KeContact P40 supports updates to the legally relevant firmware. An update is triggered through the connected gateway (application module). Only firmware versions approved by the notified authority are installed on the device. Updates to the relevant firmware may require additional approval by the local authorities.

Калибрација уређаја

The calibration of the energy meter must be performed by an authorized authority. The calibration requires a successfully passed condition inspection. To perform the calibration, the energy meter must be set to calibration mode. In this mode, all functions required to perform calibration that are deactivated in normal operation are activated. The accuracy of the installed energy meter can be checked by comparing the energy output displayed by the optical test output (pulse LED) with the value of the reference meter used by the calibration authority.

Режим калибрације

If you set KC-MS10 to calibration mode, the functions required for the calibration are enabled:

  • Main relay is closed.
  • Pulse LED is active and flashes at 10000 pulse/kWh.
  • Additional functions) of KC-MS10 are deactivated.

In calibration mode, neither the mode of operation nor the measurement accuracy of the active power meter change. The energy transmitted in calibration mode is therefore added to the total energy meter.

  • 1)…KC-MS10 is capable of executing charging sessions in accordance with IEC 61851. In calibration mode, the Control Pilot voltage is set so that the device cannot execute any charging processes in accordance with IEC 61851. KC-MS10 has integrated functions of an RCD and RDC device. In this mode, these functions are disabled. This prevents the RCD function of the device from being triggered unintentionally during the test. Monitoring of the contactor function (weld detection and read-back contact) is deactivated.

Activating calibration mode

For calibration mode, a specific test firmware is required as a software update; this can be provided by the manufacturer on request. To activate calibration mode, proceed as follows:

  • Install the specific test firmware using the normal software update process. Calibration mode is activated.

Optical test output (pulse LED)

KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (14)

  1. Optical test output

The optical test output is a pulse LED located behind the type plate, which is visible from the outside through a corresponding opening.

Schematic measurement setup

KEBA-P40-Charging-Station-FIG (15)

  1. Calibration test system
  2. Терминали за напајање
  3. Output terminals (charging cable)
  4. Optical test output (pulse LED)
    • a … Connection lines (source including voltagе мерење)
    • b … Connection lines (sink)
    • c … Evaluation unit for pulse LED

The calibration test system is connected to the energy meter. The voltage is tapped according to the evaluation point at the supply connection on the supply terminals. The test probes are connected to the output terminals on the output side. The optical test output must face the counterpart of the calibration test system.


The KC-MS10 module is inherently maintenance-free. However, periodically reading the meter is still recommended. In case of error, the KC-MS10 module must be replaced.


  • КЕБА Енерги Аутоматион ГмбХ
  • Реиндлстраßе 51
  • 4040 Линц / Аустрија
  • ввв.кеба.цом

Document No.: 132017 | Published: 01.2025

Document: V 1.00

  • Странице: 24
  • © КЕБА 2025

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Документи / Ресурси

КЕБА П40 станица за пуњење [пдф] Упутство за употребу
P40, P40 Pro MID, P40 Charging Station, P40, Charging Station


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