BareBones 9578 Dog PlayPen
- Jeneng produk: 16 Panel Dog Playpen
- Dimensions: 32 inches in height
Pandhuan Panggunaan Produk
- Step One: Set Up a Panel or Panel Door
Ngadeg Panel utawa Panel Door mujur. - Step Two: Insert Rod
Geser Rod menyang slot antarane Panel utawa Panel Doors. - Step Three: Attach Rubber Rod Cover
Push Tutup Rod Karet menyang ujung Rod sing katon ing sisih ngisor. - Step Four: Complete Assembly
Baleni langkah 1-3 nganti sampeyan tekan ukuran lan wangun sing dikarepake kanggo pen sampeyan.
Informasi Kontak
If you have questions about setting up or using this product, feel free to contact us:
- Phone: 1-855-GO-TZUMI
- Email:
Q: What is the recommended way to clean the playpen?
A: To clean the playpen, we recommend using a mild soap and water solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage the material.
Ngadeg Panel utawa Panel Door mujur.
Geser Rod menyang slot antarane Panel utawa Panel Doors. - LANGKAH TELO
Push Tutup Rod Karet menyang ujung Rod sing katon ing sisih ngisor.
Baleni langkah 1-3 nganti sampeyan tekan ukuran lan wangun sing dikarepake kanggo pen sampeyan.
tzumi pets New York, NY 10016 If you have questions about setting up or using this product, we are here to help! Call or email us, and an experienced customer support representative will be happy to assist you: 1-855-GO-TZUMI or
Dokumen / Sumber Daya
BareBones 9578 Dog PlayPen [pdf] Pedoman Pemilik 9578 Dog PlayPen, 9578, Dog PlayPen, PlayPen |