OpenVox iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway
- Modeli: Porta analoge e serisë iAG800 V2
- Prodhuesi: OpenVox Communication Co Ltd
- Gateway Types: iAG800 V2-4S, iAG800 V2-8S, iAG800 V2-4O, iAG800 V2-8O, iAG800 V2-4S4O, iAG800 V2-2S2O
- Mbështetja e kodeve: G.711A, G.711U, G.729A, G.722, G.726, iLBC
- Protokolli: SIP
- Përputhshmëria: Asterisk, Issabel, 3CX, FreeSWITCH, BroadSoft, VOS VoIP
The iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway is a solution for SMBs and SOHOs to interconnect analog and VoIP systems.
Follow these steps to set up your iAG800 V2 Analog Gateway:
- Connect the gateway to power and network.
- Access the gateway’s GUI interface using a web shfletuesi.
- Configure the gateway settings such as SIP accounts and codecs.
- Save the configurations and reboot the gateway.
To use the iAG800 V2 Analog Gateway:
- Connect analog devices like phones or fax machines to the appropriate ports.
- Make VoIP calls using the configured SIP accounts.
- Monitor call status and channels using the LED indicators on the front panel.
Regularly check the gateway’s status and update firmware when available. Ensure proper ventilation and power supply for optimal performance.
Pyetjet e bëra më shpesh
- Q: What codecs are supported by the iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway?
- A: The gateway supports codecs including G.711A, G.711U, G.729A, G.722, G.726, and iLBC.
- Q: How can I access the gateway’s GUI interface?
- A: You can access the GUI interface by entering the gateway’s IP address in a web shfletuesi.
- Q: Can the iAG800 V2 Analog Gateway be used with SIP servers other than Asterisk?
- A: Yes, the gateway is compatible with leading VoIP platforms like Issabel, 3CX, FreeSWITCH, BroadSoft, and VOS VoIP operating platform.
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
OpenVox Communication Co Ltd
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
Versioni 1.0
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
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Address: Room 624, 6/F, Tsinghua Information Port, Book Building, Qingxiang Road, Longhua Street, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 518109
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
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Rishikoni Historinë
Versioni 1.0
Release Date 28/08/2020
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
Description First Version
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
What is iAG Series Analog Gateway?
OpenVox iAG800 V2 series Analog Gateway, an upgrade product of the iAG Series, is an open source asterisk-based Analog VoIP Gateway solution for SMBs and SOHOs. With friendly GUI and unique modular design, users may easily setup their customized Gateway. Also secondary development can be completed through AMI (Asterisk Management Interface).
The iAG800 V2 Analog Gateways are comprised of six models: iAG800 V2-4S with 4 FXS ports, iAG800 V2-8S with 8 FXS ports, iAG800 V2-4O with 4 FXO ports, iAG800 V2-8O with 8 FXO ports, iAG800 V2-4S4O with 4 FXS ports and 4 FXO ports, and iAG800 V2-2S2O with 2 FXS ports and 2 FXO ports.
The iAG800 V2 Analog Gateways are developed for interconnecting a wide selection of codecs including G.711A, G.711U, G.729A, G.722, G.726, iLBC. iAG800 V2 series use standard SIP protocol and compatible with Leading VoIP platform, IPPBX and SIP servers. Such as Asterisk, Issabel, 3CX, FreeSWITCH, BroadSoft and VOS VoIP operating platform.
Sample Aplikimi
Figure 1-2-1 Topological Graph
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Pamja e produktit
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
The picture below is appearance of iAG Series Analog Gateway. Figure 1-3-1 Product Appearance
Figure 1-3-2 Front Panel
1: Power Indicator 2: System LED 3: Analog Telephone Interfaces and corresponding Channels State Indicators
Figure 1-3-3 Back Panel
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1: Power interface 2: Reset button 3: Ethernet ports and indicators
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
Karakteristikat kryesore
Karakteristikat e sistemit
NTP time synchronization and client time synchronization Support modify username and password for web login Update firmware online, backup/restore configuration file Abundant Log Info, Automatically Reboot, Call status display Language selection (Chinese/English) Open API interface (AMI), support for custom scripts, dialplans Support SSH remote operation and restore the factory settings
Karakteristikat e telefonisë
Support Volume adjustment, Gain adjustment, call transfer, call hold, call waiting, call forward, Caller ID display
Three way calling, Call transfer, Dial-up matching table Support T.38 fax relay and T.30 fax transparent, FSK and DTMF signaling Support Ring cadence and frequency setting, WMI (Message Waiting Indicator) Support Echo cancellation, Jitter buffer Support customizable DISA and other applications
SIP Features
Support add, modify & delete SIP Accounts, batch add, modify & delete SIP Accounts Support multiple SIP registrations: Anonymous, Endpoint registers with this gateway, This gateway registers
with the endpoint SIP accounts can be registered to multiple servers
Network typeStatic IP, Dynamic Support DDNS, DNS, DHCP, DTMF relay, NAT Telnet, HTTP, HTTPS, SSH VPN client Network Toolbox
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Informacion fizik
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
Table 1-5-1 Description of Physical Information 637g
-20~70°C (Storage) 0~50°C (Operation)
Lagështia e funksionimit
10%~90% jo kondensues
Burimi i energjisë
12V DC/2A
Fuqia maksimale
12 W
Default IP: Username: admin Password: admin Please enter the default IP in your browser to scan and configure the module you want.
Figure 1-6-1 Login Interface
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On the “Status” page, you will see Port/SIP/Routing/Network information and status. Figure 2-1-1 System Status
Table 2-2-1 Description of Time Settings Definition
Koha e sistemit
Your gateway system time.
Zona kohore
The world time zone. Please select the one which is the same or the
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
closest as your city.
Posix time zone strings.
Serveri NTP 1
Time server domain or hostname. For example, [].
Serveri NTP 2
The first reserved NTP server. For example, [].
Serveri NTP 3
The second reserved NTP server. For example, [].
Whether enable automatically synchronize from NTP server or not. ON Auto-Sync from NTP
is enable, OFF is disable this function.
Sync from NTP
Sync time from NTP server.
Sync from Client
Sync time from local machine.
Për shembullample, you can configure like this: Figure 2-2-1 Time Settings
You can set your gateway time Sync from NTP or Sync from Client by pressing different buttons.
Cilësimet e hyrjes
Your gateway doesn’t have administration role. All you can do here is to reset what new username and password to manage your gateway. And it has all privileges to operate your gateway. You can modify both your “Web Identifikohu
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
Settings” and “SSH Login Settings”. If you have changed these settings, you don’t need to log out, just rewriting your new user name and password will be OK.
Table 2-3-1 Description of Login Settings
Emri i përdoruesit
Define your username and password to manage your gateway, without space here. Allowed characters “-_+. < >&0-9a-zA-Z”. Length: 1-32 characters.
Allowed characters “-_+. < >&0-9a-zA-Z”. Length: 4-32 characters.
Konfirmo fjalëkalimin
Please input the same password as ‘Password’ above.
Login Mode
Select the mode of login.
Porta HTTP
Specifikoni web server port number.
Specifikoni web server port number.
SSH login port number.
Figure 2-3-1 Login Settings
Notice: Whenever you do some changes, do not forget to save your configuration.
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Cilësimet e gjuhës
You can choose different languages for your system. If you want to change language, you can switch “Advanced” on, then “Download” your current language package. After that, you can modify the package with the language you need. Then upload your modified packages, “Choose File” and “Add”, those will be ok.
Figure 2-4-1 Language Settings
Reboot i planifikuar
If switch it on, you can manage your gateway to reboot automatically as you like. There are four reboot types for you to choose, “By Day, By Week, By Month and By Running Time”.
Figure 2-4-2 Reboot Types
If use your system frequently, you can set this enable, it can helps system work more efficient.
On the “Tools” pages, there are reboot, update, upload, backup and restore toolkits.
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual You can choose system reboot and Asterisk reboot separately.
Figure 2-5-1 Reboot Prompt
If you press “Yes”, your system will reboot and all current calls will be dropped. Asterisk Reboot is the same. Table 2-5-1 Instruction of reboots
System Reboot This will turn off your gateway and then turn it back on. This will drop all current calls.
Asterisk Reboot This will restart Asterisk and drop all current calls.
We offer two kinds of update types for you, you can choose System Update or System Online Update. System Online Update is an easier way to update your system.
Figure 2-5-2 Update Firmware
If you want to store your previous configuration, you can first backup configuration, then you can upload configuration directly. That will be very convenient for you. Notice, the version of backup and current firmware should be same, otherwise, it would not take effect.
Figure 2-5-3 Upload and Backup
Sometimes there is something wrong with your gateway that you don’t know how to solve it, mostly you will select factory reset. Then you just need to press a button, your gateway will be reset to the factory status.
Figure 2-5-4 Factory Reset
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
On the “Information” page, there shows some basic information about the analog gateway. You can see software and hardware version, storage usage, memory usage and some help information.
Figura 2-6-1 Informacioni i Sistemit
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
You can see much information about your ports on this page.
Cilësimet e kanalit
Figure 3-1-1 Channel System
On this page, you can see every port status, and click action
button to configure the port.
Figure 3-1-2 FXO Port Configure
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Figure 3-1-3 FXS Port Configure
Pickup Settings
Call pickup is a feature used in a telephone system that allows one to answer someone else’s telephone call. You can set the “Time Out” and “Number” parameters either globally or separately for each port. The feature is accessed by pressing a special sequence of numbers which you set as “Number” parameter on the telephone set when it is enabled this function.
Figure 3-2-1 Pickup Configure
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Options Enable Time Out Number
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Table 3-2-1 Definition of Pickup Definition ON(enabled),OFF(disabled) Set the timeout, in milliseconds (ms).Note: You can only enter numbers. Pickup number
Dial Matching Table
Dialing rules is used to effectively judge whether the received number sequence is complete, in order to timely end receiving number and send out number The correct use of dial-up rules, helps to shorten the turn-on time of phone call
Figure 3-3-1 Port Configure
Cilësimet e avancuara
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Figure 3-4-1 General Configuration
Table 3-4-1 Instruction of General Definition
Tone duration
How long generated tones (DTMF and MF) will be played on the channel. (in milliseconds)
Dial timeout
Specifies the number of seconds we attempt to dial the specified devices.
Set the global encoding : mulaw, alaw.
Configuration for impedance.
Echo cancel tap length Hardware echo canceler tap length.
Turn on/off VAD/CNG.
Turn on/off Flash/wink.
Max flash time
Max flash time.(in milliseconds).
“#”as Ending Dial Key Turn on/off Ending Dial Key.
Checking SIP Status
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Turn on/off SIP Account registration status checking.
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Figure 3-4-2 Caller ID
Table 3-4-2 Instruction of Caller ID Definition
The pattern of sending CID
Some countries(UK) have ring tones with different ring tones(ring-ring), which means the caller ID needs to be set later on, and not just after the first ring, as per the default(1).
Waiting time before sending CID
How long we will waiting before sending the CID on the channel.(in milliseconds).
Sending polarity reversal(DTMF Only) Send polarity reversal before sending the CID on the channel.
Start code(DTMF Only)
Start code.
Stop code(DTMF Only)
Stop code.
Figure 3-4-3 Hardware Gain
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Options FXS Rx gain FXS Tx gain
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Table 3-4-3 Instruction of Hardware gain Definition Set the FXS port Rx gain. Range: from -150 to 120. Select -35, 0 or 35. Set the FXS port Tx gain. Range: from -150 to 120. Select -35, 0 or 35.
Figure 3-4-4 Fax Configuration
Table 3-4-4 Definition of Fax Options Definition
Mode Set the transmission mode.
Set the rate of sending and receiving.
Enable/disable T.30 ECM (error correction mode) by default.
Figure 3-4-5 Country Configuration
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Table 3-4-5 Definition of Country Definition
Configuration for location specific tone indications.
Ring cadence List of durations the physical bell rings.
Toni i numrit
Set of tones to be played when one picks up the hook.
Ton zile
Set of tones to be played when the receiving end is ringing.
Toni i zënë
Set of tones played when the receiving end is busy.
Call waiting tone Set of tones played when there is a call waiting in the background.
Congestion tone Set of tones played when there is some congestion.
Dial recall tone Many phone systems play a recall dial tone after hook flash.
Record tone
Set of tones played when call recording is in progress.
Info tone
Set of tones played with special information messages (e.g., number is out of service.)
Çelësat e funksionit special
Figure 3-5-1 Function keys
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SIP Endpoints
This page shows everything about your SIP, you can see status of each SIP. Figure 4-1-1 SIP Status
You can click endpoints, you can click
button to add a new SIP endpoint, and if you want to modify existed button.
Main Endpoint Settings
There are 3 kinds of registration types for choose. You can choose “Anonymous, Endpoint registers with this gateway or This gateway registers with the endpoint”.
You can configure as follows: If you set up a SIP endpoint by registration “None” to a server, then you can’t register other SIP endpoints to this server. (If you add other SIP endpoints, this will cause Out-band Routes and Trunks confused.)
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Figure 4-1-2 Anonymous Registration
For convenience, we have designed a method that you can register your SIP endpoint to your gateway, thus your gateway just work as a server.
Figure 4-1-3 Register to Gateway
Also you can choose registration by “This gateway registers with the endpoint”, it’s the same with “None”, except name and password.
Figure 4-1-4 Register to Server
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Table 4-1-1 Definition of SIP Options
A name which is able to read by human. And it’s only used for user’s reference.
Emri i përdoruesit
User Name the endpoint will use to authenticate with the gateway.
Regjistrimi i fjalëkalimit
Password the endpoint will use to authenticate with the gateway. Allowed characters.
None—Not registering; Endpoint registers with this gateway—When register as this type, it means the GSM gateway acts as a SIP server, and SIP endpoints register to the gateway; This gateway registers with the endpoint—When register as this type, it means the GSM gateway acts as a client, and the endpoint should be register to a SIP server;
Hostname or IP address or hostname of the endpoint or ‘dynamic’ if the endpoint has a dynamic
Adresa IP
IP address. This will require registration.
This sets the possible transport types for outgoing. Order of usage, when the respective transport protocols are enabled, is UDP, TCP, TLS. The first enabled transport type is only used for outbound messages until a Registration takes place. During the peer Registration the transport type may change to another supported type if the peer requests so.
Addresses NAT-related issues in incoming SIP or media sessions. No—Use Rport if the remote side says to use it. Force Rport on—Force Rport to always be on. NAT Traversal Yes—Force Rport to always be on and perform comedia RTP handling. Rport if requested and comedia—Use Rport if the remote side says to use it and perform comedia RTP handling.
Advanced: Registration Options
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Table 4-1-2 Definition of Registration Options Definition
Authentication User
A username to use only for registration.
Register Extension
When Gateway registers as a SIP user agent to a SIP proxy (provider), calls from this provider connect to this local extension.
Nga Përdoruesi
A username to identify the gateway to this endpoint.
Nga Domain
A domain to identify the gateway to this endpoint.
Remote Secret
A password which is only used if the gateway registers to the remote side.
The port number the gateway will connect to at this endpoint.
Whether or not to check the endpoint’s connection status.
Qualify Frequency
How often, in seconds, to check the endpoint’s connection status.
Proxy outbound
A proxy to which the gateway will send all outbound signaling instead of sending signaling directly to endpoints.
Custom Registery
Custom Registery On / Off.
Enable Outboundproxy Outboundproxy to Host On / Off.
te Host
Cilësimet e thirrjeve
Options DTMF Mode Call Limit
Table 4-1-3 Definition of Call Options Definition Set default DTMF Mode for sending DTMF. Default: rfc2833. Other options: ‘info’, SIP INFO message (application/dtmf-relay); ‘Inband’, Inband audio (require 64kbit codec -alaw, ulaw). Setting a call-limit will cause calls above the limit not to be accepted.
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
Trust Remote-Party-ID
Whether or not the Remote-Party-ID header should be trusted.
Send Remote-Party-ID
Whether or not to send the Remote-Party-ID header.
Remote Party ID How to set the Remote-Party-ID header: from Remote-Party-ID or
from P-Asserted-Identity.
Caller ID Presentation Whether or not to display Caller ID.
Advanced: Signaling Settings
Progress Inband
Table 4-1-4 Definition of Signaling Options
If we should generate in-band ringing. Always use `never’ to never use in-band signaling, even in cases where some buggy devices might not render it.
Valid values: yes, no never. Default: never.
Allow Overlap Dialing
Allow Overlap Dialing: Whether or not to allow overlap dialing. Disabled by default.
Append user=phone to URI
Whether or not to add `; user=phone’ to URIs that contain a valid phone number.
Add Q.850 Reason Headers
Whether or not to add Reason header and to use it if it is available.
Honor SDP Version
By default, the gateway will honor the session version number in SDP packets and will only modify the SDP session if the version number change. Turn this option off to force the gateway to ignore the SDP session version number and treat all SDP data as new data. This is
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Allow Transfers
Allow Promiscuous Redirects
Max Forwards
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
required for devices that send non-standard SDP packets (observed with Microsoft OCS). By default this option is on. Whether or not to globally enable transfers. Choosing ‘no’ will disable all transfers (unless enabled in peers or users). Default is enabled. Whether or not to allow 302 or REDIR to non-local SIP address. Note that promiscredir when redirects are made to the local system will cause loops since this gateway is incapable of performing a “hairpin” call.
Setting for the SIP Max-Forwards header (loop prevention).
Send a 100 Trying when the endpoint registers.
Advanced: Timer Settings
Default T1 Timer Call Setup Timer
Table 4-1-5 Definition of Timer Options
This timer is used primarily in INVITE transactions. The default for Timer T1 is 500ms or the measured run-trip time between the gateway and the device if you have qualify=yes for the device. If a provisional response is not received in this amount of time, the call will auto-congest. Defaults to 64 times the default T1 timer.
Session Timers
Minimum Session Refresh Interval
Session-Timers feature operates in the following three modes: originate, Request and run session-timers always; accept, run session-timers only when requested by other UA; refuse, do not run session timers in any case.
Minimum session refresh interval in seconds. Default is 90secs.
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Maximum Session Refresh Interval
Session Refresher
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Maximum session refresh interval in seconds. Defaults to 1800secs. The session refresher, uac or uas. Defaults to uas.
Cilësimet e medias
Options Media Settings
Table 4-1-6 Definition of Media Settings Definition Select codec from the drop down list. Codecs should be different for each Codec Priority.
FXS Batch Binding SIP
If you want binding batch Sip accounts to FXS port, you can configure this page. Look out: this is only used when “This gateway registers with the endpoint” work mode.
Figure 4-2-1 FXS Batch Binding SIP
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Batch Create SIP
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
If you want add batch Sip accounts, you can configure this page. You can choose all the register mode. Figure 4-3-1 Batch SIP Endpoints
Advanced SIP Settings
Table 4-4-1 Definition of Networking Options Definition
UDP Bind Port
Choose a port on which to listen for UDP traffic.
Enable TCP
Enable server for incoming TCP connection (default is no).
TCP Bind Port
Choose a port on which to listen for TCP traffic.
TCP Authentication Timeout
The maximum number of seconds a client has to authenticate. If the client does not authenticate before this timeout expires, the client will be disconnected.(default value is: 30 seconds).
TCP Authentication The maximum number of unauthenticated sessions that will be
allowed to connect at any given time(default is:50).
Enable Lookup
Enable DNS SRV lookups on outbound calls Note: the gateway only uses Hostname the first host in SRV records Disabling DNS SRV lookups disables the ability
to place SIP calls based on domain names to some other SIP users on the Internet specifying a port in a SIP peer definition or when dialing
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual outbound calls with suppress SRV lookups for that peer or call.
Cilësimet e NAT
Table 4-4-2 Definition of NAT Settings Definition
Rrjeti lokal
Format: or A list of IP address or IP ranges which are located inside a NATed network. This gateway will replace the internal IP address in SIP and SDP messages with the external IP address when a NAT exists between the gateway and other endpoints.
Local Network List Local IP address list that you added.
Subscribe Network Change Event
Through the use of the test_stun_monitor module, the gateway has the ability to detect when the perceived external network address has changed. When the stun_monitor is installed and configured, chan_sip will renew all outbound registrations when the monitor detects any sort of network change has occurred. By default this option is enabled, but only takes effect once res_stun_monitor is configured. If res_stun_monitor is enabled and you wish to not generate all outbound registrations on a network change, use the option below to disable this feature.
Match External Address Locally
Only substitute the externaddr or externhost setting if it matches
Dynamic Exclude Static
Disallow all dynamic hosts from registering as any IP address. Used for staticly defined hosts. This helps avoid the configuration error of allowing your users to register at the same address as a SIP provider.
Externally The externally mapped TCP port, when the gateway is behind a static NAT or PAT
Mapped TCP Port
Adresa e jashtme
The external address (and optional TCP port) of the NAT. External Address = hostname[:port] specifies a static address[:port] to be used in SIP and SDP messages.Examples: External Address =
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
External Address =
External Hostname
The external hostname (and optional TCP port) of the NAT. External Hostname = hostname[:port] is similar to External Address. Examples: External Hostname =
Hostname Refresh Interval
How often to perform a hostname lookup. This can be useful when your NAT device lets you choose the port mapping, but the IP address is dynamic. Beware, you might suffer from service disruption when the name server resolution fails.
Cilësimet e RTP
Table 4-4-3 Definition of NAT Settings Options Definition
Start of RTP Port Range Start of range of port numbers to be used for RTP.
End of RTP port Range End of range of port numbers to be used for RTP.
RTP Timeout
Parsing and Compatibility
Table 4-4-4 Instruction of Parsing and Compatibility
Strict RFC Interpretation
Check header tags, character conversion in URIs, and multiline headers for strict SIP compatibility(default is yes)
Send Compact Headers
Send compact SIP headers
Allows you to change the username filed in the SDP owner
SDP Owner
Kjo filed MUST NOT contain spaces.
Disallowed SIP
The external hostname (and optional TCP port) of the NAT.
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The shrinkcallerid function removes ‘(‘, ‘ ‘, ‘)’, non-trailing ‘.’, and
‘-‘ not in square brackets. For example, the caller id value
Shrink Caller ID
555.5555 becomes 5555555 when this option is enabled. Disabling this option results in no modification of the caller id
value, which is necessary when the caller id represents
something that must be preserved. By default this option is on.
Maximum allowed time of incoming registrations and
Registration Expiry subscriptions (seconds).
Minimum Registration Expiry
Minimum length of registrations/subscriptions (default 60).
Default Registration Expiry
Default length of incoming/outgoing registration.
How often, in seconds, to retry registration calls. Default 20
Number of Registration Attempts Enter ‘0’ for unlimited
Number of registration attempts before we give up. 0 = continue forever, hammering the other server until it accepts the registration. Default is 0 tries, continue forever.
Table 4-4-5 Instruction of Security Definition
If available, match user entry using the ‘username’ field from the Match Auth Username
authentication line instead of the ‘from’ field.
Realm for digest authentication. Realms MUST be globally unique according to RFC 3261. Set this to your host name or domain name.
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Use Domain as Realm
Use the domain from the SIP Domains setting as the realm. In this case, the realm will be based on the request ‘to’ or ‘from’ header and should match one of the domain. Otherwise, the configured ‘realm’ value will be used.
Always Auth Reject
When an incoming INVITE or REGISTER is to be rejected, for any reason, always reject with an identical response equivalent to valid username and invalid password/hash instead of letting the requester know whether there was a matching user or peer for their request. This reduces the ability of an attacker to scan for valid SIP usernames. This option is set to ‘yes’ by default.
Authenticate Options Requests
Enabling this option will authenticate OPTIONS requests just like INVITE requests are. By default this option is disabled.
Allow Guest Calling
Allow or reject guest calls (default is yes, to allow). If your gateway is connected to the Internet and you allow guest calls, you want to check which services you offer everyone out there, by enabling them in the default context.
Options Premature Media
Table 4-4-6 Instruction of Media Definition
Some ISDN links send empty media frames before the call is in ringing or progress state. The SIP channel will then send 183 indicating early media which will be empty – thus users get no ring signal. Setting this to “yes” will stop any media before we have call progress (meaning the SIP channel will not send 183 Session Progress for early media). Default is ‘yes’. Also make sure that the SIP peer is configured with progressinband=never. In order for ‘noanswer’ applications to work, you need to run the progress()
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual application in the priority before the app. TOS for SIP Packets Sets type of service for SIP packets TOS for RTP Packets Sets type of service for RTP packets
Sip Account Security
This analog gateway support TLS protocl for encrypting calls. On the one hand, it can worked as TLS server, generate the session keys used for the secure connection. On the other hand, it also can be registered as a client, upload the key files provied by the server.
Figure 4-5-1 TLS settings
Table 4-5-1 Instruction of TLS Definition
TLS Enable
Enable or disable DTLS-SRTP support.
TLS Verify Server Enable or disable tls verify server(default is no).
Specify the port for remote connection.
TLS Client Method
Values include tlsv1, sslv3, sslv2, Specify protocol for outbound client connections, default is sslv2.
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The gateway embraces the flexible and friendly routing settings for user. It supports up to 512 routing rules and about 100 pairs of calleeID/callerID manipulations can be set in a rule. It support DID function The gateway support trunk group and trunk priority management.
Call Routing Rules
Figure 5-1-1 Routing Rules
You are allowed to set up new routing rule by
, and after setting routing rules, move
rules’ order by pulling up and down, click
button to edit the routing and
to delete it. Finally click
button to save what you set.
Otherwise you can set up unlimited routing rules.
will show current routing rules.
Ka një ishample for routing rules number conversion, it transform calling, called number at the same time.
Suppose you want eleven numbers start at 159 to call the eleven numbers of start at 136. Calling transform
delete the three numbers from left, then writing number 086 as prefix, delete the last four numbers, and then
add number 0755 at the end, it will show caller name is China Telecom. Called transform adds 086 as prefix, and
Change the last two number to 88.
Figura 5-1-1
processing rules
prepend prefix Match pattern SdfR StA RdfR Caller Name
Calling Transformation 086
159 xxxxxxxx
4 0755
China telecom
Called transformation 086
136 xxxxxxx
2 88
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
button to set up your routings. Figure 5-1-2 Example of Setup Routing Rule
The figure above realizes that calls from “support” SIP endpoint switch you have registered will be transferred to
Port-1. When “Call Comes in From” is 1001, “prepend”, “prefix” and “match pattern” in “Advanced Routing Rule”
are ineffective, and just “CallerID” option is available. Table 5-1-2 Definition of Call Routing Rule
Routing Name
The name of this route. Should be used to describe what types of calls this route matches (for example, `SIP2GSM’ or `GSM2SIP’).
Call Comes in The launching point of incoming calls.
Send Call Through The destination to receive the incoming calls.
Figure 5-1-3 Advance Routing Rule
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Table 5-1-3 Definition of Advance Routing Rule Definition
A Dial Pattern is a unique set of digits that will select this route and send the call to
the designated trunks. If a dialed pattern matches this route, no subsequent routes
will be tried. If Time Groups are enabled, subsequent routes will be checked for
matches outside of the designated time(s).
X matches any digit from 0-9
Z matches any digit from 1-9
N matches any digit from 2-9
[1237-9]matches any digit in the brackets (example: 1,2,3,7,8,9). wildcard, matches one or more dialed digits
Prepend: Digits to prepend to a successful match. If the dialed number matches the
patterns specified by the subsequent columns, then this will be prepended before
sending to the trunks.
CalleeID/callerID Manipulation
Prefix: Prefix to remove on a successful match. The dialed number is compared to this and the subsequent columns for a match. Upon a match, this prefix is removed from the dialed number before sending it to the trunks.
Mach Pattern: The dialed number will be compared against the prefix + this match
pattern. Upon a match, the match pattern portion of the dialed number will be sent to
the trunks.
SDfR(Stripped Digits from Right): The amount of digits to be deleted from the right
end of the number. If the value of this item exceeds the length of the current number,
the whole number will be deleted.
RDfR(Reserved Digits from Right): The amount of digits to be resevered from the right end of the number. If the value of this item under the length of the current number,
the whole number will be reserverd.
StA(Suffix to Add): Designated information to be added to the right end of the current
Caller Name: What caller name would you like to set before sending this call to the
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endpoint. Disabled Caller Number Change : Disable the caller number change, and fixed caller number match pattern.
Time Patterns that will use this Time Patterns that will use this Route help Route
Forward Number
What destination number will you dial? This is very useful when you have a transfer call.
Failover Call Through Number
The gateway will attempt to send the call out each of these in the order you specify.
Sometimes you want to make a call through one port, but you don’t know if it is available, so you have to check which port is free. That would be troublesome. But with our product, you don’t need to worry about it. You can combine many Ports or SIP to groups. Then if you want to make a call, it will find available port automatically.
Figure 5-2-1 Group Rules
You can click you can click
button to set new group, and if you want to modify existed group, button.
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Figure 5-2-2 Create a Group
Figure 5-2-3 Modify a Group
Table 5-2-1 Definition of Routing Groups Definition
The mean of this route. Should be used to describe what types of calls Group Name
this route match (for example, `sip1 TO port1′ or `port1 To sip2′).
Batch Create Rules
If you bind telephone for each FXO port and want to establish separate call routings for them. For convenience, you can batch create call routing rules for each FXO port at once in this page.
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Figure 5-3-1 Batch Create Rules
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On “Network” page, there are “Network Settings”, “VPN Settings”, “DDNS Settings”, and “Toolkit”.
Cilësimet e rrjetit
There are three types of LAN port IP, Factory, Static and DHCP. Factory is the default type, and it is When you Choose LAN IPv4 type is “Factory”, this page is not editable.
A reserved IP address to access in case your gateway IP is not available. Remember to set a similar network segment with the following address of your local PC.
Figure 6-1-1 LAN Settings Interface
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Table 6-1-1 Definition of Network Settings Definition
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The name of network interface.
The method to get IP.
Factory: Getting IP address by Slot Number (System
information to check slot number).
Static: manually set up your gateway IP.
DHCP: automatically get IP from your local LAN.
Physical address of your network interface.
The IP address of your gateway.
Maskë e rrjetës
The subnet mask of your gateway.
Porta e paracaktuar
Default getaway IP address.
Reserved Access IP
A reserved IP address to access in case your gateway IP is not available. Remember to set a similar network segment with the following address of your local PC.
A switch to enable the reserved IP address or not. ON(enabled), OFF(disabled)
Reserved Address The reserved IP address for this gateway.
Reserved Netmask The subnet mask of the reserved IP address.
Basically this info is from your local network service provider, and you can fill in four DNS servers. Figure 6-1-2 DNS Interface
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Options DNS Servers
Cilësimet e VPN
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Table 6-1-2 Definition of DNS Settings Definition A list of DNS IP address. Basically this info is from your local network service provider.
You can upload the VPN client configuration, if success, you can see a VPN virtual network card on SYSTEM status page. About the configure format you can refer to the Notice and Sampkonfigurimin le.
Figure 6-2-1 VPN Interface
Cilësimet e DDNS
You can enable or disable DDNS (dynamic domain name server). Figure 6-3-1 DDNS Interface
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Table 6-3-1 Definition of DDNS Settings
Enable/Disable DDNS(dynamic domain name
Set the type of DDNS server.
Emri i përdoruesit
Your DDNS account’s login name.
Your DDNS account’s password.
Your domain The domain to which your web server will belong.
Pako e veglave
It is used to check network connectivity. Support Ping command on web GUI. Figure 6-4-1 Network Connectivity Checking
Figure 6-4-2 Channel Recording
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual Figure 6-4-3 Capture Network Data
Table 6-4-1 Definition of Channel Recording Definition
Interface Source host Destination host Port Channel
The name of network interface. Capture the data of source host you specified Capture the data of destination host you specified Capture the data of port you specified Capture the data of channel you specified
Tcpdump Option Parameter
The tool of tcpdump capture network data by parameter option specified.
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iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
Asterisk API
When you make “Enable” switch to “on”, this page is available. Figure 7-1-1 API Interface
Table 7-1-1 Definition of Asterisk API Definition
Network port number
Manager Name Name of the manager without space
Password for the manager. Manager secret Characters: Allowed characters “-_+.<>&0-9a-zA-Z”.
Length:4-32 characters.
If you want to deny many hosts or networks, use char &
as separator.Example: or
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Log Verbose Command
User Config DTMF Reporting CDR Dialplan Originate All
iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway User Manual
If you want to permit many hosts or network, use char & as separator.Example: or 255.255.0&
General information about the system and ability to run system management commands, such as Shutdown, Restart, and Reload.
Information about channels and ability to set information in a running channel.
Logging information. Read-only. (Defined but not yet used.)
Verbose information. Read-only. (Defined but not yet used.)
Permission to run CLI commands. Write-only.
Information about queues and agents and ability to add queue members to a queue.
Permission to send and receive UserEvent.
Ability to read and write configuration files. Receive DTMF events. Read-only. Ability to get information about the system. Output of cdr, manager, if loaded. Read-only. Receive NewExten and Varset events. Read-only. Permission to originate new calls. Write-only. Select all or deselect all.
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OpenVox iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway [pdf] Manuali i përdoruesit iAG800 V2 Series Analog Gateway, iAG800, V2 Series Analog Gateway, Analog Gateway, Gateway |