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ECOSHIT DIY atdalošās tualetes instrukcijas
ECOSHIT DIY atdalošā tualete

A urine-separating toilet requires no water and no sewer connection. It can be used self-sufficiently and is therefore environmentally friendly.

Tualetes saturu var kompostēt mājās.

Ar šo instrukciju palīdzību jūs varat uzbūvēt lētu, pašpietiekamu un ilgtspējīgu tualeti.


  • These instructions describe how to build a simple and inexpensive separating toilet in just a few steps using basic tools.
  • Available in two sizes (5L or 10L).
  • The self-built separating toilet is state of the art.
  • These building instructions are also available for download at:



  • Wooden board 35 x 47 cm, 15 mm thick
  • Wooden slat with a 24 x 48 mm cross-section, about 5.5 m in total
  • 35 wood screws, 40 mm long
  • DIY set, consisting of:
    • Urine-separating inset
    • Spainis
    • Canister with odor trap
  • Toilet seat (optional)

Nepieciešami instrumenti

  • Ruler, pen, compass
  • Wood drill, Ø 10mm
  • Finierzāģis
  • Skrūvgriezis
  • Sandpaper or sanding block
    Nepieciešami instrumenti

Wooden slats 24 x 48 mm
total approx. 5.5 m
DIY komplekts ir pieejams

Cutting wooden board

Koka dēlī (35 x 47 cm) jāiegriež liela atvere, lai ietilptu atdalošais ieliktnis. Labākais veids, kā to izdarīt, ir izmantot finierzāģi. Tualetes sēdekļa uzstādīšanai ir nepieciešami divi caurumi ar diametru 10 mm.
Cutting wooden board

  1. Draw the contour onto the board*
  2. Drill a hole for the jigsaw blade
  3. Drill the holes for mounting the toilet seat
  4. Cut out the contour with a jigsaw
  5. noapaļo stūrus
  6. Smooth the edges with sandpaper

*Kontūru var viegli uzzīmēt, izmantojot lineālu un kompasu.

Cutting the wooden slats

The wooden slats (roof slats with a cross-section of 24 x 48 mm) must be cut as follows. The saw edges should then be debarred with a sanding block.
A. 4 pieces each with a length of 310 mm / 12.2” (5L version)* or 420 mm / 16.5” (10L version)*
B. 3 pieces each with a length of 400 mm / 15.7”
C. 2 pieces each with a length of 352 mm / 13.8”
D. 6 pieces each with a length of 300 mm / 11.8”

* Atkarībā no tā, vai vēlaties izveidot atdalošās tualetes kompakto vai standarta versiju, jums būs nepieciešams vai nu DIY komplekts “5 litru” vai “10 litru” versijai.


Montāžas instrukcija

  • For the base, mount 3 pieces of type B onto 2 type D gabaliem.
    Montāžas instrukcija
  • Mount 2 type D pieces onto the base, 80 mm apart, parallel to the outer ones. (see below)
    Montāžas instrukcija
  • Screw the 4 type A pieces to the corners of the base plate.
    Montāžas instrukcija
  • Complete the upper frame using the remaining pieces (2x type C and 2x type D.
    Montāžas instrukcija

Installation of the toilet seat

  1. Koka dēlim aizmugurē jābūt izvirzītam 5.8 cm. Tas atstāj pietiekami daudz vietas tualetes sēdekļa uzstādīšanai.
    Installation toilet seat
  2. The urine-separating inset is placed loosely into the cutout. This way it can be easily removed for cleaning.
    Installation toilet seat
  3. Tualetes vāku var piestiprināt pie koka dēļa, izmantojot komplektā iekļauto montāžas komplektu.
    Installation toilet seat
    Galīgā asambleja
    As a final step, all that remains is to insert the canister and the bucket
  4. Place the canister (5 or 10 liters) into the frame from the front. The separating inset must be raised slightly to fit in the canister.
    Galīgā asambleja
  5. Place the bucket (5 or 10 liters) under the separating inset from behind.

Svarīga piezīme:
Before use, the bucket should be lined with a garbage bag. Make sure that the separating inset is positioned exactly over the bucket and canister.
This way nothing can go wrong

Izmantojot atdalošo tualeti

Izmantojiet urīna atdalošo tualeti tāpat kā parasto tualeti.

Brīdinājuma ikona Lūdzu, ņemiet vērā:

  • Don’t pee standing up!
  • Cover the solid waste with absorbent bedding. (sawdust, wood shavings or cat litter)
  • Do not use a toilet brush for cleaning, but rather mild soapy water or disinfectant!
  • Vinegar-based cleaner can damage the odor trap!
    Using separating toilet

After 2-3 days, the urine decomposes and smells strongly of ammonia. That’s why you should empty the canister regularly and rinse it with clean water. The urine can be diluted with water to a ratio of 1:10 and used as plant fertilizer.
The solid waste can be composted or disposed of in the trash.

template for the cutout
QR kods

R120 mm / 4,7″
Nepieciešamie rīki

Mēs neesam atbildīgi par jebkādiem īpašuma bojājumiem vai miesas bojājumiem, kas saistīti ar instrukciju piemērošanu un/vai atdalošās tualetes izmantošanu. Materiālu izvēle, sagatavošanas darbi, montāža, kā arī lietošana ir jūsu pašu risks. Paredzēts tikai privātai lietošanai!

Vienmēr valkājiet individuālos aizsardzības līdzekļus!
Beneund Linda Schmidt GbR
Eisenacher Str. 6
97650 Fladungen – GERMANY

Dokumenti / Resursi

ECOSHIT DIY atdalošā tualete [pdf] Instrukcijas
DIY-Instruction_EN_V1.5, DIY-komplekts, DIY atdalošā tualete, DIY, atdalošā tualete, tualete


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