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Afidano B2 B4 Cigar Humidor


Informācija par produktu


  • Product Name: Premium Professional Cigar Humidor B2 / B4
  • Aukstumaģents: R-600a
  • Recommended Use: For storing cigars at optimal humidity levels
  • Safety Features: Magnetic door seal, child entrapment prevention measures

Produkta lietošanas instrukcijas

Drošības informācija
Before using the product, read the user manual carefully to ensure safe operation and prevent accidents.

Svarīgi drošības norādījumi

  • Do not puncture the refrigerant tube as it contains flammable gas (R-600a).
  • Dispose of the humidor and refrigerant in accordance with federal and local regulations.
  • Turiet ventilācijas atveres brīvas un nesabojājiet aukstumaģenta kontūru.

Ikdienas lietošana

  • Place the humidor on a level surface to ensure proper functioning.
  •  Avoid putting hot objects on plastic parts to prevent damage.
  • Do not move the humidor when items are inside to avoid cabinet damage.
  • If left empty for long periods, switch off, defrost, clean, dry, and leave the door open to prevent mold growth.

Apkope, tīrīšana un apkope

  • Before cleaning or maintenance, switch off the appliance and disconnect the power plug.
  • When removing shelves, ensure the door is open for safety.

Bieži uzdotie jautājumi (FAQ)

  • Q: Can I use this humidor in commercial settings?
    A: The humidor is recommended for residential use only. Avoid using it in commercial environments.
  • Q: How do I dispose of the humidor safely? 
    A: When disposing of the humidor, remove doors, seals, and  latches to prevent entrapment of children or animals. Follow federal and local regulations for proper disposal.

Drošības informācija

Lai samazinātu ugunsgrēka, elektriskās strāvas trieciena vai miesas bojājumu risku, rūpīgi izlasiet rokasgrāmatu un visas instrukcijas pilnībā un uzmanīgi.
Store this manual in a safe place for future reference. All owners, current or future, must have access to this manual.


  • To avoid accidents or serious injury, all people using this appliance must be familiar with the contents of this User Manual, including Safety Information. The manufacturer is not responsible for damages or injury caused using this device beyond normal operations.
  • This appliance is not recommended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory, or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
  • The appliance is designed for indoor use only. It is not suitable for camping use, and it shall not be exposed under rain.
  • This product is not a toy. Children shall not play with or inside the appliance. Small children and pets should be supervised when using the appliance.
  • Cleaning should be conducted by a suitable adult or child aged 8 or above under supervision.
  • When discarding the appliance, make sure to unplug the appliance and wait a while before cutting the power cable (as close to the appliance as possible) and remove the door to prevent children from playing with the appliance, thereby reducing the risk of serious injury or death from electric shock or suffocation.
  • The cyclopentane foaming the humidor uses is flammable, which when disposing should not be burned down and be kept away from fire source. Please seek help from professional recycling companies dealing with the disposal to avoid environment damage or undesired danger.
  • Ja šai ierīcei ir magnētisks durvju blīvējums un tā ir jāaizstāj ar atsperu slēdzeni (fiksatoru) uz durvīm vai vāka, pirms ierīces izmešanas noteikti noņemiet, atspējojiet vai padariet to nederīgu, lai novērstu nopietnus savainojumus vai nāvi.
  • BRĪDINĀJUMS: lai izvairītos no nosmakšanas briesmām, turiet plastmasas iepakojumu prom no mājdzīvniekiem, zīdaiņiem un bērniem. Neizmantojiet iepakojuma maisiņus bērnu gultiņās, gultās, ratiņos vai sētiņās.
  • DANGER: Risk of child entrapment. Before you throw away your old humidor:
    • Take off the door;
    • Atstājiet plauktus vietā, lai bērni nevarētu viegli kāpt iekšā.


Afidano-B2-B4-Cigar-Humidor- (1)Brīdinājums; Ugunsgrēka risks / uzliesmojoši materiāli


  • Do not puncture the refrigerant tube.
  • R-600a is used as a refrigerant. This product contains flammable gas (Refrigerant R-600a).
  • UZMANĪBU: Ugunsgrēka vai eksplozijas risks. Atbrīvojieties no ledusskapja un aukstumaģenta saskaņā ar federālajiem un vietējiem noteikumiem.
  • When disposing of a humidor, remove doors, door seals, and door latches to avoid entrapment of children or animals.
  • In order to avoid the creation of flammable gas-air mixture in the event that a leak in the refrigerating circuit occurs, the size of the room in which the appliance may be placed depends on the mass of the refrigerant loaded in the system. The room must be 35.3 ft3 in size for every 8 grams of R-600a refrigerant inside the appliance. Please refer to the rating label on the back of the humidor to determine the amount of
    R- 600a refrigerant used in this product.
  • The installation location should not be exposed to direct sunlight and not placed near any electrical appliance or heat source, e.g., stove, oven or hob, radiator, etc.


  • WARNING! Keep the ventilation openings, in the appliance enclosure or in the built-in structure clear of obstruction.
  • BRĪDINĀJUMS! Nebojājiet aukstumaģenta ķēdi.
  • BRĪDINĀJUMS! Neizmantojiet mehāniskas ierīces vai citus līdzekļus, lai paātrinātu atkausēšanas procesu, izņemot tos, ko ieteicis ražotājs.
  • WARNING! Do not use electrical appliances inside the storage compartments of the appliance, unless they are the of the type recommended by the manufacturer.
  • WARNING! If there is a light bulb in you unit, do not touch it if it has been on for an extended period of time as it could be very hot and may result in serious injury.
  • BRĪDINĀJUMS! Novietojot ierīci, pārliecinieties, ka barošanas vads nav iespiests vai bojāts.
  • BRĪDINĀJUMS! Nenovietojiet vairākas pārnēsājamas kontaktligzdas vai pārnēsājamus barošanas avotus ierīces aizmugurē.
  • WARNING! Do not use extension cords or ungrounded (two-prong) adaptors. NEVER plug multiple appliances into the same outlet.
  • Make sure that the power plug is not crushed or damaged by the back of the appliance. A crushed or damaged power plug may overheat and cause a fire, resulting in injury or death. Do not bend, twist, pull or place heavy objects on the power cord or supply.
  • Neglabājiet šajā ierīcē sprādzienbīstamas vielas, piemēram, aerosola baloniņus ar viegli uzliesmojošu degvielu.
  • Aukstumaģents izobutāns (R600a) atrodas ierīces aukstumaģenta ķēdē, dabasgāze ar augstu vides saderības līmeni un ir viegli uzliesmojoša. Noteikti turiet ierīces tuvumā atklātas liesmas, aizdegšanās avotus un augsta siltuma avotus.
  • Pārliecinieties, ka transportēšanas un uzstādīšanas laikā neviena no aukstumaģenta ķēdes sastāvdaļām netiek bojāta.
  • Pārliecinieties, vai telpā, kurā tiks uzstādīta iekārta, ir nodrošināta rūpīga ventilācija.
  • It is dangerous to alter the specifications or modify this product in any way. Any damages to the cord may cause a short circuit, fire and/or electric shock.
  • Šī ierīce ir paredzēta lietošanai mājsaimniecībā un līdzīgos lietojumos, piemēram:
  •  Personāla virtuves zonas veikalos, birojos un citās darba vidēs;
  • Lauku mājas un klienti viesnīcās, moteļos un citās dzīvojamās vidēs;
  • nakšņošanas un brokastu tipa vide;
  • Ēdināšana un tamlīdzīgi ar mazumtirdzniecību nesaistīti pakalpojumi.
  • WARNING! Any electrical components (plug, power cord, compressor and etc.), if damaged, must be replaced by a certified service agent or qualified service personnel. Contact our support team for help.
  • BRĪDINĀJUMS! Šīs ierīces komplektācijā iekļautā spuldze ir īpaši paredzēta šai ierīcei, un to nedrīkst izmantot nevienā citā ierīcē, lamp, vai līdzīgu lietojumu ārpus paredzētās lietošanas šajā mašīnā.
  • The humidor must be plugged into its own dedicated 110-120V, 60Hz, 10A, AC only electrical outlet. Do not lengthen or shorten the cord. The power cord of the appliance is equipped with a three-prong grounding plug for your protection against electrical shock hazards. It must be plugged directly into a properly grounded three prong receptacle. The receptacle must be installed in accordance with local codes and ordinances.
  • Pārliecinieties, ka jums ir ātra piekļuve kontaktligzdai, kurai ierīce ir pievienota avārijas gadījumā, kad tā ir ātri jāatvieno.
  • Pārliecinieties, vai ierīce ir pievienota sienas kontaktligzdai, nevis nevienai strāvas sloksnei vai līdzīgai ierīcei.
  • Nevelciet aiz galvenā strāvas kabeļa.
  • Ja strāvas kontaktligzda ir vaļīga, nekādā gadījumā neizmantojiet to ierīcei, jo tas var izraisīt elektriskās strāvas triecienu vai aizdegšanos.
  • Jūs nedrīkstat darbināt ierīci bez lamp (ja attiecas uz jūsu vienību).
  • Šī ierīce ir smaga. Pārvietojot to, jāievēro piesardzība. Ieteicams komandas lifts.
  • Izvairieties no ilgstošas ​​saules gaismas iedarbības uz ierīci.


  • The humidor shall be used on a level surface.
  • Nenovietojiet karstus priekšmetus vai ierīces uz ierīces plastmasas daļām.
  • Do not move the humidor when there are objects inside as it may damage the cabinet.
  • If the appliance is left empty for long periods, switch off, defrost, clean, dry and leave the door open to prevent mold growing inside the appliance.


  • Before cleaning or maintenance, switch off the appliance and disconnect the power plug from the main socket.
  • When pulling out the shelves from the rails, please make sure the door is wide open in order to prevent undesired damage to the magnetic door seal.
  • Netīriet ierīci ar metāla priekšmetiem.


  • SVARĪGS! Lai izveidotu elektrisko savienojumu, rūpīgi ievērojiet norādījumus, kas sniegti turpmākajos punktos.
  • The humidor must be disconnected from the source of electrical supply before attempting the installation.
  • Lietojiet piederumus tikai tā, kā norādīts, nevis citiem mērķiem.
  • Pirms ierīces lietošanas noņemiet visu aizsargājošo plastmasu.
  • Izsaiņojiet ierīci un pārbaudiet, vai tai nav bojājumu. Nepievienojiet ierīci, ja tā ir bojāta. Nekavējoties ziņojiet par iespējamiem bojājumiem mazumtirgotājam, no kura iegādājāties. Bojājumu gadījumā saglabājiet iepakojumu pierādījumiem.
  • We advise to let humidor stand upright for 24 hours before plugging in the appliance to allow the oil to flow back into the compressor.
  • Ap ierīci jābūt atbilstošai gaisa cirkulācijai. Slikta gaisa cirkulācija var izraisīt pārkaršanu. Lai nodrošinātu pietiekamu ventilāciju, ievērojiet uzstādīšanas instrukcijas.
  • Where possible, make sure the product spacers are against a wall to avoid touching or catching warm parts (compressor, condenser), resulting in possible burning.
  • Ierīci nedrīkst novietot blakus radiatoriem vai plītīm.
  • Pārliecinieties, vai pēc ierīces uzstādīšanas ir pieejams strāvas kontaktdakša.
  • Allow the humidor to operate for 2-3 hours after installation before placing cigars inside.


  • Visi nepieciešamie elektriskie darbi vai apkope jāveic kvalificētam elektriķim.
  • The product shall be serviced by an authorized Service Center. And only genuine parts are used.

Afidano-B2-B4-Cigar-Humidor- (2)VIDES AIZSARDZĪBA
This appliance does not contain gasses that could damage the ozone layer in either its refrigerant circuit or insulation materials. The appliance should not be discarded in urban refuse or rubbish. The insulation foam contains flammable gases: the appliance should be disposed according to local authorities. Avoid damaging the cooling unit, especially the heat exchanging unit. The materials used in this appliance marked by the recycle symbol are recyclable.

Afidano-B2-B4-Cigar-Humidor- (3)This symbol on the product or on its packaging indicates that this product may not be treated as typical household waste. Instead, it should be taken to the appropriate collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Ensuring this product is disposed correctly will help prevent potential negative environmental and human health consequences, which could otherwise be caused by inappropriate waste handling of this product. For more detailed information about the recycling of this product, please contact your local council, your household waste disposal service or the shop you purchased the product from.



  • Noņemiet ārējo un iekšējo iepakojumu.
  • Before connecting to power, let it stand upright for at least 24 hours. This will reduce the likelihood of cooling system malfunction due to handling during transportation.
  • Clean the interior with lukewarm water using a soft cloth. Please do not apply erosive cleaning agent or solvent.
  • Place humidor on a level surface that is strong enough to support the humidor when it is fully loaded.
  • Adjust the legs accordingly to level your humidor.


  • Please allow 50mm (2’’) clearance on both sides, the top and the back of the humidor for better ventilation.
  • Operating Your Humidor


  • Download Afidano App to your phone.
  • Turn to your humidor, press and hold the Wi-Fi button for 3 seconds. After a beep, the Wi-Fi button will blink for 60 seconds, indicating it’s ready for connection.
  • When download finishes, be prepared to operate on the App as below:
  • Add Device → Select Category → Choose “Refrigerator” → Select corresponding model → Next → Enter your Wi-Fi account and password to connect to the cloud server.
  • The Wi-Fi button will stay lit if connected successfully. You may connect up to 15 smartphones.

Afidano-B2-B4-Cigar-Humidor- (4)HUMIDOR CONTROL

  • Unlock humidor with fingerprint: Press your finger on the fingerprint sensor to unlock humidor.
  • If no fingerprint has been previously registered, humidor will be unlocked by any fingerprint.
  • If the fingerprint is registered, the fingerprint sensor will blink in blue for 3 times and the beeper will make 2 beeps. The display panel will be fully lit, meaning the door and the buttons are unlocked for operation. If no action taken 90 seconds after unlocking, they will be locked up again.
  • If the fingerprint is not registered, the fingerprint sensor will blink in red for 3 times and the beeper will make 3 beeps.
  • Adjust humidity level: Unlock humidor with fingerprint, then press “+” or “-” on the left side of the control panel. Each press will adjust the humidity level by 1% from 60% to 75%.
  •  Adjust temperature: Unlock humidor with fingerprint, then press “+” or “-” on the right side of the control panel. Each press will adjust the temperature by 1°F from 62°F to 74°F or 1℃ from 16℃ to 22℃.
  • Toggle between Fahrenheit and Celsius: Unlock humidor with fingerprint, press “+” and “-” on the right side of the control panel simultaneously.
  • Turn on/off LED interior lighting: Unlock humidor with fingerprint, then press the light button to turn on or off LED interior lighting.
  • Enter menu selection mode: Unlock humidor with fingerprint, then press and hold the Wi-Fi button and the light button simultaneously for 3 seconds to enter menu selection mode. The left digital display shows the menu options. Press the light button to switch to your needed menu option, and press the Wi-Fi button to enter the function. If no actions taken 5 seconds after entering menu selection mode, it will automatically be exited. Below are what you can do under menu selection mode.
    • Register your fingerprint: Press the light button to switch to menu option 01, the left digital display will show 01. The right digital display will show the number of registered fingerprints (00 means none). Then press the Wi-Fi button to confirm. When you hear one beep and see the fingerprint sensor blinks in blue slowly, place your finger on the fingerprint sensor and then remove it when the fingerprint sensor blinks in white for once. Then place your finger back on. Repeat this process until the sensor blinks in blue twice and the beeper makes 2 beeps, it means the register is successful. If the fingerprint sensor blinks in red for 3 times and the beeper makes 3 beeps, it means the register is unsuccessful and you will need to try again.
    • Delete all fingerprints registered: Press the light button to switch to menu option 02, the left digital display will show 02. The right digital display will show the number of registered fingerprints (00 means none). Then press the Wi-Fi button. The fingerprints are all deleted when you see the fingerprint sensor blinks in green for 3 times and the beeper makes 2 beeps. If you have registered 50 fingerprints, then you will need to delete them all before you can register a new fingerprint.

Tehniskie parametri

Modeļa Nr. B2 B4
Apjoms 3.99 cu.ft 7 cu.ft
Novērtēts Voltage 110-120V 110-120V
Novērtēts Pašreizējais 1A 1A
Novērtēts Biežums 60 Hz 60 Hz
Klimatiskais Klase SN, N, ST, T. SN, N, ST, T.
Apkures jauda 120W 120W
temp Diapazons 62°F~74°F / 16℃-22℃ 62°F~74°F / 16℃-22℃
%RH 60% ~ 75% 60% ~ 75%
ZR 83 mārciņas 114 mārciņas
GW 88 mārciņas 120 mārciņas
Produkts Izmērs W19.5” H33.1” D22.8” W19.5” H50.2” D22.8”
Iepakošana Izmērs W23.6” H36.2” D26.6” W23.6” H53.4” D26.6”

Produkta struktūra


  1. Afidano-B2-B4-Cigar-Humidor- (5)Augšējā eņģe
  2. Vadības panelis
  3. Ogles filtrs
  4. Cigar shelf
  5. Humistor cover
  6. Ventilatora vāks
  7. Vēja vairogs
  8. Wood stick
  9. Ūdens paplāte
  10. Humidor leg
  11. Apakšējā eņģe
  12. Rūdīts stikls
  13. Magnētiskais durvju blīvējums
  14. Nerūsējošā tērauda durvis
  15. Durvju rokturis

Piezīme: The above picture is for reference only. The manufacturer reserves the right to change or alter the product if deemed necessary.

B4 Afidano-B2-B4-Cigar-Humidor- (6)

  1. Augšējā eņģe
  2. Vadības panelis
  3. Meshed fan cover
  4. Ogles filtrs
  5. Ventilatora vāks
  6. Cigar shelf
  7. Vēja vairogs
  8. Wood stick
  9. Ūdens paplāte
  10. Humidor leg
  11. Apakšējā eņģe
  12. Rūdīts stikls
  13. Magnētiskais durvju blīvējums
  14. Durvju rokturis

Piezīme: The above picture is for reference only. The manufacturer reserves the right to change or alter the product if deemed necessary.

Kopšana un apkope


  • Recommended to use distilled water.
  • Check the water level regularly. Reduce water if water level is too high. Add water if it’s running low.
    • Low water alarm: When humidity level is lower than setting by 5%after 60 minutes trying to increase it, the low water sign on the right side of the display panel will be blinking and the beeper will make continuous beeps. After adding water, restart the humidor by re-plugging to cancel the alarm.
  • Change the water every 3 months or so.
  • Clean the water evaporators every 3 months or so. Replace them if necessary. Afidano-B2-B4-Cigar-Humidor- (7)


  • Unplug the humidor and remove all cigars stored. Take out all cigar shelves if necessary. When doing so, make sure the door is wide open to avoid undesired damage to the door seal
  • Use clean wet wipe to clean the interior where necessary. Please do not apply any cleaning agent.
  • Use clean wet wipe to clean the exterior. Cleaning agent may be applied when necessary. After cleaning, the exterior surface shall be wiped dry.


  • Remove all cigars stored.
  • Securely tape down all loose items inside your humidor.
  • Līmējiet durvis.
  • Turn the leveling legs up to the base to avoid undesired damage.
  • Be sure the humidor stays in upright position during moving.

Problēmu novēršana un kļūdu kodi

Humidor is not


  • Nav pareizi pievienots.
  • Strāvas slēdzis ir nostrādājis vai drošinātājs ir izdedzis.
Humidor is not cold enough.
  • Pārbaudiet temperatūras iestatījumu.
  • Durvis ir atvērtas pārāk bieži.
  • Durvis nav pilnībā aizvērtas.
  • Durvju blīvējums nav pareizi noslēgts.
  • The humidor is not given enough clearance.
Humidor is working

ar pārtraukumiem.

  • Apkārtējā temperatūra ir pārāk augsta.
  • The humidor is overloaded.
Gaisma nedarbojas.
  • Main control board doesn’t work.
  • PCB problēma.
  • Ar kontaktdakšu ir dažas problēmas.
The humidor is vibrating and making loud noise
  • The humidor is not leveled properly.
  • Check if the air vents are clogged.
Durvis netiks aizvērtas pareizi.
  • The humidor is not placed on a level ground.
  • The door is properly installed.
  • The door seal is weak.
  • Plaukti nav novietoti.
LED does not display
  • Main control board doesn’t work.
  • PCB Problem.
  • Ar kontaktdakšu ir dažas problēmas.
Pogas nav


  • Control panel is damaged.
F2 Apkārtējās temperatūras sensora kļūda
F4 Atkausēšanas sensora kļūda
E1 Temperature and humidity sensor error

Cigar Storage Knowledge
Cigars are an exquisite product that requires your attention and care if you want them to age gracefully. Storing your cigars correctly will help them develop complex flavors, making it a more enjoyable experience for the smoker. With our humidor, anyone can easily store their cigars properly so they remain in prime condition for years to come.

The ideal storage environment should be 65-72 degrees Fahrenheit with a relative humidity (RH) level of around 70%. With our humidor it’s easy to keep a consistent temperature and humidity level environment to store your cigars.
It is equally important to store cigars away from other items such as perfumes or food products because any foreign odors could affect their flavor profile. An airtight environment may also be necessary in order to protect against dust particles or airborne contaminants entering into the environment and affecting its contents.

Make sure all your cigar boxes are clearly labeled with date purchased/manufactured on them – This helps keep track of which ones have been stored longer than others so you know exactly when they reach their peak maturity level.
Lastly, it is recommended to use up to only 80% of the cabinet space to store cigars. Because this will allow room for better air circulation, hence more uniform temperature and humidity inside the humidor, making sure every cigar of yours is taken care of.


The manufacturer warrants to the original purchaser of this product that the product is free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of 1 year from the date of purchase, given this product is used and maintained according to instructions that comes with the product. The purchaser must contact Kalamera Customer Service Department and provide description of the defect, digital pictures if necessary, purchase channel, serial number, order ID and the original purchase documents for validation of warranty coverage date.

Once it’s been confirmed that your appliance is eligible for warranty service, Kalamera Customer Service Department will contact you by mail or phone regarding warranty solution. Replacement parts and/or units will be new, re-manufactured or refurbished and is subject to the manufacturer’s discretion. Kalamera is not responsible for damage resulting from shipper mishandling or improper packing. Do not return a defective product to the place of purchase. Product received without a return authorization number will be refused.

After receiving the unit, please do not remove or alter original model/serial number. This will influence the after sales service. Please carefully keep the user manual for future reference. If you need help, please refer to troubleshooting section first. If your trouble persists, feel free to contact us by mail or call. Filling in below table will assist our warranty service should you be needing it. You may find model and serial numbers on the product.

Modeļa Nr.
Sērijas Nr.
Tirgotāja nosaukums
Pirkuma datums

Garantijas izņēmumi:
The warranty does not apply if damage is caused by any of the following:

  1. Produkta bojājumi nepareizas lietošanas, nepareizas apstrādes un ļaunprātīgas izmantošanas dēļ.
  2. Product is not assembled or installed according to manufacturer’s instruction.
  3. Remonts, ko veic nepiederošas personas vai servisa centri ar neautorizētām rezerves daļām.
  4. Nespēja nodrošināt saprātīgu un nepieciešamo apkopi.
  5. Nepareiza strāvas padeve, piemēram, zems tilpumstage, bojāta sadzīves elektroinstalācija vai neatbilstoši drošinātāji.
  6. Negadījums, pārveidošana, ierīces nepareiza vai ļaunprātīga izmantošana, piemēram, neapstiprinātu piederumu izmantošana, nepietiekama gaisa cirkulācija telpā vai neparasti darbības apstākļi, piemēram, ekstremālas temperatūras.
  7. Bojājumi transportēšanas vai ierīces pārvietošanas laikā.
  8. Spēka pielietošana vai ārējas ietekmes radīti bojājumi.
  9. Storage of improper items.
  10. Normāls nolietojums.
  11. Kosmētiski bojājumi, tostarp skrāpējumi, iespiedumi, šķembas vai citi jūsu izstrādājuma apdares bojājumi, ja vien šādi bojājumi nav radušies materiālu vai ražošanas defektu dēļ un par tiem mums tiek ziņots 30 dienu laikā no iegādes datuma.
  12. Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility or acts of God such as hurricanes, floods, etc. In addition, consequential damage and incidental damages, such as damage to person or property are not covered under this warranty.
  13. Daļēji vai pilnībā demontētas ierīces.

Informācija par ražotāju


Dokumenti / Resursi

Afidano B2 B4 Cigar Humidor [pdf] Lietotāja rokasgrāmata
B2 B4 Cigar Humidor, B2, B4, Cigar Humidor, Humidor


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