GVS A2P3 Elipse Low Profile Respirator
INSTRUCTIONS kanggo nggunakake
- Waca brosur Pandhuan Pangguna iki sadurunge nggunakake respirator.
- The GVS Elipse safety respirator is an approved half-mask following European Standard EN 140:1998 and Regulation (EU) 2016/425.
- The filters are approved by European standard EN 14387:2004+A1:2008 and Regulation (EU) 2016/425.
- The device is approved for occupational applications only when the above items are used together.
The Elipse half-mask is used together with a set of 2 non-handed filters, to give protection against specific gases, vapors, toxic dust particles, dust, mist, and fumes of all types, including bacteria and viruses where stated in the filter description and indicated by the colours displayed on the filter label.
Jinis Filter | warna | Aplikasi |
P3 | Putih | Partikel bledug sing mbebayani lan beracun. Lebu, kabut, lan asap kabeh jinis, kalebu bakteri lan virus. Uga kalebu proteksi sing diwenehake dening saringan P2 lan P1 kelas ngisor |
A | coklat | Organic gases and vapors, with boiling point ≥ 65°C |
B | abu-abu | Gas lan uap anorganik |
E | kuning | Sulfur Dioksida lan gas asam lan uap liyane |
K | Ijo | Amonia lan turunan amonia organik |
AX | coklat | Gases and vapors from organic compounds, with a low boiling point ≤ 65°C |
NO-P3 | Biru-Putih | Nitrogen oxides, e.g. NO, NO2, NOx |
Hg-P3 | Abang-Putih | Mercury |
- A kombinasi saka macem-macem jinis Filter gas bisa, informasi kasedhiya ing request utawa liwat www.gvs.com.
- Filter-filter sing ditandhani "R" bisa digunakake maneh lan digunakake kanggo luwih saka siji shift.
- Filter-filter sing ditandhani "D" tahan kanggo bledug clogging.
- Filter sing ditandhani "NR", ora bisa digunakake luwih saka siji shift.
Kelas Filter Gas | Katrangan | Konsentrasi gas ngrugekake maksimum sing diidini |
Kelas 1 | Kapasitas adsorpsi sing sithik | Max 0,1% kanthi volume |
Kelas 2 | Kapasitas adsorpsi medium | Max 0,5% kanthi volume |
Kelas 3 | High adsorption capacity | Max 1,0% kanthi volume |
- Perlindhungan sing diwenehake dening saringan Kelas 2 lan 3 kalebu sing diwenehake dening saringan sing cocog kanggo kelas utawa kelas ngisor.
- Types AX and SX gas filters and special filters are not classified.
- Perlindhungan ambegan kudu dipilih dening wong sing kompeten sing kenal karo bebaya ing papan kerja lan konsentrasi.
- Pandhuan kanggo milih lan nggunakake bisa beda-beda ing antarane negara. Tansah mriksa sadurunge digunakake kanggo mesthekake yen pilihan kanggo aplikasi dimaksudaké meets syarat nasional.
- A. Respirator kudu dipriksa dening sing nganggo sadurunge lan sawise saben digunakake kanggo mesthekake yen ana ing kondisi kerja sing apik lan katup diafragma lan saringan dipasang kanthi bener.
- B. Copot eyewear (yen dipakai). Yen rambute rai ngluwihi wates topeng, segel sing efektif ora bakal ditindakake. RPE alternatif bisa uga dibutuhake.
- Remove the yellow protective seal caps from the front of the filter and the valve inside the facepiece.
- Grasp the respirator with one hand and the lower headband with the other hand. Put the headband over your head and allow to rest around the neck.
- Place the respirator over the mouth and nose, then lift the upper headband and position it over the crown of the head to support the respirator.
- Grip the upper headband ends at the respirator buckle, and pull gently towards the back of the head to tighten.
- Grip the lower headband ends at the respirator buckles and gently pull towards the back of the head to tighten.
- Mriksa FIT FACE every time the mask is worn to ensure the respirator is seated correctly and tight enough to prevent air leakage between the respirator and the face.
- EGATIVE PRESSURE FIT CHECK: Cover the vents of both filters with your fingers or palm of your hand and inhale.
- If the facepiece collapses slightly and no air leaks between the face and the face piece are detected, a proper fit has been achieved.
- If air leakage is detected, reposition the respirator on the face and/or readjust the elastic strap to eliminate the leakage.
- When the respirator is not in use, always make sure that the yellow protective seal caps are fitted to protect the filters (both on the front of the filter and the valve inside the face piece).
- Remove the yellow protective seal caps from the front of the filter and the valve inside the facepiece.
After each use, clean and disinfect the face piece and the outer shell of the cartridge filter with a soft cloth dampened with mild soapy water. Or ➇ clean the respirator under running water, making SURE the yellow protective seal caps are applied, then allow it to air dry in a non-contaminated atmosphere.
- Thorough maintenance and examination should be done at least once a month and logged.
- Disassemble the respirator by removing the filters, head straps, and flexible valve diaphragms.
- DO NOT attempt to disassemble the filter cartridges, apply the yellow protective seal caps to prevent ingress of water during cleaning.
- Clean the outer shell of the cartridge filter with a soft cloth dampened with mild soapy water. Or clean the cartridge filter under running water, then allow it to air dry in a non-contaminated atmosphere.
- Immerse the other respirator components in warm water with neutral detergent, and gently scrub with a soft brush. Then rinse the components in clean water and allow them to air dry in a non-contaminated atmosphere.
- The respirator should be stored and transported out of direct sunlight, away from sources of high temperature, in a cool dry atmosphere at a temperature between -10°C to 40°C, in an uncontaminated environment, and the original packaging.
- Products must be discarded when they reach their shelf life date. Storage or transportation under conditions other than those specified may affect shelf life. Dispose of masks and filters according to the filtered substance by current waste treatment regulations.
PÈNGET & Watesan
- The GVS Elipse respirator, consisting of a half-mask together with filters:
- Ora nyedhiyakake oksigen.
- DOES NOT provide protection against hazards of oxygen and oxygen-enrich
- DO NOT USE when the contaminant/ concentration is unknown or exceeds 10xTLV.
- Aja nggunakake ing atmosfer sing bisa langsung mbebayani kanggo kesehatan lan urip.
- Aja nggunakake ing atmosfer sing mbledhos utawa ing ngendi tingkat panas dhuwur.
- AJA Gunakake kanggo pangayoman marang zat sing ora duwe sinyal peringatan sing nyukupi kayata ambu utawa rasa.
- Aja nggunakake kanggo tujuan uwal.
- Aja nggunakake jenggot utawa rambut rai sing nyegah kontak langsung antarane pasuryan lan pinggiran respirator.
- Aja nggunakake saringan utawa topeng sing wis ngluwihi tanggal kadaluwarsa (deleng kemasan).
- Aja nggunakake saringan rusak.
- AJA ngowahi respirator kanthi cara apa wae.
- AJA nyoba ngganti katup.
- DO NOT clean or disinfect the particulate filters.
- ALWAYS conduct a pressure face fit check prior to each use. If the check fails the mask may be faulty or require replacement depending on age, frequency of use, and replacement of filters.
- The use of gas or combined respiratory protective devices, especially those that are not directly connected to the facepiece during work with open flames or liquid metal droplets may cause serious risk due to the ignition of the charcoal-containing filters which may generate acute levels of toxic substances.
- Panganggone respirator iki presupposes kawruh sing tepat babagan pandhuan kanggo nggunakake, standar kesehatan lan safety sing ditrapake, pedoman kanggo milih lan nggunakake, lan latihan sing cocog babagan proteksi pernapasan pribadi.
Langsung ninggalake wilayah sing kontaminasi yen:
- Dizziness utawa kasusahan dialami
- Sampeyan ngrasakake utawa mambu rereged utawa iritasi dumadi
- Ambegan dadi angel
- Cacat ditemokake ing respirator
- Filters should be changed once a month or more frequently if you find an increased resistance to breathing as the filters become clogged; when you start to smell gas/vapor indicating that the filters are exhausted; or if they reach the end of their 5-year expiry date, which is marked on each filter and product packaging.
- Kanggo instruksi kanggo ngganti saringan waca IFU kasedhiya karo saringan panggantos. Cathetan pangopènan kudu disimpen babagan owah-owahan filter lan tanggal kadaluwarsa.
- The manufacturer guarantees the saving of basic consumer properties during the service life of the half-mask and filters.
- The UKCA and EU declaration of conformity can be downloaded at www.gvs.com/page/maskcertifications.
- Teknologi Filter GVS UK Ltd.
- NFC House, Vickers Industrial Estate
- Mellishaw Lane, Morecambe, Lancashire,
- LA3 3EN
- Inggris
- Telpon: +44 (0) 1524 847600
- Email: gvsuk@gvs.com
- Badan Notifikasi No. 2797
- BSI Group
- Walanda BV
- John M. Keynesplein 9
- 1066 EP Amsterdam
- Badan Sarujuk UK No. 0086
- BSI Assurance UK Ltd
- Kitemark Pengadilan Davy Avenue Knowlhill
- Milton Keynes, MK5 8PP
- Inggris
Dokumen / Sumber Daya
GVS A2P3 Elipse Low Profile Respirator [pdf] Instruksi Manual A2P3 Elipse Low Profile Respirator, A2P3, Elipse Low Profile Respirator, Low Profile Respirator, Profile Respirator, Respirator |
Teknologi Filter GVS | Solusi filtrasi | GVS
Teknologi Filter GVS | Solusi filtrasi | GVS
Teknologi Filter GVS | Solusi filtrasi | GVS
- Manual pangguna