MHP THRG2 Hybrid Gas Grills
Congratulations on your purchase of a Modern Home PrcxJucts Corporation Cast Aluminum Hybrid Gas G highest quality, best cooking gas grill manufactured by the people that invented and manufactured the wo 1960. The WHRG4 and THRG2 feature 1 Infrared Burner and 2 Cast Stainless Steel Burners combined with ou, cooking system. This cooking combination provides one of the most versatile, re§ab/e and intensely heated you can cook items at a Lower Temperature over the cast stainless steel burners cooking area, with our F, quettes, while Searing over the Infrared Zone.
Prior to assembling your WHRG4 or THRG2 grill with the Column, Patio Base or In-Ground P lions must be followed to gain access to the mounting holes in the grill head bottom. Assembly of WCN base begins on page 6 of the enclosed MHP Owners Manual.
- With a slotted screwdriver or 1/4″ wrench, remove the rear mounting screw on the back of the left and right burner where they meet the grill head bottom. Use a 11132″ or adjustable wrench on the nut on the outside of the grill head bottom (Fig. 1 ).
АНХААРУУЛГА: DO NOT BREAK CERAMIC ELECTRODE WHEN REMOVING OR REINSTALLING BURNERS! - Under the control panel, remove the screw on the burner where it meets the orifice.
- Once these screws are removed from the burner, carefully lift each out of the grill. For the Column, the right and left burners need to be removed. For the MPB Patio Base and the MPP In- Ground Post, only the center burner needs to be removed.
- Be careful not to damage the igniter when removing the burner.
- For mounting the grill head on the Column, follow the instructions on page 10 and 11 of the MHP Owner’s Manual.
- For mounting the grill head on the MPE low the instructions on page 8 of the MHF.
- For mounting the grill head on the MPF the instructions on page 9 of the MHP Ow
- After the grill head is mounted, reinstall grill head bottom.
- Гэрэлтүүлгийн өмнө бүрээсийг үргэлж нээ.
- Шарж асаахдаа толгой ба биеэ дор хаяж 1 фут хол байлга. Нээлттэй мах шарах дээр бөхийж болохгүй.
- Turn one burner on the “HIGH” position, and depress the electronic igniter until the burner lights.
- Proceed to light the next burner in the same fashion. Each burner needs to be lit independently. They will not light off of each other.
- Хэрэв шатаагч асахгүй бол хяналтын товчлууруудыг унтрааж, хий арилтал 5 минут хүлээгээд дахин асааж үзнэ үү.
- If the igniter doesn’t spark, check the gap between the wire probe burner screen. It should be approximately 3/16 inches wide. If it is too small, the spark may be inefficient. Gently read- just the wire probe as needed. If the gap is normal, check the wire connections at the sparkmodule and igniter probes, located underneath the control panel.
- If the igniter still doesn’t work, try replace move the collar around the igniter button clockwise. Replace the AAA battery, “+”:
- If ignition does not occur after replacing turn burner control knob OFF, wait 5 min lighting procedure. If the ignition system the burners may be ignited manually. FO The wire match holder (supplied with grill two or three paper (safety) matches or a match. To light the right burner insert the through the lower right side match hole a burner control knob to HIGH setting. For left burners, the lighted match(es) may be opening on the cooking grid.
- After grilling, turn each bumer control! “TURN OFF LP supply at cylinder when DO NOT store extra cylinders under grill.
ХЭТ улаан туяаны хоол хийх зөвлөмж
- Infrared gas grills get very hot. Do not leave food unattended on the grill for any length of ti
- Хоол хийх цагийг ердийн мах шарахаас 30% -иас 50% бага гэж тооцоол.
- Илүү сайн, урьдчилан таамаглах боломжтой үр дүнд хүрэхийн тулд хоол хийхээсээ өмнө хоолоо сайтар гэсгээх хэрэгтэй.
- Always use long handled grill tools for grilling. A grilling mitt may be useful for handling hot item.
- The use of a fork is not recommended for grilling on your new MHP grill. A fork may mar the su grids. Piercing foods while cooking will allow the juices to escape, causing the finished product desired.
- Дэгдэлтийг багасгахын тулд махны хүдрийн өөхийг хайчилж, шувууны арьсыг зайлуулна.
- If a flare-up occurs, don’t try to control it with water. Water can cause burner damage. Instead, other part of the grill, lower the heat setting or place food on the Secondary Cooking Surface. Burner Failure Caused By Water Damage Is Not Covered Under Warranty.
- Cooking can be done with the hood opened or closed. With the hood open, the heat will be less flavor. With the hood closed, the heat will be more intense with an increase in the smoke flavor.
- Хоол хийхээсээ өмнө мах шарахдаа 5 минутын турш халаана.
- Place the food on the SearMagic® cooking grids – while the grill is on high—to sear the food the key to locking in the juices for that delicious grilled flavor.
- Хажуу талдаа 2-3 минутын турш шарсаны дараа температурыг бууруулж, хоолоо хүссэнээрээ хийж дуусгана.
- The SearMagic® cooking grids allow for greater versatility when grilling. Chicken breasts, steal hamburgers can be seared over the ribbed side at a higher temperature. Delicate foods like set can be cooked over a lower temperature with the smooth side up. This can be done over each independently, so be as creative as you want to be!
- The Secondary Cooking Surface is more than just a warming rack. Very delicate items, such as sausages and delicate fish can be grilled, even with the intense heat that infrared burners provided.
- Never cook over an unlit infrared burner. The drippings could cause the burner to crack when pan to protect the unlit burner when cooking indirectly. Burner Failure Caused By Cooking Over An Unlit, Unprotected Burner Is Not Covered Under Warranty.
- To clean the grill after cooking, burn all 3 burners on high for at least 5 minutes with the hood on high, clean the grids with a long-handled brass bristle brush. Then use the supplied “Forked the valley areas between the main rungs. Regular cleaning will ensure optimum performance of Gas Grill.
- Хэрэглэсний дараа тагийг нь хааж, шатаагчийг "Өндөр" болгож 5 минутын турш эргүүлнэ. Энэ нь ямар ч хоолны дуслыг шатааж, шарагчийн гүйцэтгэлийг сайжруулж, шарагчийн ашиглалтын хугацааг нэмэгдүүлэх болно.
- Never use water or liquid chemicals to clean the ceramic burners. Burners may be damaged Burner failure caused by improper care and Maintenance is not covered under warranty.
- If the burner develops ash over the surface, clean it gently with a vacuum cleaner. Use a brush attachment so as not to damage the burner.
- If the burners should get wet, it is completely before attempting to use the affected burner following the inst “Supplementary Assembly Instructions Base, and In-Ground Post™ section Owner’s Manual”. Then, turn the burn allow the water to drain out. Let the before reinstalling into the grill.
- Never let anything heavy, hard or burner. The ceramic is very fragile a aged.
- Top Casting
- Bottom Casting
- Хяналтын самбар
- Side Shelf Frame
- Танкны бөгж
- Cast Legs
- Stainless Steel Ground & Patio Base Post
- Stainless Steel & Aluminum Steel Side Shelves
- Зэвэрдэггүй ган шарагч
- Cast Stainless Venturi Tube
- Stainless Steel & SearMagic® Cooking
- Steel & SearMagic® Warming Racks
5 жилийн баталгаа:
- Infrared Burners
- Venturi хоолой
- Шаазан шахмал түлш
1 жилийн баталгаат хугацаа
- All Other Components Including,
- Igniter System
- Gas Shelves
- Patio Base
- Хутга
- Шахмал түлшний сараалж
30 хоногийн баталгаа:
Юуг хамрахгүй вэ:
- Тээвэрлэлт, тээвэрлэлтийн зардал.
- Солих, засварлах ажил.
- Осол, буруу ашиглах, өөрчлөх, зүй бусаар ашиглах, буруу суурилуулалт, хадгалалтын улмаас учирсан хохирол
- Устгах, дахин суулгах зардал.
- Finishes on surfaces that are damaged by improper installation, improper storage misuse, abuse or alteration.
- Буруу суурилуулалт, хадгалалтын улмаас ажиллах боломжгүй.
- Асуудлыг оношлох үйлчилгээний дуудлагын зардал.
- Бүх баталгааг шилжүүлэх боломжгүй бөгөөд зөвхөн анхны худалдан авагчид хамаарна.
- Warranties are null and void if grills are put into commercial or community use. This warranty does not imply or assume any responsibility for consequential damage result form use, misuse, or improper installation of this cooking appliance.
- This warranty does not cover claims, which do not involve defective workmanship
- A bill of sale, cancelled check, or payment record should be kept to verify purchase warranty period.
Баримт бичиг / нөөц
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