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mecpow MP3881 8 in 1 Heat Press Machine



Għażiż Klijent,
Thank you for purchasing our 8-in-1 heat press machine. For you to use and maintain the equipment better, please read the user manual carefully and follow the steps in the manual.

Kwalunkwe telf ikkawżat minn użu mhux xieraq jew nuqqas ta' segwitu tal-passi fil-manwal tal-utent jitħallsu mill-individwu. L-interpretazzjoni finali tal-manwal tal-utent tappartjeni lill-kumpanija tagħna, u aħna nirriżervaw id-dritt li timmodifika kwalunkwe informazzjoni, dejta, dettalji tekniċi, eċċ fil-manwal.

Dikjarazzjoni ta' Sigurtà

  1. Informazzjoni dwar il-Prodott
    1. Mudell: MP-3881
    2. Speċifikazzjonijiet ewlenin: 8-in-1 Heat Press Machine(15×15 in)
    3. Użu: Mainly used to display sublimation paper or heat transfer vinyl on items (e.g. T-shirts, mugs, etc.)
  2. Twissija
    Do not touch the cord or electrical outlet to avoid the risk of electric shock. Be careful when using electrical appliances and make sure they are properly plugged in and undamaged. In the event of an electrical appliance malfunction, please disconnect it immediately and seek professional assistance.
  3. Prekawzjonijiet tas-Sigurtà
    1. Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja l-voltage qabel l-użu.
    2. When the machine is heating up or still at a high temperature, please be careful not to burn yourself.
    3. Do not use the machine to heat materials that produce harmful fumes or ignite.
    4. Please remember to switch off the machine after use.
    5. Unplug the machine and allow it to cool completely before handling or storing it.
    6. Unplug the machine when installing the attachments.
    7. Place the machine on a flat, stable platform and operate it in ventilated conditions.
    8. The machine is not suitable for children.
    9. Ensure that all electrical equipment and sockets are in working order and show no signs of damage or leakage.
    10. Please use sockets and extension cords with overload protection to prevent fire caused by overloading of electrical appliances.
    11. Please avoid using electrical appliances in wet environments to minimize the risk of electric shock.
    12. Please check electrical cords and sockets regularly to ensure that there are no exposed wires or damaged plugs.
    13. Please do not touch water or wet objects when using electrical appliances.
    14. If there are children in the home, make sure they are kept away from electrical appliances and sockets to avoid accidental electrocution.
    15. Please avoid using electrical appliances during thunderstorms to prevent the risk of electrocution caused by lightning strikes.
  4. Rispons ta' Emerġenza
    When dealing with an electric shock, disconnect the power source immediately and make sure it is safe. If the victim is unconscious and not breathing or having a heartbeat, perform CPR immediately. If the victim is seriously injured or the electrocution is complicated, call the emergency services immediately for professional help. Also, make sure your surroundings are safe and prevent others from electric shocks. Always exercise caution when dealing with electric shock accidents to avoid secondary injuries.
  5. Konformità mal-Istandards tas-Sigurtà
    Products have passed UL FCC CE RoHS UKCA certification and testing ensuring that the equipment meets the safety requirements.


  • Heating Plate Size 38 x 38cm
  • Heating Plate Power 1100W
  • Input Power 110V (US) / 220V (EU)
  • Firxa tat-Temperatura 0 – 250°C
  • Timer 0 – 9995



  • A. 38 x 38cm Heating Plate (Teflon-Coated)
  • B. Magni għall-Istampa tal-Mugs
  • C. 30oz Mug Press Attachment
  • D. 5.5″ x 3.1″ Hat Press Machine
  • E. 5.1″ Plate Press Mat
  • F. 6.3″ Plate Press Mat
  • G. 7oz Mug Press Attachment
  • H. 12oz Mug Press Attachment
  • I. 17oz Mug Press Attachment
  • J. 38 x 38cm Heating Press Mats
  • K. Manku
  • L. Temp / Time Controller
  • M. Bażi
  • N. Pum tal-Aġġustament tal-Pressjoni
  • O. Swiċċ tal-Qawwa
  • P. Port tal-Enerġija
  • Q. Knob for Fixing the Heating Plate


Lista tal-Pakketti


Metodu ta' Konnessjoni


Kif muri fil-figura:

  • The connectors “A”, “B” and “C” are respectively responsible for different functions.
  • The set of 4-pin connectors “A” is the high-power plug for the heating plate of the main engine;
  • The set of 4-pin connectors “B” is the plug for the mug and the hat press machine;
  • The set of 2-pin connectors “C” is the plug for the timers of the heating plate the mug and the hat press machine.
  • Due to different specifications and shapes, these three sets of connectors don’t cross each other. Take the set of 4-pin connectors as an example, please align the male connector with the female connector as shown by the red dotted line in the figure below:mecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-5

The sets of connectors “A” and “B” can’t be used at the same time, or the temperature of the heating plate can’t reach the set point. When “A” is connected, “B” must be unplugged.

Installation and Replacement of Attachments

  1. The Heating Plate
    • Rotate the knob on the main machine to adjust the tension of the hating plate.
    • Connect the heating plate to the main machine as part 6 shows.mecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-6
  2. The Mug Press Machine
    • Rosal reace the muges achimene ina use me persis matine us he gut schme.
    • Connect the mug press machine to the main machine as part 6 shows.mecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-7
  3. The Hat Press Machine
    • Unscrew all the screws of the heating plate and the base to remove them.
    • Install the heat press machine by tightening all the screws as the figure shows.
    • Rotate the knob on the main machine to adjust the tension of the hat press machine.
    • Connect the hat press machine to the main machine as part 6 shows.mecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-8 mecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-9

Gwida tal-Operazzjoni

  1. Introduzzjoni tal-Kontrollur:mecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-10
  2. Temperature & Time Setting:
    Press “SET”, and the upper part of the control panel will show “SP” and the lower part of the control panel will show the last set temperature, then pressmecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-11mecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-12 (increase or decrease) to set the desired temperature. After setting, press “SET” again, the control panel will show “St”, then pressmecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-11 ormecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-12 (increase or decrease) to set the desired time.
  3. Aqleb bejn Celsius u Fahrenheit
    Long press “SET” for 5 seconds until the upper part of the display shows”C–F”, pressmecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-11 ormecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-12 switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit, and then long press “SET” for 5 seconds to exit the setting.

Sostituzzjoni tal-Fjus

  1. Slide the temp/time controller away from the main machine and replace the fuse behind the controller as the figure shows.mecpow-MP3881-8-in-1-Heat-Press-Machine-Fig-13

Parametri Operattivi Rakkomandati


Nota: The parameter is for reference only.



  • Osterholzallee 144, 71636 Ludwigsburg il-Ġermanja
  • E-mail:
  • Tel: +4971416432236



Dokumenti / Riżorsi

mecpow MP3881 8 in 1 Heat Press Machine [pdf] Manwal għall-Utent
MP3881, 20240320, MP3881 8 in 1 Heat Press Machine, MP3881, 8 in 1 Heat Press Machine, Heat Press Machine, Press Machine, Machine


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