WISDOM SRS 高出力RTLサブウーファー
このドキュメントには、Wisdom AudioHighOutputRTL®サブウーファーの一般的な安全性、設置、および操作手順が含まれています。 この製品を使用する前に、このドキュメントを読むことが重要です。 特に注意してください:
警告: Calls attention to a procedure, practice, condition, or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in injury or death.
注意: Calls attention to a procedure, practice, condition,n or the like that, if not correctly performed or adhered to, could result in damage to or destruction of part of or the entire product.
注記: 製品のインストールまたは操作に役立つ情報に注意を喚起します。
Wisdom Audio High Output RTL® サブウーファーをお買い上げいただき、ありがとうございます。SRS の Regenerative Transmission LineTM テクノロジーは、深み、ダイナミクス、歪みの点で驚異的な低音パフォーマンスを実現し、Wisdom Audio の Sage や Wisdom シリーズなどの高解像度メイン スピーカーとシームレスに統合される明瞭な低音を実現します。
The SRS addresses the need for a high output subwoofer with minimal size vent opening, offering improved integration, with a focus on Large Micro LED Display installations. We recognize that setting up a Wisdom Audio High Output RTL subwoofer can be a bit more involved than connecting a common sealed or ported subwoofer, which is why we recommend that our systems be engineered and calibrated by Factory Personnel While we expect your local Wisdom Audio dealer to take care of the setup and calibration of the system, we still recommend that you at least briefly review このマニュアルと他のマニュアル(SA-DSPシリーズ amplifiers)システムの全機能を理解する。
There is a class of bass enclosure that has been around since the 1950s, which can be generically described as a “low frequency tapped waveguide” or “tapped pipe.” It was an idea that was a bit ahead of its time, since fully optimizing its use required both powerful drivers and complex modeling. Your Wisdom Audio SRS subwoofer uses a modern implementation of this old idea for high-quality low-distortion bass
reproduction. Utilizing sophisticated modeling software, we’ve optimized our enclosures and drivers specifically for this application. We call our unique implementation of this relatively old idea a “Re-generative Transmission Line” subwoofer, or “RTL” sub for short.
While the roots of the Regenerative Transmission Line go back to the 1950s, it is the combination of modern computer modeling and the vastly more powerful motors of contemporary driver design that makes the RTL, not only realizable but also an incredible solution. If you are into such things, check out US Patent 2,765,864 (filed in 1955), and an AES paper published in 1959, “Analysis of a LLow-Frequency Loudspeaker System”.
RTL を部分的に、かつ非常に簡単に理解するために、すべてのダイナミック ドライバーは振動板の両側でエネルギーを生成し、背面のエネルギーは前面のエネルギーと 180° 位相がずれていることを考慮してください。ドライバーを自由空間 (エンクロージャーなし) で動作させると、前面と背面のエネルギーは低周波数 (長波長) で互いに打ち消し合います。
In our Regenerative Transmission Line subwoofer, the energy from the back side of the driver is sent along a long, folded path in such a way that its lowest frequencies arrive back at the front side of the driver in phase, summing to an increase of up to 6 dB in output (4X power). Thus, energy is productively used from both sides of the woofer cone, doubling the effective surface area, thereby reducing cone motion, and
substantially reducing distortion. As an example, the two 10″ woofers in an SRS have a more effective radiating area than single 18″ woofers in more conventional enclosures. The results are quite stunning. Low frequencies are strikingly dynamic and responsive and integrate quite seamlessly with the fast and detailed Sage Series planar magnetic hybrids.
SRS の開梱
Wisdom Audio SRS サブウーファーは重量のある機器です。SRS を開梱する際は、(おそらく予想外の) 重量で身体に負担がかからないように注意してください。SRS の端にあるハンドルは持ち上げるときに使用できます。
Do not attempt to lift your SRS by yourself. Unpacking this subwoofer is a two-person job. It is unwise for a single person to attempt to do so. Do not attempt to lift your SRS while bending or twisting from the waist. Use your legs for lifting, not your back. Always stand as straight as possible and keep the SRS close to your body to reduce strain on your back.
サブウーファーは、再生する周波数が人間の耳では容易に特定できないため、設置の柔軟性が多少高くなります。これは、再生する波長が 10 フィート (3 メートル) 以上であるのに対し、人間の耳は 6 ~ 7 インチ (17 cm) しか離れていないためです。したがって、これらの非常に長い波長は、メイン スピーカーが作り出す音像にはあまり影響しません。
However, this fact does not mean that the placement of the subwoofers does not affect the sound quality in the room. Far from it. Subwoofers are the most likely to suffer from the response irregularities introduced by the room itself, operating, as they do, below approximately 80 Hz in most systems. This is not a property of subwoofers but rather a characteristic of low-frequency reproduction of any form in a closed space. In fact, in a typical room where a stereo pair of full-range speakers are used, or a single subwoofer, it is common to see a variance exceeding 20 decibels (dB) in sound pressure level (SPL) between various seating positions. Is that a lot, and can we use an EQ to fix the issue?
The short answer is, yes, that is a lot. Unfortunately, equalization simply won’t work, nor would we want to use it, even if we could. Here’s why. For reference, 20dB is a factor of 100 in power. 100X! To put that in context, suppose you had a 50-watt power demand to reproduce a bass note at one seating location, and a 2nd seating location only 1 meter away had a 20dB depression in the response of the same note. To establish the same output at the 2nd seating location would require 100X more power, (5000 watts), to bring it to the same acoustic level.
This is fully outside the capabilities of nearly all systems, and it would have driven any conventional system well beyond its limit. In addition, the EQ would affect all seating locations equally, and the first position would now have a 20dB peak. This is why equalization, in general, has limited value. But it is useful when an overall correction is needed. What, then, can be done so everyone experiences the same deep, articulate, and impactful bass? The answer lies in minimizing the acoustic “seat-to-seat” variance.
Acoustic variance is caused by the low-frequency waves (pressure and rarefaction cycles) reflecting around the room and interfering with each other. At some frequencies and locations, the reflected waves sum to higher sound pressure levels (pressure/rarefaction cycles are more in phase). At other frequencies and locations, they sum to lower sound pressure levels, (pressure/rarefaction cycles are more out of phase). The dimensions of the room primarily dictate the interaction, but the placement of the subwoofers affects the excitation of these room modes, or standing waves, as they are often called. Careful placement of subwoofers can significantly reduce and even eliminate some room modes. A single subwoofer can reduce seat-to-seat variance if it is properly placed, but it is limited in what it can achieve.
In practice, 2 should be
considered a minimum where there is a single row of seating, but more should be used to minimize the variance where multiple rows of seating are present or where uniform high-fidelity sound throughout the room is desired. Controlling variance and having the finest listening experience is one of the primary reasons to choose subwoofers over full-range speakers.
フルレンジスピーカーと比較すると、サブウーファーはtag自然に発生する定在波を緩和するために、部屋のさまざまな場所に複数設置できることがわかります。設置場所と設置数については、それ自体が科学であり、この紹介の範囲を超えています。設置場所を指導するのは、まさに専門家の仕事です。現在では、最適な、または多くの場合、最良の妥協点となる設置場所を選択するのに役立つ専門的なツールやコンピュータプログラムも利用できます。直接お問い合わせください。 お問い合わせ お客様のお部屋のサブウーファー分析を実施し、各サブウーファーの最適な配置を見つけるお手伝いをいたします。
Room Treatment for subwoofers is quite different than that for satellite speakers, (primary listening speakers). The absorbers need to dissipate an enormous amount of energy and have a broad bandwidth without introducing their resonances. This typically requires large absorbers that are placed at intersecting boundaries. It can also be done actively, but this again requires very powerful transducers to keep up with the demands of the primary subwoofers. Room treatment for subwoofers should always be considered a last resort for tweaking response irregularities, since, at best, they are only tweaks.
The best approach is to use modeling software along with multiple subwoofers to control the standing waves in the room. This approach should be conducted by an experienced professional. Please contact your Wisdom Dealer for more information. Room treatment for satellite speakers is quite different and can be very effective in changing the sound character of the room and improving detail, intelligibility, and imaging. More information on this can be found in other Wisdom publications not dedicated to subwoofer installation.
Does this all sound too complicated? For good reason: it is complicated. The difference between the average listening room and one that is professionally designed and implemented is huge. A great listening room will disappear to an astonishing degree, letting the experiences captured in your recordings speak to you directly. A well-designed room is also quieter and more comfortable. It can easily become a favorite retreat for peace and rejuvenation.
If you decide to investigate the possibility of improving your room with the help of a professional, it is important to find someone who focuses on residential spaces. Most acousticians are trained to deal with large spaces – airports, auditoriums, lobbies in commercial buildings, etc. The problems seen in “small” rooms (residential spaces) are quite different and outside the experience of most acousticians. Find someone who specializes in and has a great deal of experience designing home studios, home theaters, and the like. Your Wisdom Audio dealer may be such a person; failing that, he/she can help you find such a professional.
The Master Handbook of Acoustics, F. Alton Everest, TAB Books Sound Reproduction:
There is no escaping the fact that the SRS is a large subwoofer. It is designed to have remarkable installation flexibility for something so large. It may be used standing upright or lying down on its brbroadsidein which case it can be built into a set of risers or as part of a “stage” in front of the screen. For installation flexibility, the SRS includes output locations on 4 sides of the enclosure. As shipped from the factory, the vent is located on the short face of the SRS enclosure. However, you can easily change the exit location by swapping the grille with one of the 3 other solid aluminum vent covers. The stellar performance remains unchanged.
さらに、床/天井通気口キット アクセサリを使用すると、設置の柔軟性をさらに高めることができます。SRS F/C キットを使用すると、サブウーファーを壁や天井の後ろに配置し、選択したレジスター通気口から出力を生成することができます。これにより、サブウーファーを部屋の通気口から最大 24 インチ (60 cm) 離して配置できます。詳細については、SRS F/C キット マニュアルを参照してください。
Wisdom Audioのサブウーファーのほとんどと同様に、SRSはパッシブサブウーファーであり、内蔵の「プレート」が付属していません。 ampライファイアまたは内部クロスオーバー。外部で駆動する必要があります ampリファイアとクロスオーバー機能はサラウンドプリアンプによって提供される必要があるampシステム内のライフファイア、または ampライファイア。Wisdom SA-DSPシリーズの使用をお勧めします。 Amplifier since they are shipped with the proper crossover filters and acoustic profiles to optimize the performance of the SR’s subwoofers.
注記: The sensitivity of the SRS is quite high; 96 dB/2.83V/1m (2.83V is 2 watts at 4Ω). You won’t need a huge, powerful amplifier to drive the SRS. However, while the SRS can handle up to 1600 watts of power and deliver 125 dB of output if you want to fill an unusually large space, consider a larger subwoofer or more subwoofers. While adding more power will increase output, like all other speakers and subwoofers, it will also increase distortion when pushed to its limit.
As with any system, make changes to the connections only when the power is turned off to avoid any chance of inadvertently causing a problem (such as a short circuit). We recommend using heavy-gauge speaker wire, the gauge will vary depending on your speaker run length. Please consult an authorized dealer to determine what gauge would be best for your application.
SRSは接続に高張力スプリング端子を使用しています。これらは、tage that they offer a solid connection and don’t come loose with vibration over time. They will accept up to 7AWG (3.7mm diameter) wire, the equivalent of two 10AWG wires. Connect the outputs of your amp適切な極性に注意しながら、サブウーファーに電源プラグを差し込みます。 amplifier to the positive (+) terminal on the SRS; likewise, connect the negative (–) terminal on the amplifier to the negative (–) terminal on the SRS.
Wisdom Audio の正規販売店から購入して設置した場合、Wisdom Audio スピーカーは、購入日から 10 年間、通常の使用において材料および製造上の欠陥がないことを保証します。
重要: Wisdom Audio loudspeakers are designed for installation and operation in environmentally controlled conditions, such as are found in normal residential environments. When used in harsh conditions such as outdoors or in marine applications, the warranty is three years from the original date of purchase. During the warranty period, any Wisdom Audio products exhibiting defects in materials
and/or workmanship will be repaired or replaced, at our option, without charge for either parts or labor, at our factory.
The warranty will not apply to any Wisdom Audio products that have been misused, abused, altered, or installed and calibrated by anyone other than an authorized Wisdom Audio dealer. Any Wisdom Audio product not performing satisfactorily may be returned to the factory for evaluation. Return authorization must first be obtained by either calling or writing the factory before shipping the component. The factory will pay for return shipping charges only if the component is found to be defective as mentioned above. Other stipulations may apply to shipping charges.
Wisdom Audio 製品には、その他の明示的な保証はありません。この保証、および明示的か黙示的かを問わず、商品性や適合性の黙示的保証を含むその他の保証は、保証期間を超えて適用されることはありません。付随的または結果的な損害については一切責任を負いません。州によっては、黙示的保証の期間の制限を認めていないところもあり、また、付随的または結果的な損害の除外または制限を認めていないところもあるため、上記の制限または除外はお客様に適用されない場合があります。
この保証はお客様に特定の法的権利を与えるものであり、州によって異なるその他の権利も付与される場合があります。この保証は米国およびカナダでのみ適用されます。米国およびカナダ以外の地域では、保証およびサービス情報については、お近くの Wisdom Audio 正規販売店にお問い合わせください。
We take great pride in our dealers. Experience, dedication, and integrity make these professionals ideally suited to assist with our customers’ service needs. If your Wisdom Audio loudspeaker must be serviced, please contact your dealer. Your dealer will then decide whether the problem can be remedied locally, whether to contact Wisdom Audio for further service information or parts or to obtain a Return Authorization. The Wisdom Audio Service Department works closely with your dealer to solve your service needs expediently.
重要: Return authorization must be obtained from Wisdom Audio’s Service Department BEFORE a unit is shipped for service. Information about a problem must be explicit and complete. AA
specific, comprehensive description of the problem helps your dealer and the WisdomThe Audio Service Department locate aand repairedthe difficulty as quickly as possible. A copy of the original bill of sale will serve to verify warranty status. Please include it with the unit when it is brought in for warranty service.
注意: All returned units must be packaged in their original packaging, and the proper return authorization numbers must be marked on the outer carton for identification. Shipping the unit in improper packaging may void the warranty, as Wisdom Audio cannot be responsible for the resulting shipping damage. Your dealer can order a new set of shipping materials for you if you need to ship your loudspeaker and no longer have the original materials. There will be a charge for this service. We strongly recommend saving all packing materials in case you need to ship your product.
当社または当社の販売店の判断により、ユニットを保護するための梱包がユニットの保護に不十分である場合、当社は所有者の費用負担で返送用に再梱包する権利を留保します。Wisdom Audio および販売店は、不適切な (つまり、オリジナルではない) 梱包による配送中の損傷については責任を負いません。
- 必要な数 ampリファイアチャンネル:1
- Frequency response: 18Hz – 125 Hz ± 3dB / -10dB at 15Hz
- インピーダンス: 4Ω
- Sensitivity: 96 dB / 2.83V / 1m
- Power handling, peak: 1600W
- Maximum SPL: 125dB / 1m
- 寸法:29.5 "x 43.9" x 11.9 "(74.9cm x 111.5cm x 30.2cm)
- Dimensioned drawings on the next page.
- Product weight, each: 147 (66.7 kg)
- Shipping weight, each: ~158 (71.8 kg) w/o pallet
詳細については、Wisdom Audio 販売店にお問い合わせいただくか、次の連絡先までお問い合わせください。
WISDOM および様式化された W は、Wisdom Audio の登録商標です。
電話 775-887-8850
ファックス 775-887-8820
SRS OM © 12年5月2024日 Wisdom Audio, Inc. 無断転載禁止。米国で印刷
ドキュメント / リソース
WISDOM SRS 高出力RTLサブウーファー [pdf] 取扱説明書 SRS 高出力 RTL サブウーファー、高出力 RTL サブウーファー、出力 RTL サブウーファー、RTL サブウーファー、サブウーファー |